Federal Judge Tanya Chutkan has decided to delay the trial of former President Donald Trump in the election interference case brought by special counsel Jack Smith until after the 2024 presidential election.

The trial, originally expected to take place earlier this year, has now been postponed in the wake of a superseding indictment and a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling affirming presidential immunity for acts performed in office, as Fox News reports.

In a status hearing held Thursday morning at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, the decision to delay was made official. Trump's legal team pleaded not guilty on his behalf, though the former president did not attend the hearing. Smith, who is leading the case, was present in the courtroom.

New Indictment Narrows Charges Against Trump

The trial stems from Trump’s alleged efforts to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. Smith recently issued a revised indictment that narrows the previous charges against the former president. This comes after a Supreme Court ruling that determined a president cannot be prosecuted for actions taken while in office.

The new indictment, which was presented by a grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in the case, adjusts several key points from the initial charges. It removes allegations involving Department of Justice (DOJ) officials and refines Trump's role as a candidate at the time of the alleged offenses. Discussions of this updated indictment have done little to advance the trial timeline.

The charges Trump faces are related to multiple conspiracies and obstruction of justice. However, the specifics of these accusations have been reshaped under the latest legal developments, particularly in light of the Supreme Court’s decision on presidential immunity.

Deadlines Set for After Election Day

Deadlines for filings from both Trump’s legal team and federal prosecutors have been set for Nov. 7, after the election. This timeline underscores the court’s decision to ensure that the trial does not interfere with the ongoing political process. Trump is actively seeking a second term in office, and the trial delay will allow him to continue his campaign without the looming threat of immediate legal proceedings.

The delay has led to widespread speculation about the potential impact on the political landscape. With the trial now scheduled after the presidential election, many are questioning how this development may affect voter perceptions and the election outcome.

The trial is just one of several legal challenges Trump is facing, but this particular case, tied to the events of Jan. 6, 2021, is seen as especially significant. The delay gives Trump more time to build his defense, while federal prosecutors will continue preparing their case during this extended period.

Trump’s Legal Strategy Faces New Challenges

Trump’s defense team, having pleaded not guilty on his behalf, has argued that the charges against him are politically motivated. The revised indictment, they contend, simplifies their defense strategy by removing some of the broader allegations. However, the charges of conspiracy and obstruction remain serious, with the potential for significant legal consequences if Trump is found guilty.

While the former president has not personally appeared in court for the latest proceedings, his legal team has been actively engaged in the process. Smith, who has been leading the charge against Trump, has been at the forefront of pushing the case forward, even as the trial faces delays.

As this high-profile legal battle continues, it will likely remain a focal point of public and political discourse. Both sides have signaled that they are preparing for a lengthy legal process, regardless of the outcome of the 2024 election.

Ultimately, the trial's postponement, alongside the new indictment and Supreme Court ruling, has introduced additional complexities to an already intricate legal and political situation. Trump’s trial will be closely watched as it unfolds after the election, with implications for both the legal system and the nation's political future.

Recent polling data from CNN highlights a potential challenge for Vice President Kamala Harris in her bid for the presidency, particularly among white male voters in key battleground states.

According to Fox News, CNN's political director David Chalian has identified this demographic gap as a "trouble sign" for the Harris campaign.

The poll in six crucial swing states shows Harris leading in Michigan and Wisconsin while former President Donald Trump holds an advantage in Arizona. The race remains extremely close in Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, with the candidates essentially tied in these key battlegrounds just over 60 days before the election.

Challenges With White Male Voters

One of the most notable trends is Harris' difficulty in securing support from White voters without college degrees, particularly in states like Georgia and Arizona. These voters, traditionally a base for Trump, are showing strong support for the former president, posing a significant challenge for Harris as she seeks to expand her appeal.

David Chalian, CNN’s political director, pointed out that this voter group remains a reliable constituency for Trump. "This is a trouble sign for Harris," Chalian said, referring to her struggle to gain traction with non-college-educated White men. Harris is also underperforming among White college-educated voters in Georgia, a state that has been closely contested in recent elections. This presents another layer of difficulty for the vice president as she seeks to build a broad coalition of support.

Harris Leads With Female And Black Voters

Despite her struggles with White male voters, Harris holds significant leads among female voters in several battleground states. The poll shows she leads by 17 percentage points among women in Wisconsin and by 16 points in Michigan. While her lead with female voters narrows in Arizona, it remains a crucial component of her strategy to win key states.

