Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 25, 2024

Maxine Waters Links Trump Pardons to Rising Support Among Black Men

In a recent CNN interview, Democratic Rep. Maxine Waters of California addressed the rising support for former President Donald Trump among Black men, attributing it to the clemency he granted several high-profile rappers.

Waters expressed concern over Trump's increasing appeal within this demographic, pointing to economic difficulties and pardons given by Trump during his presidency as contributing factors, as the Daily Caller reports.

Waters Dismisses Trump's Growing Appeal

Speaking to CNN’s Sara Sidner and John Berman on Friday, Waters tried to downplay the significance of Trump's rising support among Black men, attributing it largely to a specific subset of the population. She particularly referenced the hip-hop community, a group where Trump's support seems to be gaining traction.

Waters remarked that some individuals within this group may feel gratitude toward Trump due to his pardons of rappers like Lil Wayne. She suggested that these pardons have given Trump a foothold among certain black men, though she emphasized that this group remains a small segment of the black electorate. “It’s only a small segment,” Waters noted during the interview. She underscored that these individuals, having been personally impacted by Trump's actions, might express their thanks but said they should recognize broader issues affecting their community.

Economic Struggles Influence Voter Sentiment

Waters acknowledged that economic challenges also play a role in Trump's growing support among Black men. She highlighted the rising costs of living, particularly in areas like rent and homeownership, which have become significant burdens for many in the Black community.

Inflation, which reached a 40-year peak of 9% in June 2022, has exacerbated these financial pressures. Waters pointed out that prices have risen by over 20% since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office in January 2021, further straining household budgets.

Waters stressed the need for more substantial support and education to help young Black entrepreneurs, who often struggle with limited access to capital and other resources. She emphasized that these economic factors are driving some Black voters toward Trump, whom they perceive as more attuned to their financial concerns.

Calls for Better Education, Support

In her interview, Waters called for improved education on public policy issues and better support for young Black entrepreneurs. She argued that many young people in the Black community are eager to start their own businesses but face significant obstacles, including lack of access to capital.

Waters believes that the Black community needs more comprehensive education on the policies that affect their daily lives. She urged leaders to focus on providing the resources necessary for young people to achieve economic stability, which she sees as critical to countering Trump's appeal.

“We’ve got to do a better job,” Waters stated, emphasizing the importance of equipping the next generation with the tools they need to succeed. She pointed out that while some may be drawn to Trump due to his actions and rhetoric, there is a need for a more profound understanding of what is required to improve the quality of life for all.

Conclusion Highlights Waters' Concerns

Waters’ comments come amid growing concern within the Democratic Party about Trump's increasing support among Black men. While she acknowledged the influence of Trump's pardons, Waters remained adamant that this support is limited to a small segment of the Black community, particularly within the hip-hop sphere.

Economic factors, including rising costs of living and limited opportunities for young entrepreneurs, are also driving some Black men toward Trump. Waters emphasized the need for better education and support to address these challenges and to offer viable alternatives to those who might be swayed by Trump's appeal.

As the 2024 election approaches, Waters’ remarks highlight the importance of addressing the economic and social concerns of Black voters. She concluded by reiterating the need for a more concerted effort to educate and empower the next generation, ensuring that they are not drawn to candidates who may offer short-term gains but fail to address long-term issues.

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