Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 14, 2024

Paralegal Admits Records Deleted from Trump Case

According to a report by Breitbart News, during former President Donald Trump's criminal trial, a paralegal revealed that phone call records were deleted from the case files. This revelation has raised concerns about whether the defense has access to all necessary evidence.

Jaden Jarmel-Schneider, a paralegal from the Manhattan District Attorney's Office, testified that some phone call records related to Trump's criminal prosecution were deleted. 

Concerns Over Missing Evidence

Jarmel-Schneider discussed a key recording presented earlier in the trial by the prosecution. The recording allegedly captured a conversation between Trump and Michael Cohen discussing hush payments, often referred to as "catch and kill."

Trump’s attorneys contested the recording's authenticity, suggesting that Cohen had doctored it. They pointed out that the recording ended abruptly, casting doubt on its completeness.

Records revealed that Cohen received a phone call approximately 22 seconds after the recording stopped, adding to the mystery surrounding the missing segments.

Defense Challenges Prosecution’s Evidence

The defense submitted recordings from 2018, which led to the confirmation that some toll records between Keith Davidson and Michael Cohen had been deleted. This raised further questions about the integrity of the evidence presented.

Jarmel-Schneider also confirmed that call records from a three-page exhibit detailing calls between Gina Rodriguez and Dylan Howard were part of the deletions. The exhibit’s integrity was now in question.

During cross-examination, defense attorney Emil Bove inquired about the absence of records for a call reportedly between Hope Hicks and David Pecker, the former CEO of American Media. Jarmel-Schneider was unable to recall details about this specific call.

Paralegal’s Limited Recollection

When Bove pressed Jarmel-Schneider on his role in maintaining the toll records, the paralegal's response was less than definitive. “I don’t know if I’d say that, but if you say so,” Jarmel-Schneider replied, indicating uncertainty about his responsibility.

Deleting these records has significant implications for the defense’s ability to scrutinize the prosecution's evidence thoroughly. The missing information could potentially impact the outcome of the trial.

Implications for the Trial

The case has drawn national attention, and the latest revelations are likely to fuel further debate about the fairness of the proceedings. The integrity of the evidence is now a central issue.

The defense is expected to use the missing records to argue that the prosecution’s case is flawed. They will likely push for a thorough examination of how these deletions occurred.

In conclusion, Jaden Jarmel-Schneider's admission concerning the deletion of phone call records has raised significant concerns about the integrity of the evidence in Donald Trump's trial. The missing toll records involving key figures have become a pivotal issue, potentially affecting the trial's outcome.

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