Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., filed articles of impeachment against Supreme Court Justices Samuel Alito and Clarence Thomas on Wednesday.

According to Fox News, the impeachment articles accuse the justices of corruption and failing to withdraw from cases where they had conflicts of interest.

Ocasio-Cortez claims both justices accepted undisclosed gifts and were involved in cases where they had personal biases or financial interests. According to Ocasio-Cortez, these actions violate the integrity of the Supreme Court and the rule of law.

Justice Alito is accused of having a personal bias in cases he presided over, while Thomas is alleged to have participated in proceedings related to his wife's financial interests. Ocasio-Cortez contends that the actions of these justices pose a severe threat to American democracy.

Impeachment Articles Highlight Corruption

Ocasio-Cortez’s impeachment filings include three articles against Justice Thomas and two against Justice Alito. The filing underscores alleged ongoing "unchecked corruption" within the highest court. Specifically, Alito’s involvement with controversies surrounding his home and personal politics has been questioned.

The articles specify instances where Justice Thomas failed to disclose gifts received from wealthy conservatives with business before the court. Thomas’s personal entanglements, especially those involving his wife's legal affairs, form the core of Ocasio-Cortez’s allegations.

Furthermore, the accusations against Alito are not confined to financial matters. Various claims imply that his personal political biases influenced his judicial decisions. The articles argue that both justices have compromised their ability to serve impartially on the Supreme Court.

Historical Context and Constitutional Crisis

These legal troubles arise amidst a recent Supreme Court decision on the immunity of former President Donald Trump. The Court ruled that there is "absolute immunity" for presidential actions within constitutional bounds and "presumptive immunity" for official acts, although no immunity exists for unofficial acts.

In her statements, Ocasio-Cortez emphasizes the importance of judicial integrity. She argues that Justices Thomas and Alito's failure to withdraw from cases with clear conflicts of interest represents a deviation from the principles of justice. She warns of a constitutional crisis that extends beyond the judiciary to threaten the American democratic system.

Ocasio-Cortez asserted:

The unchecked corruption crisis on the Supreme Court has now spiraled into a Constitutional crisis threatening American democracy writ large. Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito’s pattern of refusal to recuse from consequential matters before the court in which they hold widely documented financial and personal entanglements constitutes a grave threat to the American rule of law, the integrity of our democracy, and one of the clearest cases for which the tool of impeachment was designed.

Congressional Action and Future Steps

Concluding this dramatic development, Ocasio-Cortez remarked, "It is up to Congress to defend our nation from this authoritarian capture." The statement reflects a call to action for legislative bodies to address the perceived judicial overreach and its potential implications for democratic governance.

Through her impeachment filings, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has underscored serious allegations against Justices Alito and Thomas. The charges span undisclosed gifts, personal and financial biases in cases, and failure to adhere to ethical standards. If proven, these claims have significant implications for the integrity and perception of the U.S. Supreme Court.

Courtney Kramer, the Republican candidate challenging Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis, has nearly doubled her campaign donations between May and July, showcasing a notable increase in financial support.

Despite this growth, Newsweek reported that Kramer's fundraising remains significantly lower than Willis', who has garnered substantial support over a longer period.

Courtney Kramer announced her candidacy on March 8, entering the race to unseat the incumbent Fulton County District Attorney, Fani Willis. Recent campaign finance data revealed that Kramer raised $46,641 between May and July, bringing her total contributions to over $72,900.

Comparing Fundraising Figures

In contrast, Kramer's initial fundraising efforts saw her amass $26,320 between March and April. The financial disclosures released on Sunday highlight the increase in her campaign's financial backing.

While Kramer's fundraising efforts show a positive trajectory, they pale in comparison to those of Fani Willis. Willis, who has been raising funds for her reelection since June 2022, has accumulated a total of $572,750 over nearly two years.

This considerable difference underscores the challenge Kramer faces in matching Willis' established financial support. Willis' total fundraising is almost eight times higher than Kramer's current figures.

Impact of High-Profile Cases

Kramer's candidacy has gained attention partly due to Willis' involvement in high-profile prosecutions, including the August indictment of former President Donald Trump and 18 allies related to alleged election interference in Georgia in 2020. The case involves accusations of violating Georgia's racketeering laws.

