Former President Donald Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

According to ABC News, Trump later addressed the National Guard Association at their annual conference in Michigan, where he received an endorsement from former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

The Republican presidential nominee used these platforms to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which continues to be a contentious issue among conservatives.

Trump's Remarks On Afghanistan Withdrawal

During his address to the National Guard Association, Trump didn't mince words when discussing the events of August 2021. He described the withdrawal as "botched" and an "embarrassing" moment for the nation. Trump's criticism extended beyond President Biden to include Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he now faces as a rival in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump asserted that the withdrawal from Afghanistan had far-reaching consequences, stating that it led to a collapse of American credibility and respect worldwide. He emphasized that he would have managed the situation differently had he been in office at the time.

In honoring the fallen service members, Trump expressed a commitment to their memory. He pledged to work towards restoring a government that prioritizes the American people, framing this as a way to honor the sacrifice made by those who lost their lives in the Kabul attack.

Vice President Harris's Response

In contrast to Trump's criticism, Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement on the anniversary, paying tribute to the 13 U.S. service members who perished in the Kabul airport bombing. Her words aimed to honor their sacrifice while also defending the administration's decision to end America's involvement in Afghanistan.

Harris stated:

I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families and I will always honor their service and sacrifice. Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones. I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland.

The Vice President's statement sought to balance respect for the fallen with a justification of the administration's ongoing counterterrorism efforts.

Contrasting Approaches And Political Implications

The differing approaches of Trump and the Biden administration to commemorating this anniversary highlight the ongoing political debate surrounding the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump's personal appearance at Arlington National Cemetery and his subsequent address to the National Guard Association stands in contrast to President Biden's absence from Washington on this day.

JD Vance, Trump's running mate, emphasized this contrast during a press call. He suggested that Biden's absence was indicative of broader issues while also criticizing Harris's role in the administration's handling of Afghanistan-related matters.

The involvement of Gold Star families in these discussions adds an emotional dimension to the political discourse. Some family members of the fallen service members expressed frustration with what they perceive as a lack of communication from the White House and insufficient accountability for the events in Kabul.


The third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack has reignited debates about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Former President Trump used the occasion to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the situation, while Vice President Harris defended the decision to end the war. Both sides' contrasting approaches and statements underscore the ongoing political sensitivity surrounding this issue.

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance appeared on NBC's Meet the Press to address controversial comments he made in 2021 about "childless cat ladies."

As reported by Vanity Fair, Vance's appearance on the show was part of an ongoing effort to explain his past remarks rather than issue an apology. During the interview with host Kristen Welker, Vance attempted to reframe his previous statement, insisting his intention was to advocate for more options for women.

In the summer of 2021, then-Senate candidate Vance told Tucker Carlson that he believed the United States was run by "childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they've made."

When asked about these comments on Meet the Press, Vance stated that in his conversations with women, he consistently hears that "a lot of young women feel like they don't have options." He added, "I just want women to have more choices."

Addressing The Challenges Of Working Mothers

Vance's comments touched on the difficulties faced by working mothers in the United States. According to statistics, approximately 24 million working mothers with children under 18 struggle to balance their careers and family responsibilities. These women often earn less than their male counterparts and typically shoulder a greater share of childcare and household duties.

The Ohio senator has previously made controversial statements regarding women's choices. In one instance, he suggested that women should remain in violent marriages for the sake of their children. These comments have drawn criticism from various quarters and have become a point of contention in his political career.

Vance's Reluctance To Apologize For Past Statements

During the Meet the Press interview, host Kristen Welker provided Vance with multiple opportunities to apologize for his "childless cat ladies" remark. However, Vance consistently avoided offering a direct apology. When asked if he regretted making the comment, Vance responded:

Look, I regret, certainly, that a lot of people took it the wrong way. I think it's important for me to just be a normal human being who sometimes says things that people disagree...

When Welker interjected to ask if he had any regrets, Vance replied with a smile, "I have a lot of regrets, Kristen, but making a joke three years ago is not in the top ten list."

Vance's Stance On Abortion And Women's Rights

Vance's comments on women's choices extend to his views on abortion rights. In 2023, when Ohio voters chose to enshrine abortion rights in the state constitution, Vance expressed strong opposition. He posted a statement on social media platform X (formerly Twitter), describing the pro-choice movement as "sociopathic" for encouraging young women and men to "murder their own children."

