Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 14, 2024

Jen Psaki Edits Book Over Biden Watch Claim

MSNBC host Jen Psaki is revising her book after controversy over her portrayal of President Biden's behavior during a 2021 ceremony.

According to Fox News, Psaki will amend future reprints of her book "Say More" after criticism over her claim that President Biden did not check his watch during a ceremony for U.S. service members killed in Afghanistan.

Psaki claimed that President Joe Biden did not check his watch during the ceremony honoring U.S. service members who died in Afghanistan. However, this assertion was contradicted by photographs and accounts from Gold Star families.

Contradictory Evidence Emerges

The discrepancy between Psaki's account and the evidence was highlighted in a report by Axios, which noted that photographs and firsthand accounts from Gold Star families contradicted Psaki's narrative. These families reported seeing President Biden repeatedly check his watch during the dignified transfer ceremony.

Psaki initially declined to comment on the matter. However, she later announced that future reprints of her book and the eBook version would exclude the disputed detail about Biden looking at his watch. She stated that the detail concerning the number of times Biden looked at his watch would be removed to address the controversy.

Reactions From Gold Star Families

Gold Star families at the ceremony reported seeing President Biden checking his watch multiple times. This family feedback significantly challenged Psaki's original claim in her book.

In response to the backlash, USA Today issued a correction in 2021. The correction acknowledged that Biden had checked his watch multiple times during the ceremony, including while it was ongoing. This update was made after initial reports had suggested the families were lying.

Jen Psaki released her book, "Say More: Lessons from Work, the White House, and the World," last week. The book covers various aspects of her career, including her time in the White House and her transition to a media role.

Psaki's Career and Public Response

Psaki joined MSNBC in May 2022 after a competitive bidding process between MSNBC and CNN. Her move to the media network came after her tenure as White House Press Secretary under President Biden.

Conservative voices on social media have been critical of Psaki's initial claims and her defense of President Biden. The controversy surrounding the book has fueled further scrutiny and debate over the accuracy of her accounts.

Psaki defended her past work for President Biden and objected to comparisons with former Republican National Committee chair Ronna McDaniel. She cited a passage from the Washington Post to support her version of events, but it was reported that the passage actually originated from USA Today.

Despite the backlash, Psaki emphasized the importance of delivering feedback, even when it is difficult. She shared her experience of advising President Biden that his story of personal loss was not well-received by the grieving families at the ceremony.


Jen Psaki's book "Say More" is set to be revised in response to criticism regarding her depiction of President Biden's actions at a solemn ceremony, highlighting the importance of accuracy in public narratives. The revisions will be included in future reprints and the eBook version to present a more accurate account and address public criticisms. This incident has implications for Psaki's public image and credibility, underscoring the challenges of recounting events accurately while managing public perception.

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