According to Newsweek, former President Donald Trump faces accusations of breaching the Logan Act through unauthorized diplomacy with foreign leaders.

The accusations center around Donald Trump’s interactions with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and a publicized letter from Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas. Despite the allegations, legal action is improbable due to the infrequency of Logan Act prosecutions.

Trump’s communication with these leaders triggered suspicions of illicit diplomacy without authorization. Additionally, a planned meeting with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at Mar-a-Lago has been scrutinized.

Trump’s legal team has been contacted for comments regarding these allegations. The Logan Act, dating back to 1799, has seen only two charges in the early 19th century. Legal experts have expressed skepticism about a potential prosecution against Trump under this rarely enforced law.

Trump's Actions Draw Mixed Reactions

On July 13, the former president disclosed a letter from Mahmoud Abbas that condemned an assassination attempt in Pennsylvania. Trump’s actions sparked conversations and criticisms, especially on social media platforms. His announcement on Truth Social about an anticipated meeting with Netanyahu was perceived by some as another violation.

Ashleigh London and Anne Reid voiced their concerns on social media, quizzing whether these acts breached the Logan Act. Similarly, Mike Kihn questioned the legality of Trump’s interaction with the Israeli Prime Minister.

Former Hillsborough County State Attorney Andrew Warren shared his perspective, underscoring the significance of presenting a unified American voice in foreign policy. He remarked that while Trump might not face charges, his behaviors could undermine U.S. foreign policy and could be illegal.

Discussion About Ukraine With Zelenskyy

On July 19, Trump revealed he communicated with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy following his acceptance of the Republican presidential nomination for 2024. Their dialogue touched on the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

In his post, Trump articulated his ambition to foster peace and conclude the war, emphasizing the need for both sides to reach an agreement. His remarks generated a blend of praise and criticism. Democratic podcast host Ryan Shead and artist Art Candee openly accused Trump of contravening the Logan Act through these recent engagements. Shead highlighted that Trump's repeated actions were problematic.

Past Engagements Highlight Possible Violations

Trump’s previous meeting with Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán at Mar-a-Lago also drew attention. Orbán described their encounter as a "peace mission" concerning Russia’s incursion into Ukraine.

Andrew Warren reiterated the necessity of a consistent American voice in diplomatic matters and noted Trump’s camaraderie with controversial foreign leaders. He described Trump's engagements as potentially undermining America’s official stances.

The wider public continues to scrutinize Donald Trump for allegedly leveraging his former presidential status to engage in unauthorized diplomacy. Various social media reactions underscore the contentious nature of Trump's actions. Individuals like Ashleigh London, Anne Reid, and Mike Kihn have publicly questioned Trump's moves, indicating a prevalent concern.

Former President Donald Trump has been accused of unauthorized diplomatic communications, mainly with leaders such as Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Mahmoud Abbas, raising concerns about potential Logan Act violations. Despite the historical rarity of prosecutions under the Logan Act, public and legal scrutiny persists. Trump's social media declarations and meetings with foreign leaders like Netanyahu and Orbán continue to fuel a contentious debate.

Arizona Senator Justine Wadsack was stopped for driving at double the speed limit but was allowed to go on her way due to 'legislative immunity.'

The Daily Mail reported that Senator Wadsack was stopped for driving at double the speed limit but was allowed to go on her way due to 'legislative immunity.' The incident has sparked controversy and accusations of political persecution, culminating in the withdrawal of police endorsement and ongoing legal proceedings.

Senator Justine Wadsack of Arizona found herself at the center of a legal and political storm after being pulled over on March 15 for speeding in downtown Tucson. Wadsack was clocked driving at 71mph in a 35mph zone.

Upon being stopped, Wadsack identified herself as a state senator and invoked legislative immunity as a defense against prosecution. The officer, after confirming her speed via radar and consulting with his colleagues, allowed her to leave.

Legislative Immunity and Its Implications

At the time of the incident, the Arizona state legislature was in session, triggering Wadsack's immunity from prosecution.

This legal protection, however, is not available to ordinary citizens.

