Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 19, 2024

Special Counsel Appeals Trump Documents Case Dismissal

ABC News reported that Special Counsel Jack Smith has filed an appeal against the dismissal of former President Donald Trump's classified documents case.

On Wednesday, Jack Smith officially challenged federal Judge Aileen Cannon's decision to dismiss the classified documents case against Trump.

The dismissal, announced by Judge Aileen Cannon on Monday, hinged on her finding that Smith's appointment was unconstitutional. The judge asserted that Smith was neither appointed by the president nor confirmed by Congress, thereby lacking the necessary authority.

A special counsel's office spokesperson immediately voiced disagreement with Cannon's ruling. "The dismissal of the case deviates from the uniform conclusion of all previous courts to have considered the issue that the Attorney General is statutorily authorized to appoint a Special Counsel," said the spokesperson.

Special Counsel's Office Stays Steadfast

Smith's notice of appeal represents a significant pushback against the dismissal. He is set to take the matter to the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. This latest development reflects the special counsel's determination to persevere despite the hurdles.

The spokesperson also indicated that the special counsel's office would refrain from additional comments at this time. This stance indicates a measured approach as the team focuses on the appeals process.

The case has significant implications. Trump faced a whopping 40 criminal counts last year over his handling of classified information. Prosecutors allege that Trump not only refused to return hundreds of classified documents but also actively obstructed the government's attempts to retrieve them.

Trump's Legal Battles Continue

Trump has consistently denied all charges related to the classified materials controversy. His legal battles have drawn significant attention, compounding the already complex situation surrounding his post-presidency.

Judge Cannon's finding rested heavily on procedural grounds. The argument that Smith’s appointment bypassed standard constitutional procedures presents a nuanced legal challenge and sets a precedent for the involvement of special counsels in future cases.

The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, where Smith has directed his appeal, will now weigh in on this pivotal legal dispute. The court's decision will likely further shape the legal landscape surrounding special counsels and their authority.

Implications of the Appeal

The special counsel’s office maintains a firm belief in the validity of Smith's appointment and the charges brought against Trump. Their reserved yet resolute response to the dismissal highlights a strategic approach to the ongoing legal wrangling.

While Trump's legal team celebrates a temporary triumph with Judge Cannon's dismissal, the looming appeal signifies that the battle is far from over. The appellate court's ruling will be pivotal in determining the future direction of this high-profile case.


Special Counsel Jack Smith has challenged federal Judge Aileen Cannon's dismissal of the case against Trump, rooted in the contention that his appointment was unconstitutional. The appeal is now with the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals, setting the stage for a crucial legal showdown. Trump, who pleaded not guilty to numerous counts of mishandling classified documents, has consistently denied all accusations, while Smith remains undeterred in his pursuit of justice against the odds.

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