Despite facing controversy earlier this year over a relationship with a special prosecutor on the case, Willis remains on the case following a judge's ruling. However, proceedings for co-defendants are currently paused pending an appeal review.

Throughout her campaign, Kramer has been vocal in her criticism of Willis. She described Willis' conduct as a "disgrace to the legal community" and expressed her disapproval during an interview with Real America's Voice, stating it was "disgusting to see her not follow her rules of professional conduct or take her oath of office seriously."

Historical Voting Trends in Fulton County

Fulton County, where the race is taking place, has a historical tendency to lean Democratic. No Republican presidential candidate has won the county since Richard Nixon in 1972. In the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump received only 26% of the vote in Fulton County.

Despite these challenging demographics for a Republican candidate, Kramer has received significant backing from prominent GOP figures. Kelly Loeffler, a former Georgia Senator, is the top donor to Kramer's campaign, contributing $6,600.

David Perdue, another former Senator, has also been active in supporting Kramer's campaign, raising funds through events, although there is no individual donation from him recorded in the finance system.


Courtney Kramer has seen a notable increase in her campaign donations, nearly doubling her funds between May and July. Despite this growth, her total fundraising remains significantly lower than that of incumbent Fani Willis, who has garnered substantial support over a longer period. Kramer's candidacy follows Willis' involvement in high-profile prosecutions, and despite facing challenges, her campaign continues to gain momentum.

Breitbart News reported that a group of lawmakers is advocating for President Joe Biden to step down as the Democratic presidential nominee, with support shifting to Vice President Kamala Harris.

The call took place on Sunday afternoon and involved several notable Democrats, including Representative Jerry Nadler of New York, Representative Mark Takano of California, Representative Don Beyer of Virginia, and Representative Adam Smith of Washington.

During this call, the congressmen voiced their concerns regarding Biden's ability to effectively serve another term, suggesting that he should step aside for the benefit of the party.

Private Discussion Among Lawmakers Raises Concerns

Political analyst John Bresnahan, co-founder of Punchbowl News, reported the details of this conversation in a post on X, highlighting that the call's participants largely favored Vice President Kamala Harris as the nominee. Bresnahan later clarified that an aide to Representative Don Beyer conveyed Beyer's continued support for President Biden but mentioned his openness to backing Harris if Biden decided to withdraw.

Jake Sherman, a founder of Punchbowl News, added further context by sharing comments attributed to Representative Beyer. Beyer was reportedly concerned about Biden's physical and cognitive fragility. He described his state as "very, very fragile" while acknowledging that Biden's handshake remained firm, even though he struggled to articulate cohesive thoughts during conversations.

Sherman’s account included Beyer's perspective on Harris's potential to win in the upcoming election, suggesting that her position as the incumbent would strengthen her candidacy. Beyer emphasized his willingness to support whatever the Democratic leadership deemed necessary for the party's success.

Shift in Support Following Presidential Debate

The urgency for Biden to reconsider his candidacy intensified after a contentious debate on June 27 between Biden and former President Donald Trump. This event seemingly amplified the concerns among Democrats, donors, and voters about Biden's capability to lead another term.

Adding to the growing list of critics, Representative Joe Morelle of New York has publicly urged Biden to step aside, expressing doubts about his ability to secure a victory. Bresnahan noted Morelle’s pessimism about Biden’s chances in light of the looming threat posed by a potential Trump candidacy.

Former Obama administration Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro also expressed skepticism, pointing out that Biden no longer demonstrated the same campaigning strength he exhibited in 2020 and warning that a rematch with Trump could result in defeat for the incumbent president.

Consensus Among Some Democrats for Biden to Step Down

Representatives Raul Grijalva of Arizona, Angie Craig of Minnesota, and Lloyd Doggett of Texas are among those calling for Biden to withdraw. Their concerns resonate with party segments and align with the growing sentiment that Biden may not be the ideal candidate to lead the party to another victory.