Following the end of the legislative session, Tucson police attempted to issue Wadsack a citation on June 27.

The summon was filed on June 17, aiming to hold her accountable post-session.

Wadsack responded by accusing the police of political persecution and defended her actions on Facebook. She claimed the speed cited was inaccurate and asserted the citation resulted from her scrutiny of police harassment.

Controversy Surrounds the Citation and Response

The incident was captured on police bodycam footage, showing Wadsack's interaction with the officer and her departure.

In her Facebook defense, Wadsack highlighted markers identifying her as a senator and insisted on her adherence to the law.

She maintained, "I cannot receive a ticket as a result of 'Legislative Privilege,'" referring to a sticker on her driver’s license and a plaque under her license plate.

The response from the Tucson Police Department and City Attorney Mike Rankin debunked Wadsack's persecution claim.

Rankin emphasized the difference between persecution and prosecution, stressing the objective was public safety.

Political Fallout and Misdemeanor Details

Wadsack's continued defense did not appease the Arizona Fraternal Order of Police, which withdrew its endorsement on July 18.

The organization maintained that the officers acted in strict accordance with the law and treated Wadsack with respect.

Driving more than 20mph over the speed limit in Arizona is classified as a class 3 misdemeanor. This detail underscores the seriousness of the incident and the resulting legal and political consequences.

Lt. Lauren Pettey confirmed the involvement of the police chain-of-command, ensuring transparency in the summons issued to Wadsack after the legislative session had concluded.

The Balance Between Privilege and Accountability

The ongoing legal proceedings and political controversy illuminate the delicate balance between legislative privilege and expected accountability.

Wadsack's invocation of immunity and subsequent defense have drawn widespread attention and debate.

Sergeant Richard Gradillas confirmed the active status of the case, ensuring continued scrutiny and adherence to legal processes. This safeguarding of due process has been a focal point amidst the political fallout.

Tucson city attorney Mike Rankin's comments provided clarity, cementing the distinction between politically motivated actions and lawful prosecution based on public safety concerns.

To conclude, the incident involving Arizona Senator Justine Wadsack and her subsequent defense underscores significant issues regarding legislative immunity, accountability, and public safety. The controversy demonstrates the ongoing challenge in navigating these complexities within the legal and political spheres.

Billionaire Bill Ackman has sparked intense controversy by sharing alarming theories regarding President Joe Biden's health.

The Daily Mail reported that Ackman's claims follow Biden's decision to step down from the 2024 presidential race, prompting widespread debate and speculation.

On his X account, Bill Ackman, previously a significant Democratic donor, shared numerous posts about President Joe Biden's health.

Ackman suggested that Biden might be terminally ill, a claim that has caused a significant stir.

Speculation Fueled By Biden's Letter

The speculation escalated after Biden announced he would not run for re-election, citing health reasons. Ackman pointed to Biden's letter and questioned its authenticity, suggesting the signature looked photocopied.

Adding to the controversy were comments made by Biden's youngest brother, Frank Biden. Frank's remarks about "enjoying whatever time we have left" were seen by many as further evidence of the president's declining health.

Frank Biden's public comments caused many to question if Joe Biden's health concerns were more serious than initially thought. Ackman went on to contrast past signatures of Biden, noting they often did not include an underline, unlike the letter's signature.

Ackman also shared a post drawing parallels between the unverified signature and Soviet Regime Change tactics. This comparison further fueled conspiracy theories surrounding Biden's letter and decision to step down.

Frank Biden tried to quell fears by praising his brother, stating, "I'm incredibly proud of my brother. Selfishly, I will have him back to enjoy whatever time we have left." Despite his attempts, the speculation continued to grow.

Joe Biden's letter announcing his decision to withdraw was shared on social media on a Sunday afternoon. At the time, Biden was isolating due to a Covid-19 diagnosis, which some speculated might have influenced his decision.

There were more factors at play beyond Biden's health. Democratic donors had started withdrawing funds, and internal campaign polls showed a decreasing chance of Biden beating former President Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

On the day of the announcement, several of Biden's advisers, including Steve Ricchetti and Mike Donilon, presented data indicating he could no longer win against Trump. This revelation was a crucial factor in Biden's decision to step down.

