Written by Ashton Snyder on
 February 15, 2024

DHS Emails Prove Mayorkas Failed to Track Released Migrants

The United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has come under scrutiny for its handling of immigrants after their release from federal custody.

According to NBC News, emails reveal that DHS officials admitted the agency does not track illegal immigrants post-release, sparking wide-ranging security and transparency concerns.

The Transparency Dilemma at Homeland Security

Freedom of Information Act requests by the watchdog group Protect the Public’s Trust unearthed emails between DHS officials and journalists that shed light on the agency's practices. These communications confirmed that tracking immigrants after their release is not within the DHS's current capabilities. The admission raises significant questions about the efficacy of U.S. border security measures and the broader implications for national safety.

In a detailed exchange with a Washington Post reporter, a DHS official candidly shared the challenges faced in monitoring the movements of immigrants. They specifically mentioned the use of busing programs to move north, which becomes difficult to track once out of DHS custody. This candid admission, set against increased anecdotal evidence of immigrants seeking northern destinations via free transportation, underscores a gap in the DHS's operational protocols.

Michael Chamberlain, the director of Protect the Public’s Trust, expressed his dismay at the findings. He criticized the DHS for failing in its fundamental duties and falling short of its promises of transparency and adherence to the law. This criticism is part of a broader discourse on governmental accountability and the enforcement of immigration policies.

Security Risks and Enforcement Challenges

The DHS's practices, or lack thereof, have drawn criticism from watchdog groups and highlighted potential security risks. Border Patrol agent Brandon Judd pointed out the dangers associated with the administration's policy of not taking enforcement actions based solely on illegal presence in the country. His comments reflect concerns about the implications of such policies on national security and the rule of law.

Further complicating the situation, a report by the DHS Office of the Inspector General in September 2023 indicated significant issues with the agency's ability to track migrants' post-release addresses. The report criticized the DHS for its inefficiency in obtaining, recording, and validating addresses, which critically hampers the Immigration and Customs Enforcement's (ICE) ability to enforce immigration laws effectively.

Despite these challenges, the DHS has rejected recommendations to develop a policy for validating migrant addresses, citing such measures' impracticality and resource demands. This decision has sparked further debate about the balance between resource allocation, practicality, and the imperative of national security.

Political Repercussions and Public Safety Concerns

The disclosure of the DHS's tracking limitations comes in the wake of the impeachment of DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas by the House of Representatives. The impeachment, predicated on charges related to Mayorkas's handling of the border crisis, signifies the political ramifications of the ongoing border security debate.

Amidst this controversy, Republican governors have taken unilateral actions by transporting immigrants to Democrat-controlled states, prompting media inquiries into DHS policies. These political maneuvers underscore the contentious nature of immigration policy in the U.S., further complicating the discourse around border security and migrant tracking.

FBI Director Christopher Wray voiced his concerns over the security risks posed by the inability to track individuals adequately at the Southern border. With a record number of encounters with individuals on the FBI terror watch list in FY23, the stakes for national security have never been higher. Recent incidents, including a shooting in Times Square and a mall robbery in Queens involving illegal immigrants, have brought these concerns to the forefront of public safety discussions.


The revelations from DHS emails have unveiled significant gaps in the tracking and management of immigrants post-release. These disclosures, coupled with political actions and public safety incidents, highlight the complex challenges facing the United States in its efforts to secure its borders and ensure the safety of its citizens. The debate over resource allocation, policy effectiveness, and the broader implications for national security continues to evolve, reflecting the multifaceted nature of immigration policy and enforcement in the U.S.

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