The House Oversight Committee is questioning White House doctor Dr. Kevin O'Connor amid contrasting reports regarding President Joe Biden's cognitive evaluations.

According to Daily Mail, House Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer initiated an investigation following various statements about whether President Biden underwent cognitive testing.

White House spokeswoman Karine Jean-Pierre stated that President Biden had not taken a test assessing his mental acuity. At the same time, Biden himself mentioned being deemed fine by his physician after a debate.

Conflicting Statements And Medical Assessments

In a letter to Dr. O'Connor, Rep. Comer highlighted the discrepancies between the White House’s assertions and President Biden's own words. Comer expressed the committee’s intent to understand Dr. O'Connor’s current role at the White House in light of these inconsistencies. An anonymous White House official also indicated to The Washington Post that Dr. O'Connor never recommended the president for a cognitive assessment.

House Republicans are further probing Dr. O'Connor to determine if financial ties influenced his medical evaluations. Comer’s letter noted concerns about Dr. O'Connor's private engagements with the Biden family, suggesting these connections could impact his objectivity.

Rep. Comer emphasized, "The Oversight Committee is concerned your private business endeavors with the Biden family have influenced your medical assessments."

Financial Ties And Alleged Conflicts Of Interest

President Biden previously denied any long-term mental health issues during a post-debate television interview. In a conversation with George Stephanopoulos, he also dismissed the necessity of an independent medical review.

The committee’s focus expanded to include Dr. O'Connor’s association with Americore, a healthcare company where Biden’s brother, James Biden, held a principal role. Records disclosed that James Biden transferred $200,000 to President Biden on March 1, 2018, presenting it as repayment for a loan. This transaction has further fueled suspicions among House Republicans about possible conflicts of interest.

The committee's letter reported, "On March 1, 2018, the same day James Biden received the $200,000 wire transfer from Americore into his bank account, James Biden wrote a check to his brother, Joe Biden, for $200,000 for a 'loan repayment.'"

Committee Seeks Clarification From Dr. O'Connor

During a transcribed interview, James Biden admitted that Dr. O'Connor provided counsel regarding his business dealings with Americore. The committee aims to clarify if Dr. O'Connor will be able to conduct an independent review of the president’s capacity to serve.

Rep. Comer questioned Dr. O'Connor's ability to deliver unbiased medical opinions given his close connections to the Biden family. The investigation aims to assess whether Dr. O'Connor can impartially review President Biden's health without influence from personal or financial relationships.

"Given your connections with the Biden family, the Committee also seeks to understand if you are in a position to provide accurate and independent reviews of the President's fitness to serve," Comer wrote.


The House Oversight Committee investigates Dr. Kevin O'Connor for discrepancies regarding President Biden's cognitive testing and potential conflicts of interest. The investigation probes whether financial ties with the Biden family and Americore influenced O’Connor’s assessments, with emphasis on his ability to provide impartial medical evaluations.

According to Fox News, a human case of the plague has been confirmed in Pueblo County, Colorado, and health officials are providing tips to prevent its spread.

The Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment (PDPHE) is working with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to investigate the case. The identity of the individual who contracted the plague has not been disclosed.

Understanding the Bubonic Plague

The bubonic plague is caused by the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This bacterium is believed to have been brought to North America around 1900 by rats on ships from South Asia. Yersinia pestis has since become endemic in ground squirrels and other rodents in the rural Southwestern United States. About half of the plague cases occur in individuals between 12 and 45.

Globally, between 1,000 and 2,000 cases of plague are reported to the World Health Organization annually, with an average of seven cases yearly in the United States.

If untreated, the plague has a fatality rate of 30% to 60%. However, with prompt antibiotic treatment, the fatality rate drops below 5%. Symptoms of the plague include severe headache, fever and chills, muscle aches, nausea, vomiting, and swollen lymph nodes.

The disease can spread through droplets from an infected person, pets, rodents, and fleas, either through bites or contact with infected body fluids.

Public Health Advisory and Precautions

Infected dust from dried rodent urine or feces can also spread the infection. Prevention measures include avoiding contact with rodents and fleas, keeping pets indoors, treating flea infestations, and using insect repellents.

"We advise all individuals to protect themselves and their pets from plague," said Alicia Solis, program manager of the Office of Communicable Disease and Emergency Preparedness at PDPHE.

Timothy Brewer, M.D., noted, "Since its introduction 120 years ago, it has become endemic in ground squirrels and rodents in the rural Southwestern U.S."

Erica Susky, a certified infection control practitioner, emphasized:

The more common risk of exposure in the U.S. is from pets, rodents and fleas. Pets can sometimes be infected when encountering an infected flea or rodent and may pass it along to their pet owners from a bite or if the pet is ill. Skinned animals are also a risk, as the bacterium can spread via infected body fluids.

Protecting Pets and Minimizing Risks

Susky recommended treating pets promptly if they have a flea infestation and seeking veterinary treatment if a pet becomes ill. She also advised ensuring homes are rodent-proof by eliminating entry points and hiding places.

Using repellent to avoid insect bites when spending time outdoors is crucial, Susky noted, as bites from infected fleas are a primary means of transmission. "Plague can be treated successfully with antibiotics, but an infected person must be treated promptly to avoid serious complications or death," Solis stated.


A human case of the plague has been confirmed in Pueblo County, Colorado, with health officials investigating the situation. Yersinia pestis, the bacterium causing the plague, has been endemic in the rural Southwestern U.S. since its introduction around 1900. Symptoms of the plague are severe but treatable with prompt antibiotics. Preventative measures include avoiding contact with rodents and fleas, keeping pets indoors, and using repellents. Public health officials emphasize the importance of protecting humans and pets from this potentially deadly disease.