With Biden out of the race, Vice President Kamala Harris declared her candidacy for the Democratic presidential nomination. Prominent Democrats, including California Governor Gavin Newsom, quickly rallied behind Harris.

Polling Numbers And Future Prospects

Despite Trump's remark that Harris would be easier to defeat than Biden, national polls showed a tight race. Harris trailed Biden slightly in national polling averages, with Biden leading 48% to Harris's 46%.

Notably, Harris performed better than Biden in key swing states, such as Pennsylvania and Virginia. She was also closer to Trump in Pennsylvania and led by a larger margin than Biden in Virginia.

These poll numbers were collected before an assassination attempt on Trump and prior to Biden's withdrawal from the race, which could shift the dynamics further.

The speculation surrounding President Joe Biden's health has stirred significant debate, fueled largely by billionaire Bill Ackman's public posts. Ackman's claims and Frank Biden's comments added to the speculation about the president's well-being.

Biden's decision to step down amid declining polling numbers, withdrawing donor funds, and health concerns has reshaped the Democratic primary race, with Vice President Kamala Harris stepping in and prominent Democrats voicing their support.

House Speaker Mike Johnson has accused Democrats of a "big cover-up" regarding President Joe Biden's health.

Newsweek reported that Johnson is contemplating an investigation into Biden's cognitive abilities and public transparency.

During an interview on CNN's State of the Union, Johnson discussed his concerns about Biden's health with host Jake Tapper. The Louisiana Republican suggested that the public has been kept in the dark about the president's true condition.

Claims of Declining Cognitive Abilities

Johnson argued that Biden's mental faculties have diminished significantly since his election four years ago. He emphasized that the aging process is natural and not Biden's fault but insisted that it is crucial to address.

"Democrats have prevented the people from seeing what people in close proximity have seen," Johnson said. He expressed frustration over exaggerated claims from House Democrats regarding Biden's abilities.

Johnson criticized Democrats for allegedly hiding the truth about Biden's condition, claiming that Biden is no longer fit to serve as president.

During the interview, Tapper asked Johnson if he had considered an investigation by Congress or law enforcement into the alleged cover-up. Johnson confirmed that this was under discussion.

He pointed to Biden's performance during the June 27 presidential debate against Donald Trump, where Biden appeared to lose his train of thought several times. Biden's team attributed these moments to a cold and jet lag.

Johnson remarked that despite Biden's team's explanations, many Democrats and influential figures have called for Biden to step aside for a different nominee.

Pressure on Biden to Withdraw

Johnson stated that Biden and his advisers have consistently maintained that he will not drop out of the race. However, reports suggest that Biden is contemplating bowing out and has inquired about Vice President Kamala Harris's potential to defeat Trump.

"Every time, I'd see one of those statements, I couldn't believe they were doing it," Johnson said, criticizing Democrats' portrayal of Biden's capabilities. He described Biden as "cognitively impaired."

Johnson revealed that he had hesitated to speak out earlier due to concerns about projecting weakness on the global stage.

Johnson's comments come amid long-standing concerns about Biden's age. At 81, Biden is the oldest person ever elected to the presidency, and there are questions about his ability to seek another term.

Donald Trump, at 78, also faces scrutiny regarding his age and cognitive abilities, creating a unique dynamic in the upcoming election.

As Biden isolates in Delaware due to a COVID-19 infection, the pressure for him to withdraw from the 2024 race increases. Johnson's accusations add another layer of complexity to the ongoing debate about Biden's fitness for office.


Newsweek has reached out to Johnson's office and the White House for comments on the matter. There has been no official response yet.

Johnson believes that addressing Biden's health concerns is crucial for national transparency and integrity. He argues that the public deserves to know the truth about the president's condition.

Johnson's allegations and the potential investigation he has suggested have significant implications for the upcoming election and the broader political landscape.

