Wall Street Journal columnist Kimberley Strassel argues that Vice President Kamala Harris bears responsibility for the anti-Israel protest chaos expected at the upcoming Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago.

According to a recent report in Breitbart News, as many as 100,000 protesters are anticipated, representing various radical causes, particularly anti-Israel groups.

Strassel points out that Harris missed an opportunity to distance herself from the anti-Israel radicals who will be demonstrating throughout the convention.

She highlights Harris's recent hiring of a liaison to Muslim and Arab communities with a history of participating in radical anti-Israel protests on college campuses.

Harris Lauds "Emotion" Behind Anti-Israel Protests

While Harris has stated that she does not agree with everything said at anti-Israel protests, she has praised the "emotion" behind them. These protests have often included antisemitic rhetoric and violence in cities and on college campuses nationwide.

Strassel wrote:

[E]nraged leftists haven't gone anywhere, as evidenced by their meltdown over Kamala Harris's consideration of Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro as a running mate. She ducked that confrontation by going with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, yet what Democrats continue to fail to appreciate is that this crowd won't be appeased by anything less than full capitulation. That includes an end to any support for Israel.

Radical Groups Coordinating Buses, Donations for DNC Protests

The Coalition to March on the DNC, which includes groups like Black Lives Matter and Students for Justice in Palestine, is coordinating buses to bring protesters to Chicago.

They are also soliciting donations for supplies like "medical kits" to "withstand the repression" of local police.

Other radical organizations planning to attend include Samidoun and Behind Enemy Lines, which advocate for "direct action" beyond peaceful marching. One Behind Enemy Lines post referred to Harris and President Biden as "Killer Kamala" and "Genocide Joe."

Harris's History of Supporting Violent Protests

Harris has previously shown support for violent protests. In 2020, she helped raise bail funds for rioters involved in the Black Lives Matter movement and joined protests near the White House that escalated into violence. She also labeled the federal law enforcement officers in Portland as resembling a paramilitary group.

Strassel suggests that Harris's handling of any potential disturbances at the DNC will be revealing. However, she believes that Democrats have already missed their opportunity to distance themselves from extreme elements, as demonstrated by the resignation of Columbia University President Minouche Shafik following her inability to address antisemitic protests on campus.

In conclusion, WSJ columnist Kimberley Strassel contends that Vice President Kamala Harris is responsible for the anticipated anti-Israel protest chaos at the upcoming DNC in Chicago.

Harris has missed opportunities to distance herself from radical elements and has a history of supporting violent protests. The scale of the expected demonstrations and the involvement of extremist groups suggest a volatile situation that Harris and the Democrats may struggle to control.

Three members of the Georgia State Election Board have been accused of ethics violations by a former election official.

Cathy Woolard, former chair of the Fulton County Board of Elections, filed a complaint against Rick Jeffares, Janice Johnston, and Janelle King, alleging they violated laws and ethics codes to assist Donald Trump in disrupting the presidential election, as The New Republic reports.

Complaint Alleges Actions Undermined Trust in Elections

Woolard's complaint, filed on Friday, claims that the actions of these board members have severely undermined public trust and pose a threat to the integrity of Georgia's elections. According to Woolard, the trio aimed to further their own political agendas rather than uphold the law.

Specifically, Woolard alleges that on July 12, Jeffares, Johnston, and King organized a private meeting to pass two election rules proposed by Georgia Republican Party Chair Jeff Koons. These rules included a requirement for daily online posting of county ballot counts and an increase in the number of partisan monitors during the vote-counting process. Woolard argues that this meeting violated the Open Meetings Act because it was held privately and excluded two other board members, further eroding public confidence in the election process.

Trump Ally’s Support Sparks Further Controversy

On the same day as the controversial meeting, Cleta Mitchell, a known Trump ally, publicly supported the board members, calling them "great" and urging others to support them. This public endorsement raised further concerns about the impartiality of the board members and their motivations.

The complaint also highlights a recent board decision that passed with a 3-2 vote, instituting a new rule that requires a "reasonable inquiry" before certifying election results. This rule, according to Woolard, could make it easier for county election officials to delay or refuse certification of election outcomes.

