Donald Trump's nephew, Fred C. Trump III, alleges that his uncle made a racist outburst in the 1970s after his Cadillac was damaged, Tribune News reported.

Fred C. Trump III's new memoir, "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way," recounts an incident where Donald Trump blamed Black people for vandalizing his car.

The purported event took place when Fred C. Trump III was still a child, outside the Trump family residence in Queens, New York. Fred C. Trump III recalls the top of Donald Trump's Cadillac Eldorado being slashed. The memoir, set to be released next week, claims Trump responded with racially charged language.

The Guardian reported several details from an advance copy of the memoir. Fred C. Trump III describes his uncle's reaction to the incident in one excerpt. He alleges that Trump made an unfounded accusation, blaming Black individuals for the damage to his vehicle.

Memoir Accusations Prompt Strong Reactions

In contrast, a spokesman for Donald Trump has dismissed these allegations. The spokesman characterized the claims as "fake news" and asserted that such reports had been disproven over time. Campaign spokesman Steven Cheung also responded, maintaining that Donald Trump would never use the language reported in the memoir.

Fred C. Trump III, who is the brother of Mary Trump and the author of another critical memoir about Donald Trump, has brought these allegations to light. Mary Trump has been an outspoken critic of her uncle; evidently, Fred C. Trump III's memoir continues this trend.

The memoir further recounts a memory of their grandfather, Fred Trump, employing a denigrating Yiddish term for Black people. However, Fred C. Trump III clarifies that his grandfather did not use the explicit racial slur that Donald Trump is accused of saying.

Historical Context and Alleged Racist Attitudes

Historical context adds another layer to these allegations. Fred Trump was reportedly detained outside a raucous Ku Klux Klan rally in 1927, although there is no evidence suggesting his membership in the Klan. This aspect of the story raises questions about the family's historical attitudes toward race.

Adding to the political implications, former President Trump recently discovered that he might be running against Vice President Kamala Harris in the forthcoming presidential election. President Joe Biden has announced he will not seek reelection and has endorsed Harris as his successor.

Vice President Harris, a former criminal prosecutor, commenced her campaign by drawing attention to her prosecutorial experience. She remarked that her legal background has provided her with insights into Trump's behavior and character.

Political Implications and Future Campaigns

Fred C. Trump III's claims arrive at a crucial juncture in American politics, potentially influencing the public's perception of Trump's character. The allegations may echo through Trump's campaign as he prepares for a possible run against Kamala Harris.

Amidst ongoing political campaigns, the release of "All in the Family: The Trumps and How We Got This Way" is expected to stir further debate. With the memoir's release next week, the allegations are likely to receive increased media scrutiny.


Fred C. Trump III's new memoir claims Donald Trump made a racist remark after his car was vandalized in the 1970s. Trump’s spokesperson, Steven Cheung, has denied the accusations. The memoir explores the family's past, raising concerns about their historical views on race. As Kamala Harris begins her campaign and Joe Biden endorses her, these claims might influence the upcoming presidential election.

Former President Donald Trump’s campaign has accused Vice President Kamala Harris of a significant campaign finance violation.

The Daily Mail reported that the Trump campaign is now questioning if Harris illegally appropriated Joe Biden's leftover campaign funds following his departure from the reelection race.

On Tuesday, the Trump campaign officially filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC), charging that Harris is attempting an unprecedented $95 million heist of Biden’s reelection funds.

In the complaint, David Warrington, the general counsel for Trump’s campaign, urged the FEC to intervene and halt Harris’s actions. The accusations stem from Harris taking control of Biden’s campaign accounts after he ended his reelection bid on Sunday.

Trump's Legal Team Takes Swift Action

According to the complaint, the Trump team describes this move as a brazen and historic money grab.

Warrington stated, “Kamala Harris is in the process of committing the largest campaign finance violation in American history and she is using the Commission’s own forms to do it.” Harris’s campaign has responded to the allegations by labeling the complaint as entirely unfounded.

Harris, who recently secured the Democratic nomination, raised a staggering $231 million within 24 hours, a new record in fundraising.

This amount included $81 million from small-dollar donations and an additional $150 million from major contributors.

Harris's Record-Breaking Fundraising Effort

Following Biden’s endorsement after his departure from the race, Harris swiftly took control of the campaign funds and began her campaign.