Harris also maintains overwhelming support from Black voters, especially in Michigan, Georgia, and Pennsylvania. In Michigan, 86% of Black voters support Harris, while 11% favor Trump. Similar levels of support are seen in Georgia, where Harris commands 85% of the Black vote.

Chalian noted that Harris has room to grow her support among Black voters, particularly in Pennsylvania, where Joe Biden had 92% of the Black vote in 2020. Harris is currently at 84% in the state, leaving an opportunity to consolidate more of this key voting bloc.

Tight Race In Critical States

With the election still over two months away, the race in key battleground states is tightening. CNN’s Kate Bolduan remarked that Harris has the edge in Michigan and Wisconsin, but in states like Nevada, Georgia, and Pennsylvania, the race is a virtual tie.

In Nevada, Trump holds an 18-point lead among male voters, while in Pennsylvania, his advantage with men is 15 points. Harris' ability to extend her lead with women and narrow Trump’s advantage with men will be crucial in determining the outcome of these states.

As Bolduan put it, the polling provides an "important gut check" for both campaigns. These states will play a decisive role in determining the next president, and neither side can afford to take them for granted.

What’s At Stake

The stakes for Harris in these battleground states are high. As she continues to trail with non-college-educated White men and faces challenges with White college-educated voters in places like Georgia, she must rely on strong support from women and Black voters to carry her through.

In contrast, Trump’s ability to solidify his support with men, particularly in states like Nevada and Pennsylvania, gives him a significant advantage. The gender gap will be a key factor in the race, as both candidates seek to expand their bases and make inroads with undecided voters. As the campaign progresses, Harris’ ability to close the gap with White voters and maintain her strong performance with Black and female voters will likely determine her success in the battlegrounds.

A former Virginia police officer involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack had his prison sentence reduced by over a year due to a recent Supreme Court decision.

According to The Hill, the Supreme Court’s June ruling, which narrowed the scope of the federal obstruction charge, led to a reduction in Robertson’s sentence, originally set at over seven years.

Thomas Robertson’s case marks a significant shift in how federal prosecutors will handle charges against rioters convicted before the ruling. Robertson, who had been convicted on six charges, including obstruction of an official proceeding, was initially sentenced in 2022 to more than seven years in federal prison. On Wednesday, that sentence was lowered to six years, a direct result of the Supreme Court’s decision in Fischer v. United States, which limited the use of Section 1512(c)(2) in cases like his.

Narrowed Obstruction Law Shifts Sentencing Landscape

The ruling has created challenges for federal prosecutors. Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, who sided with the court's majority, made it clear that prosecutions should still move forward if they meet specific criteria. While this provides some clarity, it also opens the door for sentence reductions for those already convicted under the broader interpretation of the law.

Robertson’s case is one of the first to reflect this shift. Prosecutors had originally sought an 87-month sentence, but the dismissal of the obstruction charge required a reevaluation of the guidelines. Despite this, Assistant U.S. Attorney Elizabeth Aloi maintained that nothing in the recent court rulings diminished the severity of Robertson’s actions on Jan. 6.

Robertson entered the Capitol with the first wave of rioters armed with a large wooden stick. He used his law enforcement training to impede officers attempting to control the crowd. His actions, combined with his previous position of authority as a police officer, were factors in his original sentencing.

Legal Precedents Affect Federal Guidelines

Alongside the Fischer ruling, a decision in Brock v. United States further complicated Robertson’s case. Federal sentencing guidelines, shaped by these two rulings, now face ongoing scrutiny as they apply to other Jan. 6 defendants.

Aloi argued that the U.S. Sentencing Commission "failed to anticipate" crimes of this nature, reflecting the difficulty of prosecuting individuals involved in the Capitol attack. Justice Amy Coney Barrett, in her dissent in the Fischer case, noted the unprecedented nature of the events, commenting that it was understandable Congress did not foresee such a situation.

Prosecutors were also concerned about the evidence Robertson destroyed, which may have been crucial in pursuing a third co-conspirator. Robertson’s actions in the wake of Jan. 6 included destroying cell phone data, delaying the investigation of other suspects.

