The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill’s incoming class is less diverse this year, following a recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on affirmative action in college admissions.

The 2024 data reveals a shift in the composition of UNC Chapel Hill’s student body, with a notable decline in minority enrollment and an increase in white and Asian students, as NC Newsline reports.

The university’s latest data shows that students identifying as white or Asian now make up 89.6% of first-year and transfer students, compared to 88.5% in 2023. Meanwhile, students from Black, Hispanic, and Native American backgrounds have seen a decrease, now comprising 19% of the class, down from 22.9% last year.

Affirmative Action Ruling Influences Admissions

This marks the first academic year since the Supreme Court struck down the use of race-based considerations in admissions. The June 2023 decision, a 6-3 decision made along ideological lines, found that these policies violated the 14th Amendment’s equal protection clause.

Following this decision, many universities, including UNC Chapel Hill, had to adjust their admissions processes. The university has acknowledged that it is still too early to determine long-term trends from a single year of data. “It’s too soon to see trends with just one year of data,” said Rachelle Feldman, the university’s vice provost for enrollment, in a statement.

Diverse Student Groups Decline in Numbers

Of the specific demographic changes, the largest drop was among Black students, whose enrollment decreased from 10.5% in 2023 to 7.8% in 2024. Hispanic enrollment also fell from 10.8% to 10.1%, and Native American students now make up just 1.1% of the class, down from 1.6% the previous year.

While the overall number of minority students decreased, the percentage of Asian students grew from 24.8% in 2023 to 25.8% this year. White students saw a slight increase, moving from 63.7% to 63.8% of the student population. Other smaller demographic groups, like Pacific Islanders, also saw modest growth, with their numbers increasing from 0.2% to 0.3% this year.

University's Commitment to Inclusivity

Despite these shifts, UNC Chapel Hill is committed to ensuring access for students from all backgrounds, according to Feldman. The university continues to welcome students from all 100 counties of North Carolina and beyond.

“We are committed to following the new law,” Feldman stated. She emphasized that UNC remains dedicated to making students from all parts of the state feel welcome and supported on campus, despite the changes in admissions policies. Feldman added that the university strives to ensure all students have confidence in the affordability and accessibility of a UNC education.

Record Number of Applications

Despite the changes in diversity, interest in the university remains high. The school received a record number of applications for the fall 2024 semester, with 73,192 students applying, a 15.8% increase from the previous year.

The incoming class includes 4,641 first-year students and 983 transfer students, with 4,608 of them hailing from North Carolina. Another 1,016 students are from out-of-state or international locations. Students in the 2024 class come from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and 79 countries, showing a broad geographic reach even as the racial diversity within the U.S. portion of the student body has shifted.

Looking Ahead Amid Changing Dynamics

As the first-year post-affirmative action ruling landscape unfolds, many observers will be watching how the demographic trends at UNC Chapel Hill evolve. While some groups have seen enrollment declines, the university's leadership is focused on ensuring that students from every background can find a place at the institution.

Looking ahead, UNC Chapel Hill will likely continue to adapt its admissions strategies in light of the Supreme Court ruling, as schools across the country face similar challenges. The full impact of these changes may only become clear in future years. The drop in Black, Hispanic, and Native American enrollment stands in contrast to an increase in white and Asian students, reflecting the broader effects of the court's decision.

Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic presidential nominee, addressed the recent shooting at Apalachee High School in Winder, Georgia, during a campaign rally in New Hampshire on September 4, 2024.

According to Salon, Harris deviated from her prepared remarks to discuss the tragedy that claimed the lives of two students and two teachers, with at least nine more victims hospitalized.

Harris expressed her frustration with the ongoing issue of gun violence in schools, recounting her experiences visiting college campuses and discussing the topic with students. She emphasized the need to end what she called the "epidemic of gun violence" in the United States.

Harris Recounts Student Experiences With Active Shooter Drills

During her speech, Harris shared an anecdote from her previous campus visits, where she asked students about their experiences with active shooter drills. She noted that every student she encountered had participated in such drills during their K-12 education.

Harris stated:

I'm going off script right now, but listen. One of the things that I asked every time that I went to an auditorium … raise your hand if at any point from kindergarten to 12th grade you had to go through an active shooter training. Every hand went up.

