In a recent interview at Mar-a-Lago, former President Donald Trump made what some view as controversial statements about Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump accused Harris of being anti-Israel and anti-Jewish despite being married to a Jewish man, as Breitbart reports.

In his interview with Breitbart News, Trump criticized Harris for selecting Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz as her running mate rather than Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro, implying this choice reflects her liberal stance and disregard for Israel and Jewish people.

Trump Criticizes Harris’s Actions Toward Israel

Trump accused the vice president of disliking Israel and Jewish people, a statement that he repeated multiple times during the interview. “She hates Israel. She is very bad to Jewish people. It’s incredible how badly she treats Jewish people and Israel -- it’s amazing,” Trump asserted. Addressing the broader tensions in the Middle East, Trump expressed his hope for a peaceful resolution between Israelis and Palestinians, as well as in Ukraine.

Trump did not focus unduly on Harris's decision to bypass Shapiro for the running mate spot. Instead, he emphasized her actions on Israel. “It’s not the bypass thing, because I think other candidates of that group were better than either of them. Other candidates of that group were far better than Shapiro. But it’s her actions on Israel,” he explained.

Accusations Against the Democratic Party

Trump extended his critique to the Democratic Party as a whole, alleging that it has shifted in favor of Palestinian interests. “They are pro-Hamas. Schumer has become a Palestinian. They are pro-Hamas. There’s no question about it,” he claimed, referring to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer. He drew a clear line between the two main parties in the United States, stating that Republicans are staunchly pro-Israel while Democrats support Hamas.

Trump highlighted the radical shift he has observed within the Democratic Party over the years. “I think it’s amazing that this happened because I’ll tell you, 15 years ago it was unthinkable for people to go so radical and be so radical. Today, it’s the Democrats in Congress and even a little bit with Democrat Senators. You see them coming along that route also,” he remarked.

Trump’s Comments on Middle East Peace

Trump continued to note the differences between his party’s stance and that of the Democrats regarding the Middle East. While emphasizing his desire for peace in the region, he indicated that he believes Democrats hinder such efforts due to their alignment with Palestinian interests.

“She doesn’t like Jewish people even though she’s married to one. She doesn’t like Jewish people,” Trump stated, reiterating his strong disapproval of Harris’s perceived stance towards Israel and Jewish people.

Trump's remarks are part of a broader narrative he has been pushing about the Democratic Party's position on Israel and Jewish interests. By contrasting this with the Republican Party's stance, he aims to solidify conservative support on these issues.

Trump has consistently positioned himself as a staunch ally of Israel, and his recent comments about Harris are in line with his previous remarks on the issue. The difference in approach to Middle Eastern politics continues to be a significant point of contention between the two parties.

Throughout the interview, Trump outlined what he sees as a growing divide, emphasizing the shift in values over the past decade and a half. His statements are likely to resonate with his base as well as stir further debate on the issue.

From accusations against high-profile Democrats to broader criticisms of the party's stance, Trump's interview highlights the ongoing contentious nature of U.S. politics regarding Israel. As the 2024 elections approach, these discussions are expected to intensify, with both sides drawing clear lines in the sand.

The Italian American Civil Rights League (IACRL) is urging Governor Tim Walz to resign as Vice President Kamala Harris's running mate.

According to the Washington Examiner, the call comes amid allegations of racism against Walz, primarily due to his response during the 2020 George Floyd protests when a Christopher Columbus statue was destroyed.

Mike Crispi, a board member of the IACRL and a Trump delegate, has been vocal in his criticism of Governor Walz. He accused Walz of failing to protect the Columbus statue, a significant symbol of Italian American pride. "Tim Walz did nothing to stop radical vandals from targeting the most prominent symbol of Italian-American culture," Crispi stated.

The statue in question was torn down during the unrest following George Floyd's death. While Governor Walz acknowledged that there would be consequences, he also expressed an understanding of the protesters' grievances. This stance, however, did not sit well with Crispi.

Criticism Of Walz's Response To Floyd Protests

Crispi labeled Walz's tenure as governor as one of disgrace, citing the 2020 riots as an example of his failed leadership. He claimed that Walz and his administration had advance knowledge of the plans to destroy the statue but chose not to intervene.

In supportive quotes, Crispi's critique was direct and harsh. "He knew they were coming and he did nothing to protect the statue," he emphasized, pointing to what he believes is a pattern of indifference and collusion with anti-Italian American sympathizers.