Additionally, Adam Frisch, a congressional candidate from Colorado’s 3rd District, has expressed similar views, further fueling the discourse around Biden’s candidacy. These calls for change underscore a broader debate within the party about its direction and leadership as it prepares for the upcoming election cycle.

This internal discussion within the Democratic Party presents a pivotal moment as Biden faces intensified scrutiny regarding his physical and cognitive readiness for a second term. The growing support for Vice President Harris illustrates an emerging consensus among certain Democratic lawmakers, supporters, and strategists who believe that fresh leadership could better position the party for success in the next election.


Democratic lawmakers, including Reps. Jerry Nadler, Mark Takano, Don Beyer, and others have privately suggested that President Joe Biden step aside in favor of Vice President Kamala Harris. This recommendation follows concerns about Biden's capacity to serve another term, which intensified after a recent presidential debate with former President Donald Trump.

House Republicans have mixed feelings about Speaker Mike Johnson's tenure, highlighting ongoing rifts within the party.

According to Daily Mail, as Trump supported the speaker, many House Republicans agreed that Johnson was 'doing the best he can.'

Speaker Mike Johnson has been in office amid significant challenges and divisions among House Republicans. He assumed the role after a three-week vacancy and initially garnered support from various factions within the party. However, his performance has been met with both support and criticism from his colleagues.

Johnson Faces Criticism and Support

Rep. James Comer, Oversight Committee Chairman, remarked, "I think he's doing the best he can in the situation he was given." Comer acknowledged the difficulties Johnson faces, particularly in dealing with complex members. Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan also expressed support, stating, "Mike's been doing a good job and I support the speaker," although he admitted disagreements.

On the other hand, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene has been vocal in her criticism. She filed a motion to vacate Johnson's position in March, which moved forward with eleven Republican votes but was ultimately tabled with Democratic support. Greene has accused Johnson of "aiding and abetting Democrats" and described his governance approach as "pathetic, weak and unacceptable."

Legislative Efforts and Controversies

One of Johnson's significant actions was supporting the impeachment inquiry into President Biden, led by Comer and Jordan. Additionally, Johnson was at the forefront of efforts to obtain special counsel Robert Hur's interview audio with President Biden. This move was part of a broader strategy to scrutinize the administration's actions.

Johnson also led the passage of a foreign policy bill, which authorized nearly $61 billion for Ukraine, alongside additional funds for Israel and Taiwan. This bill passed with Democratic support, showcasing Johnson's ability to navigate bipartisan agreements. However, this legislative success did not come without its critics within the party.

Greene was particularly critical of Johnson's spending bill that reauthorized the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) without incorporating border security measures. She argued that even with a slim Republican majority, securing the border should have been more significant achievements.

Internal Party Dynamics and Future Leadership

Rep. Chip Roy also voiced his dissatisfaction with Johnson's handling of spending deals, accusing him of failing to uphold conservative priorities. Roy's critique reflects the broader discontent among some GOP members regarding Johnson's leadership decisions.

Despite the internal friction, Johnson remains committed to leading the Republican conference. He has expressed his intention to guide the party in the next Congress, indicating a desire for continuity and stability. The upcoming election results will be crucial in determining Johnson's political future and the potential for shifts in GOP leadership.

Jim Jordan, who previously ran for Speaker, has suggested he might consider another bid for the position under certain conditions. Jordan has been active in fundraising and campaigning, amassing close to $10 million and contributing over $200,000 to other Republicans' campaigns. His continued involvement signals potential changes in the party's leadership dynamics.

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise briefly secured the GOP speaker nominee position before Johnson, highlighting the competitive nature of the leadership race. Scalise's experience and influence remain significant factors within the party.


House Republicans are divided over Speaker Mike Johnson's performance, with some praising his efforts and others criticizing his decisions, especially on spending bills. Internal party dynamics are a challenge, with dissatisfaction from figures like Marjorie Taylor Greene and Chip Roy. Johnson's ability to navigate these challenges and unify the Republican conference is crucial as the party looks ahead to the next election.

The legal team representing former President Donald Trump has requested a temporary halt of the classified documents case against him.

