A Florida judge has ruled against ABC's bid to dismiss a defamation case brought by former President Donald Trump.

Fox News reported that Judge Cecilia Altonaga of the United States District Court in Miami rejected ABC's motion, allowing the lawsuit to move forward.

The defamation lawsuit was instigated by comments by ABC anchor George Stephanopoulos in March during a tense exchange with Representative Nancy Mace, R-S.C., on "This Week."

Stephanopoulos incorrectly claimed that Trump was found "liable for rape" in a civil case. In reality, a federal jury determined Trump was liable for sexual abuse but not rape.

Judge Rules Against ABC's Bid to Dismiss

U.S. District Court Judge Cecilia Altonaga ruled that the defamation lawsuit deserves its day in court. "A jury may, upon viewing the segment, find there was sufficient context. But a reasonable jury could conclude Plaintiff was defamed and, as a result, dismissal is inappropriate," she stated.

Trump expressed his satisfaction with Truth Social regarding a favorable court decision in Florida, celebrating his victory against ABC and George Stephanopoulos. He described the case as significant and predicted that this outcome would compel the media to report more truthfully. Trump hailed the event as a significant victory for the nation, reiterating his MAGA2024 slogan.

The basis for the suit is Stephanopoulos's false claim that Trump was found liable for rape. This statement diverged from Judge Lewis Kaplan's findings in the case involving journalist E. Jean Carroll. Though not proving rape as defined by New York Penal Law, the jury did determine that Trump had committed sexual abuse.

Trump Proposes Alternative Debate Venue

Trump's recent legal victory coincides with his suggestion to move the scheduled presidential debate, initially slated to be broadcast on ABC, to Fox News.

This proposal came just days before President Biden withdrew from the race, endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic candidate. On Truth Social, Trump condemned ABC and suggested Fox News should replace it for the debate:

My debate with Crooked Joe Biden, the Worst President in the history of the United States, was slated to be broadcast on Fake News ABC, the home of George Slopadopolus, sometime in September. Now that Joe has, not surprisingly, has quit the race, I think the Debate, with whomever the Radical Left Democrats choose, should be held on FoxNews, rather than very biased ABC. Thank you!

Fox News Steps In with Debate Proposal

Fox News Media's letter detailed a comprehensive debate proposal amid the changing political landscape:

Now that Vice President Kamala Harris is the presumptive Democratic nominee, FOX News Media is amending our proposal for a debate this cycle. Given that the race has changed, we’d like to request the opportunity to host a presidential debate between VP Harris and former President Trump.

The network emphasized the importance of conducting the debate in Pennsylvania on the proposed date. “We propose to host the debate in the state of Pennsylvania on Tuesday, September 17, just as early voting is getting underway there and in other key battlegrounds. We are open to discussion on the exact date, format and location — with or without an audience.”

Additionally, Fox News advocated for Baier and MacCallum as the ideal moderators. “Again, we believe Bret Baier and Martha MacCallum, the faces of our political coverage, are the best choices to moderate.”


The Florida judge's ruling allows Trump's defamation lawsuit against ABC and George Stephanopoulos to proceed. This ruling underscores the importance of accuracy in media statements, particularly in high-stakes political contexts. Trump's recent moves, including proposing Fox News as a debate host, demonstrate his ongoing influence and strategic maneuvering in the 2024 presidential race. The proposed September 17 debate could set a significant precedent for future elections.

Concerns about potential ballot cheating are extremely high among likely voters in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, particularly in six battleground states.

The Washington Examiner reported that a new Rasmussen Reports/Heartland Institute survey has highlighted alarming claims that a significant number of non-citizens have cast votes in past elections and intend to vote again, leading to questions about the integrity of the electoral process.

A sizable 62% of respondents are worried about potential cheating in the 2024 presidential race, based on negative experiences from the 2020 elections.

The survey indicated that non-citizens have not only participated in past elections but also plan to vote in the upcoming election despite legal prohibitions.

This statistic concerns a large number of voters, particularly given that over 5% of the survey respondents declared they are not U.S. citizens, with nearly 4% indicating they are uncertain of their citizenship status.

A Potential 14 Million Illegal Votes

These figures equate to nearly 14 million votes, raising serious concerns about election integrity.