Minnesota Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan was also brought into the fray. She had expressed her disdain for the legacy of Columbus, which fueled further consternation among the IACRL.

Symbol Of Italian American Heritage

Christopher Columbus, who is of Genoese origin, serves as a figure of Italian American pride. Particularly, Columbus Day, celebrated since 1892 and recognized as a federal holiday in 1971, honors this heritage. The destruction of the statue, therefore, struck a deep personal and cultural chord.

During the debate surrounding the preservation of the statue, Flanagan stated, "There is no honor in the legacy of Christopher Columbus," a sentiment that resonated negatively with the Italian American community.

State Republicans backed the IACRL’s criticisms, asserting that the governor's office had prior knowledge of the intent to dismantle the statue. They opposed the perceived inaction by the administration, further straining ties.

Political Implications For Walz

Governor Walz's actions during the 2020 protests are being scrutinized again due to his recent selection as Harris's running mate. This development has reignited old wounds and political discord.

After the Columbus statue was destroyed, Walz commented on the possibility of repercussions. However, he simultaneously expressed empathy for the demonstrators' frustrations.

To summarize, the IACRL has condemned Governor Tim Walz's inaction during the 2020 George Floyd protests, particularly his response to the fall of a Christopher Columbus statue. The resulting call for Walz to step down as Kamala Harris's running mate highlights ongoing racial tensions and the cultural sensitivity surrounding Italian American heritage.

According to The Hill, the Arizona grand jury considered charging Donald Trump along with 18 Republican supporters who falsely claimed he won the 2020 election, but prosecutors advised against it due to double jeopardy concerns.

Trump is referred to as an "unindicted coconspirator" in this case while facing separate federal charges for attempts to overturn the election results. The 18 Republican supporters were accused of forgery, fraud, and conspiracy for asserting that Trump had won in Arizona despite clear evidence to the contrary.

Prosecutors Caution Against Charging Trump

The grand jury considered charging Trump but was advised against it by prosecutors. Citing the U.S. Justice Department policy, prosecutors highlighted potential double jeopardy issues, as Trump is already facing separate federal charges by special counsel Jack Smith for his efforts to overturn the election. Additionally, doubts about the sufficiency of the evidence to charge Trump were a factor in the decision.

The indictment list included 11 Republicans who falsely claimed Trump won Arizona, five lawyers linked to Trump, and two of his former aides. While Trump himself wasn't charged, his involvement in the issue remains significant, earning him the status of "unindicted coconspirator."

Legal and Political Repercussions

Arizona Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes’ office played a significant role in the proceedings, filing court records that revealed exchanges between prosecutors and grand jurors. Prosecutors also recommended grand jurors not press charges against several Republican state lawmakers who signed a document urging then-Vice President Mike Pence to accept the fake electors’ certificates.

The list of those indicted includes attorney Jenna Ellis, who signed an agreement to cooperate with Arizona prosecutors in exchange for having her charges dismissed. This follows her previous guilty plea in Georgia to a felony charge connected to efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. Additionally, Republican activist Loraine Pellegrino pleaded guilty to a misdemeanor charge of filing a false document in the fake elector case.

Key Players Respond to Charges

Rudy Giuliani and Mark Meadows, both prominent figures linked to Trump’s orbit, have pled not guilty. This case is just part of a broader pattern across the country, with similar criminal charges filed in Michigan, Nevada, Georgia, and Wisconsin.

During the grand jury investigation, prosecutors emphasized that grand jurors had autonomy and independence in their decision-making process. One prosecutor acknowledged the potential disappointment in choosing not to charge Trump, saying, “I know that may be disappointing to some of you. I understand.”

Jason Lamm, a defense lawyer, commented on the proceedings, suggesting that the decision to avoid charging Trump was a deliberate choice rather than a legal necessity. He opined that there were alternative means to handle the case without compromising the grand jury's autonomy.

Grand Jury Excerpts and Defense Arguments

The excerpts from the grand jury proceedings were included in a document filed in response to defendants’ requests to dismiss their charges. Defense lawyers argued that their clients' actions were protected by constitutional free speech rights and accused the Attorney General’s Office of bias in their investigation.

Prosecutors countered these claims by reassuring the independence and discretion of the grand jurors, underscoring the legitimacy of the indictments.