Adding to the controversy, Johnston reopened a complaint regarding the administration of the 2020 election in Fulton County, a case that had been closed in May on the advice of the state attorney general. This move has been criticized as a politically motivated effort to revisit baseless claims of election fraud.

Trump’s Influence Looms Over Election Board

Donald Trump has not remained silent on these developments. He reposted a video of the board meeting on Truth Social, urging action on the reopened Fulton County case. At a recent rally in Atlanta, Trump praised the three board members, referring to them as "pitbulls fighting for honesty, transparency, and victory."

Woolard's complaint suggests that these public endorsements and the board members' actions create at least the appearance of impropriety. She also points to Jeffares's reported interest in a position in a potential Trump administration as further evidence of their partisan motives.

Woolard, who resigned as Chair of the Fulton County Board of Elections on July 3 after serving as interim chair during the Georgia primary elections, stated that it was time for someone else to lead the board through the upcoming fall elections. The ethics complaint filed by Woolard is not the only legal challenge the Georgia State Election Board is facing. In July, government ethics watchdog American Oversight filed a lawsuit against the board, alleging violations of the Open Meetings Act.

Georgia Remains Focal Point in Election Integrity Debates

Georgia has been a significant battleground in the ongoing debates over election integrity, particularly since the 2020 presidential election. The state has seen the highest number of certification refusals since 2020, and it continues to be a focal point for Trump’s election fraud claims.

A report from American Doom has revealed that Georgia employs at least 22 individuals who support election denial conspiracies as election officials. This includes two members of the Georgia State Election Board, adding to the concerns about the board's ability to conduct fair and impartial elections.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the actions of the Georgia State Election Board will likely remain under intense scrutiny. Woolard’s complaint, along with the ongoing lawsuit by American Oversight, could have significant implications for how the upcoming elections are conducted in the state.

Republican vice-presidential candidate JD Vance's plane was forced to make an emergency landing on Friday at Milwaukee International Airport after a malfunction with the door seal en route to Cincinnati.

The pilot identified a malfunction with the door seal on the plane carrying Trump's VP pick, leading to an emergency landing at Milwaukee International Airport, with no injuries reported, as Just the News reports.

The incident occurred on Friday afternoon as Vance was aboard a Boeing 737. According to a spokesperson for Vance, the plane’s pilot noticed the malfunction and declared an emergency, prompting the unexpected landing at Milwaukee International Airport.

After the plane safely landed, it underwent inspection and repairs. The issue was resolved swiftly, allowing the flight to resume its journey to Cincinnati. Fortunately, there were no injuries among the passengers or crew members, and the situation was handled with professionalism and care.

Plane's Connection to Trump Campaign

The plane involved in the emergency landing has a connection to the broader Trump campaign. Recently, the campaign began using a Boeing 737-800, referred to as "Trump Force Two," to transport Vance during the campaign trail. However, it remains unclear whether the specific aircraft involved in the emergency was indeed "Trump Force Two."

This incident comes on the heels of increasing scrutiny of Boeing planes, particularly after several high-profile cases of malfunctions went viral on social media. One such video from January captured a frightening moment when a Boeing 737 Max 9 experienced a blowout of its door panel mid-flight.

Though the aircraft involved in Vance's emergency landing is not the same variant as the 737 Max 9, the incident adds to the concerns surrounding the safety of Boeing's fleet. The aviation giant has faced challenges in recent years, and every new issue only deepens the concerns of the public and industry insiders.

Another Incident Involving Trump-Related Plane

Interestingly, this is not the first time a plane associated with Donald Trump has encountered mechanical problems in recent days. Last Friday, a separate aircraft carrying former President Trump had to divert from its intended route to Bozeman, Montana, due to a mechanical issue. These two incidents occurring so close together have raised eyebrows and fueled further discussion about the reliability of the planes being used in the campaign.

The nature of the malfunction on Vance's plane was not as severe as some of the more dramatic failures seen in recent Boeing incidents. Nonetheless, the decision to declare an emergency and land the plane underscores the seriousness with which the pilot and crew treated the situation. Safety remained the top priority, ensuring that all on board were unharmed and the problem was addressed before continuing the flight.

Implications for Vance Campaign Travels

For Vance, the emergency landing represents a minor but significant disruption in his campaign schedule. The Ohio senator has been an integral part of the Republican ticket, and any incident, however small, can attract unwanted attention during a closely watched election season.