The Vice President expressed her dismay at the reality that parents in the United States must worry about their children's safety when sending them to school.

Details Of The Apalachee High School Shooting

The shooting at Apalachee High School involved a 14-year-old student, Colt Gray, who will be charged with murder and tried as an adult. Chris Hosey, the director of the Georgia Bureau of Investigation, reported that Gray used an AR-platform-style weapon in the attack, which took place on the school's football field.

While Georgia law prohibits minors from purchasing firearms, adults can obtain rifles, handguns, or shotguns without a permit or registration. Authorities have not disclosed how Gray acquired the weapon used in the shooting, though it was noted that his father kept hunting weapons at home but did not allow unsupervised access.

Political Responses To The Tragedy

In addition to Harris's comments, other political figures have responded to the shooting. President Joe Biden issued a statement calling on Republicans to support gun control measures, including an assault weapons ban, restrictions on high-capacity magazines, and expanded background checks for gun purchasers.

Former President Trump also commented on the incident via Truth Social, expressing sympathy for the victims but not addressing gun control policy.

The shooting has reignited the ongoing debate about gun control in the United States, with Democrats pushing for stricter regulations and Republicans generally opposing such measures.

Harris reiterated her stance on gun control during her rally speech:

It's just outrageous that every day in our country, in the United States of America, that parents have to send their children to school worried about whether or not their child will come home alive.

The Apalachee High School shooting marks the first major incident of its kind since Harris became the Democratic nominee for president, adding significance to her comments and potentially shaping the gun control debate in the upcoming election.

House Republicans are preparing to introduce a continuing resolution (CR) to fund the government until March, but Democrats are already pushing back against the plan.

According to The Daily Caller, the main point of contention is the inclusion of the SAVE Act, which would require proof of U.S. citizenship for voter registration in federal elections.

Speaker Mike Johnson is set to present the CR next week, with the controversial SAVE Act attached. This move has drawn criticism from Democratic lawmakers, who are calling for a more bipartisan approach to government funding.

Democratic Leaders Express Concerns Over Partisan Approach

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has emphasized the importance of bipartisanship in passing government funding measures. He pointed out that previous CRs have been successful due to cooperation between both parties.

Democratic Senate Appropriations Committee Chair Patty Murray voiced strong opposition to the Republican strategy. Murray stated:

Demanding outrageous partisan poison pills is a nonstarter — we've seen this movie before and we know how it ends.

Murray further emphasized that Senate Democrats would continue to work towards bipartisan solutions to keep the government funded and pass responsible spending bills before the end of the year.

Republican Perspective On The SAVE Act's Inclusion

The SAVE Act, introduced by Republican Rep. Chip Roy of Texas, passed in July with support from 216 Republicans and five Democrats. Roy has defended the bill's inclusion in the CR, suggesting that any Democratic opposition would be politically motivated.

Roy expressed his views on the social media platform X, stating:

Recall – the "SAVE" Act (I introduced it – HR8281) passed with 5 Democrats voting for it (and others privately wanting to). If they vote "no" with it attached to a funding bill that funds government to March – it's pure politics.

This statement underscores the Republican stance that the SAVE Act has some bipartisan support and should not be a deal-breaker for the CR.

Historical Context Of Government Funding Challenges

The current situation echoes previous difficulties in passing government funding bills. Last year, the House failed to pass all appropriations bills, which led to significant political consequences, including the ousting of then-Speaker Kevin McCarthy.

In recent history, the House has relied on multiple CRs to prevent government shutdowns. The most recent CR was passed on February 29, 2024, with three others approved earlier in the fiscal year on January 18, November 15, and September 30.

These repeated short-term funding measures highlight the ongoing challenges in reaching long-term budget agreements between the two parties. The inclusion of policy riders like the SAVE Act in funding bills has become a contentious issue, often complicating negotiations and increasing the risk of government shutdowns.


The proposed Republican CR with the attached SAVE Act has sparked opposition from Democrats, who view it as a partisan move. Senate Majority Leader Schumer and other Democratic leaders are calling for a bipartisan approach to government funding. Republicans, led by Speaker Johnson and Rep. Roy, defend the inclusion of the SAVE Act, citing its previous passage with some Democratic support. This situation reflects the ongoing challenges in reaching budget agreements and the potential for policy riders to complicate funding negotiations.

