Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 30, 2024

Fran Lebowitz Urges Biden To Abolish Supreme Court On Real Time

Fran Lebowitz, renowned author and cultural critic, sparked controversy with her recent comments on HBO's "Real Time with Bill Maher."

According to Breitbart, Lebowitz suggested that President Joe Biden should "dissolve the Supreme Court," a statement that left host Bill Maher visibly surprised.

Lebowitz's remarks came during a discussion about the Supreme Court's July ruling on presidential immunity. The author expressed her belief that the current court is a "disgrace" and claimed it was essentially controlled by former President Donald Trump.

Lebowitz's Controversial Stance on Supreme Court

Lebowitz argued that the Supreme Court has lost its legitimacy and should be dismantled in its current form.

She went as far as to say, "It's so disgraceful, this court, that it shouldn't even be allowed to be called the Supreme Court." Her comments were met with applause from Maher's studio audience.

The author also made a provocative comparison, stating, "Basically, it's a harem. It's Trump's harem," referring to the perceived influence of the former president on the court's composition and decisions.

Misinterpretation of Supreme Court Ruling

Lebowitz's comments stemmed from her interpretation of the Supreme Court's July ruling on presidential immunity. The ruling, which was a 6-3 decision, stated that presidents have limited immunity from criminal prosecutions for official actions taken while in office. This was widely seen as a victory for Trump in his ongoing legal battles.

However, Lebowitz incorrectly interpreted the ruling as giving the president unlimited power, stating that it made the president a "king" who "can do whatever you want."

Host Bill Maher appeared taken aback by Lebowitz's extreme views on the Supreme Court. In response to her suggestion that Biden should dissolve the court, Maher jokingly remarked, "Good to see you're centrist." Later, when Lebowitz continued to express her views, Maher simply replied, "Oh, come on."

Growing Calls for Supreme Court Reform

Lebowitz's comments reflect a growing sentiment among some on the left who are calling for radical changes to the Supreme Court.

These calls have intensified following decisions that have disappointed liberal observers, such as the reversal of Roe v. Wade. Some Democrats are pushing for measures such as expanding the number of justices or imposing term limits.

Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) recently claimed that Vice President Kamala Harris would support court-packing if she were to become president, further highlighting the prominence of this issue among some Democrats.

Constitutional Implications of Lebowitz's Suggestion

It's important to note that Lebowitz's suggestion for Biden to dissolve the Supreme Court would be unconstitutional. The Supreme Court's ruling on presidential immunity specifically states that it only applies to "actions within his [the president's] conclusive and preclusive constitutional authority." The Constitution clearly establishes separate branches of government, making it impossible for the president to unilaterally dissolve the Supreme Court.

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