Given the current political climate, even minor events can be magnified, leading to potential distractions from the campaign's primary messaging. However, Vance's campaign has been quick to assure the public that the candidate remains focused and undeterred by the incident.

The use of "Trump Force Two" and its connection to these recent aviation issues may continue to be a point of discussion in the coming days. As the campaign presses forward, ensuring the safety and reliability of the transportation used by high-profile figures like Vance will be of paramount importance.

As the campaign moves on from this event, it is likely that the focus will return to the key issues and messages that Vance and his running mate seek to communicate to voters. The incident, while notable, has been resolved, and the campaign trail continues.

According to the Daily Mail, President Joe Biden, who dramatically dropped out of the presidential race on July 21 after pressure from top Democrats, joked about his future career prospects with the young social media stars.

At the gathering of around 100 Gen Z influencers, Biden quipped, "And that's why I invited you to the White House. Because I'm looking for a job." The 81-year-old former president went on to suggest that becoming a social media influencer might be in his future, noting the popularity of the field among young people.

Biden, who has often faced scrutiny over his age, peppered his remarks with self-deprecating jokes about retirement and his potential next career move. "You think - when I retire, where do you think I'm going?" he said, suggesting that a career in social media might be in his future.

The 81-year-old president made it clear that he sees influencers as a crucial part of modern communication, pointing out that even his grandchildren rely on them for news rather than traditional media.

Biden Sees Influencers as the Future

The president praised the gathered influencers for their role in revolutionizing how information is disseminated. "The fact is that you are the future," Biden told them, adding that their work is changing the way society communicates. His remarks highlighted a generational shift in how people consume information, emphasizing the increasing importance of social media platforms over traditional news outlets.

Throughout the event, Biden made several references to his own age, at one point joking, "Now, I know I only look like I’m 40," and encouraging the audience to smile. The lighthearted tone persisted as he quipped, "And that's why I invited you to the White House, because I'm looking for a job."

Biden's engagement with the influencers was part of a broader effort to connect with younger voters, a demographic that played a significant role in his previous election victory. His comments on the power of social media and its impact on public opinion were particularly poignant, given the increasing influence of digital platforms in shaping political discourse.

Press Corps Gets a Jab, But Focus Remains on Influencers

During the session, Biden also interacted with the White House press corps, who were present at the back of the room. He acknowledged them with a jest, asking the influencers, "Now, is that the real press or the fake press back there?" This remark was followed by a pointed request for more positive coverage of his administration's handling of the economy. "We're going to have a soft landing," he asserted when questioned about inflation, before urging the press to "start writing that way."

However, the president made it clear that his priority during the event was to engage with the influencers rather than the traditional media. When a reporter attempted to ask about the Venezuelan election, Biden curtly responded, "I'm not talking to you guys," and reiterated that his focus was on the influencers present.

The president's remarks were met with mixed reactions. While some saw his humor as a refreshing break from the often serious tone of politics, others viewed his comments as a sign of the challenges he faces in connecting with younger voters. Despite this, Biden remained steadfast in his praise for the influencers, emphasizing their role in shaping the future of communication.

Jokes, Retirement, and Future Plans

Biden's repeated references to his potential retirement and future plans were delivered with a mix of humor and seriousness. "And there are more people who want to go into your business than any other these days," he said, acknowledging the growing interest in social media careers. His lighthearted approach to the topic of retirement, coupled with his acknowledgment of the challenges posed by age, painted a picture of a president keenly aware of the generational shifts taking place around him.

While Biden's comments about his future may have been delivered in jest, they also reflected the reality of a president facing the challenges of age and the pressures of modern politics. His willingness to engage with younger voices and his recognition of the power of social media suggest that he is acutely aware of the need to stay relevant in an increasingly digital world.

In conclusion, President Joe Biden's address to Gen Z influencers at the White House was a mix of humor, reflection, and recognition of the shifting landscape of communication. His jokes about retirement, combined with his praise for the influencers, highlighted the generational divide in media consumption and the importance of adapting to new forms of communication.

Independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has announced his intention to appeal a New York court ruling that bars him from appearing on the state’s ballot.