This is the first poll that has quantified the potential for such extensive illegal voting, triggering a call for further investigation.

With a large sample size of 2,466 likely voters and 5,605 participants from the battleground states, the survey provides substantial data to support these worries.

According to Rasmussen pollster Mark Mitchell, “We’ve seen multiple polls hint at illegal voting issues, but this is unprecedented in capturing feedback from non-citizens about their voting intentions”.

Evidence of Multiple Improper Ballots

Post the 2020 election, multiple surveys have shown a broad public belief that election cheating occurs.

Specifically, about 18% of respondents reported receiving more than one official ballot or a ballot intended for someone no longer residing at their address, with this figure rising to 20% in battleground states. In contrast, 74% indicated that they did not receive multiple ballots by mail.

Chris Talgo has emphasized that such concerns about election integrity must prompt urgent reforms.

“The concern shown by more than 60% of likely voters should be a wake-up call for those still denying that potential cheating is a significant problem,” Talgo remarked.

Call for Reform and Further Checks

Mitchell has challenged the polling industry to verify and replicate these findings, expressing surprise at the apparent lack of curiosity.

"We're not accusing 14 million people of voting illegally, but this is a sign that further investigation is warranted," he stated.

This poll has highlighted worrying signs about the ease with which mass mailing of ballots, based on outdated voter rolls, unattended drop boxes, and no excuse mail-in voting, can be manipulated by those intending to vote illegally. Talgo continued, “

As the 2020 election demonstrated, these practices have made it easier than ever for illegal voting to occur, highlighting the urgent need for reforms.”


Concerns about potential voter fraud and the integrity of the U.S. electoral system are at the forefront of voters' minds, especially with the 2024 presidential election looming. A significant number of likely voters have reported illegal voting in previous elections and fear it will continue.

The Rasmussen Reports/Heartland Institute survey underscores this issue, revealing nearly 14 million illegal votes.

Mark Mitchell and Chris Talgo insist on the pressing need to address these concerns through comprehensive checks and significant reforms. The findings of this survey serve as a crucial call to action for policymakers, the public, and the polling industry.

Ensuring the integrity of elections is vital for democracy, and with the revelation of nearly 14 million potentially illegal votes, urgency surrounds efforts to restore trust in the electoral process.

By shining a spotlight on these concerns and potential issues, this survey encourages a broader conversation and immediate action to ensure fair and trustworthy elections in the future.

Ensuring the voice of every legitimate voter is counted fairly is paramount to maintaining the integrity of the democratic process.

This call for reforms and checks should resonate with all stakeholders as the 2024 election approaches, emphasizing the need to address and rectify any potential lapses in the system.

Concerns continue to mount over President Joe Biden's health as he has yet to make an appearance since suddenly announcing he was exiting the presidential race.

Western Journal reported that despite assurances from his physician, the President has not been visible in public since his COVID diagnosis, raising questions about his capability to fulfill presidential responsibilities.

White House physician Kevin O’Connor delivered an update on President Biden’s recovery from COVID-19 on Monday.

According to O'Connor, Biden is recuperating well and is still performing his presidential tasks.

President Not Seen Since Wednesday

The reassurances, however, have not alleviated anxiety. Biden has not been seen in public since last Wednesday, when he was spotted disembarking Air Force One and entering a motorcade heading to his vacation residence in Rohoboth Beach, Delaware.

Adding to the uncertainty, Biden recently announced via a written social media post on platform X that he would refrain from seeking re-election. He assured the public that a formal address would follow this week.

Reports on Monday suggested that Biden telephoned Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign headquarters to express gratitude for her support. Yet, the lack of a visible presence adds a layer of mystery.

Kevin O’Connor's update was shared on social media but was notably bereft of any accompanying photos or videos of the President, prompting more speculation. Conservative commentator Byron York suggested that a public appearance from Biden would quell rising skepticism.

“Would be a good thing for him to appear in public today,” York remarked, capturing the spirit of the public’s demand for more transparency.

The media landscape has been rife with speculation and queries, all set against the backdrop of O’Connor’s reassurances.

Meeting With Netanyahu In Limbo

Adding another layer of complexity, The New York Post previously reported that an upcoming meeting between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu scheduled for Tuesday was called off. However, later reports indicated the meeting’s status was uncertain, adding yet another wrinkle to this ongoing situation.