Popular podcaster Joe Rogan has called out Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama for what he perceives as hypocrisy in their speeches at the Democratic National Convention (DNC).

According to a report by the New York Post, Rogan took issue with the wealthy public figures discussing income inequality and wealth disparity during their DNC appearances.

The controversy stems from speeches given by Winfrey and Obama at the DNC on Thursday, August 31, 2024. Both women addressed issues of economic inequality and the challenges faced by working-class Americans. However, their remarks have drawn criticism from Rogan and others who point out the apparent contradiction between their messages and their own significant personal wealth.

Oprah Winfrey's DNC Speech And Past Trump Support

Oprah Winfrey's DNC speech focused on the importance of maintaining democracy and standing up to "life's bullies." She also touched on her experiences with racism, sexism, and income inequality. However, Rogan and other critics were quick to point out the irony of a billionaire media mogul discussing economic disparity.

Adding to the controversy, the Trump campaign released a thank-you letter Winfrey had written to Donald Trump in 2000. In the letter, Winfrey suggested that Trump would make a good president and even mused about the possibility of them running for office together.

This revelation has led to accusations of hypocrisy, with Rogan commenting on Winfrey's change in stance. He said:

How about Oprah? Oprah was talking about her and Trump running together, and now she's speaking to the DNC that he's a threat to democracy and she's up there talking about income inequality, like, 'Hey lady… you're rich as f—.' I'm like, 'How is that equal?'

Michelle Obama's Speech And Wealth Accumulation

Former First Lady Michelle Obama also faced criticism for her DNC speech, in which she spoke about her parents' values and their suspicion of those who "took more than they needed." Rogan and others have pointed out that this message seems at odds with the Obamas' substantial wealth accumulation since leaving the White House.

Rogan addressed this perceived contradiction in his podcast, stating:

And also when Michelle Obama was saying, you know, I think she was saying her mother or grandmother was always suspicious of people who took more than they needed, like, you are worth so much money. That's so crazy. You did it on a civil servant's salary which is insane.

The Trump War Room, the official account of former President Trump's 2024 presidential campaign, also weighed in on the issue. They shared a clip of Michelle Obama's speech and commented on her reported net worth of $70 million and her residence in Martha's Vineyard.

Public Reactions And Broader Debate

The criticism of Winfrey and Obama's speeches has sparked a broader debate about wealth, inequality, and political messaging. Some supporters argue that their success stories and current wealth don't invalidate their concerns about economic disparity, while critics see their comments as out of touch with the realities faced by average Americans.

Conservative radio host Dana Loesch questioned Winfrey's position on income inequality, pointing out her luxurious lifestyle. Loesch highlighted Winfrey's Hawaiian estate, multiple homes, expensive wardrobes, and frequent luxury vacations as reasons for her skepticism.

These reactions highlight the ongoing tensions in American politics surrounding issues of wealth, class, and representation. As the 2024 election cycle continues, it's likely that discussions about economic inequality and the messaging of wealthy public figures will remain at the forefront of political discourse.


Joe Rogan's criticism of Oprah Winfrey and Michelle Obama's DNC speeches has ignited a debate about wealth and messaging in politics. The controversy centers on the perceived disconnect between their words on economic inequality and their own substantial wealth. This incident has led to broader discussions about the role of wealthy individuals in political discourse and the complexities of addressing economic disparity in America.

The US government has seized an airplane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, according to an exclusive report by CNN.

A Dassault Falcon 900EX aircraft was seized in the Dominican Republic and flown to Florida on Monday. The seizure is the latest development in a long-standing feud between the US and Venezuela.

The US has imposed sanctions on Venezuela's government, and Maduro's administration has been accused of corruption and human rights abuses. The airplane's seizure is seen as a significant move by the US to enforce its sanctions and target Maduro's regime.

US Sanctions and Corruption Allegations

The US has imposed sanctions on Venezuela's government, including its oil and gas sector, in response to Maduro's failure to allow "an inclusive and competitive election" to take place. The sanctions are aimed at disrupting the flow of billions of dollars to the regime. Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) has seized dozens of luxury vehicles, among other assets, heading to Venezuela.

The Venezuelan government has been accused of corruption, with officials allegedly using the country's resources for personal gain. The US Department of Justice charged Maduro and 14 current and former Venezuelan officials with narco-terrorism, drug trafficking, and corruption in March 2020.