The case remains a significant chapter in the legal challenges surrounding the 2020 presidential election. The gathering of 11 Arizona Republican electors on Dec. 14, 2020, in Phoenix to falsely certify Trump as the winner illustrates the lengths to which Trump’s supporters went. The false certification was sent to Congress and the National Archives, though it was ultimately ignored.


The indictment of 18 Republican supporters in Arizona for false claims about the 2020 election highlights the ongoing legal struggles stemming from the tumultuous election. While Trump was not indicted due to prosecutors' advice, his central role in the saga remains a focal point. This case and similar cases in other states underscore the enduring complexities and legal battles over the 2020 election results. Additionally, the events illustrate the intricate balance of justice and the rule of law in addressing attempts to undermine democratic processes.

ABC News reported that a Pakistani national, Asif Merchant, was arrested for allegedly planning to assassinate former President Donald Trump and other public officials.

The plot, which involved recruiting hitmen, was uncovered by undercover FBI agents, according to a criminal complaint.

The complaint, presented in Brooklyn federal court, reveals that Merchant, 46, had plotted to murder U.S. government officials. Although the document does not explicitly mention Trump, sources confirmed him as a target. Other targets spanned both political parties, indicating a wide-reaching scheme.

Merchant's Arrest and Travel History

Merchant was apprehended on July 12, a day before Trump's rally in Butler, Pennsylvania. He had traveled from Iran to the United States in April, where he reportedly spent time before attempting to engage hitmen for the plot. Merchant discussed his plan with a confidential source tied to the FBI in early June.

The Justice Department disclosed that Merchant sought individuals to commit murder, organize a protest as a distraction, and perform reconnaissance. Meeting with undercover law enforcement officers posing as hitmen by mid-June, he paid a $5,000 advance for the assassinations. Despite his plans to leave the country on July 12, authorities arrested him before he could escape.

“Fortunately, the assassins Merchant allegedly tried to hire were undercover FBI Agents,” said Christie Curtis, acting Assistant Director of the FBI's New York Field Office. The timely intervention of the FBI prevented a potentially catastrophic outcome.

Implications for Security Measures

The timing of his arrest and subsequent security measures at Trump's rally have raised additional concerns. Pat Young, head of the Beaver County Emergency Services Unit, noted a sudden deployment of Secret Service snipers. “This is the first time that a non-sitting president had been allocated Secret Service snipers,” Young stated, expressing unease over the unusual security adjustments.

Breon Peace, U.S. attorney for the Eastern District of New York, acknowledged Merchant's intentions: “Working on behalf of others overseas, Merchant planned the murder of U.S. government officials on American soil.” Such statements underscore the gravity of the charges brought against Merchant in the federal complaint.

Merchant's actions fall within a broader context of tensions between the United States and Iran. “For years, the Justice Department has been working aggressively to counter Iran's brazen and unrelenting efforts to retaliate against American public officials,” said Attorney General Merrick Garland in a statement. This ongoing effort follows the 2020 assassination of Iranian General Soleimani, which has sparked numerous retaliatory threats.

Details of the Assassination Plot

Merchant's request to assemble a team for the assassination highlighted the meticulous planning involved. “Specifically, Merchant requested men who could do the killing, approximately 25 people who could perform a protest as a distraction after the murder occurred, and a woman to do 'reconnaissance',” according to the complaint. These discussions laid bare the operational depth Merchant sought to achieve.

The Justice Department asserts its commitment to disrupting such violent plots. “The Justice Department will spare no resource to disrupt and hold accountable those who would seek to carry out Iran's lethal plotting against American citizens,” Garland emphasized. This resolute stance reflects the ongoing efforts to maintain national security in the face of international threats.

“Their success in neutralizing this threat not only prevented a tragic outcome but also reaffirms the FBI's commitment to protecting our nation and its citizens from domestic and international threats,” Curtis added.


Asif Merchant was arrested for his alleged plot to assassinate former President Trump and other public officials. While not naming Trump, the complaint revealed a broader scheme involving other U.S. government figures. Authorities disrupted the plot through a combination of informants and undercover FBI agents, underscoring ongoing national security efforts against international threats. Security measures at Trump's rally highlighted the immediate impacts of the thwarted plot, with additional snipers allocated to safeguard the event.

A Texas woman was apprehended in Washington, DC, for alleged threats against former President Donald Trump and possession of an unregistered firearm.