In summary, Johnson has accused Democrats of covering up Biden's health issues. He is considering an investigation, citing concerns about Biden's cognitive decline and the integrity of public information. The unfolding situation has intensified scrutiny on Biden's fitness to serve and the transparency of his administration.

As reported by Politico, House Speaker Mike Johnson has indicated that any attempt by Democrats to replace President Joe Biden as their presidential candidate could face legal challenges.

Vice President Kamala Harris is a potential replacement, but Johnson noted complications in switching candidates in several states.

Johnson discussed this issue during an appearance on ABC's "This Week." He emphasized that each state has its own system, complicating the process of switching out a candidate in certain areas.

Johnson's comments align with remarks he made during the Republican National Convention. He suggested that legal challenges could arise in states where the switch of candidates is contestable.

Legal Complications in Switching Candidates

Biden has not yet been formally nominated as the Democratic presidential candidate. The formal nomination will occur when delegates vote at the Democratic National Convention. Despite Biden's overwhelming primary victory, Johnson believes there could still be grounds for legal challenges.

Vice President Kamala Harris has been mentioned as a possible replacement if Biden withdraws. Johnson highlighted potential legal impediments in states with contestable processes.

"Every state has its own system, and in some of these, it's not possible to simply just switch out a candidate," Johnson said.

Johnson's Views on Trump's Grievances

Johnson declined to criticize former President Donald Trump for his derogatory remarks about Harris, referring to her as "laughing Kamala" and "crazy" in a recent speech. Johnson has previously stated that personal attacks should not be part of the election process.

He defended Trump's grievances, stressing that Trump has been subjected to numerous attacks. "I articulate things in a certain way and Donald Trump does as well, but his grievances, as you said, are because he has been the subject of so many attacks," Johnson noted.

Johnson also argued that Democrats have made derogatory statements about Trump and other Republican leaders. "We could run the tape of terrible things that Kamala Harris has said about Donald Trump, of course, and Biden as well, and everybody in the Democrat leadership," he said.

Potential Legal Battles Ahead

Johnson's remarks highlight the potential for a contentious legal battle if Democrats try to replace Biden, reflecting the complexities of the American electoral system. The prospect of legal challenges adds uncertainty to an already volatile election cycle, with Biden's formal nomination still pending.

These comments have sparked discussions about the potential ramifications of a candidate switch, including significant legal and procedural hurdles for the Democratic Party.

In summary, House Speaker Mike Johnson has highlighted the legal challenges that could arise if Democrats attempt to replace President Joe Biden with another candidate. He noted the complexities of state-specific systems and the potential for contestable processes. Johnson also defended Trump's grievances and emphasized the derogatory remarks made by Democrats. As the election cycle continues, the potential for legal battles looms large, adding to the uncertainty of the political landscape.

In an unexpected move, a federal judge last week dismissed charges against former President Donald Trump in his classified documents case.

Judge Aileen Cannon's ruling referencing Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas’ recent concurrence in a critical case has ignited controversy and is likely to face appeals, as USA Today reports.

On Monday, Cannon threw out the charges in Trump's ongoing classified documents case, and her decision drew heavily upon legal interpretations from Thomas regarding presidential immunity.

Thomas, known for his expansive view on presidential powers, suggested on July 1 that the special counsel appointment of Jack Smith could well be unconstitutional. Trump had raised similar arguments earlier, questioning the legality of Smith's position.

Cannon cited Thomas's argument four times in her ruling on July 15. Relying on those points, she concluded that Smith's position within the Justice Department was not constitutionally founded.

Legal Experts Question Judge's Decision

Jonathan Adler, a noted law professor, opined, "This is an aggressive ruling," indicating broad implications for Justice Department appointments. Adler expressed skepticism over the ruling's merits, raising concerns about its validity. Other legal scholars also questioned the decision. Melissa Murray commented, "Thomas laid the table and Judge Cannon took a seat," emphasizing that Cannon's ruling aligned closely with Thomas's views on the matter.

Thomas' written opinions, especially on non-pertinent issues, have a history of stirring legal debates. His assertion that the special counsel position was not "established by Law" remains heavily disputed among legal scholars.