The State Department's Bureau of International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs has offered a reward of up to $15 million for information leading to Maduro's arrest or conviction.

Seizure of the Airplane

The airplane was seized in the Dominican Republic, where it was undergoing maintenance. The Dominican Republic's President, Luis Abinader, said the plane was not registered under the name of the Venezuelan government but rather under "the name of an individual."

Foreign Minister of the Dominican Republic Roberto Álvarez said the country's Attorney General's Office received an order last May from a national court to "immobilize" the plane.

The US had requested the plane be immobilized so they could search it for "evidence and objects linked to fraud activities, smuggling of goods for illicit activities and money laundering." The plane was purchased from a company in Florida and was illegally exported to Venezuela through the Caribbean.

One of the US officials said:

This sends a message all the way up to the top. Seizing the foreign head of state's plane is unheard-of for criminal matters. We're sending a clear message here that no one is above the law, no one is above the reach of US sanctions.

Venezuelan Government's Response

The Venezuelan government has described the seizure as "piracy" and accused the US of escalating "aggression" toward Maduro's government. The government said the US is using its economic and military power to intimidate and pressure states such as the Dominican Republic to serve as accomplices in its criminal acts.

The Venezuelan government has also accused the US of trying to destabilize the country and undermine its sovereignty. The government has said it will take all necessary measures to protect its interests and defend its sovereignty.


The US government has seized an airplane belonging to Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, marking a significant move to enforce its sanctions and target Maduro's regime. The seizure is the latest development in a long-standing feud between the US and Venezuela, with the US imposing sanctions on Venezuela's government and Maduro's administration accused of corruption and human rights abuses. The Venezuelan government has described the seizure as "piracy" and accused the US of escalating "aggression" toward Maduro's government.

According to Breitbart News, Former President Donald Trump has raised doubts about Vice President Kamala Harris' claim of having worked at McDonald's.

During a recent appearance at a Moms for Liberty Convention in Washington, DC, Trump challenged the veracity of Harris' oft-repeated assertion about her past employment at the fast-food chain. 

Trump's comments come amid growing scrutiny of Harris' claim, which has been a cornerstone of her relatable public persona. The former president's remarks have thrust this issue into the spotlight, prompting further investigation and media attention.

Trump's Remarks And Campaign Response

At the convention, Trump addressed the audience regarding Harris' McDonald's claim, stating that after a brief investigation, it was discovered that she had never actually worked there. This assertion by Trump has added fuel to the ongoing controversy surrounding Harris' alleged employment history.

In response to the growing scrutiny, Paul Sperry of RealClearInvestigations reported that the Harris campaign has ceased referencing her supposed McDonald's job. Furthermore, the campaign has been unresponsive to media inquiries seeking confirmation of the location and dates of her purported employment at the fast-food chain.

This sudden silence from the Harris camp has only intensified speculation about the legitimacy of her claims. The lack of response to media questions has raised eyebrows and led to increased skepticism among political observers.

Investigating Harris' McDonald's Claim

The Washington Free Beacon conducted an extensive investigation into Harris' employment history but found no evidence to support her claim of working at McDonald's. Their research included examining a job application Harris filled out as a law student, which required listing all previous employment over the past decade.

Interestingly, while the application contained various entries, there was no mention of any McDonald's employment. This omission has further fueled doubts about the authenticity of Harris' claim, especially considering that the alleged McDonald's job would have fallen within the timeframe covered by the application.

Adding to the controversy is the fact that Harris did not mention this supposedly relatable summer job until her 2019 presidential campaign. Prior to that, neither her memoirs nor any pre-2019 campaign literature made any reference to her working at McDonald's.

Media Coverage And Political Implications

Despite the lack of verification, numerous media outlets have reported on Harris' McDonald's claim as fact. Major news organizations such as ABC News, The Independent, Washington Post, Business Insider, and CNN have all published stories highlighting Harris' supposed McDonald's experience.

This widespread acceptance of Harris' claim without proper verification has raised questions about media due diligence. The uncritical reporting of this narrative has potentially contributed to shaping public perception of Harris' background and relatability.

The controversy surrounding Harris' McDonald's claim could have significant political implications. If the claim is proven false, it may damage Harris' credibility and impact public trust. On the other hand, if evidence surfaces supporting her assertion, it could potentially embarrass Trump and his supporters who have questioned its veracity.