According to Breitbart News, Christina Montoya was detained by police and faces multiple charges, including threats against Trump.

Christina Montoya, 32, was arrested near Capitol Hill on Friday, a mere three miles from the White House. Authorities discovered a firearm and a magazine in her possession. The Metropolitan Police Department (MPD) confirmed that the weapon was unlicensed.

Mounting Concerns Amid Recent Attempted Attack

The exact nature and timing of Montoya's threats to Trump remain unclear; however, police documents note the offense start date as July 20, 2024. At the time of her arrest, Donald Trump was in the Hamptons, engaging with donors.

This incident comes on the heels of an assassination attempt on Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024. The 20-year-old gunman, Thomas Matthew Crooks from Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, was killed on site by Secret Service officers.

During this Pennsylvania rally, Crooks managed to fatally wound one bystander and seriously injure two others before being neutralized. The attack is described as the gravest threat to a former president since Ronald Reagan was shot in 1981.

Legal Repercussions Pending for Montoya

Montoya now faces serious legal charges, including possessing an unregistered firearm, carrying a pistol without a license, and making threats against a former president. Donald Trump is listed as a victim in the case concerning the threats made against him.

Authorities arrested Montoya within close proximity to key government landmarks, raising concerns about her intentions and the potential risk involved. An MPD report quotes, "Montoya was arrested less than a mile from Capitol Hill and about three miles from the White House. She had the gun and a magazine on her at the time, authorities say."

Following the Pennsylvania rally shooting, Trump commended the Secret Service, describing the agents as “brave.” His sense of gratitude was palpable as he reflected on the attempt, stating, “The first one was not a good situation, not a good situation. That was really something incredible. That was from God. That was from God. Because the chances … that was from God. For all of you non-believers, that one was from God, right?”

Investigation Continues as Public Reacts

Public attention will now focus on the continuing investigation to uncover more details about Montoya's alleged motivations and threats. The seriousness of the charges underscores the heightened security concerns surrounding former presidents.

The MPD’s swift response and apprehension of Montoya highlight the ongoing vigilance and preparedness of law enforcement in safeguarding public figures. This incident, paired with the recent assassination attempt, brings to light the persistent risks faced by individuals who have held the nation’s highest office.

In conclusion, Christina Montoya's arrest for threats against Donald Trump and the possession of an unlicensed firearm has generated widespread concern. As legal proceedings unfold, authorities will work to put together a clearer picture of her intent and the potential danger she posed.

Meanwhile, the memory of the assassination attempt on July 13, 2024, lingers, marking a significant moment in recent American history. With Trump safely meeting donors during Montoya's arrest and his commendation of the Secret Service, the broader narrative of risk and protection surrounding former presidents continues to be a pressing issue.

A San Antonio woman has been apprehended in Washington, D.C., for issuing threats against former President Donald Trump.

According to the Houston Chronicle, Christina Montoya faces charges of carrying a pistol without a license, possession of an unregistered firearm, and threats against a former president.

The Metropolitan Police Department arrested Christina Montoya, 41, on Friday in Washington, D.C., near the White House. Authorities allege that Montoya had threatened former President Donald Trump and was unlawfully carrying a firearm.

According to the police, information about Montoya was received at 12:12 p.m. on Friday, prompting a swift response. Officers located her black Honda Accord at 12:40 p.m. on the 1600 block of North Carolina Avenue, less than four miles from the White House.

Details Of The Arrest And Confiscated Items

Upon searching Montoya’s vehicle, law enforcement recovered several items, including a Smith and Wesson brand box, a magazine, a handgun, and a red gun lock. This discovery resulted in multiple charges against Montoya.

The United States Secret Service was responsible for alerting the Metropolitan Police Department, which facilitated the search for Montoya. They provided the key details necessary to locate her and prevent any potential threats from materializing.

The incident report indicates that Donald Trump was the target of Montoya’s threats, and the offense date was listed as July 20. As of the day of her arrest, Trump was across the country, engaged in fundraising activities in the Hamptons.

Contextual Background And Previous Incident

The backdrop of this incident is especially concerning given the recent attempts on Trump's life. Less than a month prior, on July 13, Trump narrowly survived an assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania.

In that incident, Trump was injured with a gunshot to the ear, and firefighter Corey Comperatore tragically lost his life. Two other individuals also sustained injuries in the attack, heightening the significance of any threats made against the former president.