Lawyers for the former president argue that a recent Supreme Court decision grants Trump immunity from prosecution for actions performed while serving as president, as the New York Post reports.

On Friday, Trump’s attorneys Todd Blanche, Emil Bove, and Christopher Kise filed a motion seeking to halt the case. Central to their argument is a Supreme Court ruling from Monday, declaring that presidents have absolute immunity from prosecution for official acts executed while in office.

The lawyers assert that this decision severely undermines the prosecution's stance that Trump is not immune from criminal responsibility for keeping national security documents. They further cited a concurring opinion from Justice Clarence Thomas, which raised doubts about the appointment of special counsel Jack Smith by Attorney General Merrick Garland.

Defense Team Accuses Political Motivation

The request for the pause comes after President Joe Biden criticized the Supreme Court ruling on Monday night. Biden expressed that the American electorate deserves to know the outcomes of ongoing legal cases involving Trump before the 2024 election.

Trump's legal team responded strongly to Biden’s remarks. In their motion, Blanche, Bove, and Kise argued that Biden's comments were proof of a politically motivated campaign against Trump, terming it a "lawfare campaign."

The lawyers also pointed to leaks attributed to the Washington Post. They claimed Smith communicated through intermediaries that he plans to continue the prosecution, even if Trump wins re-election. According to Trump's defense team, this is an egregious breach of Department of Justice policies.

Special Counsel's Intentions Under Scrutiny

The defense team urged U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon to grant a partial stay on the case, allowing the court to handle the issue of immunity first. The lawyers suggested a briefing itinerary for discussions on the immunity-related matters extending into September. However, Smith’s office objected to the proposed motion for a stay. Government lawyers have requested the chance to formally respond to the defense team's arguments.

In their motion, Trump's lawyers emphasized the necessity of addressing foundational concerns about presidential immunity and other constitutional issues before progressing further with the case. They also linked this to other legal proceedings, such as Trump’s Manhattan “hush money” case, although experts consider a significant effect on this front unlikely until sentencing in September.

Implications for Other Legal Battles

Blanche, Bove, and Kise asserted in their court filing: "The remark explicitly connected the Special Counsel’s Office with President Biden’s misuse of the criminal justice system to communicate with voters prior to the election." They continued: "Smith’s indirect notification to the media and his allies that he has no qualms about prosecuting President Trump, even as President-elect after more than 100 million Americans cast their votes, is in blatant violation of DOJ policy and practice."

The defense team insisted that resolving key questions regarding presidential immunity is crucial before tackling other issues in the case. They highlighted the necessity of clarity on this front to address recurring constitutional debates.

The Supreme Court ruling and subsequent legal maneuvers have introduced significant complexity into the ongoing legal proceedings against Trump. The discourse surrounding presidential immunity, departmental practices, and political motivations will likely continue intensifying as the legal calendar unfolds.

In summary, Trump's attorneys are pushing for a halt to the classified documents case, citing a Supreme Court ruling they interpret as providing immunity. They allege political motivations behind comments made by Biden and actions by Special Counsel Jack Smith. Legal experts remain skeptical about the broader impact of the immunity ruling on Trump's other cases as motions and countermotions progress in the courts.

President Joe Biden's recent debate performance has led to a significant decline in his political support.

Polling data shows a sharp drop in Biden's favorability and vote share, especially in crucial battleground states, as The Blaze reports.

Published by Puck on Tuesday, a leaked memo from Open Labs, a Democratic research group, revealed the details. Open Labs has been conducting polls for various Democratic factions. The memo outlined how Biden's latest debate showing has hurt his political standing severely.

A poll conducted within 72 hours after the debate presented some alarming figures. Forty percent of Biden's 2020 voters suggested he should end his campaign. This represents a substantial increase from two months ago when only 25% held this view. Conversely, 45% believe Biden should continue, down from 62% during that same period.

A Growing Split Among Democrats

The memo also shed light on the widening divide within Democratic ranks about Biden's candidacy. Swing voters, crucial for any campaign, suggested by a two-to-one margin that Biden should step aside. Peter Hamby of Puck, who received the memo from an unnamed Democrat, emphasized the fallout.

