Written by Ashton Snyder on
 October 14, 2024

North Carolina Candidate Faces Charges Over Campaign Sign Incident

A Democratic candidate for the North Carolina House has found himself in hot water after being arrested for removing campaign signs supporting former President Donald Trump.

According to a report by Breitbart News, Simon has admitted to the incident, acknowledging that his actions were improper. Lowell Simon, who also serves as the head of the Moore County Democratic Party, was caught in the act by a sheriff's deputy on October 10.

The event unfolded around 5:25 p.m. when a Moore County Sheriff's deputy, who was responding to an unrelated call, observed Simon removing Trump campaign signs along Seven Lakes Drive.

The deputy followed up at Simon's residence, where the signs were discovered in his vehicle. Simon cooperated with law enforcement, admitting to the removal of the signs, which were subsequently returned to their original owner.

Legal Consequences for Political Sign Removal

Following the incident, Simon was charged with two counts of misdemeanor larceny of political signs. The Moore County Sheriff's Office issued a warrant for Simon's arrest on Friday, October 11, 2024. Simon was released under a written promise to appear in court, with his court date set for October 30, 2024, at the Moore County District Court.

The charges against Simon highlight the legal ramifications of tampering with political campaign materials. Such actions are taken seriously by law enforcement, as they can be seen as an attempt to interfere with the democratic process and suppress political expression.

Simon's case serves as a reminder of the importance of respecting political signage, regardless of personal beliefs or party affiliations. It also underscores the vigilance of local law enforcement in maintaining fair campaign practices.

Candidate's Response and Justification

In response to the incident, Simon provided a statement acknowledging his actions and expressing regret. Simon stated:

My worse angels got the better of me and I removed the signs. I shouldn't have done that. I didn't do it in the stealth of night or anything. I did it when it was five o'clock in the afternoon.

Simon's admission indicates a level of transparency about the event, though it does not excuse the legal violation. He further commented on the broader issue of sign removal, claiming that Democratic signs are also frequently targeted for theft or removal.

Equality in Law Enforcement and Political Fair Play

While admitting his wrongdoing, Simon also called for equal application of the law regarding political sign theft. He emphasized that consequences should be faced by anyone breaking the law, including himself, but stressed the importance of consistency in enforcement.

Simon's situation has sparked discussions about the fairness of political campaigning and the challenges faced by candidates of all parties in protecting their campaign materials. It also raises questions about the responsibilities of political figures to set an example in respecting the campaign efforts of their opponents.

The incident serves as a cautionary tale for political candidates and supporters alike, reminding them of the legal and ethical boundaries that must be respected during campaign seasons. It also highlights the role of law enforcement in maintaining order and fairness in the political process.

In conclusion, the arrest of Lowell Simon for removing Trump campaign signs has brought attention to the issue of political sign theft in North Carolina. The incident resulted in misdemeanor charges against Simon, who has admitted to his actions and is awaiting his court appearance. This event underscores the importance of respecting political expressions across party lines and the legal consequences that can result from failing to do so.

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