Robertson Expresses Remorse Amid Sentence Reduction

Despite the legal challenges and the sentence reduction, Judge Christopher Cooper upheld three sentencing enhancements in Robertson’s case. These enhancements reflected the severity of Robertson’s actions on Jan. 6 and his attempts to hinder the investigation afterward.

Robertson’s behavior during his time in custody was also considered. Described as a “model inmate” over the past three years, his good conduct played a role in the court’s decision to reduce his sentence.

In his statement to the court, Robertson expressed remorse for his actions. "This has taken everything from me," he said, acknowledging the personal and professional consequences he has faced since the insurrection. Robertson’s lawyer, Mark Rollins, acknowledged the gravity of his client’s behavior on Jan. 6, describing it as "really bad behavior."


A former Virginia police officer, Thomas Robertson, involved in the Jan. 6 Capitol riot, had his sentence reduced from over seven years to six years due to a Supreme Court ruling that narrowed the application of the federal obstruction charge. The Supreme Court's decision in Fischer v. United States, which reinterpreted Section 1512(c)(2), played a crucial role in reducing Robertson's sentence. Despite this reduction, the severity of Robertson's actions during the riot, where he entered the Capitol with a large wooden stick and used his law enforcement background to impede police officers, was emphasized by prosecutors who originally sought an 87-month sentence.

A Venezuelan judge has issued an arrest warrant for opposition presidential candidate Edmundo González, escalating political tensions in the country following a disputed election.

According to The Washington Post, González, who many international observers believe won the July 28 election, is now facing potential arrest as part of an investigation into the opposition's publication of voting machine receipts.

The arrest warrant, filed by Venezuela's attorney general, comes amid claims that González secured more than twice as many votes as the incumbent President Nicolás Maduro. However, Venezuela's electoral council, which is under Maduro's control, has declared Maduro the winner of the election. This development has sparked international concern and condemnation.

Opposition Challenges Maduro's Election Victory

The opposition in Venezuela has been vocal in challenging the official election results. Independent reviews of receipts from 23,000 voting machines, including one conducted by The Washington Post, suggest that González won the election by a significant margin. However, the electoral council has not released precinct-level results, raising questions about the transparency of the electoral process.

In response to the opposition's claims, the Maduro government has intensified its crackdown on dissent. More than 1,600 people have been arrested, and many opposition leaders have been forced into hiding. This wave of repression has further strained the already tense political climate in Venezuela.

The opposition remains defiant in the face of these challenges. María Corina Machado, a prominent opposition leader who backed González after being banned from running herself, expressed her determination on social media.

Maduro has lost all touch with reality. The arrest warrant issued by the regime to threaten President-Elect Edmundo González crosses a new line that only strengthens the resolve of our movement. Venezuelans and democracies around the world are more united than ever in our quest for freedom.

International Reactions And Potential Consequences

The international community has been closely monitoring the situation in Venezuela. The United States, in particular, has been vocal in its criticism of Maduro's actions. National Security Council spokesman John Kirby indicated that the Biden administration is considering various options to respond to the developments in Venezuela.

Brian Nichols, Assistant U.S. Secretary of State for the Western Hemisphere, condemned the arrest warrant in strong terms:

Rather than recognizing his election loss and preparing for a peaceful transition in Venezuela, Maduro has now ordered the arrest of the democratic leader who defeated him overwhelmingly at the polls. Edmundo González has promoted national reconciliation, and we join the growing list of international partners condemning this unjustified arrest warrant.

The United States has already taken some punitive measures, including seizing a luxury aircraft allegedly used by Maduro. Additionally, reports suggest that the U.S. Treasury Department may be preparing to announce sanctions on 15 officials affiliated with Maduro's government.

Legal Accusations And González's Response

The arrest warrant against González includes accusations of serious crimes such as usurpation, forgery of public documents, instigation, and sabotage. These charges were approved by a judge in an anti-terrorism court, raising concerns about the use of Venezuela's judiciary to suppress political opposition.

González, who is 75 years old and a former diplomat, has not been seen in public for over a month. His lawyer, José Vicente Haro, stated that González is in hiding but has not sought asylum in any foreign embassy. The lawyer also mentioned that he and González's wife are staying at González's residence to cooperate with authorities if they arrive. Maduro has publicly accused González of endorsing violence and linked him to a recent nationwide power outage. The Venezuelan president insists that his actions are in line with maintaining order and respecting the constitution.