Charges And Legal Proceedings

Montoya is facing several severe charges that carry significant legal consequences. She has been charged with carrying a pistol without a license, possession of an unregistered firearm, and making threats against a former president.

Each of these charges carries potentially heavy penalties and reflects the gravity of her actions. The legal process will determine the full extent of Montoya's culpability and any subsequent punishment.

These charges address Montoya's immediate actions and serve as a message to others who might consider similar threats. The swift response by the Secret Service and the Metropolitan Police underscores the importance placed on protecting current and former leaders.


Christina Montoya’s arrest in Washington D.C. for threatening former President Donald Trump has resulted in charges including carrying a pistol without a license, possession of an unregistered firearm, and making threats against a former president. The Metropolitan Police Department, alerted by the United States Secret Service, located Montoya's vehicle and confiscated a handgun and related items.

In a bold move aimed at sanctuary cities, Republican Rep. Burgess Owens of Utah proposed significant changes on Friday.

Owens' Sanctuary City Oversight and Responsibility in Enforcement (SCORE) Act seeks to arrest the Biden administration's continued provision of federal funding to sanctuary cities that send illegal migrants to non-sanctuary municipalities without appropriate arrangements, as Fox News reports.

The SCORE Act intends to ensure sanctuary cities are accountable for the migrants they admit. Owens’s proposal underscores that cities providing refuge cannot sidestep their responsibilities by offloading migrants to other communities unprepared for the influx.

Proposed Law Targets Sanctuary City Funding

The proposed legislation aims to restrict FEMA Shelter and Services Program (SSP) funding from being used to send migrants to communities without local consent. Cities like Denver have been aiding migrants by providing tickets to non-sanctuary municipalities such as Salt Lake City.

An alarming incident in Denver saw more than 1,500 tickets issued to migrants to travel to Utah’s Salt Lake City without notifying local officials. This act epitomizes the chaos the SCORE Act seeks to address.

Ensuring Migrant Sponsorship and Accountability

Under the new bill, any migrant being relocated must have a documented sponsor at the destination. This ensures migrants do not end up requiring government shelters in their new locations. The bill mandates a quarterly report from the Government Accountability Office (GAO)  on FEMA grant usage. This measure ensures transparency and ensures compliance with the new funding restrictions.

FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program funding is designed to assist financially in supporting migrants as they await their court appearances. However, the new restrictions aim to close loopholes that cities have exploited.

Owens’s Public Appeal for Legislative Support

Rep. Owens took to social media platform X with a video explaining the proposed legislation. In the video, he expressed concerns regarding the current administration's handling of border security and migrant distribution.

"If this administration won't fight for American safety, security, and rule of law, our Republican majority will," Owens stated passionately. He emphasized that taxpayer funding for migrant relocation should be meticulously controlled.

Impact on Sanctuary Cities and Their Practices

Owens conveyed a clear message to sanctuary cities: "My message to these sanctuary cities is simple — you cheered on open borders, and you welcomed these migrants with open arms. Now that your resources and services are overwhelmed, you will not be allowed to ship these desperate people into our communities."

He pointedly criticized self-declared sanctuary cities like Denver, which have been sending migrants to non-sanctuary cities such as Salt Lake City. The newly proposed bill seeks to cut this funding and close what Owens calls a "loophole" fueling the crisis in Utah.

Legislation's Implications and Goals

The SCORE Act reflects a concerted effort to manage migrant distribution and the associated financial logistics. It emphasizes holding sanctuary cities accountable for their decisions and ensuring that non-sanctuary cities are not overwhelmed.

In summary, the SCORE Act proposed by Rep. Burgess Owens aims to cut federal funding to sanctuary cities that transport illegal migrants to non-sanctuary municipalities without proper consent and arrangements.

Chelsea Clinton is reportedly aiming for an ambassadorship, should Kamala Harris secure the presidency.

Sources suggest that the younger Clinton’s ambitions are focused on an ambassador role in the United Kingdom should the Democratic nominee ascend to the top job at the White House, as the New York Post reports.

According to a Clinton insider, Chelsea's goal is to become the United States ambassador to the U.K. This drive is said to have influenced Bill and Hillary Clinton’s early endorsement of Kamala Harris’s presidential run.

