Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 19, 2024

Record Border Crossings Under Biden-Harris Administration

The number of illegal border crossings since the Biden-Harris administration took office has surpassed 12.5 million, marking the highest total in U.S. history.

This figure includes both apprehensions and estimated "gotaways," according to a report by Just The News.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) released monthly border apprehension data on August 17, 2024, claiming a 34% decrease in illegal border crossings from June to July.

However, the total number of apprehended illegal border crossers has exceeded 10.5 million in the current fiscal year, with two months remaining until September 30.

Record-Breaking Numbers Surpass State Populations

The reported 12.5 million illegal border crossers, including both apprehensions and estimated gotaways, now outnumber the individual populations of 45 U.S. states. If these border crossers were to form a state, they would rank as the sixth most populous, surpassing Illinois.

This figure represents a significant increase from previous comparisons. In March, the total illegal border crossers exceeded the populations of 43 states, up from 23 states in June 2022 when such comparisons were first made.

The scale of these numbers is unprecedented in U.S. history, with no previous administration reporting even a fraction of this total in a single term or multiple terms combined.

CBP Claims And Congressional Response

Despite the record-breaking numbers, CBP officials have presented a different narrative. Troy Miller, a senior official performing the duties of the CBP Commissioner, stated that recent Biden-Harris policies have led to "the lowest number of encounters along the southwest border in more than three years."

U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security Chairman Rep. Mark Green, R-Tenn., challenged this interpretation, saying:

Despite the false narrative they're attempting to project, the unprecedented border crisis the president and his 'border czar' have created continues to rage on. This administration is orchestrating a massive shell game, encouraging otherwise-inadmissible aliens to cross at ports of entry instead of between them – thereby creating a façade of improved optics for the administration, but in reality imposing a growing burden on our communities.

Fiscal Year Comparisons And Border Encounters

The current fiscal year has seen 2,597,784 illegal foreign nationals apprehended nationwide. This follows 3.2 million in fiscal 2023, which was the highest number on record. Fiscal 2022 saw over 2.7 million apprehensions, breaking previous records, after nearly 2 million were apprehended in fiscal 2021.

Southwest border encounters for the current fiscal year through July stand at 1,925,773. This comes after a record of nearly 2.5 million in fiscal 2023, preceded by nearly 2.4 million in fiscal 2022 and over 1.7 million in fiscal 2021.

The northern border has also seen unprecedented numbers under the current administration. This fiscal year, 162,865 illegal border crossers were apprehended at the northern border, following a record of nearly 190,000 in fiscal 2023 and nearly 110,000 in fiscal 2022.

In conclusion, the Biden-Harris administration has overseen a dramatic increase in illegal border crossings, with total numbers surpassing 12.5 million since taking office. This figure exceeds the populations of most U.S. states and represents the highest total in the nation's history. Despite CBP claims of recent decreases, the overall trend shows record-breaking apprehensions across both southern and northern borders, with critics arguing that current policies have exacerbated the situation.

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About Ashton Snyder

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