The arrest warrant for Edmundo González marks a significant escalation in Venezuela's political crisis. The opposition continues to challenge the official election results while the Maduro government intensifies its crackdown on dissent. International observers, particularly the United States, have condemned these actions and are considering potential responses. As the situation unfolds, concerns about democracy and human rights in Venezuela continue to grow.

Former President Donald Trump has raised doubts about Vice President Kamala Harris's claim of having worked at McDonald's during her college years.

According to Breitbart News, the controversy has gained attention as Harris's campaign appears to have stopped referencing the alleged job.

During a recent appearance at a Moms for Liberty Convention in Washington, DC, Trump told the audience that after a brief investigation, it was found that Harris never worked at McDonald's. This statement comes amid growing scrutiny of Harris's claims about her past employment at the fast-food chain.

Inconsistencies in Harris's McDonald's Narrative

The Vice President's alleged McDonald's employment has become a central part of her biography in recent years. However, investigative reporting by the Washington Free Beacon has failed to find evidence supporting this claim.

Harris's job application as a law student, which required listing all employment from the previous decade, did not mention McDonald's. Additionally, her two memoirs and pre-2019 campaign literature make no reference to this work experience.

The Harris campaign has not responded to requests for validation of the McDonald's claim, leaving questions unanswered about the specifics of her supposed employment at the fast-food chain.

Media Coverage and Political Implications

Despite the lack of verification, mainstream media outlets have widely reported on Harris's alleged McDonald's experience. Publications such as ABC News, The Independent, and The Washington Post have highlighted this aspect of her background.

Trump's public questioning of Harris's claim may force media outlets to investigate the matter further. This situation could potentially impact Harris's credibility if the claim is proven false.

Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations reported that the Harris campaign has stopped mentioning the alleged McDonald's job and is not responding to media inquiries about the location and dates of her supposed employment.

Timeline of Harris's McDonald's Claim

The Vice President first mentioned working at McDonald's during her 2019 presidential campaign. She has since frequently referenced this experience, including during a recent appearance on The Drew Barrymore Show.

Harris claimed she worked at McDonald's while in college, specifically mentioning that she "did fries" and worked as a cashier. However, this detail was absent from her public narrative prior to 2019.

The campaign's recent adjustment to the story, suggesting that the job was taken for "spending money" rather than to "pay her way" through college, has raised further questions about the accuracy of Harris's claims.


The controversy surrounding Vice President Kamala Harris's alleged McDonald's employment continues to unfold. Trump's public questioning of the claim has brought renewed attention to the issue. The lack of historical documentation and the campaign's reluctance to provide details have fueled skepticism. As the story develops, it may have implications for Harris's public image and credibility in the ongoing political landscape.

In a recent interview on the "Modern Wisdom" podcast, former Democratic Representative Tulsi Gabbard made striking claims about the true power structure in the United States government.

According to Real Clear Politics, Gabbard asserted that a "cabal of the Democratic [Party] elites" is effectively ruling the country, rather than President Joe Biden or Vice President Kamala Harris.

Gabbard's comments paint a picture of a government where elected officials are not the primary decision-makers. She specifically pointed to figures such as Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Tony Blinken, and Jake Sullivan as part of what she termed "woke warmongers" who wield significant influence behind the scenes.

Democratic Elite's Alleged Control Over Government

The former congresswoman's remarks suggest a deep-rooted issue within the current political landscape. Gabbard argued that the true power lies not with the visible figureheads of the government but with a group of Democratic Party elites who operate away from public scrutiny.

This group, according to Gabbard, includes individuals connected to the military-industrial complex who benefit from ongoing conflicts. She also implicated members of the administrative and national security state, suggesting they gain more authority during times of crisis or war.

Gabbard expressed concern about the implications of this alleged power structure for American democracy. She emphasized the difficulty in holding the government accountable when the individuals making decisions are not those directly elected by the people.

Concerns About Democratic Process And Accountability

Gabbard's statements raise questions about the integrity of the democratic process in the United States. She referenced a debate between President Biden and former President Trump, which she claimed exposed Biden's lack of decision-making power.

Gabbard stated:

When you look at what happened when President Biden had that infamous debate with President Trump, it exposed the reality that many of us have known for a long time, which is that President Biden has not been the guy calling the shots.

