Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 10, 2024

Kendall Jenner Reveals Struggles With Anxiety In Vogue's Latest Edition And Discusses Met Gala Outfit Controversy

Kendall Jenner recently discussed her ongoing battle with anxiety and the confusion surrounding her Met Gala gown in Vogue's Summer 2024 issue.

As reported by Daily Mail, Kendall Jenner shared the challenges she has faced with anxiety and depression, which have plagued her for two decades. The 28-year-old model spoke candidly during a photoshoot for Vogue, detailing how these struggles have impacted her daily life and how she copes with the pressures of public life and professional demands.

Jenner confessed that the past two months have been particularly difficult, marking a low point in her mental well-being. Despite her successful career and public persona, she expressed feeling intense sadness and anxiety that she could no longer mask from those closest to her.

Jenner's Transparency On Mental Health

Her openness about these issues is part of a broader attempt to destigmatize mental health problems. By sharing her experiences on platforms like social media and on the reality TV show "Keeping Up With The Kardashians," Jenner hopes to encourage others to speak openly about their struggles.

Statistics show that anxiety disorders are highly prevalent, affecting millions worldwide—8.2 million in the UK alone as per 2013 figures, and about 40 million adults annually in the US. Jenner's personal account adds a notable voice to the conversation about mental health, emphasizing that no one is immune, regardless of their status.

The model stressed the importance of daily routines in managing her condition, pointing out how vital movement and activity are to her mental health. She noted that succumbing to the urge to withdraw and isolate has exacerbated her feelings of anxiety and depression.

Jenner's Endeavors Beyond Modeling

Alongside her modeling career, Jenner has also focused on her business venture, 818 Tequila, which she balances with her professional commitments. Despite her success, she admitted to experiencing impostor syndrome, feeling undeserving of her accomplishments.

Jenner's personal life also reflects her independent streak. As the only one among her siblings without children, she values her freedom and feels no urgency to settle down—a sentiment she has expressed openly.

Her December breakup with musician Bad Bunny, after a year-long relationship, coincided with one of her tougher periods, further complicating her emotional landscape.

Controversy and Clarification at the Met Gala

The Met Gala provided another spotlight moment for Jenner, where she wore a historic Givenchy gown designed by Alexander McQueen in 1999. Initially, she claimed to be the first to wear the outfit, which sparked controversy.

This claim was challenged when it was revealed that actress Winona Ryder had previously worn the same gown. The debate among fashion enthusiasts escalated until Givenchy stepped in to clarify. Their statement confirmed that Jenner was indeed the first to wear this particular gown, which had been preserved in their archives and never worn publicly before.

The dress itself is a marvel of craftsmanship. It requires over 500 hours to hand-embroider and utilizes more than 100,000 beads and sequins—a testament to the intricate work involved in haute couture.


In summary, Kendall Jenner's candid revelations in Vogue about her anxiety struggles and the Met Gala gown controversy highlight her multifaceted life, marked by personal challenges and public triumphs. Her ongoing battle with mental health issues, her entrepreneurial ventures, and her fashion statements continue to influence and inspire a global audience.

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