The Clintons' endorsement of Harris is viewed by some as a strategic move to ensure Chelsea's position. These preparations are believed to have been underway for quite some time.

Chelsea Clinton’s Potential Diplomatic Posting

Chelsea Clinton presently serves as vice chair of the Clinton Foundation. Alongside her interest in an ambassadorship in England, she reportedly has her eye on a possible role in France. An official from the British Embassy in London shared insight, emphasizing Chelsea’s relative inexperience for such a high-profile position. The position is typically reserved for major donors or fundraisers.

Jane Hartley, currently 74, has held the U.K. ambassador role in the Biden administration since 2022. Her tenure followed a decision by Michael Bloomberg to decline the job. Prior to this position, Hartley served as the ambassador to France and Monaco during the Obama administration and was a major fundraiser for the Democratic Party.

The Influence of High-Profile U.S. Ambassadors

The position of U.S. ambassador to the U.K. has historically attracted significant figures. For instance, during Donald Trump’s presidency, the role was filled by Woody Johnson, owner of the New York Jets and a top Republican fundraiser for the 2016 campaign.

The preference for high-profile ambassadors by foreign countries is often due to the attention they attract. Chelsea Clinton, with her notable background and education credentials, including her prior studies at Oxford University, fits this mold.

With a master's degree and a doctorate in international relations from Oxford, Clinton has longstanding ties to the U.K.. Alongside her career ambitions, she is married to Marc Mezvinsky and has three young children.

Debates on Chelsea Clinton's Ambitions

Chelsea has reportedly been yearning for an ambassadorship for an extended period. Comparisons are drawn to Caroline Kennedy, who currently represents the U.S. in Australia and previously held the ambassador position in Japan.

Despite the talks of Chelsea’s ambitions, a close associate of the family negated the idea that Bill and Hillary Clinton's backing of Harris was tied to securing a future diplomatic role for their daughter. Instead, the endorsement aimed solely at defeating Donald Trump in the election. Chelsea Clinton's representative has firmly denied the claims of her pursuing an ambassador post. They emphasized her focus and dedication to supporting Harris’s campaign for the upcoming election.

Competition for key ambassador posts such as those in England and France is fierce. Despite this, Chelsea's dedication to public health has also placed her as a strong contender for a role in South Africa. The intricate network between political support and diplomatic ambitions paints a complex picture. The desire to establish a personal legacy drives Chelsea Clinton, mirroring the journey of prominent figures such as Kennedy.

In conclusion, Chelsea Clinton's aspirations for an ambassadorship are said to be linked to the Clintons’ support for Kamala Harris. However, both Clinton family insiders and Chelsea's representatives refute the claims of such motives. The competitive nature of diplomatic appointments and Chelsea's distinguished background form the narrative of this evolving story.

According to Fox News, Vice President Kamala Harris has come under fire for her support of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) and its resultant allocation of Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) grants to several organizations.

The controversy arose from allegations that some of these organizations engage in activities perceived to be anti-American and anti-Israel.

Harris championed the IRA's goal of enhancing equity through EPA grants to various left-leaning groups. However, a Senate investigation led by Sen. Shelley Moore Capito, the ranking member of the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, revealed concerns about the nature of these organizations.

Sen. Capito highlighted groups such as the Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, the Climate Justice Alliance (CJA), the NDN Collective, the New York Immigration Coalition, and the New Jersey Alliance for Immigrant Justice as recipients of these grants. Capito says these groups have taken stands that are arguably against American principles.

EPA Grants Linked to Controversial Activities

The CJA is set to receive a $50 million grant amidst allegations that it supports Hamas and holds anti-Israel views. Similarly, the Ella Baker Center advocates for defunding the police, while the NDN Collective calls for defunding both the police and the U.S. military, controversially labeling the United States as "so-called."

Sen. Capito claimed that these funds are supporting groups described as anti-American, antisemitic, anti-Israel, and critical of police and border security. She emphasized that a significant portion of this money funds activities unrelated to environmental goals.

In December 2023, Harris stressed that the grants aim to promote environmental justice and ensure that resources reach community organizations familiar with local needs. Nonetheless, skepticism persists over the affiliations and actions of grant recipients.

Claims of Election Influence and Hasty Fund Allocations

Adding to the controversy, Sen. Capito suggested that the EPA is accelerating its grant distributions in anticipation of potential political changes. "There's been a recent rush to get this money out. And that's because they know that there's a likelihood, we like to think a high likelihood, that the administration will change come November," she remarked.

