Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 8, 2024

Fulton DA Fani Willis Accompanied by Former Lover at Scene of Daughter’s Arrest

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis was seen with her former colleague and paramour, Nathan Wade, during her daughter’s arrest after a routine traffic stop.

Despite previous claims that their relationship had ended, Willis and Wade appeared together at the scene of the traffic incident, raising questions about their ongoing connection, as the Western Journal reports.

Willis’ daughter, Kinaya Willis, was pulled over by police in Tyrone, Georgia, on Aug. 24 for allegedly using her phone while driving. Bodycam footage from the scene reveals that Fani Willis arrived at the stop accompanied by Wade, sparking interest due to their past relationship and professional ties.

Bodycam Footage Sparks Questions About Relationships

Kinaya Willis was stopped for using her phone while driving, which she said happened because she received call from her mother. During the interaction, an officer asked if the two adults were Kinaya’s parents, to which Willis responded that Wade was “just a friend.” The officer then informed Willis that Kinaya’s license had been revoked earlier in the year.

The revocation of Kinaya’s license, which took place in May, was unknown to both Kinaya and her mother, according to their statements. Willis expressed surprise upon learning this from the officer, saying it was “news to me.”

Wade left the scene in the same car in which he had arrived with Willis, while Willis drove away in her daughter’s car. The situation has since drawn attention not only for its personal implications but also for the potential legal consequences.

Nathan Wade’s Role in Legal Proceedings

Nathan Wade’s presence during the arrest raised eyebrows because of his prior involvement in high-profile legal cases led by Fani Willis. Wade had previously been appointed as a special prosecutor by Willis in the case against former President Donald Trump, who is accused of election interference in Georgia.

However, Wade stepped down from his role earlier this year after allegations surfaced regarding his romantic relationship with Willis. The two were reportedly no longer involved, but the footage from Kinaya’s traffic stop suggests a continued personal connection.

Wade’s proximity to the case involving Trump and his presence during the family incident with Willis raises questions about the impartiality of the legal process. Former President Trump’s legal team has been critical of Willis’ handling of the election case, and this incident may provide further grounds for their opposition.

Legal Implications for Kinaya Willis and Future Cases

Kinaya Willis now faces legal trouble of her own due to her revoked license and the traffic violation. She is expected to appear in Tyrone Municipal Court on Oct. 24 to answer the charges against her.

As for Fani Willis, her involvement in the case against Trump remains a key issue in Georgia’s legal landscape. The presence of Wade during her daughter’s arrest complicates the narrative, especially given Wade’s prior involvement as a special prosecutor in the same case. The bodycam footage showing Willis and Wade together may fuel further scrutiny from those who are critical of Willis’ conduct in both her personal and professional life. The footage comes at a time when Willis is in the national spotlight due to the high-profile nature of the Trump case.

Concluding Thoughts on Incident

Fani Willis was present during her daughter Kinaya’s arrest for driving with a revoked license, accompanied by Nathan Wade. Wade had previously stepped down from his role as a special prosecutor in the Trump case due to his alleged affair with Willis.

The situation brings new attention to their relationship and raises questions about ongoing legal matters. Kinaya will face a court appearance on Oct. 24, and the bodycam footage has drawn both personal and political interest. With Willis’ role in the Trump case continuing to develop, this incident may further complicate the public’s perception of her professional and personal life.

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