Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 24, 2024

Kate's Role in Family-Friendly Work Practices Amid Recovery

The Princess of Wales, Catherine, remains a driving force behind family-friendly business practices despite undergoing preventive chemotherapy treatment.

Catherine's contributions to a major report on family-friendly business practices highlight her dedication to early childhood issues, even as she pauses her public engagements for treatment.

According to Daily Mail, the Princess of Wales played a pivotal role in a report advocating for businesses to adopt family-friendly work practices. This effort underscores her commitment to improving early childhood conditions, an issue she has championed for years.

Catherine's Health Takes Priority Over Work

A spokesman clarified that Catherine's involvement in the report does not signal her return to work. She is currently undergoing preventive chemotherapy for cancer following major abdominal surgery, necessitating a pause in her public engagements.

Since the beginning of the year, Catherine has not participated in any public events, and her return is uncertain, potentially delayed until autumn, depending on her recovery. In March, she recorded a video message requesting privacy during her treatment.

"My work has always brought me a deep sense of joy, and I look forward to being back when I am able, but for now, I must focus on making a full recovery," Catherine said in her message.

Impact on Royal Household and Future Plans

Other aspects of her work with Prince William have also been put on hold, including the appointment of a CEO for the Royal Household. The search for a CEO has been suspended to prioritize Catherine's health.

"With everything going on, the Royal Household’s focus is on the Princess’s recovery, so no appointment has been made," a palace spokesman stated. This delay reflects the household's prioritization of Catherine's well-being over administrative decisions.

A source close to the family remarked, "This is a revolutionary move. They are overthrowing the traditional, hierarchical structure in which staff answer to private secretaries."

Support and Adaptations During Recovery

There is a strong sense of support for Catherine within the Royal Household. "No one wants to put any pressure on Catherine. The only thing that matters at the moment is her getting better. She has been through an ordeal this year," a source commented.

The household's decision to delay significant appointments is a testament to Catherine's importance. "What this means in practice is that big decisions, such as the appointment of new staff, can wait," the source added.

Another insider highlighted the significance of this approach, saying, "It’s a reflection of Her Royal Highness’s importance to the future of the Monarchy that she has been given as much time as she needs."


The Princess of Wales, Catherine, has significantly contributed to advocating for family-friendly business practices. Her ongoing preventive chemotherapy has necessitated a pause in public engagements and other responsibilities, including appointing a CEO for the Royal Household. The Royal Household focuses on Catherine's recovery, delaying major decisions. The Royal Foundation of The Prince and Princess of Wales continues to reflect their collaborative efforts, even as Catherine takes time to heal. Unlike King Charles, who continues public duties, Catherine is afforded privacy and time to recover fully.

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