The public remains uncertain about the President's immediate plans, especially given his retreat from a re-election bid and vague promises of addressing the nation. The need for visual proof of his activities and health seems paramount in quelling doubts.

As Monday's reports filtered in, Biden’s phone call to Vice President Harris’ campaign headquarters served as a lifeline to his supporters but did little to curb the rising tide of public concern.

The overarching worry is that with Biden not being publicly visible, concerns about his health and capacity are growing louder.

Even the validity of O'Connor’s claims is under scrutiny due to the absence of visuals.


As the situation remains fluid, questions about Biden’s health and visibility remain at the forefront of public discourse.

All eyes are on the White House, awaiting more concrete evidence of his well-being and ability to govern effectively.

The call for transparency is not limited to one side of the political spectrum. Both conservatives and liberals alike are urging the President for a public appearance to dispel these growing concerns.

As the nation waits for the President to make his promised address later this week, the narrative is dominated by his health status and future capabilities in his presidential role. The forthcoming days will be crucial in providing clarity to an increasingly worried public.

Hundreds of migrants, originating from a dozen different countries, initiated their trek from southern Mexico with hopes of reaching the U.S. border before the November elections. They aim to beat any potential restrictive policies, particularly those proposed by a future Trump administration.

The Associated Press reported that starting their journey on Sunday, the migrants left the border town of Ciudad Hidalgo, situated adjacent to a river marking Mexico’s boundary with Guatemala.

Donald Trump's promises to shut down asylum-seeker access if reelected have stoked fears among migrants, leading to the formation of the caravan. Many are apprehensive that their permits to cross the border and secure appointments via the CBP One app might be blocked under stringent immigration rules.

Miguel Salazar, a migrant from El Salvador, expressed his concerns about the upcoming election. “We are running the risk that permits (to cross the border) might be blocked,” he remarked. Salazar, 37, believes the app route is the preferred choice once migrants reach northern Mexican territories. The app can only be accessed once they reach Mexico City or northern states.

Fears Over Stricter Immigration Policies

Many migrants have endured weeks in Ciudad Hidalgo waiting for permits to allow travel northward. These permits are critical since traveling by bus or train has become increasingly difficult, with Mexico imposing stricter controls. For those entering without visas, permits are rarely granted, leading instead to detention and deportation to the country's southern border.

Despite the challenges, forming a caravan appears to be the safer option for many, mitigating the risks of attacks or detainment. Nonetheless, these groups often disband in the southern parts of Mexico due to fatigue and harsh conditions.

Oswaldo Reyna, a Cuban migrant, described his arduous journey into Mexico from Guatemala 45 days ago. Having joined the caravan, Reyna criticized Donald Trump’s rhetoric, arguing that the migrants are merely seeking a better life. “We are not delinquents. We are hard-working people who have left our country to get ahead in life, because in our homeland we are suffering from many needs,” Reyna said.

Challenges Of Migrant Caravans

The extensive waits and bureaucratic hurdles in Ciudad Hidalgo have not deterred the migrants, but have emphasized the importance of migrating collectively. While the caravan significantly reduces the likelihood of attacks, its members must deal with fatigue and dwindling resources.

Mexico’s tightened travel restrictions have compounded the journey for these migrants. The reluctance to grant travel permits often results in repeat detainments and deportations to southern Mexico, making an already arduous journey even more punishing.

Hindered by Mexico’s stringent immigration enforcement, the migrants face the grueling prospect of continuing their journey on foot. As they progress north, they remain unified by the hope of reaching the U.S. border before any further changes in immigration policies.

Reaching The U.S. Border Amid Fears

Molino Salazar’s sentiments echo the broader apprehensions within the caravan. These migrants are acutely aware that delays or stricter regulations could drastically affect their chances of receiving asylum. The CBP One app, which can only be utilized in specific Mexican regions, represents a crucial lifeline.

For many, the idea of a Trump administration sealing the border is a paramount concern. This has galvanized their resolve to advance together, improving their odds of making it safely to their destination.

The migration journey, fraught with obstacles and uncertainties, remains a testament to their resilience and aspiration for a better life. While migrants like Oswaldo Reyna continue to counter negative portrayals, they share a common story of fleeing hardship in search of hope and stability.