During his recent Meet the Press appearance, Vance claimed that his running mate, former President Donald Trump, would not sign a federal abortion ban if elected. This statement contradicts Trump's previous support for such legislation during his time in office.

Vance's Position On Abortion And Fetal Rights

Vance has consistently advocated for restrictions on abortion access. In 2021, when Texas passed a near-total abortion ban, Vance framed the issue not as a matter of forcing women to carry pregnancies to term but rather as a question of whether a fetus should be allowed to live despite potentially inconvenient circumstances.

In a podcast appearance at the time, Vance elaborated on his stance:

We want women to have opportunities, we want women to have choices, but above all, we want women and young boys in the womb to have the right to life.

In conclusion, JD Vance's recent appearance on Meet the Press highlighted his ongoing efforts to explain and contextualize his past controversial remarks about women. While claiming to support more choices for women, Vance has consistently advocated for policies that would restrict reproductive rights. His reluctance to apologize for his "childless cat ladies" comment, coupled with his stance on abortion, continues to generate debate and criticism from those who view his positions as contradictory to his stated goal of expanding women's options.

The Kentucky Supreme Court ruled that the state’s Judicial Conduct Commission (JCC) does not have the authority to permanently remove a judge from office.

The high court's decision followed the JCC’s removal of former Marshall/Calloway County Circuit Court Judge James “Jamie” Jameson, who faced multiple charges of misconduct, as the Murray Ledger and Times reports.

JCC's Authority Questioned by High Court

The Kentucky Supreme Court's opinion, issued on Thursday, affirmed the Judicial Conduct Commission’s decision to remove Judge Jameson but clarified that the JCC's jurisdiction does not extend to permanently barring an individual from holding judicial office.

Jameson, who began serving in 2015 and was running for re-election in 2022, was charged with seven counts of misconduct by the JCC. These charges, which included issues related to his involvement in a Community Corrections Board and an ankle monitor program, led to his temporary suspension in August 2022, just months before the election. However, the Kentucky Supreme Court found that the JCC had overstepped its bounds in issuing this suspension. The Court ruled that the JCC lacked jurisdiction for such an action and later reversed the suspension.

Mixed Outcome for Jameson

Following a four-day hearing in Hopkinsville, the JCC found Jameson guilty of all misconduct charges and removed him from office. This removal occurred just before the November 2022 election, during which his name remained on the ballot despite his disqualification. The election was ultimately won by Andrea Moore, who now serves as the Circuit Judge for the 42nd Judicial Circuit.

Jameson appealed the JCC's decision to the Kentucky Supreme Court, which resulted in a mixed outcome. While the Court upheld some of the JCC's findings, it overturned others, particularly the decision to permanently remove Jameson from holding judicial office.

The Supreme Court’s opinion highlighted that while the JCC could remove a judge for the remainder of their term, the commission did not possess the authority to impose a permanent removal, a sanction that the Court stated had never been addressed in its precedent.

Concerns Over Influence on Judicial Elections

Justice Kelly Thompson, in a concurring opinion, raised concerns about the potential impact of the JCC’s actions on the judicial election. Thompson suggested that the disciplinary process may have been improperly used to sway the outcome of the race for the Circuit Court seat.

Judge Jameson, in response to the ruling, took to Facebook to express his sense of vindication, noting that the Court's opinion affirmed that he had never broken any laws or misused funds during his tenure. He also referenced Justice Thompson's opinion, which acknowledged that while Jameson made mistakes, they were driven by his dedication to serving his community.

Judge Moore, who succeeded Jameson, distanced herself from the controversy, stating that she had no involvement in the filing of complaints against him. Moore clarified that her decision to run for office was made independently and was not influenced by any external actions related to Jameson’s case.

Final Remarks from the Supreme Court

The Kentucky Supreme Court's ruling serves as a reminder of the limits of the JCC's authority. The decision underscores that while the commission can remove judges for misconduct, its powers do not extend to permanently barring individuals from judicial service.

As the dust settles, the legal community in Kentucky is left to consider the implications of this ruling. Judge Jameson’s case has prompted discussions about the balance between accountability and the appropriate scope of disciplinary actions within the state’s judicial system.

In conclusion, the Kentucky Supreme Court affirmed the removal of Judge Jameson by the JCC, while also curbing the commission’s attempt to permanently disqualify him from holding judicial office. This ruling clarifies the boundaries of the JCC's authority, ensuring that such decisions remain within the scope of established legal precedent.