The former representative emphasized the importance of having a government that truly represents the will of the people. She argued that the current situation, where unelected individuals allegedly hold significant sway over policy decisions, undermines the foundational principles of American democracy.

Implications For American Democracy And Governance

Gabbard's comments touch on broader issues of transparency and accountability in government. She highlighted the challenge of maintaining a "government of, by, and for the people" when the true decision-makers operate behind the scenes.

The former congresswoman's allegations suggest a complex web of influence involving not just political figures, but also individuals in the media and wealthy private citizens. This network, according to Gabbard, derives its power from its ability to control figurehead leaders.

Gabbard's remarks underscore the importance of vigilance in preserving democratic principles. She argues that the current situation makes it difficult for citizens to exercise their responsibility to ensure that the government operates with the consent of the governed.


Tulsi Gabbard's interview has sparked discussion about the true nature of power in American politics. She alleges that a group of Democratic elites, rather than elected officials, are making key decisions. Gabbard expresses concern about the implications for democracy and accountability. Her comments highlight the importance of transparency in government and the need for citizens to remain engaged in the political process.

Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, now the Democratic Party vice-presidential candidate, addressed lingering questions about his military service during a recent interview on CNN.

The discussion focused on past remarks and recent criticisms concerning his time in the National Guard, and during their first joint interview as running mates, Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Walz faced scrutiny over Walz’s military service and past statements, as CBS News reports.

Walz Confronted Over 2018 Remarks

In a 2018 video, following the tragic shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School, Walz discussed his decision to stop accepting donations from the National Rifle Association (NRA). He referred to the “weapons of war” he carried during his military service, which has since become a point of contention.

CNN anchor Dana Bash directly questioned Walz about his 2018 statement, emphasizing that Walz had never served in a war zone. When asked if he had misspoken, Walz responded by acknowledging potential issues with his grammar but stood by the sentiment behind his words.

Walz reiterated his pride in serving the National Guard for 24 years, highlighting his commitment and integrity. He noted that while his choice of words might have been imperfect, his record of service should not be diminished by such criticisms.

Military Record Faces Scrutiny from Opponents

Republican opponents, including former President Donald Trump and his running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, have used Walz’s military record as a campaign talking point. Vance, an Iraq War veteran, has been particularly vocal in his criticism, accusing Walz of avoiding deployment during his time in the military.

Vance argued that Walz strategically retired from the National Guard just before his unit’s deployment to Iraq in 2005. However, Walz’s retirement paperwork indicates that it was filed months before deployment orders were issued.

Despite the accusations, Walz has consistently defended his service. He emphasized that his decision to retire was not made with the intent to avoid deployment and that he has always respected the unwritten code of conduct among servicemembers.

Support and Defense from Former Colleagues

Amid the criticisms, Joseph Eustice, a former leader of Walz’s battalion, publicly defended the governor’s military record. Eustice described Walz as a competent and dedicated soldier who served his country honorably for 24 years.

Walz’s official records list him as a retired Command Sergeant Major. However, due to paperwork issues, he technically retired as a master sergeant. Despite this discrepancy, his leadership and service are well-regarded by those who served with him. In his interview, Walz emphasized the importance of respecting other servicemembers’ records, asserting that he has never, and will never, denigrate another person’s military service.

Upcoming Debates Could Fuel Further Discussion

The criticism of Walz’s military service is expected to continue as the campaign progresses. Walz and Vance are scheduled to debate face-to-face on Oct. 1, an event likely to bring further scrutiny to their records. Harris and Trump are also set to debate on September 10th, where the issue of military service may again be a focal point.

Walz concluded the interview by reaffirming his pride in his service, despite the attacks. “I am damn proud of my service to this country,” he declared, reinforcing his commitment to his military record and his belief in the importance of respecting others’ service.

The debate over Walz’s military service, particularly his retirement from the National Guard, continues to be a significant issue in the campaign. As the election draws closer, the scrutiny is likely to intensify, with both sides seeking to use the issue to their advantage.

Nicole Shanahan, the running mate of former Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr., released an advertisement that has quickly gone viral on social media.

The ad, shared on the platform X, humorously addresses "Trump Derangement Syndrome" (TDS) and promotes "independence" as the antidote, as Just the News reports.

