Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 24, 2024

Few Democrats Hearing From Ill President Biden Post-Dropout

President Biden has remained silent while recuperating from a Covid-19 diagnosis after withdrawing from the 2024 race.

The Daily Mail reported that his absence has led to speculation about his health, though he has been in communication with campaign staff and is expected to make a public statement soon.

Former President Joe Biden, currently at his beach residence in Rehoboth, has not made a public appearance in six days.

His decision to withdraw from the presidential race was conveyed in a written statement shared on X on Sunday. Few key Democratic allies on Capitol Hill have been in touch with him following his retreat from the campaign.

House Democratic leadership, including prominent figures such as Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Greg Meeks, and Rep. Jerry Nadler, have all confirmed the lack of communication with Biden during this period. Concerns have intensified, with some conservative circles speculating about the severity of Biden’s illness, suggesting extreme scenarios.

Biden's Silence Sparks Speculation

Despite his silence in public, Biden has maintained contact with campaign staffers. Reports indicate that he called into a meeting at the campaign headquarters with Vice President Kamala Harris and assured the team of his continued support. He conveyed gratitude for their efforts and emphasized the importance of their work for the campaign.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has opted to keep her private conversations with Biden confidential, adding to the intrigue surrounding his current condition and intentions.

Meanwhile, Rep. Robert Garcia managed to get through to the President after his drop-out announcement, describing Biden’s mood as “gracious” and noting that he seemed to be in good spirits.

Biden’s schedule included a meeting on Monday where he spoke to campaign staff using a “scratchy voice.” During this call, he acknowledged the surprise and difficulty of his decision but reiterated it was the right course of action.

Biden's message to Harris, "I'm watching you kid," highlighted his dedication to support his successor and the continuity of their collective political goals.

Continuous Support From Allies

President Biden’s leadership style has always been marked by personal engagement with his team, a trait that remained evident even after his sudden withdrawal.

Rep. Steven Horsford recounted being with Biden early last week and described the President’s resolve to persevere despite his health setback.

While Biden’s physical presence has been limited, he has pledged to remain actively involved in the campaign’s efforts.

This sentiment was echoed by Rep. Maxine Waters, who expressed her disappointment at Biden’s withdrawal but affirmed her support for Harris after Biden endorsed her.

"I'm a big supporter of Biden. I want him to stay. I was angry when he got out, but when he endorsed Kamala, I joined," Waters said, encapsulating the loyalty and adaptability of many Democrats during this transitional period.

Upcoming Public Address Expected

President Biden is expected to address the public on Wednesday, providing much-needed clarity on his health and future involvement in political affairs.

This announcement should also dispel some of the more extreme rumors about his condition circulating in political circles.

Despite his illness, Biden maintains his commitment to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House this week. This schedule reflects his continued role in important diplomatic engagements, despite canceling a fundraising trip to California and Colorado, which will be rescheduled.

As Biden recuperates and gears up for his forthcoming public statement, his allies and supporters remain hopeful and prepared to mobilize under Harris’ leadership.

Rep. Garcia, who recently spoke with Biden, described him as sounding positive and ready to assist the campaign in the coming days.


In summary, President Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race and is recuperating from a Covid-19 diagnosis at his beach house.

Despite his absence from public view for six days, he has maintained communication with campaign staff and pledged continued support.

Few key Democratic figures have heard from him, and conservative speculation about his health has arisen. He is expected to address the public on Wednesday and still plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden's sudden departure and subsequent silence have left Democrats gearing up to face the campaign challenges ahead under Vice President Kamala Harris' leadership.

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About Ashton Snyder


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