On Tuesday, she held her inaugural campaign rally, using the platform to levy criticisms against Trump. In her speech, she declared her determination to contrast her record with Trump’s.

She promised, “In this campaign, I will proudly put my record against his any day of the week,” adding, “We believe in a future where every person has the opportunity not just to get by, but to get ahead.”

Trump's campaign, however, views the situation differently. They stress the importance of FEC action in what they claim to be the most significant campaign finance violation recorded. Republican efforts are ramping up to hinder Harris's bid for the Democratic ticket.

Legal Experts Weigh In on the Controversy

Charles Kretchmer Lutvak, a spokesperson for Harris's campaign, dismissed the allegations, suggesting that Republicans are envious of the enthusiasm within the Democratic Party.

“Republicans may be jealous that Democrats are energized to defeat Donald Trump and his MAGA allies, but baseless legal claims – like the ones they've made for years to try to suppress votes and steal elections – will only distract them while we sign up volunteers, talk to voters, and win this election,” Lutvak commented.

Joe Biden’s exit from the presidential race significantly impacted the electoral landscape.

In a show of support, Harris praised Biden’s long-standing service and his legacy.

Despite Harris's apparent control over the campaign funds, Saurav Ghosh of the Campaign Legal Center believes her claim on the funds is secure. Ghosh’s confidence underscores the complexity and potential longevity of resolving this issue, especially with the November 5 presidential election fast approaching.

Polls Show Harris Leading Over Trump

A recent Reuters/Ipsos poll shows Harris edging out Trump by a narrow 2% margin in a head-to-head matchup.

With Biden’s endorsement and secured delegate pledges, Harris’s campaign is positioned for a significant run toward the election. At a campaign event in Wisconsin on Tuesday night, Harris continued to rally voter support while critiquing Trump’s record.

As the campaign trail heats up, the Trump campaign’s complaint has added a new layer of contention.

The FEC has refrained from commenting on the issue's resolution, stating they do not discuss unresolved enforcement matters. Given the timing, it is uncertain whether the FEC will address the complaint before election day.

The developments have jolted the political landscape, making Harris a strong contender against Trump in the upcoming election. Through her campaign, she has vowed to focus on contrast, promising, “We have earned the support of enough delegates to secure the Democratic nomination.”


In summary, Trump's campaign has brought forth significant allegations against Kamala Harris, talking control of Biden's campaign funds, describing it as a historic campaign finance violation.

Legal experts and Harris’s campaign dismiss these accusations, viewing them as part of the increasingly charged electoral battle.

With Harris leading in recent polls and her record-breaking fundraising efforts, the November election promises to be highly contested. The unfolding events will be critical in shaping America’s political future.

The father of Thomas Matthew Crooks made his first public appearance on Monday following the shocking shooting incident according to Fox News.

Thomas Matthew Crooks opened fire at a rally for former President Donald Trump in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, injuring Trump and killing a bystander before being shot and killed by snipers.

Thomas Matthew Crooks’ father, whose name has not been disclosed, was seen in public for the first time since his son’s actions made headlines. On July 13, Crooks, 20, targeted a rally for former President Donald Trump, resulting in Trump’s ear being nicked, the death of Corey Comperatore, and injuries to two others.

Investigators have been turning their focus to Crooks' background and motives. They have repeatedly visited the Crooks' home in Bethel Park, Pennsylvania, where they are conducting ongoing inquiries. Crooks was ultimately taken down by snipers after the incident.

Father Requests Privacy Amid Investigation

Appearing with a masked woman, Crooks’ father declined to provide any immediate comments.

“We're going to release a statement when our legal counsel advises us to do so – until then, we have no comment,” he stated. He added, “We just want to try to take care of ourselves right now. Please, just give us our space.”

The authorities have confirmed Crooks' family is cooperating fully with the ongoing FBI investigation.

Investigators aim to comprehend how Crooks avoided tight security measures to position himself on the roof of an AGR manufacturing building, armed with his father's AR-15 rifle.

The motives for Crooks' actions remain unclear. However, his online activity included searches on political conventions, images of politicians, and mental health issues.

Notably, hours before the attack, his parents, both licensed professional counselors, had contacted law enforcement out of concern for their son's whereabouts.