One of the starkest revelations is the drop in Biden's vote share against former President Donald Trump. This decline, noted in the 72 hours following the debate, marks the most significant single-week decrease since late 2021. Currently, Biden's vote share is four percentage points lower than his winning margin in 2020.

Concerns about Biden's age continue to rise, feeding into this decline. Sixty-nine percent of voters expressed worries about the impact of Biden’s age on his ability to govern. This concern spans different voter groups, including 45% of Biden's 2020 voters and 68% of swing voters from both the 2016 and 2020 elections. Among Trump's 2020 voters, this figure climbs to 92%.

Trump Gains Ground in Key States

The memo further highlighted Trump's increasing competitiveness in states that were previously secure for the Democrats. Alarmingly, Biden's lead has eroded dramatically in several critical Electoral College battlegrounds.

Trump now leads Biden by more than 7% in Pennsylvania, a state that previously showed a narrower margin. New Hampshire sees Trump ahead by 2.8%, Wisconsin by 4.2%, and Michigan by 6.9%. Even more striking are the figures from Nevada and Arizona, with Trump leading by 8.8% and 9.7%, respectively. In traditionally competitive Georgia and North Carolina, Trump now holds leads of 10.1% and 10.6%.

The landscape has shifted so much that Trump has gained a half-point advantage in New Mexico and Virginia. Meanwhile, Biden's leads in Colorado and Maine have shrunk to around 2%.

Biden's Favorability Hits All-Time Low

The downward trend in Biden's favorability, which has been ongoing since the Afghanistan withdrawal debacle, reached a new low of 27% last week. According to Open Labs, this is the lowest level since they began tracking these metrics in 2021.

In his coverage, Hamby stressed the broader implications. "Trump is now within striking distance in a variety of states that weren't considered campaign battlegrounds last week," he wrote, highlighting the urgent nature of the memo's warnings.

Speculation abounds regarding the purpose behind the leak. There are theories it might be an attempt to foster complacency among Republicans or to discourage Democratic voter turnout. Regardless, if Biden continues his campaign against this backdrop, he could face a significant electoral defeat.

Representative Daniel Goldman (D-NY) has responded to a recent call for the 25th Amendment to be invoked against President Joe Biden.

As Breitbart News reported, Rep. Daniel Goldman argued that calls for invoking the 25th Amendment should consider President Joe Biden and those in his administration.

During Wednesday’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Representative Chip Roy (R-TX) accused President Biden of being manipulated by those around him. This prompted a rebuttal from Representative Goldman, who emphasized the consistency and capability within Biden's administration.

Goldman Highlights Biden’s Team Stability

Goldman pointed out that President Joe Biden has experienced minimal turnover among his leadership team. He contrasted this with former President Trump’s administration, where the majority of Trump’s former Cabinet members and senior officials did not support his 2024 presidential campaign.

Statistics presented by Goldman indicated that 40 out of 44 former Trump cabinet members have refrained from endorsing Trump. In fact, 91% of Trump's former senior officials, including the vice president, consider him unfit for office.

Representative Goldman emphasized that Biden's team is capable and stable, which is a stark contrast to the high turnover seen during Trump’s presidency.

Contrasts with Former President Trump

Goldman’s remarks further underscored the importance of evaluating the competence of those surrounding a president. He suggested that attention should not be solely on the president but also on the administration’s ability to uphold the rule of law and democratic principles.

He criticized Trump's approach, highlighting the broad lack of endorsement from Trump’s past key officials. This comparison, Goldman implied, speaks volumes about the differing operational standards between the two administrations.

Goldman stressed the continued protection of democracy and the rule of law under Biden’s administration, in contrast to the alleged threats posed by Trump’s policies.

Emphasis on the Rule of Law

Goldman specifically noted Biden's low turnover rate as an indicator of a stable and well-functioning administration, juxtaposing it with Trump’s highly volatile cabinet history.

In response to calls for evaluating President Biden under the 25th Amendment, Goldman dismissed them as baseless and repetitive.