The decision, handed down on Monday, claims Kennedy made false statements about his residency. On Tuesday, Kennedy told Scripps News that the ruling was politically motivated and violated the 12th Amendment.

Kennedy’s legal team argues that the ruling was based on a misunderstanding of federal election laws, which require candidates to declare a domicile in one state for ballot purposes. Kennedy, who has listed a mailing address in California on federal statements, asserts that his legal domicile is New York because it is the state where he votes.

Kennedy Plans to Fight Ruling

The ruling, if upheld, could remove Kennedy from the New York ballot and potentially set a precedent for other states to do the same. Kennedy, however, is confident in his legal standing, stating that his domicile in New York is beyond question. “The federal statement was a mailing address in California,” Kennedy said in an interview. “The domicile legally has to be the place you vote.”

Kennedy’s legal troubles began when a judge found that he had falsely attested to living in New York, a requirement for appearing on the state’s ballot as an independent candidate. In response, Kennedy took an oath in New Hampshire, asserting that he had voted in New York and that it is, therefore, his legal domicile.

Kennedy insists that the court's decision is part of a broader effort by the Democratic National Committee (DNC) to keep him off the ballot. He views the ruling as a violation of the 12th Amendment, which outlines the requirements for presidential candidates and prohibits states from adding their own.

Constitutional Concerns Over State Requirements

Kennedy’s primary argument against the ruling is that it added an unconstitutional burden to the requirements for running for president.

According to the 12th Amendment, a candidate must be a natural-born citizen, at least 35 years old, and have been a resident of the United States for 14 years. Kennedy argues that New York’s residency requirement is an additional hurdle that the Constitution does not permit.

“States are not allowed to add a burden to the three requirements the 12th Amendment imposes for running for president,” Kennedy told Scripps News. He warned that allowing such state-specific rules could create a “patchwork” of regulations that would make it difficult for national candidates to run in certain states.

The DNC, however, disputes Kennedy’s interpretation of the law. A spokesperson for the committee accused Kennedy of running a “spoiler candidacy” and described him as “a fraud through and through.” The DNC’s stance suggests that they see Kennedy’s campaign as a threat to the party’s chances in the upcoming election.

Next Steps in the Legal Battle

Kennedy’s appeal is expected to challenge the New York ruling on constitutional grounds, focusing on the 12th Amendment’s limitations on state powers. He is optimistic about his chances on appeal, arguing that the facts support his claim that New York is his legal domicile.

“The DNC is stretching for any reason to keep me off the ballot, and they will lose this case on appeal because my domicile is New York,” Kennedy stated. He remains adamant that his candidacy is legitimate and that the ruling will be overturned.

In the meantime, Kennedy continues to campaign as an independent candidate, despite the legal challenges he faces. His supporters view the New York ruling as a politically motivated attempt to undermine his campaign, while his opponents see it as a necessary enforcement of election laws.

Lara Trump has attributed recent technical issues, including a campaign hack and a glitch during a high-profile interview between Elon Musk and former President Donald Trump, to what she called the "Deep State."

According to a report by Mediaite, Lara Trump expressed her concerns about the timing of these technical difficulties, hinting that they could be deliberate attempts to sabotage the Trump campaign.

In an interview with Fox News host Sean Hannity, Trump addressed two separate incidents: a reported hack of the Trump campaign by Iranian actors and technical difficulties during a live-streamed interview between former President Donald Trump and Elon Musk on X (formerly Twitter).

Lara Trump suggested these events were part of a "massive effort" to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House. She expressed her belief that various entities, including adversaries and members of the Washington establishment, are working together to hinder Trump's campaign.

Alleged Iranian Hack And Interview Glitches Discussed

The discussion on Fox News touched upon the Trump campaign's claim that it had been hacked by Iran over the weekend. Additionally, Hannity brought up the technical issues that plagued Donald Trump's interview with Elon Musk on X, which Musk attributed to a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack.

Lara Trump seized on these topics to present a broader narrative of opposition to her father-in-law's presidential bid. She argued that these incidents were not isolated but part of a coordinated effort to undermine Trump's campaign.

The RNC co-chair suggested that the perceived opposition stems from fear of Donald Trump's potential return to power. She claimed that various groups, including international adversaries, have benefited from the current administration and are resistant to the changes a second Trump presidency might bring.