Mystery Surrounds Shooter’s Motive

Crooks was accepted to several universities and had recently graduated from the Community College of Allegheny County with an associate's degree in engineering. Despite these academic achievements, something led him to make that fateful decision on July 13.

A former classmate of Crooks revealed to Fox News Digital that Crooks had questioned him years ago over his support for Trump and exhibited a strong distaste for politicians in general. This revelation adds another layer to the investigation as authorities work to piece together any potential motive behind the attack.

In addition, Crooks was a registered member of a local gun club, where he had revisited just before the attack to buy ammunition. Law enforcement agencies discovered that ahead of the incident, Crooks was seen using a rangefinder – a device typically used to measure distance accurately, indicating premeditation.

In the aftermath, lawmakers and authorities, including Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle, have visited the shooting site. Director Cheatle testified before Congress, addressing the troubling security breaches highlighted by the attack.

While the primary investigation into Crooks' actions continues, this incident has spurred broader discussions around rally security and preventive measures. The community in Butler, Pennsylvania, remains deeply shaken by the sudden violence that erupted during what was meant to be a routine political rally.


To recount, Thomas Matthew Crooks, on July 13, carried out a shooting at a Trump rally, injuring Trump, killing Corey Comperatore, and wounding two others before being neutralized by snipers.

Despite extensive academic accomplishments and acceptance to universities, Crooks' motives remain obscured, enveloping the investigation in mystery.

His father’s first public appearance since the shooting, alongside the ongoing scrutiny of security lapses, underscores the tragic consequences of Crooks’ actions. Investigators continue to delve into his background, seeking clarity on how he orchestrated his deadly plan and what drove him to act that day.

Speculation is swirling around who Kamala Harris will choose as her running mate after President Joe Biden endorsed Harris following his withdrawal from the presidential race.

With Biden stepping down, influential Democratic figures are recommending potential candidates, with Politico reporting that Harris has no shortage of options for a running mate.

Biden's endorsement of Harris on Sunday has prompted a flurry of discussions about her possible vice-presidential picks. Many prominent Democrats have expressed their support and insights regarding the significance of Biden's decision.

Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro is emerging as a top potential running mate, praised for his connection with Harris and influence in a key swing state. Bob Brady, a notable figure, referred to Shapiro as "an excellent choice," highlighting the strategic advantage he brings.

Strengths of Potential Running Mates

Also under consideration are Governor Andy Beshear of Kentucky and Governor Roy Cooper of North Carolina, both seen as strong candidates capable of swaying pivotal states. Their public endorsements of Biden's decision further solidify their positions in the speculation mix.

Senator Mark Kelly (D-Ariz.) brings a distinctive profile with his background as an astronaut and involvement in advocacy against gun violence, amplified by his wife Gabby Giffords' activism. Kelly expressed strong confidence in Harris, committing his and Gabby's support to her campaign.

The overarching question motivating these discussions, as one Democratic strategist close to the White House puts it, is "who can beat Trump in their home state?" This strategic focus is reshaping the considerations for Harris's vice-presidential pick.

Wide Range of Support and Praise

Governor Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan has also thrown her support behind Harris, emphasizing her dedication to halting Trump's agenda and promoting Democratic values. Her focus on Michigan's future underscores the strategic importance of her endorsement.

In addition to Whitmer, Governor Beshear and Governor Cooper have articulated their approval of Biden's choice. Beshear noted Biden's remarkable leadership and the benefits he has brought to the nation, while Cooper commended Biden's role in guiding the nation through tumultuous times.

California Governor Gavin Newsom, though facing logistical challenges due to Electoral College considerations, also endorsed Harris. His praise for Biden's presidency and commitment to opposing Trump's "dark vision" reflects a broader narrative among Democratic leaders.

Unique Contributions and Challenges

J.B. Pritzker offered a more intense critique of Trump, highlighting a range of issues but abstaining from directly endorsing Harris. His voice adds to the chorus of Democratic leaders focusing on the critical nature of the upcoming election.

Maryland Governor Wes Moore praised Biden's legacy of service and his impact on American society. His admiration for Biden's contributions reinforces the sense of unity and purpose within the party as they face the upcoming election.