A Glimpse Into The Migrants' Resolve

Hundreds of migrants commenced their journey from Ciudad Hidalgo, striving to reach the U.S. border before the November elections. Fueled by fears of a potential Trump administration curbing asylum-seeker access, they organized into a large caravan for safety and solidarity.

Miguel Salazar from El Salvador fears blocked permits if Trump wins. Many migrants prefer using the CBP One app, accessible only after reaching Mexico City or northern states. Battling fatigue and strict travel restrictions, they persevere, aiming for a safer future.

On Sunday afternoon, President Joe Biden announced he is dropping out of the 2024 presidential race, prompting a wave of demands from top Republicans for his immediate resignation.

According to the New York Post, leading Republicans, along with some Democrats and notable figures, have expressed doubts about Biden's fitness to serve as President following his decision.

President Biden’s unexpected announcement that he will not seek reelection has stirred a political storm. Republican leaders like JD Vance and Mike Johnson are calling for Biden to step down from the Oval Office without delay.

Republican Leaders Call for Resignation

Republican vice-presidential nominee JD Vance argued that Biden’s decision not to run again is a clear sign of his inadequate mental fitness. Vance stated, “Not running for reelection would be a clear admission that President Trump was right all along about Biden not being mentally fit enough to serve as Commander-in-Chief. There is no middle ground.”

House Speaker Mike Johnson echoed Vance's sentiments, insisting that Biden’s inability to run for another term makes him unfit to continue serving.

Johnson declared, “If Joe Biden is not fit to run for President, he is not fit to serve as President. He must resign the office immediately. November 5 cannot arrive soon enough.”

Broader Political Reactions

Elise Stefanik criticized the Democratic Party for attempting to hide Biden's unfitness. She commented, “The Democrat Party is in absolute free fall for their blatantly corrupt and desperate attempt to cover up the fact that Joe Biden is unfit for office.”

Senator Josh Hawley also urged Biden to resign, questioning his ability to manage presidential duties if he cannot manage a campaign. Hawley asserted, “Then RESIGN your office. If you can’t run a mere political campaign, you can’t be President.”

Senator Steve Daines joined the chorus, expressing his lack of confidence in Biden’s ability to effectively execute his duties. Daines said, “Being President is the hardest job in the world, and I no longer have confidence that Joe Biden can effectively execute his duties as Commander-in-Chief.”

Biden Endorses Kamala Harris

Upon announcing his decision to drop out of the race, Biden endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead the Democratic ticket in 2024. This endorsement marks a significant shift in the Democratic primary landscape, setting Harris up as the party’s presumptive nominee.

The National Republican Congressional Committee's deputy communications director, Savannah Viar, highlighted the contradiction in Biden’s capacity to handle presidential responsibilities. Viar remarked, “Democrats can’t have it both ways. If Joe Biden can’t handle a debate or a rally, he can’t stand up to Putin or have access to the nuclear codes.”


President Joe Biden’s decision to drop out of the 2024 presidential race has sparked intense political debate. Prominent Republicans, including JD Vance and House Speaker Mike Johnson, are demanding Biden's immediate resignation, citing concerns about his mental fitness and ability to fulfill presidential duties.

Elise Stefanik, Josh Hawley, and Steve Daines have echoed these calls, while Democrats like Joe Manchin and George Clooney have also urged Biden to step aside, endorsing new leadership.

An unfounded conspiracy theory about an assassination attempt on former U.S. President Donald Trump’s life has been debunked by the FBI.

FBI Assistant Director Janeen DiGuiseppi was falsely accused of being present and involved in the rally at which Trump was targeted in Butler, Pennsylvania, on July 13, 2024, as Snopes explains.

The incident occurred during a campaign rally held by Trump last weekend. Rumors began swirling after a photo allegedly showed DiGuiseppi seated directly behind Trump. These baseless claims quickly gained traction on social media platforms including X, TikTok, and Reddit, where they garnered millions of views.

FBI Refutation of Baseless Allegations

The FBI has released a statement strongly denying these allegations. According to the bureau, the claims are "categorically false" with no supporting evidence. They emphasized that Assistant Director Janeen DiGuiseppi was not in Pennsylvania at the time of the rally.