Historical Context and Constitutional Questions

While Thomas' argument found traction with Judge Cannon, some suggest that it deviates from historical precedents. Previous cases, notably during Watergate and Robert Mueller's investigation in 2019, established the constitutionality of special counsels.

Judge Cannon argued that the Supreme Court's decision in the Nixon case does not, however, establish a binding precedent. Her ruling hinges on Thomas’s interpretation of constitutional requirements for the establishment of special counsel offices.

Trump Reacts and Future Implications

Former President Trump celebrated the dismissal of the documents case, calling for other charges against him to be dismissed. This latest development comes in the wake of an assassination attempt, adding further complexity to his legal battles.

Still, Adler highlighted the lack of controlling authority on the legality of appointing a special counsel, noting that judges often rely on “persuasive authority.” Despite this, Adler remained skeptical about the ruling's durability.

Commentator Sam Erman pointed out that delays in the trial ensure the case won’t be tried until after the upcoming election. He questioned the motives behind Judge Cannon’s decisions but withheld specific insights into them.

This controversy underscores the ongoing tension between different interpretations of constitutional law concerning presidential immunity. The ultimate resolution of this case is likely to impact future proceedings involving special counsel appointments.

President Joe Biden's family is reportedly considering a plan for him to exit the 2024 presidential race due to health concerns and the stability of the country.

The White House and Biden's campaign have denied claims of the president's imminent exit and family discussions of the same, with campaign officials reaffirming his intent to continue his campaign, according to Newsweek.

NBC News reported that talks within the Biden family revolve around concerns related to the president's health and the country's continued stability. The report, based on two unnamed sources, has sparked considerable speculation and scrutiny.

Rumors Spark Concern and Denial

Newsweek noted its inability to independently verify NBC's report and the outlet has reached out to Biden's campaign for further comment. White House spokesman Andrew Bates firmly refuted the report, stating, "That is not happening, period."

While Biden insists that he remains the strongest candidate against Donald Trump, other media reports have surfaced suggesting he is weighing his options amid calls from prominent Democrats and weak polling numbers. Publicly, Biden's commitment to the race remains unchanged.

Concerns have grown since Biden appeared to struggle in a debate with Trump last month, where he battled a cold. Following this, Biden's campaign paused events after he tested positive for COVID-19.

Family Weighs Strategic Exit Plan

Biden's family discussions reportedly include the timing and strategy of his potential exit from the race, aiming to ensure the Democrats' strong position against Trump. Some reports even suggest Vice President Kamala Harris is being considered as a stronger candidate for the upcoming election.

Despite these discussions, Biden has not altered his stance on continuing his campaign. An increasing number of Democrats have expressed their belief that Biden should step aside, including Sen. Jon Tester (D-MT) who recently vocalized this opinion.

Tester shared, "I have worked with President Biden when it has made Montana stronger... I believe President Biden should not seek re-election to another term."

Biden's Campaign Leadership Responds

Meena Bose emphasized that Biden's family's recommendations are pivotal in his decision-making process. She stated, "The first lady, their children, and close relatives clearly want President Biden to continue his campaign."

Jen O'Malley Dillon, Biden campaign chair, echoed Biden's commitment to staying in the race. She acknowledged mixed voter reactions but underscored Biden's resolve, "He can do this." Dillon further mentioned, "We know that we've slipped a bit from the debate... Not only that, we have a campaign to do it, but he can do it."

The upcoming Democratic National Convention, scheduled for Aug. 19 to 22, looms large with ongoing uncertainty about Biden's final decision. The implications for the Democratic Party remain a significant backdrop to these discussions.

As the political landscape continues to evolve, Biden's decision will undoubtedly have profound effects on the party and the upcoming election. Observers and party members alike watch closely, weighing the potential outcomes of these deliberations.

According to Daily Mail, Governor Sanders, who previously served as press secretary under former President Donald Trump, advised Presidential Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to consider a new career path amid rumors that President Biden may not seek re-election in 2024.