Former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg has also endorsed Harris, seeing her as the right person to succeed Biden and defeat Trump. His endorsement adds a layer of credibility and support to Harris's growing list of endorsements.

Collectively, these potential running mates bring unique strengths to the Harris ticket, ranging from state influence to policy expertise. Their diverse backgrounds and experiences present Harris with a wide array of strategic options for the 2024 election.

As the speculation continues, the Democratic Party is gearing up for a vigorous campaign to counter Donald Trump's agenda and secure a victory. The decision on Harris' running mate will play a crucial role in shaping the party's future direction.

Keen attention will be paid to how Harris navigates these choices, ensuring her ticket is well-equipped to address the pressing issues facing the nation and appeal to a broad voter base.


In conclusion, President Joe Biden's endorsement of Kamala Harris has ignited speculation about her vice-presidential pick, with Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro emerging as a prominent candidate.

Governors Andy Beshear and Roy Cooper, along with Senator Mark Kelly, are also strong contenders. The Democratic strategist's words underscore the focus on selecting a candidate who can secure victory in a crucial state.

Governors Gretchen Whitmer, Gavin Newsom, J.B. Pritzker, Wes Moore, and Pete Buttigieg have all shown their support or aligned viewpoints, enhancing the strategic options for Harris. Each potential running mate offers distinctive advantages, contributing to the Democratic Party's robust approach to the 2024 election.

President Joe Biden announced his withdrawal from the presidential race on Sunday afternoon, surprising many, including his campaign staff.

According to Politico, President Joe Biden’s unexpected withdrawal shocked his campaign team, which was working to secure delegates for the Democratic convention.

Biden's state campaign aides were telephoning delegates ahead of next month's Democratic convention when he announced it.

This abrupt decision left many in the campaign scrambling for explanations and clarity.

Surprise Announcement Amid Delegate Efforts

A Biden state official mentioned there was a nationwide push to secure delegates for the roll call. The effort was designed to ensure that Biden had the necessary support heading into the convention.

Since a disastrous debate weeks prior, Biden aides had been working tirelessly to keep delegates aligned for the Chicago convention. This period saw increased activity and coordination among the campaign staff to shore up support.

“It was a nationwide push to shore up delegates for the roll call,” said a Biden state official, emphasizing the widespread effort underway. This push involved coordinated calls and strategic planning to maintain delegate loyalty.

Campaign Leadership Taken By Surprise

Biden's Delaware-based campaign leadership concluded a staff call with state aides just minutes before Biden released his withdrawal letter. The timing of this announcement left many feeling blindsided by the sudden change in direction.

“I don’t think a soul in Delaware knew,” the official said, alluding to Biden's staff. This statement highlights the level of surprise and confusion that permeated the campaign following Biden's decision.

The withdrawal marks a significant turn in the Democratic race, as Biden was considered a major contender. His sudden exit raises questions about the future dynamics of the race and the potential shifts in delegate support.

Implications For The Democratic Convention

Biden's announcement before the Democratic convention could significantly impact delegate counts and strategies of remaining candidates. This unexpected move forces other Democratic contenders to reassess their strategies.

Following a poor debate performance, Biden faced intense pressure, leading to his decision. His campaign focused on damage control and maintaining delegate support, but his withdrawal disrupts these efforts and introduces uncertainty in delegate distribution.

As the convention nears, candidates must navigate the new landscape, adjusting their approaches to secure delegate support. Biden’s exit adds complexity to the race, emphasizing the need for adaptability in political campaigns. The Democratic Party's response will shape the convention's outcome and the broader presidential race.

Frank Luntz, a prominent pollster and political strategist, has highlighted several Democratic candidates who could step in to replace President Joe Biden and possibly defeat former President Donald Trump in the next presidential election.

Vice President Kamala Harris was notably absent from Luntz's list due to concerns over her polling numbers and potential divisiveness within the Democratic Party, as Mediaite reports.

During his appearance on Squawk Box this past Friday, Luntz was asked by Andrew Ross Sorkin about realistic Democratic contenders if Biden were to step down. Concerns about Biden’s age and stamina have fueled speculation regarding his replacement options.

Harris Faces Divisive Opinions

Interestingly, Luntz did not include Harris in his list of potential candidates. He described Harris as a complicated figure for Democrats, suggesting that her candidacy could lead to significant internal strife within the party.