Trump's recent comments have reignited the debate over Vice President Kamala Harris' claim of having worked at McDonald's. The Harris campaign's silence on the matter and the lack of concrete evidence have intensified scrutiny. Media outlets' uncritical reporting of the claim has also come under fire. As the controversy unfolds, it remains to be seen how this issue will affect Harris' public image and political standing in the lead-up to the 2024 election.

Three Libertarian candidates in Iowa have been removed from the ballot following challenges by Republican-aligned groups, raising concerns about voter choice and procedural adherence in the state's electoral process.

The candidates were eliminated from the ballot due to what were deemed procedural errors, despite their plans to continue running as write-in hopefuls, as the Washington Examiner reports.

The State Objection Panel, which includes one Democrat and two Republicans, made the decision on Wednesday, voting 2-1 to remove the candidates from the ballot. The challenges were brought by Republican voters, including local party chairs, political candidates, and activists, who questioned the legality of the Libertarian Party's candidate nominations.

Republican-Aligned Panel Decision Causes Stir

The three candidates affected by the decision are Nicholas Gluba, who was running in Iowa’s 1st Congressional District; Marco Battaglia, who was campaigning in the 3rd District; and Charles Aldrich, a candidate in the 4th District. These candidates were expected to be on the ballot for the upcoming elections, but now face a significant hurdle due to the panel’s ruling.

The Libertarian Party of Iowa has been grappling with its newfound status as a major party, achieved in 2022. With this status come increased procedural obligations under Iowa law, including specific requirements for precinct caucuses and county conventions. However, the party did not meet all these requirements, failing to notify county auditors of precinct caucus results and holding county conventions on the same night as precinct caucuses, which the panel found to be in violation of the law.

Despite these shortcomings, Libertarian Party of Iowa Chairman Jules Cutler argued that the party was "substantially compliant" with the law, acknowledging that while mistakes were made, they did not merit the harsh response of removing the candidates from the ballot.

Appeal Process Begins Amid Outcry

The Libertarian Party has decided to appeal the panel’s decision, asserting that the ruling was not only legally unjust but also politically motivated. Jules Cutler, speaking on behalf of the party, suggested that the challenge was an attempt to "silence" the Libertarian voice in the state. He expressed frustration over the situation, calling it an attempt to control voter choices.

Rob Sand, the lone Democrat on the panel, also voiced his concerns, labeling the decision as part of a larger "wrong-headed plot" by what he referred to as Iowa’s "uniparty" to limit voter options. His dissenting vote highlights the partisan tension surrounding the decision and reflects broader concerns about the fairness of the electoral process in Iowa.

While the Libertarian candidates have been removed from the ballot, they are not bowing out of the race. Instead, they plan to continue their campaigns as write-in candidates, a move that could significantly alter the dynamics of the upcoming congressional elections.

Third District Race Draws Particular Attention

The 3rd Congressional District race is especially noteworthy, as it has been a hotly contested seat in recent elections. Incumbent Republican Rep. Zach Nunn narrowly won the seat in 2022, and he is now facing a strong challenge from Democrat Lanon Baccam. The removal of Marco Battaglia from the ballot could influence the outcome of this closely watched race, particularly if Battaglia's write-in campaign gains traction among disaffected voters.

Battaglia himself has taken an optimistic view of the situation, suggesting that being removed from the Libertarian Party’s platform might actually strengthen his candidacy. He has expressed confidence in his ability to represent the people of District 3 effectively as an independent candidate, unencumbered by party affiliations.

As the appeal process moves forward, both the Libertarian Party and its candidates will be closely monitoring the situation. The outcome of the appeal could have significant implications for the party’s future in Iowa, especially given its relatively recent rise to major-party status.

Regardless of the appeal’s outcome, the Libertarian candidates’ decision to pursue write-in campaigns ensures that they will remain active participants in the upcoming election. Their perseverance in the face of legal and political challenges underscores their commitment to providing an alternative voice in Iowa’s political landscape.

In a revealing moment at the Venice Film Festival, Oprah Winfrey commended Vice President Kamala Harris for breaking her media silence after an extended period of avoidance.

Winfrey noted that Harris’s recent engagement with the media marks a bold shift in her approach, despite the mixed reactions from the public, as Breitbart reports.