The viral post suggesting the possibility of an "inside job" further compounded the unfounded conspiracy theories proliferating online. Some users went as far as to accuse DiGuiseppi of providing instructions to the shooter, which the FBI has also unequivocally denied.

DiGuiseppi's recent history offers no reason for her presence in Pennsylvania. She holds the position of Assistant Director of the Insider Threat Office at FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., a role she has occupied since August 2023.

Social Media Fuels Misleading Claims

The speculation on social media claimed that the attempted assassination was state sponsored, involving current Democratic U.S. President Joe Biden. This conspiracy theory has been notably pervasive, stirring intense debate among users and viewers.

“Inside job and they will never prove it wasn't. History repeats itself JFK pt. 2,” commented one internet user. Another echoed similar sentiments stating, “The more info I get -- the more I believe this was 100% a setup and allowed to happen."

The widespread online rumors seemed to derive from superficial resemblances between the alleged woman at the rally and DiGuiseppi, including age, long brown hair, and similar attire.

Ongoing Investigation and Public Clarification

Authorities are continuing their efforts to uncover the shooter's motive following the attack. As of yet, no concrete identification of the woman from the rally has been made. Key differences in visible features further debunk the conspiracy’s correlation with DiGuiseppi.

Trump's campaign team and the FBI have not reported any involvement of the agency in the organization or security management of the rally. The bureau, however, is leading the investigation following the unfortunate event.

Janeen DiGuiseppi’s distinguished career with the FBI spans over two decades. Prior to her current role in Washington, D.C., she was the first woman to serve as the special agent in charge of the Albany Field Office in New York.

The methodical yet relentless spread of such misinformation reflects the potency of online platforms in amplifying false narratives. Despite the definitive statements from the FBI, the viral nature of these claims underlines the challenges faced by authorities in countering fake news.

The Washington Post has deleted a controversial article that criticized American parents whose child is being held hostage by Hamas.

The White House, under the leadership of President Joe Biden, responded with swift action to address the issue of the contentious piece, which was subsequently removed, as the New York Post reports.

In a dramatic turn of events, the White House declared an emergency, and President Biden was rushed into action following the publication of the contentious piece. The report, which was deemed "unacceptable" by critics, put the parents of a Hamas hostage in the spotlight, leading to a swift and stern reaction.

White House Declares Emergency

The effective emergency declaration came shortly after the article was published. The piece was said to have placed an unflattering spotlight on the American family whose child had been taken hostage by the militant group Hamas. The article's critical tone was deemed inappropriate and insensitive considering the family's distressing circumstances.

President Biden's response was immediate. He was briefed on the situation almost as soon as the article went live. The administration took decisive action to mitigate the fallout from what was seen as an irresponsible journalistic misstep.

This development has triggered a wave of reactions across the political spectrum. The article's deletion by the Washington Post was seen as a necessary step to prevent further harm to the affected family.

Swift Action from President Biden

President Biden, aware of the article’s potential impact, acted swiftly to address the concerns it raised. Reports indicate that the president's advisers were quick to highlight the possible ramifications on both national sentiment and the affected family’s well-being.

The publication of the article was a miscalculation at a sensitive time. Mental health professionals and public figures alike condemned the piece, emphasizing the importance of compassion during such crises.

The administration's prompt reaction underscored the importance of responsible journalism, especially when dealing with families in traumatic situations. The deleted article had forced the White House to swiftly manage the delicate issue.

Reactions from Political Figures

Political leaders from both parties have weighed in on the incident. Their responses have varied from sharp criticism of the Washington Post to support for the White House's quick action.

Many conservatives saw the article as a blatant disregard for family privacy. They voiced concerns over the apparent lack of empathy in the article's criticism. Some liberals, on the other hand, stressed the need for thoughtful consideration in media narratives involving vulnerable individuals.

The Post's Response

The Washington Post responded to the backlash by swiftly removing the article. The publication issued a statement acknowledging the error in judgment. Staff expressed regret over any distress caused to the hostage's family and committed to reviewing their editorial processes.

The outlet's decision to delete the article was seen by many as a necessary step to uphold journalistic integrity and maintain public trust. Ongoing discussions about media responsibility continue to dominate conversations. The publication will surely face continued scrutiny over how it allowed such a piece to be published in the first place.