The video, posted on Shanahan's social media account, features a satirical take on TDS, a term often used to describe intense criticism or opposition to former President Donald Trump. The ad suggests that this syndrome causes people to dismiss serious national issues, from economic struggles to global conflicts.

Satirical Ad Targets "Trump Derangement Syndrome"

"My team never sleeps," Shanahan wrote alongside the video, hinting at the effort behind the production. The ad begins with a voiceover asking, "Are you or your loved ones suffering from illnesses such as TDS, also known as Trump Derangement Syndrome?" The video then shifts focus to a list of critical issues that the ad suggests are often ignored due to TDS.

The video highlights problems like historic inflation, illegal immigration, and corporate corruption, urging viewers to reconsider their perspectives. The ad continues by addressing the possibility of World War III and the ongoing chronic disease epidemic, framing them as challenges that demand attention beyond political biases.

Throughout the video, the ad encourages a shift towards "independence" as a remedy for the perceived blindness caused by TDS. The underlying message is clear: the country's pressing issues require a broader perspective, free from the influence of extreme political stances.

Ad Promotes Independence As Solution

The ad culminates with a call to action, urging viewers to "ask your doctor if independence is right for you and enjoy your freedoms once again." This phrase serves as both a humorous nod to medical advertisements and a serious appeal for political detachment. Shanahan's campaign leverages this message to resonate with a wide audience, particularly those disillusioned by the current state of political discourse.

With nearly four million views, the ad's reach has been extensive, sparking discussions and debates across the political spectrum. Some viewers have praised the ad for its clever approach to a divisive issue, while others have criticized it for downplaying the seriousness of TDS and its impact on public opinion.

Regardless of one's stance on the ad, its success in capturing attention is undeniable. The viral nature of the video suggests that Shanahan's message of "independence" is striking a chord with many who feel alienated by the polarized political climate.

Viral Impact and Ongoing Debate

Shanahan's ad is not just a commentary on Trump Derangement Syndrome; it also reflects a broader sentiment of frustration with the current political landscape. By addressing TDS through satire, the ad taps into a growing desire for a more balanced and independent approach to governance.

The ad's success on social media underscores the power of digital platforms in shaping public discourse. Shanahan's use of X to distribute the video exemplifies the changing nature of political communication, where viral content can quickly influence public opinion and drive conversations.

As discussions around the ad continue, it remains to be seen how this will impact Shanahan's political ambitions and her partnership with Robert F. Kennedy Jr. For now, the ad serves as a provocative reminder of the deep divisions within American society and the need for solutions that transcend partisan politics.

In conclusion, Nicole Shanahan's "Trump Derangement Syndrome" ad has made significant waves on social media, sparking conversations about political independence and the importance of addressing national issues without bias. The ad's viral success highlights the growing influence of digital platforms in political campaigns and the ongoing debate over how to navigate a deeply polarized political environment.

Former First Lady Melania Trump has expressed her love for New York City, coinciding with her son Barron's upcoming start of college in the state.

According to USA TODAY, Melania shared a heartfelt message about the city on social media, calling it her "home" 28 years after she first arrived.

On August 27, 2024, Melania Trump posted a photo of the New York City skyline on X (formerly Twitter), accompanied by a touching tribute to the city. The post quickly gained traction, amassing nearly 3 million views and 38,000 likes within a day. This rare public statement from the former first lady comes as her son, Barron Trump, prepares to begin his college journey in New York.

Melania's New York Connection And Family History

Melania Trump's connection to New York City dates back to 1996, when she moved there to pursue her modeling career. Two years later, she met Donald Trump at a New York fashion party, setting the stage for their future together. The couple became engaged in 2004 and tied the knot in 2005.

In 2006, Melania gave birth to Barron Trump in Manhattan, further cementing their ties to the city. For much of Barron's childhood, Melania raised him at Trump Tower in Manhattan, alternating with time spent at Mar-a-Lago in Palm Beach, Florida.

When Donald Trump assumed the presidency in 2017, Melania and Barron initially remained in New York for five months to allow Barron to complete his school year. This decision underscored the family's strong connection to the city.

Barron Trump's College Plans And Family Privacy

While former President Donald Trump has confirmed that Barron has chosen a college in New York, the specific institution remains undisclosed. In an August 20, 2024 interview with the New York Post, Trump mentioned that an official announcement about Barron's college choice would be made soon.