Additionally, Sanders made a sarcastic remark about First Lady Jill Biden’s involvement, comparing it to "Bring Your Husband to Work Day," highlighting her significant role in managing the President's public appearances.

Biden's Gaffe and Democratic Unease

President Biden's recent debate against former President Trump was marked by notable gaffes, which he termed a "bad night." This performance has fueled public critique and led over 20 elected Democrat officials to urge Biden to step away from his 2024 campaign.

Amongst these growing voices, former President Barack Obama is reported to have privately suggested that Biden consider withdrawing from the race. This period of uncertainty within the Democratic Party has been compounded by Biden's COVID-19 diagnosis, which resulted in the cancellation of several key events.

Sanders Criticizes Biden's Press Secretary

Recent missteps by Karine Jean-Pierre have intensified the media spotlight on her role. Notably, she admitted to providing reporters with misleading information regarding a visit from a Parkinson's specialist, further fueling doubts about Biden's health and capability to remain in the race. Sanders remarked on the increased media scrutiny at the Republican National Convention, stating it's overdue but necessary.

"My best advice is brush up your resume because I don't think you're going to be in that position much longer," Sanders commented, reflecting her belief that Jean-Pierre might soon face job insecurity.

Democratic Party in "Total Meltdown"

The governor assessed the current state of the Democratic Party, stating, "I think that this party and the Democrats are in total meltdown." Despite the turmoil, she remained confident in Trump's prospects for the upcoming election. Sanders predicted that Trump's unity within the Republican Party would propel him to a substantial victory in November.

Sanders juxtaposed her experience with former President Trump against the Democrats' current state, highlighting the GOP's cohesion in contrast to the Democrats' internal struggles. Additionally, she reflected on Trump's resilience following a recent assassination attempt during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, underlining his determination and fortitude.

Jean-Pierre and the Biden White House

The pressure on Jean-Pierre is mounting as the media continues to scrutinize her actions and statements vigorously. Sanders expressed satisfaction with this shift, noting it was essential and long overdue. "I'm glad there's finally more scrutiny on the Biden White House by the press corps," she said, emphasizing the importance of accountability and transparency.

The GOP convention also provided a platform for Sanders to praise Senator J.D. Vance for his impactful speech, which resonated well with American workers, especially in the Rust Belt. This area's support will be crucial for the upcoming election, and Sanders believes Vance can galvanize this demographic.

Jill Biden's Role

Sanders also made a metaphorical comparison, likening First Lady Jill Biden's role to a scenario from her time as a press secretary. She humorously described it as akin to "Bring Your Husband to Work Day," suggesting that Jill Biden has been significantly involved in managing President Biden's public appearances.

In her exclusive comments to, Sanders didn't shy away from making bold predictions and emphasizing her commitment to the Republican cause. While she didn't confirm if she would serve in a future Trump administration, she assured that she plans to support Trump and Senator Vance actively on the campaign trail.


Sarah Huckabee Sanders offered critical advice to Karine Jean-Pierre amid increasing scrutiny, reflecting on her experience and expressing confidence in Trump’s reelection campaign. The current state of the Democratic Party, marked by internal critiques and Biden's missteps, provides a contrasting backdrop to the unified front Sanders believes Trump will present. The GOP continues to rally around key figures like J.D. Vance, with the Rust Belt worker vote being a crucial focus for the upcoming election.

Andrew Tate, a polarizing influencer infamous for his misogynistic opinions, has been prohibited from leaving Romania while he awaits trial on serious charges.

According to CNN, this decision reverses a previous court ruling that had permitted Tate, his brother, and two other defendants to travel freely within the European Union.

Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan Tate, alongside two Romanian citizens, face charges of human trafficking, rape, and forming a criminal gang to exploit women sexually. The group was apprehended in late 2022 and indicted by mid-2023.

A Romanian Court Reverses Decision

Earlier this month, a court in Bucharest had ruled that the Tate brothers and the other two defendants could move freely within the European Union. This ruling was seen as controversial and sparked significant debate.