The EPA responded to the scrutiny by asserting that it independently administers funding programs following rigorous grant competition policies. An EPA spokesperson confirmed: "EPA strongly condemns violence, hate, or discrimination in any form, and any such comments are abhorrent and unacceptable."

Furthermore, the EPA maintains confidence in its oversight measures, ensuring that grant management complies with legal and federal requirements. These assurances, however, have not entirely quelled the growing concerns about grant allocation under the IRA.

Harris and EPA's Reactions to Allegations

Vice President Harris has made clear her condemnation of any association with Hamas, a terrorist organization committed to harming Israel. "I condemn any individuals associating with the brutal terrorist organization Hamas, which has vowed to annihilate the State of Israel and kill Jews," she stated.

Moreover, the Vice President continues to defend the goal of these funds in fostering environmental justice. Despite this, Capito's findings and the organizations involved pose a significant challenge to Harris' initiative's perception.

Vice President Kamala Harris faces significant backlash due to her support of the IRA amid allegations concerning the nature of grant recipients. Sen. Shelley Moore Capito's investigation highlights the contentious involvement of left-leaning groups accused of anti-American activities. Amidst these allegations, both Harris and the EPA defend the goal of promoting environmental justice, although the controversy remains unresolved.

According to the Associated Press, former President Donald Trump made accusations against Vice President Kamala Harris during a recent radio interview, alleging she harbors animosity toward Jewish people and Israel.

In an interview with WABC radio on Tuesday, Trump accused Harris, whose husband Doug Emhoff is Jewish, of disliking Jewish individuals and Israel.

During the interview with radio host Sid Rosenberg, Trump concurred with Rosenberg's derogatory assertions about Emhoff, labeling him a "crappy Jew."

This exchange aired in the wake of Harris's meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, which Trump described as uncomfortable and pointed to as evidence of her alleged disdain.

Trump's Comments on Harris and Emhoff

Trump criticized Harris heavily, claiming, "You can see the disdain. No. 1, she doesn’t like Israel. No. 2, she doesn’t like Jewish people." This remark is part of Trump's broader strategy to exploit perceived fractures within the Democratic Party concerning the Israel-Hamas conflict.

The former president also has a history of making provocative remarks himself, including previously dining with a Holocaust-denying white nationalist. His rhetoric around Jewish constituents has been controversial, continuing with his assertion that Jewish people who support Democrats are "fools."

Attacks Extending Beyond Harris

The radio discussion also included criticisms aimed at Emhoff's Jewish identity. Rosenberg sarcastically questioned Emhoff's Jewish authenticity, with Trump voicing agreement.

Emhoff, notable for his actions against antisemitism such as displaying mezuzahs at the vice president's residence and leading White House Passover celebrations, saw his daughter, Ella Emhoff, criticized by Trump's campaign for fundraising for Palestinian refugees.

The Harris campaign, represented by spokesperson James Singer, condemned Trump's remarks, stating, "America is better than the fear, hate, and despicable insults of Donald Trump." Singer emphasized Harris's belief in a presidency that unites rather than divides the nation.

Responses and Implications

This isn’t the first instance of Trump making these claims about Harris. He echoed similar sentiments at a Turning Point USA gathering in Florida, aiming to underscore perceived hypocrisy and target Jewish Democratic voters.

Emhoff’s office has chosen not to comment on the recent allegations made during the WABC interview. His role as the second gentleman includes active efforts to combat antisemitism and support for Jewish traditions within the residence he shares with Vice President Harris.

Rosenberg, known for controversial and often racially insensitive comments, including past derogatory statements about Venus and Serena Williams, engaged in a similar pattern of behavior during the interview with Trump. The former president’s alignment with Rosenberg’s comments furthers the inflammatory discourse surrounding his critique of Harris and Emhoff.


Trump's interview on WABC has highlighted his escalating attacks on Vice President Kamala Harris, particularly focusing on her relationships with Jewish individuals and Israel. Rosenberg's disparaging comments about Doug Emhoff’s Jewish identity and Trump’s agreement underscore the charged rhetoric used against Harris’s stance on Jewish issues. Critics, including Harris’s campaign, have condemned these remarks as divisive at a time when unity is sought in American politics.

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