Winfrey’s remarks were made during an interview with Variety on Thursday, where she discussed the implications of Harris’s CNN appearance. According to Winfrey, Harris had been accompanied by her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, during the interview. This moment, Winfrey observed, was a significant departure from Harris’s previous stance of avoiding unscripted media interactions.

Harris's Shift in Public Engagement

For 39 days after launching her presidential campaign, Kamala Harris had notably refrained from participating in spontaneous media interviews. This period of silence had led to speculation and criticism, with some questioning her commitment to transparency and public engagement.

Winfrey, however, sees Harris's recent actions as a powerful transformation. She believes that Harris has finally embraced the responsibilities and challenges of her role, stepping out of the shadows that had previously constrained her.

The famed media mogul's comments suggest that Harris had been "hiding in plain sight," limiting herself in ways that many women can relate to. The media mogul pointed out that Harris had made herself "smaller, narrower, dimmer" in an effort to conform to expectations and avoid overshadowing others.

Winfrey’s Perspective on Harris's Transformation

Winfrey’s admiration for Kamala Harris's recent media engagement was clear as she spoke passionately about the Vice President’s journey. Winfrey believes that Harris has finally connected with her true calling, a calling that has always been present but only recently fully embraced.

“She has literally stepped into the true vision of herself,” Winfrey said. This, she argued, represents a critical moment in Harris’s political career, as it reflects a newfound confidence and clarity of purpose.

Winfrey further elaborated on this transformation by comparing it to the experiences of many women who, in their efforts to fit in, often suppress their true potential. Harris, according to Winfrey, has now shed this metaphorical shadow, allowing her to fully step into the role that has been waiting for her.

Mixed Reactions to Harris's CNN Interview

While Winfrey’s praise was unequivocal, the response from betting markets told a different story. Following Harris's CNN interview in which she was accompanied by Walz, her prospects in the betting markets declined.

This negative reaction highlights the complexities of public perception and the challenges Harris faces as she continues her presidential campaign. Despite taking a more assertive stance, the interview did not translate into an immediate boost in confidence among those speculating on her political future. The divergence between Winfrey's positive assessment and the market’s response underscores the unpredictable nature of political campaigns, where media appearances can have varying impacts on different audiences.

Oprah Winfrey’s comments at the Venice Film Festival emphasize a critical moment in Kamala Harris's political journey. Harris’s decision to engage with the media after a prolonged absence marks a significant shift in her approach, signaling a newfound confidence and a willingness to embrace the challenges of her campaign.

However, the mixed reaction from betting markets reveals the ongoing uncertainties surrounding her candidacy. As Harris continues to navigate the complexities of the political landscape, it remains to be seen how this new phase of her campaign will unfold.

In a shocking turn of events, "Dancing With the Stars" professional dancer Artem Chigvintsev has been arrested on a felony domestic violence charge.

According to a report by the New York Post, the incident occurred in Napa County, California, just days after Chigvintsev celebrated his second wedding anniversary with TV personality Nikki Bella.

The Napa County Sheriff's Department took Chigvintsev into custody on Thursday morning, booking him under California Penal Code Section 273.5(a) PC. This legal statute pertains to injuring a spouse, cohabitant, or fellow parent in an act of domestic violence. The arrest has sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry and the "Dancing With the Stars" community.

Details Of The Arrest And Charges

The arrest took place in the town of Yountville, Napa County, shortly before 10 a.m. on Thursday. Deputies responded to a domestic violence call, and upon arrival at the scene, they made the arrest. The Napa County Sheriff's Office confirmed that injuries were involved in the incident.

Chigvintsev was booked into the Napa County jail with bail set at $25,000. He was released from custody at 2:18 PM PST on the same day. The booking report lists the dancer at 175 pounds and 5 feet, 9 inches tall.

The alleged victim in this case has requested total confidentiality, according to the spokesperson for the Napa County Sheriff's Office. As a result, details about the victim's identity and the nature of the injuries have not been disclosed to the public.

Chigvintsev's Career And Recent Activities

Artem Chigvintsev has been a regular fixture on "Dancing With the Stars" since joining the show in 2019. He has appeared in every season except for seasons 21 and 28. However, a source close to the production has revealed that there were no plans for Chigvintsev to be part of the upcoming Season 33 of the popular dance competition.

