Written by Ashton Snyder on
 March 21, 2024

Kennedys Rumored To Be Dropping Out On Their Support Of RFK Jr. For 2024 Election

The Kennedy family saga takes a new twist with Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential bid.

According to Daily Mail, some members of the extended Kennedy family plan to actively support President Joe Biden's reelection bid in 2024, distancing themselves from RFK Jr.

In a time of political division, the latest developments within one of America's most storied political families underline the complex interplay of personal conviction and political loyalty.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., the son of the late Attorney General and presidential candidate, has embarked on an independent campaign for the U.S. presidency, creating ripples across the political landscape. This decision sparked a notable response within his family, particularly concerning its potential repercussions on the upcoming presidential election.

A United Front in the Rose Garden: Family Support for Biden

On a notable St. Patrick's Day, members of the Kennedy family gathered at the White House to reinforce their support for President Joe Biden. The event, captured in a photo shared by Kerry Kennedy, RFK Jr.'s sister, received a warm acknowledgment from Biden. This gathering represented a concerted effort by the Kennedy clan to publicly back the current president amidst internal family disagreements over RFK Jr.'s candidacy.

Attendees included notable figures such as Mariah Kennedy-Cuomo, Rory Kennedy, former Representative Joe Kennedy III, and former Representative Patrick Kennedy, showcasing the breadth of the Kennedy family's involvement in political affairs. A senior family member underscored the timing of this event, which was seen as particularly significant, hinting at a strategic move to consolidate support around Biden.

President Joe Biden expressed his gratitude, noting the families' shared heritage and values. This interaction underscores a deeper political alliance and a shared commitment to certain ideals despite the emerging challenge of RFK Jr.'s independent bid.

Concerns Over Swing State Dynamics and Family Values

RFK Jr.'s decision to run as an independent has been met with criticism, not just from political analysts but from within his own family. His siblings have publicly decried his candidacy, arguing that it diverges from their father's legacy and poses a threat to the nation by potentially aiding Donald Trump. This intrafamily discord reflects broader concerns about the impact of third-party candidates in critical swing states.

Polling data suggests that Trump's position could be strengthened in battleground states with Kennedy in the race, which alarms many who are closely watching the election's dynamics. The Biden campaign, recognizing the potential ramifications, has reportedly leaned on the Kennedy family to bolster its support among voters.

RFK Jr. maintains that he has substantial backing within his family despite the vocal opposition from some of his siblings. This claim speaks to the diversity of thought and opinion within the Kennedy family, mirroring the broader complexities of American political life.

Public Support for Biden Emphasized by DNC and Kennedy Family

The Democratic National Committee, through spokesperson Matt Corridoni, has highlighted the significance of the Kennedy family's public endorsement of Biden. This support from individuals intimately familiar with RFK Jr. underscores the political and personal stakes involved in the upcoming election.

RFK Jr.'s candidacy represents a significant moment in American politics, raising questions about the role of legacy, family, and independent candidates in the electoral process. The Kennedy family's public stance, marked by both support for Biden and concern over RFK Jr.'s bid, reflects the multifaceted nature of political engagement in the United States.

As the election approaches, the dynamics within the Kennedy family and their influence on the broader political landscape will continue to be a subject of keen interest. The saga of RFK Jr.'s independent presidential campaign, juxtaposed with his family's efforts to support Joe Biden, encapsulates the ongoing tensions between personal convictions and political realities. This story, rich in history and significance, underscores the enduring impact of the Kennedy legacy on American politics.

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About Ashton Snyder

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