Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 29, 2024

Feds Knew Joe Biden Met Hunter’s Chinese Business Partners

Federal agents discovered in 2016 that Hunter Biden had connected prospective Chinese business partners with then-Vice President Joe Biden during an official trip to Beijing aboard Air Force Two.

According to Breitbart News, emails indicate that Hunter Biden introduced Chinese associates to Joe Biden during an official trip to China in 2013 when Joe Biden was Vice President.

Hunter traveled with his father on Air Force Two and facilitated meetings between his Chinese business partners and Joe Biden. Ten days after the trip, Hunter’s firm received substantial financial contributions from the Chinese government's Bank of China.

Emails Reveal Meetings and Positive Relations

Hunter Biden's emails from December 2013 confirmed that his Chinese associates had met Joe Biden. He detailed these interactions, noting the amicable relationship between Joe Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping.

In one email, Hunter Biden remarked, “They got to meet Dad. All very good. Talk later.” This email was among the documents federal agents found in 2016, linking Hunter Biden’s business activities directly to Joe Biden’s official duties.

Hunter further commented on Joe Biden's and Xi Jinping's relationship, stating, “I think they are in love with each other.” These public emails provide a clearer picture of the connections made during the 2013 trip.

Whistleblower Records Shed Light on Deals

In May, the House Ways and Means Committee approved the release of sensitive information from IRS whistleblower records. IRS special agent Gary Shapley gathered this data, which includes crucial insights into Hunter Biden’s business dealings.

Among the records was a 2017 WeChat message thread involving Hunter, his uncle James Biden, and a person called "Dad." These communications suggest a continued involvement in business discussions related to China.

Furthermore, in 2018 and 2020, Peter Schweizer’s books highlighted the extent of Hunter and Joe Biden's interactions with Chinese companies. These revelations contributed to a broader understanding of their financial engagements with Chinese entities.

Breitbart News Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post revealed Joe Biden’s apparent involvement in Hunter’s businesses, including holding a ten percent stake in a company formed with Chinese Communist Party officials.


The 2013 trip to China, where Hunter Biden introduced Chinese business partners to then-Vice President Joe Biden, is central to recent revelations. Federal agents uncovered these connections through IRS whistleblower emails, prompting a broader investigation by the House Ways and Means Committee.

The released records, including emails and message threads, reveal the interactions between the Bidens and Chinese officials. Investigations have further exposed these relationships, raising questions about Joe Biden’s involvement in Hunter’s business activities.

The facts show a series of events linking Hunter Biden's business ventures with his father’s official duties. The 2013 trip and subsequent financial dealings highlight their interactions with Chinese business interests.

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