Barack Obama has stirred up concerns about President Joe Biden's chances of winning re-election.

According to the Washington Post, Obama has urged Biden to reconsider his candidacy amid widespread concerns about his re-election chances and the impact on his legacy.

Former President Barack Obama has recently conveyed his worries about Joe Biden’s diminishing path to re-election. As concerns grew among Democrats, Obama emphasized that Biden should re-evaluate his decision to run.

Since the last debate, Obama has spoken directly to Biden only once, urging him to assess his candidature's future. In addition, Obama has been in discussions with various key Democrats, including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Obama Steps Up as Political Counselor

Obama has notably taken on a more significant advisory role. His spokesperson, however, declined to comment on these matters. Obama underscored his commitment to protecting Biden and his legacy, which he believes is at risk should Republicans win.

The former president has noted troubling polling trends and concerns over dwindling donor support for Biden. Despite these issues, Biden’s campaign maintains a confident front, with campaign adviser Quentin Fulks affirming Biden's determination.

On Wednesday, Biden tested positive for coronavirus and has since retreated to Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, to quarantine. His campaign continues to project confidence, but anxiety within the Democratic Party is palpable.

Democratic Leaders Express Growing Anxiety Over Biden's Prospects

Top Democrats like House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries and Senate Majority Leader Charles E. Schumer have cautioned Biden about broader concerns within the party. Pelosi, meanwhile, has been actively engaged in efforts to counter any moves toward Biden withdrawing from the race.

Obama’s influence remains substantial due to his prior leadership and longstanding friendship with Biden. Key former Obama aides like David Axelrod and prominent figures like the Crooked Media podcasters have voiced skepticism about Biden’s viability as a candidate.

National polls reveal Biden’s lagging performance in critical northern battleground states. Simultaneously, there is speculation that former President Donald Trump may gain momentum from recent political events and the forthcoming nominating convention.

Obama's Role Intensifies Amid Party Divisions

Obama’s apprehensions about Biden’s re-election chances have deepened since an earlier, undisclosed conversation. Some Biden aides feel Obama's activities have contributed to party disunity.

Following the debate, Obama publicly defended Biden in a supportive social media post. Yet, Biden’s camp believes Obama could have preempted actor George Clooney’s op-ed that urged Biden to step aside, which was published despite Jeffrey Katzenberg's objections.

In conclusion, Barack Obama’s concerns about Joe Biden's pathway to re-election reflect a broader unease within the Democratic Party. Despite campaign assurances, Biden faces internal and external challenges as he seeks to maintain party unity and voter confidence. With key Democratic figures actively engaged and national polls suggesting a tough battle ahead, the coming months will be critical for Biden's political future.

CNN reported that Peter Navarro, the former Trump White House adviser, spoke at the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Wednesday, just hours after completing a four-month prison sentence.

Navarro warned attendees about potential repercussions, reaffirmed his support for Donald Trump, and recounted his imprisonment experience.

Released from a Miami federal prison, Peter Navarro addressed the Republican National Convention with a stark warning. He cautioned that if authorities could target him and Trump, others should be wary as well.

Navarro Warns GOP Convention Attendees

Navarro's release came after serving a sentence for defying a congressional subpoena from the January 6 committee. Speaking to a receptive crowd, he emphasized the perceived threats posed by authorities targeting high-profile figures like himself and Trump. Navarro stated:

I got a very simple message for you. If they can come for me, if they can come for Donald Trump. Be careful. They will come for you.

His address coincided with the formal nomination of Donald Trump as the 2024 GOP presidential candidate. This underscored the ongoing influence of Trump and his associates within the party.

Navarro’s Prison Experience

Navarro is one of two Trump advisers convicted for not complying with subpoenas from the House select committee investigating the January 6, 2021, attack. Steve Bannon, another adviser, began serving his sentence earlier this month in Connecticut.

During his imprisonment, Navarro worked as a law library clerk. Navarro’s prison consultant, Sam Mangel, described him as well-liked and respected by fellow inmates.

"Everybody has to work. It gave him a chance to write," Mangel said. He added, "When I went to visit him, guys were coming up to him, high-fiving him."