Kamala Harris delivered the most significant speech of her political career Thursday night, but one key family member was noticeably absent.

During her acceptance speech for the Democratic Party's presidential nomination, Harris barely mentioned her estranged father, Donald Harris, whose absence from the audience sparked discussion about their distant relationship, as the New York Post reports.

Among those present were Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff, his children Cole and Ella, her sister Maya Harris, and Maya's family. Conspicuously missing from the family seating arrangement was her father, who turned 86 the following day. His absence and her limited mention of him during the speech have drawn attention to the strained ties between father and daughter.

Donald Harris Absent Amid Rising Political Career

Kamala Harris' speech painted a loving picture of her mother, Shyamala Gopalan, emphasizing her pivotal role in raising Kamala and her sister, Maya, following the parents’ divorce when Kamala was eight years old. The vice-presidential nominee highlighted that their mother took on most of the responsibilities after the separation, leading to her father's diminished role in her upbringing.

Despite his absence, Donald Harris has made significant contributions in his own right. A retired professor of economics at Stanford University, Donald was a prominent figure in his field, known for his Marxist views. His political leanings, however, have reportedly distanced him from his daughter's political journey.

The rift between Kamala and Donald Harris was further underscored by her omission of any mention of her stepmother, Carol Kirlew, a former World Bank executive. The couple resides in Washington, DC, but whether Donald was invited to the Democratic National Convention or chose to remain absent is unclear.

Long-Standing Estrangement Influences Harris’ Political Narrative

The estrangement between Kamala Harris and her father is not new. After her parents' split, Kamala and Maya were primarily raised by their mother, with the support of a trusted network of friends, rather than close family members. This narrative has been central to Harris' life story, often sidelining her father’s influence.

Donald Harris, originally from Brown's Town, Jamaica, pursued his education at the University of the West Indies and the University of London, completing his PhD at UC Berkeley. He met Kamala's mother in 1962, married her in 1963, but the marriage ended in 1971. The custody battle that followed was contentious, with Donald expressing dissatisfaction with the court's decisions. Nevertheless, he remained committed to his daughters.

Throughout Kamala's rise in politics, Donald has maintained a low profile, opting to stay out of the public eye. In 2019, he stated his intention to avoid the media and the "political hullabaloo," reflecting his desire to keep his distance from his daughter’s political life.

Political Differences Contribute to Father-Daughter Rift

Despite their personal estrangement, Kamala and Donald Harris share some overlapping views, particularly on economic issues. Donald's academic career and economic theories, often associated with Marxist principles, have influenced Kamala, particularly on topics like wealth distribution and the advancement of people of African descent.

However, their political differences have caused tension, most notably when Donald publicly criticized Kamala in 2019. He was displeased with her comments linking their Jamaican heritage to marijuana use, a statement he found damaging to their family’s reputation.

Donald Harris has continued to make his mark independently of his daughter’s political career. In October 2021, he was honored with Jamaica’s Order of Merit, an acknowledgment of his academic and professional contributions. He expressed being “honored and humbled” by the recognition, a rare public statement from a man who has chosen to stay largely out of the spotlight.

Kamala Harris’ speech at the Democratic National Convention was a historic moment, yet it also highlighted the complexities of her personal life. Her father's absence, both physically and in her narrative, speaks to the strained relationship that has defined much of her public and private persona.

A prominent progressive lawmaker from Chicago is sounding the alarm about a potential voter turnout issue that could jeopardize Vice President Kamala Harris's chances against Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

Rep. Delia Ramirez, representing Illinois' most liberal district, shared her concerns during a recent Democratic National Convention (DNC) event, as reported by the Daily Mail.

Ramirez, a freshman representative whose district is located just 15 minutes from downtown Chicago, expressed worry about voter apathy despite the "joy and momentum" surrounding Harris's campaign. She emphasized the need for Democrats to give voters "something to vote for" rather than simply campaigning against Trump.

Voter Apathy and Negative Campaigning Concerns

Ramirez didn't mince words when addressing the potential threat to Harris's campaign. She stated that the current political climate shouldn't allow for the possibility of Donald Trump becoming president again. The congresswoman pointed out that voter apathy has been a deciding factor in many elections, and she attributed this partly to negative campaigning tactics.