Lara Trump's Perspective On Campaign Challenges

In her interview with Hannity, Lara Trump offered her interpretation of the recent events affecting the Trump campaign. She stated:

Yeah, Sean, I think it's pretty obvious at this point, there are a lot of people out there and there's a massive effort, of course, to keep Donald Trump out of the White House. These people are terrified. This is the deep state. This is the swamp in Washington, D.C.. These are the people who are our adversaries in many cases, they know that the jig is up, the game is over when Donald J. Trump returns to the White House and they are petrified of it.

Trump's comments reflect a narrative often employed by supporters of the former president, which portrays him as an outsider battling entrenched interests in Washington and beyond.

Implications For The Presidential Race

The assertions made by Lara Trump on Fox News highlight the contentious nature of the current presidential race. By framing recent campaign difficulties as deliberate attempts to thwart Donald Trump's bid for the presidency, she is appealing to supporters who view the former president as a disruptive force in American politics.

These claims also underscore the role that cybersecurity and technology are likely to play in the upcoming election. With campaigns increasingly reliant on digital platforms for outreach and fundraising, the potential for hacks and technical disruptions remains a significant concern.

In conclusion, Lara Trump's appearance on Fox News brought attention to recent challenges faced by the Trump campaign, including an alleged hack by Iranian actors and technical difficulties during a livestreamed interview. She attributed these issues to a coordinated effort by what she termed the "deep state" to prevent Donald Trump from returning to the White House.

Her comments reflect ongoing tensions in the presidential race and highlight concerns about cybersecurity and foreign interference in elections. The interview also touched on broader themes of national security and America's role on the global stage, framing Donald Trump as a transformative figure in international relations.

The Biden-Harris administration has taken the rare step of pausing its CHNV immigration program, citing fears of widespread fraud after a comprehensive report by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) highlighted serious irregularities.

According to the Western Journal, the suspension follows a USCIS report revealing significant issues, including fraudulent Social Security Numbers, repeated addresses, and identical responses across thousands of applications.

Fraudulent Activities Prompt Review

The decision to pause the program stems from alarming findings in the USCIS report. The report uncovered various methods of fraud, including the use of fake Social Security Numbers—some belonging to deceased individuals—repeated phone numbers and duplicate addresses across multiple applications.

Notably, out of the 1,000 most frequently used sponsor Social Security Numbers, 24 were associated with deceased individuals. The report also highlighted that some applicants provided clearly false Social Security Numbers, such as "111111111" and "123456789."

In addition to these fraudulent numbers, the report identified that 100 specific addresses were used on over 19,000 immigration applications. Furthermore, numerous applications were submitted from unlikely locations, including mobile homes, warehouses, and storage units.

Massive Repetition in Application Data

The USCIS report also revealed an alarming pattern of repetition across the data provided by applicants. For example, one phone number appeared on over 2,000 forms submitted by 200 different sponsors. Similarly, a single parolee phone number was used in 626 different forms, corresponding to 238 different last names and 142 different addresses.

Such patterns of repeated information have raised serious concerns about the integrity of the application process. According to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), the suspension of the program is a precautionary measure to review and address these issues.

A DHS representative stated that the pause was made "out of an abundance of caution" and emphasized that the fraud appears to be concentrated in sponsor data rather than the individuals seeking entry into the United States.

Concerns from Lawmakers

Republican Representative Mark Green, Chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security, expressed strong criticism of the CHNV program. He argued that the findings of the USCIS report validate previous warnings about the risks associated with the program.

Rep. Mark Green criticized the Biden-Harris administration for inadequate vetting in the CHNV program, asserting it was created more to prevent political backlash than to ensure a secure immigration process. He called for its immediate termination due to the risks of fraudulent data compromising national security.

DHS Investigations Ongoing

In response to the USCIS findings, DHS announced that it has mechanisms in place to detect and prevent fraud within its immigration processes. Where fraud is identified, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is tasked with investigating and, if necessary, making criminal referrals to the Department of Justice.

The Department of Homeland Security has temporarily paused the CHNV program, which permits entry to the U.S. for nationals from four countries, until it can implement the necessary safeguards following a review.