Navarro Appeals Conviction

Navarro's conviction stemmed from his refusal to comply with the January 6 committee's requests for documents and an interview. A federal jury found him guilty on two counts of contempt last summer.

Navarro defended his actions by claiming he acted under Trump's directive via executive privilege. However, the judge dismissed this defense, citing insufficient evidence. He is currently appealing his conviction on its merits after an unsuccessful emergency appeal to delay his sentence.

Navarro's Speech and Future Endeavors

The federal correctional facility where Navarro served his sentence houses fewer than 200 inmates, with a significant Puerto Rican population. Despite his circumstances, Navarro maintained his political stance and public presence.

Ending his speech at the convention, Navarro introduced his fiancée and advocated for the Trump-Vance presidential ticket for 2024. "This is my beautiful girl. She did the time with me," he said, bringing her onstage. He concluded with a rallying call: "Now here’s the sweetest thing that’s going to come off my lips: Vote Trump-Vance ’24 for Trump 47."


Peter Navarro, recently released from a four-month prison sentence, warned GOP convention attendees about potential government overreach. He emphasized his support for Donald Trump, highlighted his prison experience, and endorsed the Trump-Vance presidential ticket. Despite legal challenges, Navarro's influence within the party remains significant, exemplified by his prominent speech at the convention.

According to The Columbus Dispatch, a police officer fatally shot Samuel Sharpe Jr., a homeless man wielding two knives, in Milwaukee after he charged at another individual during an altercation.

The incident took place near North 14th and West Vliet Streets, less than a mile from the Republican National Convention's security perimeter.

Bodycam footage released Tuesday night captures the moment when Columbus police officers confronted Samuel Sharpe Jr., a homeless man armed with two knives, in Milwaukee. The video reveals Sharpe charging at another individual, prompting officers to shoot and kill him.

Columbus Officers' Milwaukee Intervention

Milwaukee Police Chief Jeffrey Norman confirmed that thirteen Columbus police officers were in the area for a briefing when they witnessed the altercation. According to Norman, preliminary information indicates that Sharpe held a knife in each hand during the confrontation.

Columbus Mayor Andrew J. Ginther emphasized that although the officers were guests in Milwaukee, they had a duty to protect and serve wherever they were called to action. "Columbus officers were guests in Milwaukee, but they take an oath to protect and serve wherever and whenever they are called to service," he stated.

Investigation and Reactions

The Columbus officers involved in the shooting are being sent back to Ohio. The Milwaukee Area Investigative Team will handle the investigation, with Columbus pledging full cooperation. Mayor Ginther reiterated the city's commitment to transparency and accountability, deferring to the local investigative team for updates.

Witnesses at the scene reported that Sharpe, known as "Jehovah," was a familiar figure in the local tent encampment. The Milwaukee County Medical Examiner has confirmed the death of an adult male.

Brian Steel, president of the Fraternal Order of Police Capital City Lodge No. 9, provided additional details, stating that Sharpe was waving steak knives at people, leading to the fatal shooting. Steel also noted that no Columbus officers were injured in the incident.

Community Impact and Support

The shooting marks the eighth instance of Columbus police officers discharging their weapons this year, with previous incidents occurring in June and May.

Milwaukee police had requested additional security assistance from various departments across the country for the Republican National Convention. Columbus officers were among those providing support and may also assist with security at the upcoming Democratic National Convention in Chicago.

Shelly Sarasin, co-founder and director of Street Angels, a local outreach organization, expressed grief over Sharpe's death. "He was a person. He was human," she said, highlighting the trauma experienced by those who knew him. "This is more trauma on top of trauma for those who knew him and still live here," she added.

The Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation has not been requested to assist with the case, as they lack jurisdiction outside of Ohio. The investigation remains under the purview of the Milwaukee Area Investigative Team.


A Columbus police officer fatally shot Samuel Sharpe Jr., a homeless man wielding two knives, in Milwaukee after he charged at another individual near the Republican National Convention's security perimeter. The bodycam footage, released for transparency, shows the confrontation leading to Sharpe's death. Thirteen Columbus officers were in the area for a briefing when they witnessed the altercation and responded. An investigation is underway, with Columbus cooperating fully and emphasizing transparency and accountability.

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