As Luntz stated, the Democratic Party might find itself in a precarious position if it opts to nominate Harris. This scenario, according to him, could lead Democrats into a "damned if you do, damned if you don’t" dilemma.

Harris' polling numbers have been a topic of debate among political analysts. Over the past six months, her numbers have improved, yet they still do not match those of other potential Democratic candidates.

Challenges With Potential Nomination

Delving deeper into the potential pitfalls of her nomination, Luntz pointed out that there might be fierce resistance from within the party, especially from key donors. These donors may not see Harris as the optimal candidate to lead the party against a candidate such as Trump.

He underscored this concern by commenting, “Her numbers are better today than they were six months ago -- right now Joe would be yelling at me -- so she has improved, but they’re going to ask what has she done as vice president?”

In addition, Luntz warned that excluding Harris from the nomination could lead to turmoil within the Democratic camp. The potential chaos ensuing from such a decision could be detrimental to the party’s efforts to mount a united front in the upcoming election.

Luntz's Predictions for Democratic Conflict

“It throws everything up in the air. I don’t like to speculate, all I can say is if you take away the nomination from her and you cause the Democrats to fall into utter chaos,” Luntz cautioned.

He remained firm on his stance that her candidacy would lead to significant complications for the Democratic Party. This view was further supported by his observations regarding the divided opinions within the party’s ranks.

During his remarks on Squawk Box, Luntz stressed the importance of careful consideration of the candidates. The wrong choice, he implied, could lead to potentially disastrous consequences for the Democrats’ electoral prospects.

Luntz’s omission of Harris from his list of viable candidates reflects a broader concern about unity and electability within the Democratic Party. As the next election approaches, these discussions are likely to become increasingly prominent.

The Biden campaign finds itself in a precarious position as rumors suggest that the president may soon withdraw from the 2024 presidential race.

An emergency all-staff meeting was scheduled to address the crisis, with powerful Democrats considering a replacement for the current occupant of the White House before the Democratic National Convention begins, as the Gateway Pundit reports.

Amid swirling speculation and internal turmoil, the Biden campaign reportedly arranged an urgent "all-hands meeting" for Friday.

Coinciding with the conclusion of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee, this meeting came at a critical juncture. Key Democratic figures are contemplating a potential transition, with the Democratic National Convention set for next month in Chicago.

Emergency Meeting Signals Campaign Distress

Currently convalescing at his Rehoboth Beach home, President Biden is at the center of a storm of leaks causing significant unrest. Influential party members are clandestinely working to push Biden out of the 2024 race. Reports from NBC News indicate that even Biden's family has entered discussions about a possible exit strategy.

Despite this turmoil, a Friday morning email from the Biden campaign reinforced Biden's unwavering commitment to the 2024 race. The communication categorically denied any plans to nominate an alternative candidate, underscoring that Biden aims to secure the official nomination in a few short weeks.

Family Discussions Add to Speculation

“Members of President Joe Biden’s family have discussed what an exit from his campaign might look like, according to two people familiar with the discussions,” NBC News revealed. This development has only intensified speculation among political analysts, while also adding to the conflicting messages that have emerged.

Mark Halperin reported that Biden may announce his withdrawal as soon as Sunday. If he does, Halperin added, Biden is not expected to endorse Vice President Kamala Harris, complicating the path forward for the Democratic Party.

Potential Candidates in the Wings

In the event of Biden stepping aside, the Democratic National Convention may turn into an open contest, featuring Harris and possibly three other candidates for the top job. Prominent names reportedly under consideration for the vice-presidential position include Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear and Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro.

NBC News highlighted, “The overall tone of the conversations has been that any exit plan -- should Biden decide to take that step, as some of his closest allies increasingly believe he will -- should put the party in the best position to beat former President Donald Trump while also being worthy of the more than five decades he has served the country in elected office, these people said.”

Through their campaign, Biden has firmly communicated his intent to stay in the race. "Joe Biden has made it more than clear: He’s in this race and he’s in it to win it," the campaign stated. However, the ongoing uncertainty casts a shadow over these reassurances.