However, a Romanian court of appeal overturned this decision on Tuesday. This reversal means the four men are now banned from leaving Romania until their trial concludes.

The decision has been met with mixed reactions. While some see it as a necessary measure for justice, others believe it is an excessive restriction.

Legal Counsel Responds to the Ruling

Eugen Vidineac, the lead counsel for the Tate brothers, expressed their respect for the court's decision. “The court has ruled and we respect its decision,” Vidineac stated.

Vidineac also assured that Tristan and Andrew Tate would comply with the court's decision and the obligations included in the judicial control. He emphasized that they have complied with legal requirements so far.

The charges against the Tate brothers and their co-defendants are severe, involving accusations of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. These charges carry significant legal and social implications.

The case has attracted widespread media attention, partly due to Andrew Tate's controversial persona and outspoken nature. His views and online presence have often sparked debate and controversy.

Andrew Tate’s Reaction on Social Media

Andrew Tate took to social media platform X, formerly known as Twitter, to express his frustration. He posted a message questioning which luxury car he should drive to various European destinations, reflecting his dissatisfaction with the travel restrictions.

The post has since garnered attention, reflecting Tate's ongoing controversial presence online. His followers and critics alike have weighed in on his remarks.


Andrew Tate and his brother, Tristan, along with two Romanian citizens, have been barred from leaving Romania as they await trial on charges of human trafficking and sexual exploitation. A Romanian court of appeal reversed an earlier ruling that allowed them to travel freely within the EU. The Tate brothers' legal counsel has affirmed their compliance with the court's decision.

Donald Trump Jr. has expressed a desire for veto power over presidential transition hiring if his father, Donald Trump, secures a second term in November.

He emphasized his role would be to prevent "bad actors" from obtaining positions of power.

Speaking to Axios' Mike Allen on Tuesday, Donald Trump Jr. articulated his wish for significant influence over hiring decisions during his father's potential second term. Trump Jr. stated he wants the ability to block individuals he perceives as detrimental from assuming roles within the administration.

Preventing Bad Actors

Donald Trump Jr. was clear in his interview: he does not seek a formal role within the administration. His primary concern is to use his influence to prevent "liars" and those "pretending they're with you" from gaining power. By having veto power, he aims to ensure only suitable candidates are selected for key positions.

"I don't want to pick a single person for a position of power, all I want to do is block the guys that would be a disaster," Trump Jr. said. This sentiment highlights his intention to act as a safeguard against unsuitable appointments.

Trump Jr. emphasized the importance of this oversight, particularly given the knowledge gained during his father's first term. "Now we know" who the potential candidates are, he noted, suggesting that prior experience provides an advantage in identifying the right people for the administration.

Role and Influence

Despite his lack of interest in an official position, Trump Jr. has already wielded considerable influence within the Republican Party. He has actively supported candidates he deems appropriate and has played a significant role in their campaigns.

One notable example is his endorsement of Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance (R) as a potential running mate for his father. Trump Jr.'s support for Vance demonstrates his continued involvement and sway in shaping the political landscape.

This desire for veto power underscores his commitment to ensuring the administration is composed of individuals aligned with his father's vision and values. By blocking "bad actors," Trump Jr. aims to protect the integrity and effectiveness of the next Trump administration.

Ensuring the Right People

Trump Jr.'s interview with Axios revealed his strategic approach to transition hiring. He believes that having the power to veto candidates would allow him to filter out those who may not have the best interests of the administration at heart.

"You guys pick the guy that's right, I want a veto power to cut out each and every one of those people," he stated. This approach reflects his desire to play a critical role in shaping the future administration without being directly involved in the selection process.

His comments suggest a proactive stance in preventing potential pitfalls and ensuring a smooth and effective transition should his father win a second term. This level of involvement highlights the significant influence he seeks to maintain in the political sphere.


Donald Trump Jr. has articulated a desire for veto power over presidential transition hiring decisions, emphasizing his role in preventing "bad actors" from gaining power. He does not seek a formal administration position but aims to block unsuitable candidates. His influence within the Republican Party is evident in his support for Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance (R) as a potential running mate.


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