Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 2, 2024

Man Removed from Delta Flight for Offensive Trump T-Shirt

A Delta Airlines passenger was reportedly removed from a flight at Sarasota Bradenton International Airport due to his controversial t-shirt.

According to the New York Post, the incident occurred on Saturday morning when the man's shirt, featuring former President Donald Trump and a reference to a viral meme, was deemed offensive by airline staff.

The t-shirt in question depicted Trump wearing American flag-colored sunglasses and making an obscene gesture with both hands. It also included text referencing the "hawk tuah" meme, which has gained notoriety online. The situation escalated quickly, leading to the passenger's removal from the aircraft just before takeoff.

Initial Complaint And Passenger's Response

According to a Reddit post by user SKBeachGirl, the incident began when the passenger was waiting to board the flight. A Delta employee approached him, stating that someone had complained about his shirt. The passenger was given the option to either change his attire or be denied boarding.

In response to this initial warning, the man reportedly turned his shirt inside out, which allowed him to board the plane along with other passengers. This compromise appeared to resolve the situation temporarily, allowing the boarding process to continue as planned.

However, the situation took an unexpected turn just before the flight was set to depart. Despite the earlier compromise, it seems the passenger decided to revert his shirt to its original state, displaying the controversial design once again.

Removal From The Flight And Passenger's Reaction

As the plane was preparing for takeoff, a Delta employee boarded the aircraft and escorted the passenger off the flight. This action suggests that the airline staff deemed the shirt's content sufficiently problematic to warrant removal, even after the initial compromise had been reached.

The passenger's reaction to being removed was captured on video and shared on social media. As he was leaving the plane, he can be heard saying: "I'm getting kicked off because of my shirt."

He also made a comment about a flight attendant named Wendy, referring to her as "stupid-ass Wendy" as he was being escorted off the plane. This outburst indicates the passenger's frustration with the situation and the airline's decision to remove him from the flight.

Delta's Policy And Previous Incidents

Delta Airlines' Contract of Carriage outlines the company's right to remove passengers from flights under certain circumstances. The policy states that removal can occur at Delta's discretion for various reasons, including passenger comfort, safety, or to prevent damage to property.

Specifically, the contract mentions that a traveler can be removed when their "conduct, attire, hygiene or odor creates an unreasonable risk of offense or annoyance to other passengers." This clause provides the airline with the authority to make judgments about appropriate attire and behavior on their flights.

This incident is not the first time Delta has faced controversy over passenger attire. Earlier in the year, a passenger named Lisa Archbold claimed she was nearly removed from a flight for not wearing a bra. Archbold stated that a gate agent escorted her off the plane and demanded she cover up despite her breasts not being visible through her loose white t-shirt.


A Delta Airlines passenger was removed from a flight in Sarasota due to wearing a controversial t-shirt featuring Donald Trump and a viral meme reference. The incident began with a complaint about the shirt, leading to an initial compromise where the passenger turned it inside out. However, he was ultimately escorted off the plane when he reverted the shirt to its original state. This event highlights the ongoing debate about appropriate attire on flights and the extent of airlines' authority in enforcing dress codes.

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