According to Ramirez, excessive spending on negative campaign ads often leads to decreased voter turnout rather than increased engagement. She stressed the importance of providing voters with compelling reasons to cast their ballots beyond simply opposing the other candidate.

The representative also highlighted concerns about short-term memory among constituents, noting that many may not feel the urgency to vote if they don't perceive a significant improvement in their circumstances compared to four years ago.

Importance of Positive Messaging and Voter Engagement

Ramirez shared her personal experiences, revealing that she continues to have discussions with family members about Harris and whether their situations have improved over the past four years. This ongoing debate within her own circle underscores the challenges facing the Harris campaign in mobilizing voters.

The congresswoman from Chicago stated:

I'm going to say something that you probably don't want to hear, but damn it, I'm the progressive Latina that got elected 20 months ago, and I'm just going to have to keep going to have to keep it real with you. We shouldn't be here. We shouldn't be at a position right now where Donald Trump can be the President of United States of America.

Ramirez's comments reflect a growing concern among Democrats about the need to energize their base and appeal to undecided voters. She emphasized that merely campaigning against Trump may not be sufficient to secure victory for Harris.

Echoes of Similar Warnings from Other Prominent Figures

Ramirez's cautionary message aligns with similar sentiments expressed by other influential figures during the DNC. Media mogul Oprah Winfrey, for instance, used her platform to urge independent voters to support Harris, emphasizing the gravity of the current political landscape.

Winfrey, while maintaining her status as an independent, made a direct appeal to undecided voters. She stated that the current times require "adult conversations" and are beyond "ridiculous tweets and lies and foolery," in what appeared to be a thinly veiled reference to former President Trump.

These warnings from Ramirez and Winfrey underscore the Democratic Party's recognition of the challenges it faces in the upcoming election. The emphasis on positive messaging and giving voters concrete reasons to support Harris reflects a strategic shift in campaign tactics.

In conclusion, Rep. Delia Ramirez's warning about voter apathy posing a threat to Kamala Harris's campaign against Donald Trump highlights the complex dynamics at play in the upcoming election. Her call for positive messaging and substantive policy proposals to engage voters echoes concerns shared by other prominent Democrats. As the election approaches, the Harris campaign will likely need to address these issues to ensure strong voter turnout and maximize their chances of success at the polls.

A former Nebraska State Trooper has come forward with details about a 1995 drunk driving arrest involving Tim Walz, shedding new light on the incident and subsequent political spin.

As reported by The Daily Beast, Trooper Stephen Rasgorshek arrested Walz for driving under the influence on September 23, 1995. While Walz initially took responsibility for his actions, his 2006 congressional campaign later attempted to downplay the incident, leading to questions about transparency and accountability.

The arrest occurred when Walz, then a 31-year-old teacher and football coach, was pulled over for driving over 90 mph in a 55 mph zone. Rasgorshek conducted field sobriety tests, which Walz failed, including the horizontal gaze nystagmus test. A subsequent blood alcohol test at the hospital revealed Walz's level to be .128, well above the legal limit at the time.

Walz's Initial Response And Legal Proceedings

Following the arrest, Walz took immediate action to address the incident. He reported it to his principal at Alliance High School, where he was teaching, and offered his resignation. The principal, however, convinced Walz not to resign from his teaching position, though Walz did step down from his extracurricular activities, including coaching responsibilities.

During a court hearing on March 13, 1996, Walz's attorney, Russell Harford, presented his client's case. Harford emphasized that Walz had taken the incident seriously and was using it as a teachable moment for his students. He stated:

Now he is ministering, so to speak, to the students about all the bad things that can happen to you if you drink and drive and get caught drinking and driving. I think there's some good to come from this.

Judge James Hansen, presiding over the case, expressed concern about a teacher facing such charges but ultimately allowed Walz to plead guilty to a reduced charge of reckless driving. Walz was fined $200 plus court costs, avoiding potential jail time.

Political Spin And Contradictory Claims

The incident resurfaced in 2006 when Walz ran for Congress as a Democrat. His campaign manager, Kerry Greely, offered a different explanation for the arrest when questioned by the media. Greely claimed that Walz had not been drunk but rather suffered from ear damage that affected his balance and ability to hear the trooper's commands.

Walz's spokesperson, Meredith Salsbery, echoed this narrative, stating that the trooper had refused to speak up during the encounter. These claims directly contradicted the official record and Rasgorshek's account of the arrest.

