Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 13, 2024

Jennifer Lawrence Confronts Mike Pence's Stance at GLAAD Awards

The GLAAD Media Awards in New York City witnessed a night of strong opinions and unexpected incidents.

Jennifer Lawrence, an acclaimed actress, made headlines by suggesting that former Vice President Mike Pence believed he had benefited from conversion therapy, Breitbart News reported.

Jennifer Lawrence, known for her roles in blockbuster films and her sharp wit, stirred the audience with her comments aimed at Mike Pence, indirectly accusing him of being a gay man in denial.

Disruption Echoes Political Tensions

A disturbance momentarily overshadowed the event. An attendee was escorted out after loudly accusing GLAAD of complicity in broader geopolitical issues, specifically the ongoing conflict in Gaza.

This interruption brought a serious tone to an otherwise celebratory evening.

Ross Mathews, a television personality present at the event, commented on the uncomfortable atmosphere that the disruption created. He stressed the significance of continuing to fight for the rights of all individuals, irrespective of the situation.

Lawrence, often vocal about her political and social views, used the stage to address controversial topics and share personal anecdotes. She related a touching yet humorous story about falling in love with a gay man, highlighting the unrequited nature of her affection.

She added that conversion therapy is ineffective, suggesting that her affection couldn't change a gay man's orientation. Then, Jennifer Lawrence directed her comments towards Pence, insinuating that he was gay.

She addressed him directly, saying, “Did you hear me, Mike Pence? I said conversion therapy is not real – even though you think it worked on you.”

Jennifer Lawrence's Continued Advocacy

Throughout her career, Jennifer Lawrence has not shied away from expressing her opinions, even when they might stir controversy.

In previous statements, she has tackled issues like gun control and the representation of women in action genres, adding layers to her public persona as an advocate for various causes.

In addition to her advocacy, Lawrence also took a moment to inject some humor into her speech. She praised Orville Peck, a gay musician, as her favorite artist and made light-hearted jokes about professional and personal mastery dynamics.

The actress also referenced her sabbatical from the film industry. After a remarkably successful early career, she admitted to struggling with her roles following her high-profile projects. She opted to take a year-long break in 2020, appearing in only three films since her return.

Despite the controversies, Lawrence's appearance at the GLAAD Media Awards highlighted her commitment to LGBT+ rights and her willingness to use her platform to discuss important issues.


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