The Biden-Harris administration has halted a program designed to fast-track immigration from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua, and Venezuela, known as the CHNV program, due to concerns of widespread fraud involving identical answers on parole applications and the use of fake Social Security numbers. A report by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services uncovered that the same answer was used on over 10,000 applications, and numerous applications had repeated phone numbers and addresses. Despite the pause, the Department of Homeland Security emphasized that the issue lies with the sponsors, not the immigrants, and plans to resume the program with enhanced safeguards.

Fox News reported that Vice President Kamala Harris faced considerable online backlash for requiring government-issued IDs at a campaign rally.

Critics voiced that this requirement was contradictory to her public opposition to voter ID laws, sparking a wave of comments from conservative figures on social media.

Harris' rally, which was held in Arizona on Friday, saw attendees needing to present a government-issued photo ID matching their RSVPs to gain entry. This procedural move came despite her well-known stance against voter ID laws, which she has previously criticized as racially discriminatory.

Minnesota Governor Tim Walz joined Harris at the event hosted at the Desert Diamond Arena, located 15 miles northwest of downtown Phoenix. The rally, announced on July 30, had its location only disclosed the day before the event. Invitations were circulated by the Arizona Democratic Party through email just a day before the Friday event.

Backlash Over Perceived Hypocrisy

Social media platforms, particularly X (formerly Twitter), were abuzz with individuals calling out what they viewed as Harris' inconsistency. Fox News Digital noted several conservative commentators and public figures reacting strongly to the ID requirement.

Actor Kevin Sorbo questioned the rationale behind the requirement, highlighting the stark contrast between the policy at the rally and Harris' stance on voter ID. Political commentator Gunther Eagleman and journalist Nick Sortor echoed similar sentiments, pointing out the apparent contradiction in her policies.

Fox News Digital reached out to Harris' campaign for a response, but there was no immediate comment on the issue. This lack of clarification may have further fueled the online criticism.

Contrasting Public Remarks On Voter ID Laws

In a 2021 interview with Soledad O'Brien, Harris articulated her concerns about voter ID laws, emphasizing the hurdles they create for rural communities. She pointed out the logistical challenges of photocopying IDs in areas without readily available facilities like Kinko's or Office Max.

Harris further elaborated in a 2020 opinion piece, arguing that voter ID laws, along with other measures, have historically been used to suppress the voting rights of minority communities. She noted that such laws disproportionately affect Black, Latina, Asian, and Indigenous people.

Event Attendance Procedures Contrasted With Voter ID Laws

The campaign rally's procedures required attendees to have RSVP confirmations and matching government-issued photo IDs. This is a standard security measure for many high-profile events, though it clashed with Harris' political stance.

Critics saw the ID requirement as hypocritical, arguing it contradicted her efforts to reduce barriers to voting. The stipulation that only those on the RSVP list with matching identification could enter the rally particularly drew ire.

The event itself aimed to bolster Harris' campaign presence, with Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz's participation signaling broader political support. However, the procedural aspect overshadowed the rally's intended focus.

To summarize, Vice President Kamala Harris' Arizona rally faced scrutiny for requiring government-issued IDs, clashing with her opposition to voter ID laws. The online backlash displayed sentiment across the political spectrum, emphasizing concerns over perceived hypocrisy.

Sen. Chuck Grassley is pushing for answers on why Asif Raza Merchant, a Pakistani man accused of plotting to kill former President Trump, was allowed into the U.S. despite being on a terrorism watchlist.

Merchant's FBI-facilitated entry into the U.S. in April under a special parole program raises significant security concerns, including those raised by Grassle, as Just the News reports.

Merchant, a Pakistani native accused of collaborating with Iran to target Donald Trump and other top officials, was granted entry despite multiple red flags. Merchant, who had been flagged on a terrorism watchlist and had recent trips to Iran, was allowed in on "Significant Public Benefit Parole" in April.

Grassley Seeks DHS Explanation

Grassley, a senior senator, is demanding details from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regarding the decision to admit Merchant. Merchant was interviewed and vetted upon arrival at George Bush Intercontinental Airport in Houston, including an FBI interview, fingerprinting, and inspections of his electronic devices.

Despite these precautionary measures, Merchant was released under parole, which expired in May. According to Grassley, "This raises serious questions about the criteria and basis for such parole decisions."