Strategic Implications for Democrats

The Democrats are in a particularly vulnerable position as they face off against a charged Republican opposition fresh from their National Convention. With the Democratic National Convention looming, any major shifts could recalibrate the party's approach to the upcoming election.

The Biden campaign's need for an emergency meeting highlights the urgency of addressing internal fractures and managing leaks. The party must unify quickly in order to steady its course in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

Thomas Crooks, who had once been described as "smug and arrogant" when it came to political discussions, attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

The New York Post reported that Vincent Taormina, Crooks's former classmate, recalled his disdain for politicians, including those in the 2016 presidential race: Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.

Taormina recounted how Crooks would mock him and imply he was "stupid" for supporting Trump. During an English class discussion, Crooks questioned why Taormina, being Hispanic, would support Trump. Crooks often displayed a condescending attitude, especially when discussing politics and math.

Former Classmate's Recollections

Taormina shared, "He just did not like politicians, especially with the choices that we had.” Crooks' reclusive nature and smug demeanor were well known among his classmates. Despite his withdrawn personality, Crooks had a friend group suspected of threatening a school shooting.

Crooks was absent from school for several days after one such threat, which people suspected he was behind. Upon returning to school, Crooks displayed a less confrontational attitude regarding politics.

Taormina mentioned that it should have been noticeable that Crooks was planning something drastic. "Everybody, anybody who knew him, should have seen something," Taormina remarked.

Assassination Attempt in Butler, Pennsylvania

The investigation into why Crooks attempted to assassinate Trump and the motives behind striking him at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, yielded no results. The rally was a highly publicized event, and the attack shocked many attendees.

Crooks' disdain for politicians was a constant topic of his conversations. "He would just talk, talk and act like he knew everything, especially politics-related, and he would say it in a tone that was like, ‘I’m better than you,’ in a type of way," Taormina recalled.

The incident not only resulted in injuries to Trump but also tragically claimed the life of a bystander and injured two others. The community was left reeling from the unexpected violence.

Reflecting on Warning Signs

Taormina reflected on the warning signs that were missed by those around Crooks. "They should have known something was up, and I know it’s kind of easy to hide, but people are going to get their affairs in order before they do something that’s bold and this drastic, and nobody saw it?"

The lack of prior intervention and the failure to notice Crooks' planning have raised concerns about the awareness and response to potential threats within communities.

Crooks' arrogance and condescending behavior had created an atmosphere of tension and unease among his classmates. This behavior and his reclusive nature painted a picture of someone deeply dissatisfied with the political landscape.


Thomas Crooks, known for his disdain for politicians and condescending attitude, attempted to assassinate former president Donald Trump at a rally, resulting in a fatal incident that shocked the community. His past behavior and missed warning signs highlight the importance of awareness and intervention in preventing such drastic actions.

According to Fox News, U.S. Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle remains firm in her position amid growing calls for her resignation from top lawmakers.

The calls for Cheatle’s resignation follow an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump at a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania.

On Wednesday, Cheatle’s office issued a statement affirming her intention to stay on as Director. This announcement comes as she faces increasing pressure from Washington lawmakers for her to step down.

Lawmakers Demand Accountability

Republican Senators Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee and John Barrasso of Wyoming have been particularly vocal, confronting Cheatle at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee. Blackburn expressed frustration over Cheatle's refusal to answer questions during the convention, deeming it an inappropriate venue for such discussions.

Blackburn also took to Twitter to voice her dissatisfaction, indicating that Cheatle had avoided questions on a previous conference call earlier that day. The Senator stressed that the American public deserves answers regarding the security breach that led to the attempt on Trump’s life.

In a statement, Secret Service spokesman Anthony Guglielmi emphasized the importance of maintaining operational continuity during critical incidents. He also highlighted Cheatle’s commitment to transparency and improving the agency through ongoing investigations and reviews.

Attempt on Former President’s Life

The assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump occurred during a rally in Butler, Pennsylvania, last Saturday. Details of the incident have prompted significant concern among lawmakers and the public alike.

In response to the attack, Cheatle participated in a briefing with U.S. Senators, where she was pressed for details on the incident and the agency’s response. The briefing, however, did little to quell the growing calls for her resignation.