He defended Biden's team as highly qualified and dedicated to democratic values, countering Representative Chip Roy's claims of undue influence. Goldman stressed the importance of focusing on the administration's policy-driven and norm-respecting operations instead of engaging in personal attacks or unfounded comparisons.


Representative Daniel Goldman has vigorously defended President Joe Biden against calls for the invocation of the 25th Amendment by pointing out the stability and capability of Biden's administration. Goldman contrasted this with former President Trump’s high turnover and lack of support from his former Cabinet members, urging a focus on the broader implications for democracy and the rule of law.

Biden apologized for the disastrous debate at a fundraiser and said winning the upcoming election is vital.

According to USA Today, President Biden attributed his poor performance in the debate to fatigue from recent overseas travel, despite having returned to the US 12 days before the event.

Addressing supporters at a fundraiser in McLean, Virginia, Biden admitted that his June 27 debate performance wasn’t his best. He detailed that his jet lag, following extensive overseas travel, played a significant role in his subpar showing.

Post-Travel Fatigue Blamed For Poor Performance

Returning to the U.S. from his foreign engagements 12 days before the debate, Biden acknowledged at the fundraiser that he didn’t heed his staff’s advice. He humorously added, "I nearly fell asleep on stage," generating some laughter from the donors present.

Biden’s rigorous travel schedule began with a trip to France from June 5 to 9 to commemorate the 80th anniversary of D-Day and to meet French President Emmanuel Macron. He then attended the Group of Seven nations summit in Italy from June 12 to 14.

Upon his June 15 return to the U.S., Biden immediately flew to Los Angeles for a fundraiser, followed by a return to the White House on June 16. A brief visit to his home in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, ensued on June 18.

Camp David Stay Before Debate

President Biden spent the days leading up to the debate at Camp David, where he arrived on the evening of June 20 and departed on the morning of June 27 for Atlanta. Despite this period of rest, the lingering effects of his travel took their toll.

"It’s not an excuse but an explanation," Biden said, emphasizing that despite prior preparations, the travel impact was significant. He openly apologized for disappointing his supporters with his less-than-stellar performance.

The president’s reflection on his debate performance and the associated reasons comes amid mounting concerns from fellow Democrats regarding his capacity to meet the demands of a second term.

Calls For Withdrawal Emerge

U.S. Representative Lloyd Doggett of Texas became the first Democrat in Congress to publicly urge Biden to withdraw from the race. Concerns about Biden's stamina and ability to handle the pressures of the presidency are growing.

During the fundraiser, Biden reassured his supporters about his commitment and reiterated the critical nature of the upcoming election. He stressed that it was imperative to win against Trump, given the stakes involved.

At the event, Biden expressed regret for disregarding his staff’s advice and acknowledged the poor judgment in undertaking such demanding travel just before the debate.


President Biden acknowledged his travel-related fatigue to show transparency and accountability to his supporters. His remarks suggest he understands the need to prepare thoroughly for public appearances. By apologizing and explaining, Biden aims to maintain the confidence and support of his followers as he emphasizes the necessity of winning the election against Trump for the nation's future.

Daily Mail reported that Vice President Kamala Harris is revising her schedule to demonstrate strong support for President Joe Biden amid increasing calls for him to step down.

Harris plans to engage in high-profile activities with Biden, emphasizing her crucial role in the administration and as a potential successor.

Harris is altering her plans this week, including having lunch with President Biden at the White House on Wednesday. This move is seen as a clear indication of her support for Biden, who is facing scrutiny following his recent debate performance.

Harris and Biden to Celebrate Fourth of July Together

On Thursday evening, Harris, along with her husband, second gentleman Doug Emhoff, will join President Biden and First Lady Jill Biden for a Fourth of July celebration at the White House. The event is dedicated to honoring military families, veterans, caregivers, and survivors, underscoring the administration's commitment to these groups.

Currently, Harris and Emhoff are in California, actively fundraising for Biden's re-election campaign. They observed Biden's debate performance from the West Coast, a debate that has stirred significant political discourse.

The couple is scheduled to return to Washington D.C. on Tuesday evening, just in time for the critical mid-week engagements. This timing is crucial as it aligns with heightened political activity and speculation.

