Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 25, 2024

MO Representative Expresses Heartbreak After Family Members Killed in Haiti

In a deeply tragic incident, a Missouri state representative's daughter and son-in-law were brutally murdered then set on fire by gangs in Haiti.

This incident underscores the severe violence and gang control plaguing the Haitian capital, Port-au-Prince, drawing significant international concern, as the Daily Mail reports.

Davy Lloyd III, 22, and his wife Natalie, 21, were killed in the community of Lizon, in the northern part of Port-au-Prince. The attack took place Thursday evening, devastating both their families and the Haitian community they served.

A Haitian man named Jude Montis, who served as the local director for Missions in Haiti Inc., also lost his life in the attack. The young couple, who were missionaries in Haiti, were set to celebrate their two-year anniversary in June, and Davy’s birthday was approaching in early July.

Gang Violence Highlights Dire Situation In Haiti

The attack began when gangs forcefully entered the Lloyds' location, stealing belongings before perpetrating the murders. The victims were seeking refuge when they were shot and their bodies set on fire.

This horrifying act is part of the escalating violence in Port-au-Prince, where gangs now control 80% of the city. The gang coalition known as Viv Ansanm is widely recognized for its involvement in significant violence and kidnappings throughout the region. As a result of the ongoing violence, Haitian authorities are waiting for a Kenyan police force to arrive as part of a United Nations-backed mission to address the pervasive gang control.

Family In Mourning and Calling for Assistance

Davy Lloyd's family has a long-standing history as missionaries in Haiti, operating an orphanage, a school, and a church. Natalie joined her husband in their missionary work in August 2022. In a desperate plea for support, the Missouri state representative shared: "Please pray for my family we desperately need strength. And please pray for the Lloyd family as well. I have no other words for now."

Hannah Cornett, Davy Lloyd’s sister, provided a poignant reflection: "Davy spoke Creole before he spoke English. It was home. Haiti was all we knew." She revealed their deep commitment to Haiti, saying, "They just had a lot of love for Haiti, and they just wanted to help the people there. That's their calling."

National And International Reactions

The U.S. State Department expressed condolences and has offered consular assistance to the Lloyd family. "We offer our sincerest condolences to the family on their loss. We stand ready to provide all appropriate consular assistance," stated a department representative.

Moreover, former President Donald Trump weighed in on the incident, posting on Truth Social: "God bless Davy and Natalie. Such a tragedy. Haiti is totally out of control. Find the killers NOW!!!"

The incident has shocked both local and international communities, with many calling for immediate and decisive actions to combat gang violence in Haiti. In a statement on the Missions for Haiti website, the organization expressed their devastation: "Around midnight: Davy and Natalie and Jude were shot and killed by the gang about 9 'clock this evening. We all are devastated."

Long-Term Missionary Commitments

The Lloyds were deeply involved in various projects in Haiti. Natalie had been assisting with children at the House of Compassion and working at the organization’s ACE school. Davy was engaged in multiple necessary projects around the compound.

Despite the tragedy, the work and dedication of the Lloyds highlight their profound commitment to the Haitian people and their mission. The family's profound connection to the Haitian community is evident, and their loss is deeply felt by those they served.

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