Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 25, 2024

Supreme Court Upholds South Carolina District Maps

The Supreme Court has upheld South Carolina's congressional district maps, rejecting claims of unconstitutional racial gerrymandering.

On Thursday, the high court ruled against the NAACP's attempt to redraw South Carolina's congressional districts, contending that the existing map did not constitute racial gerrymandering, as Breitbart reports.

In a 6-3 decision, the court affirmed that the state's redistricting efforts were primarily politically motivated and not racially discriminatory. Justice Samuel Alito penned the majority opinion, with Justices Sonia Sotomayor, Elena Kagan, and Ketanji Brown Jackson dissenting.

Supreme Court's Decision Holds Implications

The NAACP had sought to challenge the congressional map in a bid to flip a key Republican seat in South Carolina's first district, held by Rep. Nancy Mace. The civil rights group argued that the current map violates the Fourteenth Amendment by racially gerrymandering the district.

Justice Alito's opinion underscored that redistricting is inherently political and should remain primarily the domain of state legislatures. Alito emphasized that plaintiffs must disentangle race from politics to prove unconstitutional racial motivations.

"When partisanship and race correlate, a gerrymandered map for partisan gain can resemble one drawn for racial reasons," Alito stated. The decision underlined the difficulty plaintiffs face in overcoming the presumption of legislative good faith without presenting an alternative map.

Majority Opinion Explains Ruling

The court's opinion acknowledged that a district's shape might suggest racial motives only when no other explanation is evident. However, the majority upheld that political, rather than racial, objectives could explain South Carolina's district lines.

Justice Clarence Thomas largely concurred with Alito's opinion and added his own concurrence. Their stance was that political gerrymandering, while contentious, remains constitutional even when it correlates with racial demographics.

Plaintiffs were criticized for relying on expert reports that allegedly ignored traditional districting criteria. The majority opinion faulted the trial court for not requiring the Democrats to provide an alternative map, finding "clear error" in their factfinding methods.

Dissenting Opinion Voices Concerns

Justice Kagan's dissent, joined by Justices Sotomayor and Jackson, signaled a broader concern about the implications of the decision. However, specific details of the dissent were not provided in the facts of the news story.

The Supreme Court's ruling ultimately bolstered the role of state legislatures in the redistricting process, reaffirming that political considerations in map drawing, while pervasive, did not inherently violate constitutional principles. As Justice Alito articulated, "We must be wary of plaintiffs who seek to transform federal courts into weapons of political warfare."

The Court's decision reverses the trial court's ruling, marking a pivotal moment in the ongoing debate over the legality and ethics of gerrymandering practices. The ruling sets a challenging precedent for future plaintiffs aiming to contest political gerrymandering on racial grounds.

In summary, the Supreme Court's decision reinforces the role of state legislatures in handling redistricting, while also delineating the complex interplay of race and politics in these decisions. Justice Alito's majority opinion clarifies the burdens on plaintiffs challenging congressional maps, emphasizing a presumption of legislative good faith unless compellingly contested.

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