Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 15, 2024

Laura Secures Interfaith Prayer Club Approval at School

In a remarkable display of determination, Laura, a fifth-grader at Creekside Elementary in Washington State, successfully established an interfaith prayer club at her school.

According to Fox News, Laura's journey began when she requested permission to create an interfaith prayer group at her school. Initially denied, Laura challenged the decision with legal assistance and won approval for her club.

Legal Help Leads to Change

Undeterred, Laura sought help from the First Liberty Institute, a nonprofit Christian organization dedicated to defending religious freedom. The organization stepped in and advocated on her behalf through official channels.

The school's initial response was conditional, stating that the club could proceed if a sponsor was found. With her mother's support, Laura met with the school principal in February to discuss the situation further.

During the meeting, the principal mentioned that club funding had already been allocated back in October, a decision that appeared to contradict the recent approval of a Pride club.

Constitutional Rights and Religious Discrimination

Kayla Toney, an attorney with First Liberty, argued that denying Laura's club violated the Constitution. She highlighted that such actions displayed hostility towards religion, infringing on the free exercise clause.

"By singling out a religious club and providing inferior access to school resources, the district shows a hostility to religion that violates the free exercise clause," Toney stated.

She emphasized that the First Amendment protects Laura's right to pray with her peers. "The law is very clear on this issue," Toney noted, referencing the Supreme Court's support for voluntary, student-led prayer.

A Victory for Religious Liberty

After receiving the legal notice from First Liberty, the school district decided to allow Laura's interfaith prayer club. Toney expressed satisfaction with the outcome, noting it prevented a prolonged legal battle and benefited the school community.

"We're very glad that the school district decided to do the right thing here," Toney said. "Religious liberty brings a beautiful diversity to the school environment." Laura's courage and determination were commendable, Toney added. She considered it an honor to support Laura in her efforts.

With the club now approved, Laura reported that several students had already shown interest in joining. The interfaith prayer group is set to begin meeting next week.

Reflecting on the experience, Laura shared that the process taught her an important lesson about the power of individual action. "It was just a great lesson to learn that even an 11-year-old girl can make a big difference," she said.

In conclusion, Laura's successful fight to establish an interfaith prayer club at her elementary school is a testament to perseverance and the power of legal advocacy. Supported by First Liberty Institute, she navigated challenges and ultimately secured her right to religious expression. Her story highlights the importance of defending constitutional rights and encourages others to follow her example.

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