Security Risks Highlighted by Merchant’s Activities

Merchant allegedly began recruiting individuals for his assassination plot soon after entering the United States. Such activities have especially alarmed lawmakers and the public.

Grassley's letter to DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas questions the rationale behind the parole. "On what basis was Merchant granted Significant Public Benefit Parole? Explain in detail and provide all records," Grassley wrote, underscoring the perceived risk posed by Merchant’s presence.

Merchant's "Lookout Qualified Person of Interest" status adds to the controversy surrounding his entry. Grassley’s inquiries point to significant gaps in the parole process that may have allowed a high-risk individual into the country.

DHS Given Deadline to Respond

DHS has been given until Aug. 23 to respond to Grassley's pointed questions. The deadline emphasizes the urgency and seriousness of the matter from the senator's perspective.

The overarching concern remains how someone, who had traveled to Iran and was listed on a terrorism watchlist, could be admitted under any form of parole without substantial assurance of public safety. This scrutiny reflects broader concerns about national security and the vetting processes used for individuals from high-risk regions.

Grassley's proactive stance aims to ensure that similar oversights do not occur in the future. By pressing DHS for a detailed explanation and records, Grassley hopes to understand the decision-making process and implement measures for improved security protocols.

The situation with Merchant has heightened the debate over the effectiveness of current homeland security measures. Grassley's involvement has brought significant attention to DHS’s policies and their execution.

Ultimately, the resolution of this case could influence future DHS policies and procedures, especially concerning Significant Public Benefit Parole and other special permissions. Ensuring a transparent and accountable process for admitting foreign nationals is critical for national safety.

The Republican Party is making an urgent appeal to the U.S. Supreme Court to allow Arizona’s proof of citizenship law to be enforced ahead of the presidential election.

The law, which mandates proof of citizenship to vote, including by mail, has been temporarily halted by a federal judge, and GOP officials are seeking a reversal of that decision, as Fox News reports.

The Republicans' push comes as the November election draws near, highlighting their efforts to implement stricter voting requirements. The law necessitates documented proof of citizenship for individuals casting ballots, including those voting by mail.

In a significant move, the Republican National Committee and state GOP lawmakers submitted an emergency appeal to Justice Elena Kagan. Justice Kagan oversees time-sensitive applications originating from Arizona and is in a position to decide this matter on her own or involve her fellow Supreme Court justices.

Opponents of the law are expected to file written briefs responding to the emergency appeal in the coming days. This upcoming legal response adds a layer of anticipation as various stakeholders await the Supreme Court's next steps.

Challenge Rooted in Civil Rights Concerns

The law's enforcement had previously been blocked by a federal judge, prompting the Republicans' emergency appeal to the highest court. The temporary relief being sought by the GOP aims to allow the law to be put into practice before significant deadlines expire.

Arizona's proof of citizenship law, passed in 2022, faced immediate challenges from civil rights organizations and the Arizona Democratic Party. These groups argue that the law poses unnecessary barriers to voters and risks disenfranchising eligible voters, especially among minority populations.

In 2013, the Supreme Court had already limited the conditions under which states could impose voter restrictions in federal elections. This precedent adds a layer of complexity to the current case and the pending decision.

Supreme Court Decision Pending

The Supreme Court's decision on this matter is highly anticipated in the approaching days or weeks. The outcome will significantly influence how the upcoming presidential election is conducted in Arizona, a critical battleground state.

Adding to the political activity in the state, Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party's presidential nominee, along with her running mate, Minnestota Gov. Tim Walz, have scheduled a rally in Arizona later on Friday. Their presence underscores the vital role Arizona plays in the national political landscape.

Kagan, who has the jurisdiction to handle emergency applications from Arizona, will play a crucial role in the forthcoming proceedings. She can either decide the case alone or choose to involve other justices in the decision-making process.

Political Stakes in Arizona

The intense interest in Arizona's voting laws reflects its status as a pivotal state in presidential elections. The contentious nature of these legal battles highlights broader national debates about voting rights and election security.

The forthcoming decision from the Supreme Court will address whether Arizona's proof of citizenship requirements will be in effect for the upcoming election. As stakeholders on both sides prepare their arguments, the eyes of the nation remain on this developing story.

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