Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 25, 2024

Obama Steps Up Involvement in Biden's Reelection Campaign

Former President Barack Obama is ramping up his involvement in President Joe Biden's reelection campaign due to growing concerns about Biden's chances against former President Donald Trump in a potential rematch.

According to Breitbart News, Obama's participation includes advising on strategy, fundraising, and enhancing public relations efforts.

Obama's deeper engagement reportedly began in late 2023, after Biden campaign officials recognized they would likely face Trump in an unprecedented rematch. The Economist's model in June indicated Trump had about a two-in-three chance of making a significant political comeback.

Obama's Concerns and Strategic Involvement

A March survey from The New York Times/Siena College revealed that 73 percent of voters, including 61 percent of his 2020 supporters, believe Biden is too old to be an effective president. This data contributed to Obama's decision to increase his involvement.

Obama is working closely with Jen O'Malley Dillon, Biden's campaign chair, and Anita Dunn, a Biden aide with whom he has a long-standing professional relationship. His role includes consulting on digital budget strategy, assisting in public relations efforts with Hollywood celebrities, and fundraising for Biden.

Sources disclosed to New York Magazine that Obama's “anxiety about the election is real,” underscoring his commitment to aiding Biden's campaign. Obama's frequent discussions with O'Malley Dillon focus on targeting young and Black voters.

Public Relations and Fundraising Efforts

Obama's office coordinates with Biden's campaign to keep him updated on developments. He also regularly contacts White House Chief of Staff Jeff Zients and Senior Adviser Anita Dunn.

Obama has acknowledged to friends and supporters that the race is closely divided, the media landscape is fragmented, and Trump could win. Despite these challenges, Obama is poised to be one of Biden's most prominent surrogates in the fall.

In a significant show of support, Obama joined Biden onstage in Los Angeles for a major fundraiser featuring celebrities like George Clooney, Julia Roberts, and Jimmy Kimmel. The event raised over $65 million for Biden.

Digital and Media Engagement

Obama has also recorded ten video clips for Biden's digital advertisements, with more expected to be produced. These efforts aim to bolster Biden's visibility and appeal among key voter demographics.

Despite these proactive measures, the campaign has faced challenges, including a video showing Obama guiding Biden off the stage at a fundraiser. This incident was part of a series of videos showing Biden in compromising situations.

The White House responded to the video, claiming it was a "cheap fake," attempting to mitigate any potential negative impact on Biden's image.

Obama's Role and Future Prospects

As the campaign progresses, Obama is expected to play a significant role, using his influence and connections to support Biden's reelection. His involvement is vital in addressing perceived vulnerabilities within Biden's campaign. Obama's strategic input and public endorsements highlight the high stakes of the upcoming election and underscore his commitment to ensuring a Democratic victory.

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About Ashton Snyder


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