Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 26, 2024

Kamala Harris Rolls Out Campaign Video Criticizing Trump

According to Daily Mail, Kamala Harris released her first campaign video, not mentioning Biden's name and aggressively criticizing Trump.

Harris's campaign video, titled 'We Choose Freedom,' coincided with President Biden's exit from the race, positioning her as the likely Democratic nominee.

The video, 'We Choose Freedom,' begins with the American flag and scenes of Harris's rally in Milwaukee earlier this week. The background music is Beyoncé's 'Freedom,' a track authorized by the singer, though she hasn't officially endorsed Harris. Harris narrates her video and focuses on her campaign objectives, signaling a new phase in her political journey.

Harris Highlights Campaign Priorities in Video

Throughout the video, Harris underlines her main priorities. Her message revolves around freedoms, including safety from gun violence, healthcare access, and economic stability. She emphasizes the campaign's commitment to a future without child poverty and ensuring bodily autonomy.

A notable aspect of the video is its exclusion of any mention of President Joe Biden, which might indicate a strategic move to distinguish Harris as a standalone candidate. Instead, former President Donald Trump becomes the focal point of her criticism.

Harris Attacks Trump's Record

Harris doesn't hold back in her critique of Trump. She highlights his legal issues, including the Georgia election interference case and his conviction on multiple counts of falsifying business records in New York. Trump's mugshot and images of him appear prominently, reinforcing the video's critical tone.

The Vice President has consistently called Trump a "predator" and "fraudster" during her speeches. In the video, she reiterates her stance, pushing the message that "no one is above the law." Harris's supporters, shown rallying with pride flags and holding signs, bolster her fighting spirit.

Digital Campaign Strategies

Aligning with modern campaign tactics, Harris's team is heavily promoting the video on social media platforms. Although no television ads have been purchased, the digital approach appears effective. The day President Biden stepped down, digital ads endorsing Harris began circulating as part of a calculated campaign move.

In just over a day, the campaign reported a massive fundraising success, amassing over $100 million from more than 1.1 million donors. The energy surrounding Harris's campaign reflects a robust start to her presidential run.

Harris's central message in the video is clear: a collective belief in the promise of America. Addressing supporters at her Milwaukee rally, she depicts a vision of a country choosing "freedom" over chaos and hate. By focusing on pressing issues like gun violence and healthcare, she paints a picture of a hopeful, progressive future.

Harris's Vision for America's Future

Images of supporters from various walks of life, including families and construction workers, inject a sense of inclusivity and community spirit into the campaign message. Harris's focus remains on building a future where healthcare, economic stability, and freedom from gun violence are guaranteed for all.

The absence of President Biden from the video could signal a deliberate effort to forge her unique path in the 2024 presidential race. By focusing on Trump's controversial record, Harris aligns herself against the backdrop of past turmoil, positioning herself as a candidate for renewal.

In summary, Vice President Kamala Harris's debut campaign video takes a bold approach, focusing on freedoms and criticizing former President Trump without mentioning President Biden. The video accentuates her priorities and her vision for a just and prosperous America.

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About Ashton Snyder


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