Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 5, 2024

Howard Dean Says Harris Will Be Nominee If Biden Drops Out

In a candid discussion on national television, Howard Dean asserted that Kamala Harris is the inevitable Democratic nominee if Biden decides not to run for re-election.

According to Breitbart News, Dean dismissed concerns about chaos at the convention, emphasizing Harris's polling and organizational strengths.

Appearing on "Anderson Cooper 360," former Democratic National Committee chairman Howard Dean shared his insights into the potential scenarios for the upcoming Democratic National Convention.

Dean remarked that if President Joe Biden does not pursue a second term, Vice President Kamala Harris will be the presumptive Democratic candidate. His confidence appeared unwavering as he delved into the reasons behind his assertion.

Dismissed Editorials Suggesting Biden Should Step Aside

During the segment, the guest host, Jim Sciutto, referenced recent editorials from reputable publications like The New York Times and The Boston Globe. These editorials suggested that President Biden should consider stepping aside for the forthcoming election cycle.

However, Dean was quick to dismiss these publications' recommendations. He insisted they lacked the practical political experience essential for such decisions, discrediting their opinions on the matter.

Dean emphasized his point by stating, “The hell with the editorials,” clearly indicating his belief in the irrelevance of their arguments concerning the Democratic primary dynamics.

Harris Expected to Lead the Democratic Nomination

Dean confidently asserted that there would be no chaos at the convention if President Biden decided not to run. He laid out the scenario, illustrating Harris's prowess and existing organizational infrastructure.

Dean highlighted her advantages and noted that Harris polls better than other potential candidates. He firmly believed her established campaign network and support would secure her nomination effortlessly should Biden bow out.

Dean mentioned other potential contenders like Dean Phillips. Nonetheless, he dismissed Phillips's chances, describing them as insignificant compared to Harris's standing in the race.

Financial Advantages Favor Harris

Dean also underscored financial logistics. He explained that Harris's position as a signatory on the Biden-Harris campaign allows her to access funds that could be critical on the campaign trail.

He mentioned that it's unlikely that those funds will be redirected to any new, emerging candidates. According to Dean, this financial setup severely limits other aspirants' chances.


Dean views Kamala Harris as a strong and likely Democratic nominee if Biden does not run, emphasizing her superior polling and organizational strengths. Financially, Harris is well-positioned due to her existing campaign infrastructure from the Biden-Harris team. Dean's support highlights a clear trajectory for Harris leading into the Democratic convention, positioning her ahead of other potential candidates.

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