Calls for Biden's Withdrawal After Debate

The calls for President Biden to exit the race have emerged prominently following his debate with Trump. Despite these calls, Harris has firmly defended Biden, acknowledging that while the debate was not his strongest moment, he remains capable of defeating Trump in the upcoming election.

At a campaign event in Las Vegas on Friday, Harris stated:

There are three things that were true yesterday before the debate that are still true today. Let's level set on this. First, the stakes of this race could not be higher. Second, the contrast in this election could not be more stark. And third, we believe in our President Joe Biden and what he stands for. This race will not be decided by one night in June.

The Biden campaign maintains its stance that he will continue as the Democratic nominee despite the challenges posed by recent events. This resolve is critical as the campaign navigates through a period of demoralized staff and donors threatening to withdraw their support.

Harris as a Potential Successor

Harris is seen as a potential beneficiary if Biden were to step down, making her a likely successor. Although this scenario would not guarantee her the nomination, she would certainly be a frontrunner.

Her financial advantage over other potential contenders is significant. The millions of dollars raised for Biden's re-election campaign can legally only be redirected to her as his running mate. This financial edge is a critical factor in the highly competitive political landscape.

Harris's name appears alongside Biden's on all Federal Election Commission filings, which further cements her position within the campaign infrastructure. This alignment is crucial as it positions her favorably within the party's framework.


Vice President Kamala Harris is actively supporting President Biden amid resignation calls post-debate with Trump, highlighting her role and potential as his successor. She and her husband will celebrate July 4th in Washington, D.C., with military families, demonstrating their commitment. Harris defends Biden's capability and is seen as a strong successor with financial and demographic advantages for the campaign.

The Biden administration has announced a significant policy change affecting thousands of Haitian immigrants in the United States.

According to Daily Wire, the new order prevents the deportation of thousands of illegal immigrants from Haiti, extending Temporary Protected Status (TPS) to 309,000 Haitians as of June 3, 2024.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) revealed the order on Friday, with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas citing ongoing humanitarian concerns in Haiti as the primary reason.

Approximately 200,000 Haitians who had already been shielded from deportation under TPS will have their protections extended by 18 months.

Extension of Temporary Protected Status

The new directive significantly expands the number of Haitians eligible for TPS, adding around 309,000 individuals who were in the United States on or before June 3, 2024.

A press release from DHS stated that Secretary Mayorkas determined the extension was necessary due to the continued dire conditions in Haiti. Haiti continues to struggle with widespread violence and insecurity, which has exacerbated the country's lack of access to essential services such as healthcare, food, and water.

Natural disasters, including flooding, mudslides, storms, and earthquakes, frequently plague the nation, further compounding the challenges faced by its citizens. Violence has surged, with incidents involving the deaths of political leaders and missionaries, highlighting the perilous situation on the ground.

U.S. Military Response

In response to escalating gang violence in Port-au-Prince, a team of U.S. Marines was deployed in March to protect the American embassy in Haiti.

Secretary Mayorkas stated, "We are providing this humanitarian relief to Haitians already present in the United States given the conditions that existed in their home country as of June 3, 2024."

The Biden administration has previously utilized TPS to protect illegal immigrants from deportation, most notably with an order affecting hundreds of thousands of Venezuelans last year.

Political Reactions and Implications

The decision to extend TPS to additional Haitians has sparked debate among political leaders, reflecting the ongoing contention over immigration policies.

Despite the criticism, DHS maintains that the extension is a necessary and humanitarian response to the severe and persistent issues in Haiti. The administration's move underscores a broader strategy to address the needs of vulnerable populations while balancing national interests.


The Biden administration's order to prevent the deportation of thousands of Haitian immigrants reflects a response to ongoing violence and insecurity in Haiti. The extension of TPS covers 309,000 additional Haitians in the U.S. as of June 3, 2024. Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas cited humanitarian concerns, aligning the decision with the core objectives of the TPS law. The country continues to face significant challenges, including natural disasters and increasing violence. This move is consistent with the administration's previous use of TPS to provide relief, as seen with Venezuelan immigrants. The order occurs amidst Republican calls for stronger border security.

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