Trooper's Rebuttal And Factual Discrepancies

Rasgorshek, now retired, has come forward to challenge the campaign's version of events. He asserts that the field sobriety testing took place in the quiet of his patrol car on a deserted stretch of highway, making it unlikely that Walz had difficulty hearing instructions.

The trooper also addressed the claim about Walz's balance issues, noting that the horizontal gaze nystagmus test, which Walz failed, relies on eye movement and is not affected by hearing problems. Rasgorshek stated: "We were told that having a hearing problem had nothing to do with what the eyes are doing."

Furthermore, Rasgorshek pointed out that Walz's blood alcohol level of .128 was recorded after a significant delay due to waiting for a tow truck. He estimates that Walz's actual blood alcohol content at the time of the stop could have been as high as .170.

Long-Term Impact And Current Perspectives

Despite the initial controversy, Walz appears to have made significant changes in his life following the incident. He has reportedly remained sober since the arrest, swapping alcohol for Diet Mountain Dew. Rasgorshek acknowledged that if Walz had maintained his initial stance of taking responsibility and using the experience to educate others, he would have fully supported such an approach.

In conclusion, the revelation of details surrounding Tim Walz's 1995 DUI arrest has brought renewed attention to the incident and its aftermath. The discrepancies between the initial handling of the arrest and the later political spin raise questions about transparency in public life. While Walz appears to have made positive changes following the event, the conflicting narratives surrounding it continue to be a topic of discussion in political circles.

According to Daily Mail, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has been vocal about his family's struggles with infertility on the campaign trail while criticizing Republican efforts to restrict access to IVF.

However, it has recently come to light that Walz and his wife Gwen actually conceived their children through intrauterine insemination (IUI), not in vitro fertilization (IVF), as reported by the New York Times.

As the running mate of Kamala Harris, Walz has shared his personal story to emphasize the need for Republicans to "mind their own damn business" when it comes to fertility treatments.

In a recent statement, Gwen Walz clarified their experience, stating that a neighbor, who was a nurse, helped her with the necessary shots as part of the IUI process.

Intrauterine Insemination Differs From IVF In Key Aspects

IUI is a less invasive fertility treatment compared to IVF and does not involve the creation or discarding of embryos, which has been a point of contention for anti-abortion advocates.

The process involves placing sperm directly into the uterus to facilitate conception. While IVF tends to have higher success rates, IUI is often used as a starting point for couples struggling with infertility due to its less complex nature.

A spokesperson for Walz clarified that when sharing his story, the governor often refers to his family undergoing "treatments like" IVF and uses "commonly understood shorthand for fertility treatments." This distinction is important as IVF has come under scrutiny from some anti-abortion advocates following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v. Wade in 2022.

Walz Criticizes Republicans Over Fertility Treatment Restrictions

In February, the Alabama Supreme Court ruled that frozen embryos should be treated like children, sending shockwaves through the IVF industry and raising concerns about the future of fertility treatment. In response, Walz took to Facebook, writing:

Gwen and I have two beautiful children because of reproductive health care like IVF. This issue is deeply personal to our family and so many others. Don't let these guys get away with this by telling you they support IVF when their handpicked judges oppose it.

Public Support For IVF Remains High Despite Controversy

Despite the recent controversies surrounding IVF, public support for the fertility treatment remains strong.

A Pew Research Center survey conducted earlier this year found that 70 percent of adults believe access to IVF is a good thing, while only eight percent view it as a bad thing. Over 10 million babies have been born through IVF globally, with more than half a million IVF deliveries occurring each year.

While IUI and IVF are distinct fertility treatments, some patients use the terms interchangeably when discussing their experiences with infertility. The Walz family's story serves as a reminder of the deeply personal nature of fertility struggles and the importance of access to reproductive healthcare for countless families across the United States.


Minnesota Governor Tim Walz has shared his family's fertility struggles on the campaign trail, often mentioning treatments like IVF. However, it was recently clarified that his children were conceived through intrauterine insemination (IUI), not IVF. Despite the controversy, public support for IVF remains strong, with 70% of adults viewing it positively, highlighting the ongoing debate about reproductive healthcare access.

According to recently released documents, Hunter Biden, the son of then-Vice President Joe Biden, reportedly reached out to the U.S. State Department for assistance in securing a foreign energy deal in Italy on behalf of Burisma, a Ukrainian gas company.

