Written by Ashton Snyder on
 March 1, 2024

Hunter Ratted Out Joe By Acknowledging ‘Big Guy’ During Testimony

In a recent turn of events, the political landscape was stirred by Hunter Biden's closed-door deposition before the House Oversight Committee.

According to the New York Post, this deposition focused on Hunter Biden's business dealings and a particular 2017 message, igniting discussions on its implications for his father, former Vice President Joe Biden.

During the session held on Wednesday, a spotlight was cast on a 2017 communication from one of Hunter Biden's business associates. This message hinted at a 10% stake for "the big guy" in a proposed business venture, leading to widespread speculation that it referred to Joe Biden, post his vice-presidential term.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia shared insights into the deposition's proceedings through comments reported by Breitbart. During this deposition, Hunter Biden referred to the period following his father's departure from office in 2017.

He described the business concept under discussion as nothing more than a daydream, vehemently denying any intentions of involving his father in the profits of the business agreement.

Deposition Revelations Stir the Pot in Political Circles

In his defense, Hunter Biden presented the rationale for his engagement with business associates, including taking multiple speakerphone calls from Joe Biden during meetings.

He asserted such interactions as normal, further explaining his selection for the board of Burisma Holdings as an effort to "defend democracy" against Russian aggression. This narrative, according to Rep. Greene, could potentially be used to frame Republicans involved in the investigation as sympathizers of Russian disinformation.

Marjorie Taylor Greene offered a detailed account of Hunter Biden's responses during the deposition, highlighting his justification of the business ideas as innocuous daydreams.

She quoted Hunter Biden's dismissal of the idea that there was anything improper about holding ambitious business aspirations after his father's tenure in office. Additionally, Greene reflected on Hunter Biden's insistence on the normalcy of familial communication in professional settings, a stance that Hunter maintained throughout the questioning.

Concerns were raised by Greene over potential accusations against Republicans, suggesting a narrative that could label them as Russian sympathizers. She indicated this could lead to accusations of election meddling and further deepen the partisan divide. The House Oversight Committee Chairman, James Comer, noted the deposition revealed contradictory statements that merited further scrutiny, announcing the investigation's progression to a public hearing phase.

The Inquiry's Path Forward: A Public Phase and Calls for Closure

Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, has called for an end to what he terms a political charade. Lowell's statement emphasized the lack of substantive evidence to continue the inquiry, advocating for its conclusion following Hunter Biden's deposition. This statement underscores the contentious nature of the investigation, which has become a focal point of political debate.

The closed-door deposition of Hunter Biden before the House Oversight Committee has unveiled a complex narrative, intertwining personal business dealings with the broader political context. The examination of a 2017 message about a business proposition and its implications for Joe Biden has sparked significant controversy and debate.

Hunter Biden's categorical denial of any intention to involve his father in the profit-sharing of the proposed business venture, alongside his justification of his role in Burisma Holdings as a stance against Russian aggression, presents a nuanced defense amidst allegations of impropriety.

Republican Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's recounting of the deposition highlights the challenges in navigating the fine line between personal and professional boundaries. The impending shift of the inquiry to a public hearing phase indicates the investigation's escalating significance. Meanwhile, Hunter Biden's attorney, Abbe Lowell, has vehemently called for the conclusion of the investigation, labeling it a futile political pursuit.


The deposition of Hunter Biden opens up a series of questions about the intersection of business and politics, familial relationships, and the implications of such interactions on public perception and political accountability.

The inquiry's move to a public hearing phase suggests a deepening of the investigation, while calls for its conclusion reflect the polarized nature of the current political climate. As this saga unfolds, it continues to captivate public interest, signaling the intricate relationship between personal actions and their potential impact on the political landscape.

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