Written by Ashton Snyder on
 November 27, 2024

Gibson Challenges Trump Guitars' Design With Legal Order

A legal dispute emerges between an iconic guitar manufacturer and a company claiming exclusive endorsement from former President Donald Trump.

According to Rolling Stone, Gibson, the 130-year-old guitar manufacturing giant, has issued a cease and desist order to Trump Guitars owner 16 Creative over alleged trademark infringement of their legendary Les Paul body shape design.

The controversy centers around Trump Guitars' "American Eagle Series," which features guitars adorned with Trump's campaign slogan and presidential number. These instruments are being marketed as the only guitars officially endorsed by the former president, with some models bearing his signature.

Trademark Dispute Escalates Over Design Rights

Gibson's legal action stems from concerns about the unauthorized use of their distinctive Les Paul guitar design. The company's cease and desist order specifically targets the body shape of Trump Guitars' products, which Gibson claims infringes upon their exclusive trademarks.

The guitars in question showcase distinctive political branding elements, including pearl inlays spelling out "Make America Great Again" along the neck and the number 45 prominently displayed on the headstock. These design features are integrated into what Gibson alleges is their protected Les Paul shape.

Trump Guitars has positioned itself in the market with bold claims about presidential endorsement. The company's website prominently displays images of the former president holding their products, lending credibility to their endorsement claims.

Premium Pricing Meets Political Branding Strategy

The company's pricing strategy reflects a premium positioning in the market. Standard models without Trump's signature are listed at $1,250, while signed versions command significantly higher prices, exceeding $10,000.

The guitar manufacturer offers various models under their "Presidential Series," featuring black, gold, and red finishes. These instruments are marketed as limited editions, with only 275 guitars scheduled to receive Trump's signature.

According to the company's website claims, Trump Guitars describes itself as a veteran-owned enterprise working in collaboration with a master luthier. However, questions about manufacturing origins have emerged since the company acknowledges using multiple providers, both domestic and international.

Manufacturing Origins Raise Additional Questions

The production details of Trump Guitars have come under scrutiny due to apparent contradictions. Despite heavy American patriotic branding, including American flag imagery and bald eagle designs, the guitars' international manufacturing sources suggest a more complex origin story.

The company's FAQ section reveals that production involves multiple providers across different countries. This admission stands in contrast to the strongly American-focused marketing approach employed in their promotional materials.

The situation highlights the complexities of guitar manufacturing in today's global market, where components and assembly often cross international borders despite domestic branding.

Moving Forward With Legal Proceedings

Gibson's cease and desist order against Trump Guitars represents a significant challenge to the company's operations and marketing strategy. The dispute centers on alleged trademark infringement of Gibson's iconic Les Paul design, with additional questions surrounding the authenticity of presidential endorsement claims. As the legal process unfolds, Trump Guitars faces pressure to address both the trademark concerns raised by Gibson and questions about their manufacturing practices and endorsement claims.

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