As reported by the Washington Examiner, Hunter Biden reportedly tried to facilitate a deal for Burisma in 2014 while his father was Vice President in the Obama administration.

Records obtained by the New York Times through a Freedom of Information Act request show that Biden wrote at least one letter to John Phillips, the U.S. ambassador to Italy at the time, seeking assistance for the Ukrainian company. The details of this communication have prompted scrutiny, as they involve a sitting vice president's son leveraging government channels for business interests abroad.

Concerns Raised Within The U.S. Embassy In Rome

Correspondence within the U.S. Embassy in Rome revealed discomfort among officials about Biden’s request. A Commerce Department official who was tasked with responding to Biden's inquiry expressed hesitation in taking action. “I want to be careful about promising too much,” the official wrote in an internal email, highlighting the sensitive nature of advocating for a foreign company such as Burisma.

The official further advised that the U.S. government should avoid advocating with the Italian government directly on behalf of a Ukrainian company without first ensuring that the company goes through the proper channels. The official suggested that Burisma should have utilized the Commerce Department’s Advocacy Center, a step that was apparently bypassed in Biden's request.

Despite these concerns, the State Department’s response to Biden did not involve direct advocacy. Instead, it underscored the appropriate protocol for such matters, redirecting the request to the appropriate department.

Hunter Biden’s Lawyer Downplays The Significance

Abbe Lowell, Hunter Biden’s lawyer, responded to the reports by downplaying the significance of the request. He emphasized that there was nothing illegal about Biden’s actions, noting that no substantial actions resulted from the request. According to Lowell, Biden merely sought an introduction in Italy, and no meeting or project materialized from his outreach.

Lowell's statements aim to mitigate the political implications of the report, which comes at a time of increased scrutiny of Hunter Biden’s business dealings. Critics have questioned whether Hunter Biden’s activities while his father was in office presented conflicts of interest or raised ethical concerns.

The documents obtained by the New York Times were released after a protracted three-year process involving a Freedom of Information Act request.

These records have added to the growing body of evidence that has been used by political opponents to challenge President Joe Biden’s credibility and raise questions about potential conflicts of interest during his time as vice president.

Political Repercussions For The Biden Administration

The implications of Hunter Biden's actions have extended beyond the immediate concerns about government advocacy. The matter has become one of several issues contributing to the current political climate in Washington, where Republicans have launched an impeachment inquiry against President Joe Biden.

While no concrete evidence has emerged to directly link President Biden to his son's activities, the ongoing investigation continues to fuel political debate. The controversy surrounding Hunter Biden’s request for government assistance underscores the broader questions about the intersection of family, politics, and business at the highest levels of government.

In conclusion, the recent revelations about Hunter Biden’s request for assistance from the U.S. State Department during his father’s vice presidency have stirred significant controversy. The discomfort expressed by U.S. officials at the time and the political ramifications of these actions continue to shape the narrative surrounding the Biden administration. As the investigation unfolds, the implications of these dealings remain a contentious issue in American politics.

Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel argues that Vice President Kamala Harris bears responsibility for the anti-Israel protest chaos expected at the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.

According to a recent report in Breitbart News, as many as 100,000 protesters are anticipated, representing various radical causes, particularly anti-Israel groups.

Strassel points out that Harris missed an opportunity to distance herself from the anti-Israel radicals who will be demonstrating throughout the convention.

She highlights Harris's recent hiring of a liaison to Muslim and Arab communities with a history of participating in radical anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Harris Lauds "Emotion" Behind Anti-Israel Protests

While Harris has stated that she does not agree with everything said at anti-Israel protests, she has praised the "emotion" behind them. These protests have often included antisemitic rhetoric and violence in cities and on college campuses nationwide.

Strassel wrote:

[E]nraged leftists haven't gone anywhere, as evidenced by their meltdown over Kamala Harris's consideration of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a running mate. She ducked that confrontation by going with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, yet what Democrats continue to fail to appreciate is that this crowd won't be appeased by anything less than full capitulation. That includes an end to any support for Israel.

Radical Groups Coordinating Buses, Donations for DNC Protests

The Coalition to March on the DNC, which includes groups like Black Lives Matter and Students for Justice in Palestine, is coordinating buses to bring protesters to Chicago.

They are also soliciting donations for supplies like "medical kits" to "withstand the repression" of local police.

