Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 24, 2024

Key Kennedy Advisor Steps Down Citing 'Toxic Environment'

Angela Stanton King, a key advisor for Black outreach on Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign, announced her resignation, citing an increasingly "hateful and divisive atmosphere."

Despite stepping down, Stanton King will continue advising Kennedy on community issues while focusing on her nonprofit work. According to Fox News, Stanton King made her resignation public on X (formerly Twitter) late Tuesday, expressing that the campaign's negative environment drove her decision. She had been a crucial part of Kennedy's team since joining last year, focusing on outreach within the Black community.

Resignation Announced on Social Media

In her announcement, Stanton King stated, "After much reflection, I've decided to step away from the political theater. The increasingly hateful and divisive atmosphere no longer aligns with my values." She emphasized the decision was made after careful consideration and reflection on the current state of the campaign.

Following her resignation, Stanton King clarified on social media that she was not dismissed from her role. "Reports that I've been let go from the RFK campaign for ANY reason are 100% ABSOLUTELY FALSE," she wrote. This statement was aimed at dispelling any rumors about her departure being anything other than voluntary.

Focus Shifts to Nonprofit Work

Angela Stanton King has actively supported pregnant women and returning citizens through her nonprofit organization. She expressed excitement about dedicating more time to this cause. "I will continue to advise RFK, Jr. on key community issues. Now, it's time for me to pursue peace and fully dedicate myself to my nonprofit work," she said, highlighting her passion for making a tangible difference.

Stanton King has a history of engagement in community and political activities. In 2022, she was involved in Black voter outreach in Georgia for Republican Senate candidate Herschel Walker. She also ran for a House seat in Atlanta as a Republican, although unsuccessfully.

No Comment from Kennedy's Campaign

Despite her departure from an official role, Kennedy's spokesperson did not respond to requests for comments regarding Stanton King's resignation. This silence from the campaign leaves some questions unanswered about the internal dynamics that led to her decision.

Reports indicate that Stanton King had clashed with Kennedy over his stance on abortion, which may have contributed to the "hateful and divisive atmosphere" she described. Such conflicts highlight the challenges within political campaigns, especially on contentious issues.

Stanton King was pardoned by former President Trump in 2020 for crimes related to vehicle theft, a significant moment in her life that underscored her resilience and determination to move forward positively. This background has informed her approach to advocacy and community service.

Continuing Influence in the Campaign

Stanton King will still wield influence through her advisory role as she steps back from the campaign. Her insights and experience remain valuable to Kennedy, especially in engaging with Black communities and addressing key societal issues.

Stanton King had been a visible presence at campaign events, often seen alongside Kennedy and his vice-presidential running mate, Nicole Shanahan. Her active participation underscored her commitment to the campaign's goals and her role in shaping its outreach strategies.

With her departure, the campaign may face challenges in maintaining the momentum of its Black outreach efforts. Stanton King's contributions were pivotal, and her absence could create a gap that the campaign needs to address swiftly.


Angela Stanton King's resignation from Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign underscores the challenges within political environments. Citing a "hateful and divisive atmosphere," she steps back but remains an informal advisor while focusing on her nonprofit work. Stanton King's history of community involvement and advocacy continues to guide her efforts to make a tangible difference in society.

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