Just days before the arrest, Chigvintsev and his wife, Nikki Bella (professionally known as Nikki Garcia), had celebrated their second wedding anniversary. Both had shared loving messages on social media, with Bella posting a video montage of their 2022 wedding preparations and celebrations.

Chigvintsev expressed his love for Bella in an Instagram post, stating:

Happy anniversary my love, you making me the happiest man alive. Cheers to many many more.

Past Allegations And Public Response

This is not the first time Chigvintsev has faced allegations of misconduct. In 2015, English TV presenter Fern Britton, who had competed with Chigvintsev on the British version of "Dancing With the Stars" called "Strictly Come Dancing," spoke out about her experience working with him.

Britton alleged that Chigvintsev had been verbally abusive during their time together on the show. She recalled him allegedly saying: "Shut your face. Go home before I kill you."

At the time, Chigvintsev denied these allegations, stating that he had treated Britton with respect and genuine care. He maintained that the claims were contrary to his beliefs and character.


Artem Chigvintsev, a professional dancer known for his appearances on "Dancing With the Stars," has been arrested on a felony domestic violence charge in Napa County, California. The arrest occurred just days after Chigvintsev celebrated his second wedding anniversary with Nikki Bella. Details about the alleged victim are being kept confidential, and an investigation is ongoing. This incident has brought attention to past allegations of verbal abuse against Chigvintsev and raised questions about his future in the entertainment industry.

NBC News chief political analyst Chuck Todd has called out Vice President Kamala Harris for what he describes as a "mistake" in avoiding press interviews during the early stages of her presidential campaign.

According to Fox News, Todd argued that Harris' strategy of lying low for nearly 40 days had raised the stakes for her first interview, potentially putting her at a disadvantage.

The criticism comes as Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, prepare for their first joint interview with CNN's Dana Bash. The interview, scheduled to be taped on Thursday and aired in primetime, marks a significant moment for the Harris campaign after weeks of media silence.

Todd's Concerns Over Harris' Media Strategy

Chuck Todd expressed his concerns about Harris' media strategy on NBC News Now, suggesting that the vice president's approach may be counterproductive. He argued that by avoiding the press, Harris has inadvertently increased the pressure on her upcoming interview.

Todd stated:

I think the easiest way to diffuse this is to go everywhere... doing local interviews, doing a podcast here, she can go to friendly places, go to unfriendly places. The idea when you sort of try to be, you know, laser focused like this... we're going to gravitate to the big event. If there are six interviews, we're all overwhelmed... Everything gets diluted.

The NBC analyst emphasized that Harris' current strategy might reinforce negative stereotypes about her decision-making process, potentially harming her campaign.

Comparisons To Trump's 2016 Media Approach

In his analysis, Todd drew comparisons between Harris' current media strategy and former President Donald Trump's approach during his 2016 campaign. He suggested that Harris could benefit from adopting elements of Trump's media engagement strategy from that period.

Todd pointed out that Trump's 2016 campaign involved frequent media appearances across various platforms, including both friendly and adversarial interviews. This approach, according to Todd, helped Trump avoid putting too much emphasis on any single interview.

The analyst noted that Trump's current version tends to avoid mainstream media, which contrasts with his 2016 strategy. Todd argued that Harris' team seems reluctant to emulate any of Trump's tactics, even those that proved effective.

Potential Consequences Of Harris' Media Avoidance

Todd warned that Harris' current approach to media engagement could have negative consequences for her campaign. He expressed concern that by avoiding interviews for an extended period, Harris has inadvertently increased the scrutiny she will face when she does engage with the press.

The NBC analyst stated, "Any fumble now is going to get overly scrutinized in this interview, unnecessarily so."

Todd suggested that this heightened scrutiny could amplify any missteps Harris might make during her upcoming CNN interview, potentially overshadowing her message and policy positions.


Chuck Todd's criticism of Kamala Harris' media strategy highlights the potential risks of avoiding press engagement during a presidential campaign. The NBC analyst argues that Harris' approach has unnecessarily raised the stakes for her upcoming interview, potentially exposing her to heightened scrutiny. As Harris prepares for her joint interview with Tim Walz, she faces the challenge of addressing policy shifts and other sensitive topics while under intense media focus.

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