Sen. Blackburn’s comments reflect a broader sentiment among some lawmakers that more needs to be done to address the security lapse. “She can run but she can’t hide because the American people want to know how an assassination attempt was carried out on former President Donald Trump,” Blackburn stated.

Commitment to Transparency

Despite the intense scrutiny, Cheatle has made it clear she intends to remain in her position. The statement from her office reiterated her dedication to transparency and strengthening the Secret Service.

“Continuity of operations is paramount during a critical incident,” Guglielmi said. “Director Cheatle deeply respects members of Congress and is fiercely committed to transparency in leading the Secret Service through the internal investigation and strengthening the agency through lessons learned in these important internal and external reviews.”

Ongoing FBI Investigation

The FBI’s investigation into Thomas Matthew Crooks, the alleged shooter, is ongoing. Details about Crooks and his motives are still emerging as the investigation progresses. Cheatle’s commitment to remaining in her role indicates a focus on stability within the Secret Service during this tumultuous time. The agency’s ability to adapt and learn from this incident will be critical in restoring public confidence.

In summary, Cheatle faces mounting pressure to step down amidst an investigation into an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. Lawmakers, particularly Senators Blackburn and Barrasso, have been vocal in their demand for accountability. The Secret Service has emphasized the importance of continuity and transparency as the investigation unfolds, with Cheatle remaining steadfast in her leadership role.

Joe "Jellybean" Bryant, a former NBA player and father of the late Kobe Bryant, died at 69.

According to The Spun, his passing follows a massive stroke that occurred four-and-a-half years after the tragic helicopter crash that killed his son Kobe and granddaughter Gianna.

Bryant, a Philadelphia basketball legend, had a storied career in both playing and coaching. He was well-known for his contributions to the sport, beginning as a star at John Bartram High School and La Salle University. Bryant’s death marks a significant loss in the basketball community, remembered for his legacy on and off the court.

From NBA Star to International Player

Joe Bryant was drafted in the first round of the 1975 NBA Draft by the Golden State Warriors. He spent eight seasons in the NBA, playing for the Philadelphia 76ers, San Diego Clippers, and Houston Rockets. Over his career, he averaged 8.7 points, 4.0 rebounds, and 1.7 assists in 606 regular season games.

He was a part of the 76ers' 1976-77 Eastern Conference championship squad, a highlight of his professional career. In 1983, Bryant took his talents overseas, playing eight years in Italy and part of a season in France. This international stint added to his reputation as a versatile and talented player.

Joe Bryant's influence on basketball continued after his playing days. He transitioned into coaching, bringing his expertise and experience to various leagues and teams around the world.

A Versatile Coaching Career

Bryant began his coaching career as an assistant at La Salle University from 1993 to 1996. His coaching journey was extensive, including roles in the American Basketball Association (ABA), Women’s National Basketball Association (WNBA), SlamBall, and international teams in Italy, Japan, and Thailand.

His most notable coaching success came with the WNBA's Los Angeles Sparks, where he achieved a 40-24 record as head coach between 2005-06 and 2011. Under his leadership, the Sparks finished with a 25-9 record and reached the Western Conference Finals in 2006.

Despite his coaching achievements, Bryant remained private, especially regarding his family. He never publicly commented on the untimely death of his son Kobe and granddaughter Gianna, reflecting a personal and reserved nature.

A Legacy Marked by Family Tragedy

Joe Bryant's life was marked by both professional success and personal tragedy. His death comes four-and-a-half years after the devastating helicopter crash that claimed the lives of his son Kobe and granddaughter Gianna. This period has been incredibly challenging for the Bryant family.

According to La Salle head coach Fran Dunphy, Joe Bryant recently suffered a massive stroke, which ultimately led to his passing. The basketball community mourns his loss, reflecting on his impact as a player and coach.

Fran Dunphy shared his condolences and noted Bryant's significant influence on Philadelphia basketball and beyond. "If there is indeed an afterlife, let's hope father and son are up there making up for lost time," Dunphy remarked, highlighting the hope for reconciliation beyond this life.

Remembering Joe Bryant

Joe Bryant will be remembered for his significant contributions to basketball and the legacy he leaves behind. His journey from high school star to international player and respected coach highlights his broad impact on the sport. Despite his professional achievements, recent personal losses cast a shadow over his final chapter, reminding us of the complexities faced by public figures.

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