Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 2, 2024

Gabbard Claims Elite Group Controls U.S.

In a recent interview on the "Modern Wisdom" podcast, former Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard made striking claims about the true power structure in the United States government.

According to Real Clear Politics, Gabbard asserted that a "cabal of the Democratic [Party] elites" is effectively ruling the country, rather than President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Gabbard's comments paint a picture of a government where elected officials are not the primary decision-makers. She specifically pointed to figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of what she termed "woke warmongers" who wield significant influence behind the scenes.

Democratic Elite's Alleged Control Over Government

The former congresswoman's remarks suggest a deep-rooted issue within the current political landscape. Gabbard argued that the true power lies not with the visible figureheads of the government but with a group of Democratic Party elites who operate away from public scrutiny.

This group, according to Gabbard, includes individuals connected to the military-industrial complex who benefit from ongoing conflicts. She also implicated members of the administrative and national security state, suggesting they gain more authority during times of crisis or war.

Gabbard expressed concern about the implications of this alleged power structure for American democracy. She emphasized the difficulty in holding the government accountable when the individuals making decisions are not those directly elected by the people.

Concerns About Democratic Process And Accountability

Gabbard's statements raise questions about the integrity of the democratic process in the United States. She referenced a debate between President Biden and former President Trump, which she claimed exposed Biden's lack of decision-making power.

Gabbard stated:

When you look at what happened when President Biden had that infamous debate with President Trump, it exposed the reality that many of us have known for a long time, which is that President Biden has not been the guy calling the shots.

The former representative emphasized the importance of having a government that truly represents the will of the people. She argued that the current situation, where unelected individuals allegedly hold significant sway over policy decisions, undermines the foundational principles of American democracy.

Implications For American Democracy And Governance

Gabbard's comments touch on broader issues of transparency and accountability in government. She highlighted the challenge of maintaining a "government of, by, and for the people" when the true decision-makers operate behind the scenes.

The former congresswoman's allegations suggest a complex web of influence involving not just political figures, but also individuals in the media and wealthy private citizens. This network, according to Gabbard, derives its power from its ability to control figurehead leaders.

Gabbard's remarks underscore the importance of vigilance in preserving democratic principles. She argues that the current situation makes it difficult for citizens to exercise their responsibility to ensure that the government operates with the consent of the governed.


Tulsi Gabbard's interview has sparked discussion about the true nature of power in American politics. She alleges that a group of Democratic elites, rather than elected officials, are making key decisions. Gabbard expresses concern about the implications for democracy and accountability. Her comments highlight the importance of transparency in government and the need for citizens to remain engaged in the political process.

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