Speculation has surrounded potential universities, including New York University (NYU), Cornell University, and Columbia University. However, as of August 29, 2024, Barron's name did not appear in the student directories of these institutions, according to reports.

The Trump family has maintained a high level of privacy regarding Barron's education and future plans. This discretion extends to his absence from the 2024 Republican National Convention, where he was the only immediate family member not in attendance.

Melania's Public Appearances And Political Involvement

Melania Trump's recent social media post about New York marks a departure from her typically low profile during her husband's third presidential campaign. Her public appearances have been notably scarce compared to the 2016 and 2020 elections.

Her last public appearance in support of Donald Trump's campaign was on July 18, 2024, at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Although she did not deliver a speech, Melania was present in the Trump family box and joined her husband on stage after his acceptance of the Republican nomination.

Melania Trump said:

New York City captivated my heart the moment I arrived, 28 years ago today. This electrifying town isn't just my home; it's a colorful canvas where dreams come alive. New York's iconic skyline and vibrant culture inspire me every day.


Melania Trump's recent social media post highlights her enduring connection to New York City. As Barron Trump prepares to start college in the state, the family's ties to New York seem to be strengthening. While details about Barron's specific college choice remain private, the Trumps continue to navigate the balance between public interest and personal privacy. Melania's expression of love for New York adds a personal touch to this transitional period for the family.

The Supreme Court has dealt a significant blow to the Biden administration's efforts to provide relief for federal student loan borrowers.

According to NBC News, the court has rejected the Biden administration's request to revive its latest student loan debt relief plan.

The plan in question, known as the Saving on a Valuable Education (SAVE) plan, was introduced in July 2023 following the Supreme Court's ruling against the administration's previous loan forgiveness program. The new initiative aimed to reduce monthly payments and provide other benefits to borrowers but faced legal challenges from several conservative-leaning states led by Missouri.

Supreme Court's Decision And Its Implications

The Supreme Court's brief order did not include any noted dissents. It instructed the appeals court currently handling the case to "render its decision with appropriate dispatch." This suggests that while the high court is not reviving the plan immediately, it expects the lower court to address the issue promptly.

The SAVE plan included provisions to cap undergraduate loan repayments at 5% of borrowers' incomes, down from the previous 10%. It also proposed limits on accrued interest and shorter payment periods for certain small loans, potentially leading to loan forgiveness.

Challengers to the plan argued that it would require up to $475 billion in spending not authorized by Congress. They invoked the "major questions" doctrine, which the Supreme Court's conservative justices have used to limit federal agencies' power to implement sweeping new policies without explicit congressional approval.

Administration's Response And Legal Arguments

The Biden administration expressed disappointment with the Supreme Court's decision. An Education Department spokesperson stated that they would work to minimize further disruption to borrowers while awaiting a final decision from the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals.

In court papers, Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar argued that the changes to repayment amounts are permitted under a 1993 federal law. This law allows the Education Department to determine the "appropriate portion" of income for calculating payment amounts and setting repayment timelines.

Prelogar also contended that the appeals court's injunction was "vastly overbroad," potentially affecting previous changes to repayment terms dating back to 1994. She argued this could disrupt the expectations of borrowers who have been making payments for years or even decades.

State Challenges And Broader Context

Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey celebrated the Supreme Court's decision, stating:

This court order is a stark reminder to the Biden-Harris administration that Congress did not grant them the authority to saddle working Americans with $500 billion in someone else's Ivy League debt. This is a huge win for every American who still believes in paying their own way.

The SAVE plan has faced legal challenges in multiple courts, with judges blocking parts of it in different jurisdictions. However, the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals' decision has become the most significant, as it imposed a more sweeping injunction on the plan's implementation.

Despite these legal setbacks, approximately 8 million people are already enrolled in the SAVE plan, benefiting from previously implemented provisions that have allowed for reduced repayment amounts. The full impact of the Supreme Court's decision on these borrowers and future applicants remains to be seen.


The Supreme Court's refusal to revive Biden's student loan relief plan represents a significant obstacle to the administration's efforts to address student debt. The decision leaves the fate of the SAVE plan in the hands of lower courts, particularly the Eighth Circuit. As legal battles continue, millions of borrowers face uncertainty regarding potential changes to their loan repayment terms. The administration maintains its commitment to exploring options for reducing the burden on student loan borrowers despite ongoing legal challenges.

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