Other radical organizations planning to attend include Samidoun and Behind Enemy Lines, which advocate for "direct action" beyond peaceful marching. One Behind Enemy Lines post referred to Harris and President Biden as "Killer Kamala" and "Genocide Joe."

Harris's History of Supporting Violent Protests

Harris has previously shown support for violent protests. In 2020, she helped raise bail funds for rioters involved in the Black Lives Matter movement and joined protests near the White House that escalated into violence. She also labeled the federal law enforcement officers in Portland as resembling a paramilitary group.

Strassel suggests that Harris's handling of any potential disturbances at the DNC will be revealing. However, she believes that Democrats have already missed their opportunity to distance themselves from extreme elements, as demonstrated by the resignation of Columbia University President Minouche Shafik following her inability to address antisemitic protests on campus.

In conclusion, WSJ columnist Kimberley Strassel contends that Vice President Kamala Harris is responsible for the anticipated anti-Israel protest chaos at the upcoming DNC in Chicago.

Harris has missed opportunities to distance herself from radical elements and has a history of supporting violent protests. The scale of the expected demonstrations and the involvement of extremist groups suggest a volatile situation that Harris and the Democrats may struggle to control.

Three members of the Georgia State Election Board have been accused of ethics violations by a former election official.

Cathy Woolard, former chair of the Fulton County Board of Elections, filed a complaint against Rick Jeffares, Janice Johnston, and Janelle King, alleging they violated laws and ethics codes to assist Donald Trump in disrupting the presidential election, as The New Republic reports.

Complaint Alleges Actions Undermined Trust in Elections

Woolard's complaint, filed on Friday, claims that the actions of these board members have severely undermined public trust and pose a threat to the integrity of Georgia's elections. According to Woolard, the trio aimed to further their own political agendas rather than uphold the law.

Specifically, Woolard alleges that on July 12, Jeffares, Johnston, and King organized a private meeting to pass two election rules proposed by Georgia Republican Party Chair Jeff Koons. These rules included a requirement for daily online posting of county ballot counts and an increase in the number of partisan monitors during the vote-counting process. Woolard argues that this meeting violated the Open Meetings Act because it was held privately and excluded two other board members, further eroding public confidence in the election process.

Trump Ally’s Support Sparks Further Controversy

On the same day as the controversial meeting, Cleta Mitchell, a known Trump ally, publicly supported the board members, calling them "great" and urging others to support them. This public endorsement raised further concerns about the impartiality of the board members and their motivations.

The complaint also highlights a recent board decision that passed with a 3-2 vote, instituting a new rule that requires a "reasonable inquiry" before certifying election results. This rule, according to Woolard, could make it easier for county election officials to delay or refuse certification of election outcomes.

Adding to the controversy, Johnston reopened a complaint regarding the administration of the 2020 election in Fulton County, a case that had been closed in May on the advice of the state attorney general. This move has been criticized as a politically motivated effort to revisit baseless claims of election fraud.

Trump’s Influence Looms Over Election Board

Donald Trump has not remained silent on these developments. He reposted a video of the board meeting on Truth Social, urging action on the reopened Fulton County case. At a recent rally in Atlanta, Trump praised the three board members, referring to them as "pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory."

Woolard's complaint suggests that these public endorsements and the board members' actions create at least the appearance of impropriety. She also points to Jeffares's reported interest in a position in a potential Trump administration as further evidence of their partisan motives.

Woolard, who resigned as Chair of the Fulton County Board of Elections on July 3 after serving as interim chair during the Georgia primary elections, stated that it was time for someone else to lead the board through the upcoming fall elections. The ethics complaint filed by Woolard is not the only legal challenge the Georgia State Election Board is facing. In July, government ethics watchdog American Oversight filed a lawsuit against the board, alleging violations of the Open Meetings Act.

Georgia Remains Focal Point in Election Integrity Debates

Georgia has been a significant battleground in the ongoing debates over election integrity, particularly since the 2020 presidential election. The state has seen the highest number of certification refusals since 2020, and it continues to be a focal point for Trump’s election fraud claims.

A report from American Doom has revealed that Georgia employs at least 22 individuals who support election denial conspiracies as election officials. This includes two members of the Georgia State Election Board, adding to the concerns about the board's ability to conduct fair and impartial elections.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the actions of the Georgia State Election Board will likely remain under intense scrutiny. Woolard’s complaint, along with the ongoing lawsuit by American Oversight, could have significant implications for how the upcoming elections are conducted in the state.

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