Aboard a United Airlines flight to Jackson Hole, Wyoming a former campaign consultant found himself sharing the journey with notable passengers: Bill and Hillary Clinton.

Link Lauren, a former campaign advisor for Robert F. Kennedy Jr., documented his chance encounter with former President Bill Clinton and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on social media, highlighting the pair's continued support for Joe Biden amidst Democratic Party upheaval, as the Daily Mail reports.

Lauren, who once played a significant role in RFK Jr.'s campaign, managed to snap a photo with the Clintons on the flight. The Democratic Party has been in disarray following a heated debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, but the Clintons appeared unfazed as they headed to Wyoming.

At 77, Bill Clinton is still younger than the leading candidates for the upcoming 2024 election, Joe Biden and Donald Trump. The former president visibly maintained his signature charm and charisma during the flight, an attribute Lauren said "can't be taught, can't be duplicated."

Bill Clinton's Enduring Political Persona

The Clintons, both of whom have largely stayed out of the public eye, have expressed their support for Joe Biden on social media after the recent contentious debate. Bill Clinton, in particular, tweeted affirmations for Biden, demonstrating his ongoing involvement in the political landscape.

Lauren described Bill Clinton as sociable and engaging, noting that he interacted naturally with flight attendants and passengers. In contrast, Hillary Clinton, while polite, remained more reserved, busying herself with her phone throughout the flight.

Despite their high-profile presence, the couple in first class with the Clintons were thrilled to converse, highlighting Bill Clinton's approachable nature. Lauren couldn't help but make a quip about Epstein's notorious plane, noting the differences in experience.

Link Lauren's Insightful Encounter

While Lauren found Bill Clinton's charisma undeniable, he felt that Hillary Clinton wasn't entirely impressed by his right-wing views and alignment with RFK Jr. Nevertheless, he respected their demeanor during the flight.

Lauren's past involvement with RFK Jr.'s campaign included significant contributions, such as aiding in the selection of Nicole Shanahan as Kennedy's running mate. He also revealed that a diverse group of candidates was considered for the position of vice president, including figures like Aaron Rodgers, Andrew Yang, and Tulsi Gabbard.

Lauren exited the RFK Jr. campaign in April, but he praised Kennedy's selection process and expressed enthusiasm for Shanahan's upcoming role in the campaign. He mentioned how a VP Select Committee, consisting of about ten people, was instrumental in narrowing down the choices.

The Clintons' Continued Influence

Despite the current turmoil within the Democratic Party, the Clintons seemed composed and content, seemingly undeterred by the ongoing political strife. Their vacation plans to Wyoming come amid Biden's heated exchanges with Trump.

Bill Clinton, known for his relaxed and approachable manner, made a lasting impression on those aboard the flight. Lauren noted that Bill Clinton was eager to chat, fostering a friendly atmosphere.

As the couple made their way to Jackson Hole, both continues to demonstrate support for Biden, a point Lauren emphasized. Their actions reflect the ongoing influence they wield within the Democratic Party.

This spontaneous encounter underscores the Clintons' enduring presence in American politics. Despite stepping back from public life, their support for Biden against Trump remains steadfast amid Democratic Party challenges.

The sporting world is in mourning, as the body of Jacques Freitag, a former Olympian and world high jump champion, has been found in Pretoria, South Africa.

The discovery of Freitag has turned his missing person case into a murder investigation after he was found with multiple gunshot wounds, as Fox News reports.

Freitag, 42, disappeared on June 17 after leaving his mother’s home. His disappearance prompted his family to seek assistance through social media, particularly his sister, who disclosed that Freitag had been struggling with drug addiction since his retirement from professional athletics.

Body Found Near Pretoria Cemetery

This week, Freitag’s body was discovered in a field near a cemetery in Pretoria. The South African Police Service (SAPS) has confirmed the elevation of the case to a murder investigation. Brigadier Brenda Muridili of SAPS confirmed to ESPN that the initially missing person report has now shifted due to the circumstances of the discovery.

World Athletics reported that Freitag's body showed multiple gunshot wounds. The gruesome discovery has shocked many, as no immediate suspects have been identified, and police are still actively pursuing leads in the case.

Brigadier Muridili noted that, as of yet, no arrests have been made but investigations are ongoing. This leaves Freitag’s family and the community at large in a state of frustration and grief, yearning for answers and justice.

Family Sought Social Media Help

Freitag’s sister had turned to social media to amplify the search, highlighting her brother's recent battles and appealing for help in finding him. The struggle Freitag faced with addiction had been a significant post-retirement hurdle, a detail that sheds light on the difficulties athletes sometimes endure away from the public eye.

The athlete made a name for himself in the early 2000s, most notably by winning a gold medal at the World Championships in Paris in 2003 and representing South Africa at the 2004 Athens Olympics. His impressive achievements in high jump placed him among the top athletes of his time. However, his transition from sport to retired life was marred by personal battles, a plight that many sports professionals can relate to but one that few have to face as tragically as Freitag did.

No Arrests Made Yet, But Leads Followed

The SAPS remains tight-lipped on specific details of the investigation to maintain its integrity. However, Brigadier Muridili has reassured the public that all leads are being meticulously followed. The reclassification from a missing person to a homicide underscores the severity of the case and the extensive efforts underway to bring the perpetrator to justice.

The site where Freitag's body was found has been analyzed for forensic evidence, and the investigation team is sifting through potential witnesses and communication records in hopes of uncovering any clues that may lead to an arrest.

The loss of Jacques Freitag is felt profoundly within the athletic community, both in South Africa and globally. His legacy as an elite high jumper is now overshadowed by the tragic manner of his death, and the search for truth in his final days continues.

Concluding this tragic story, it’s crucial to reflect on the life of Jacques Freitag who brought pride to his country through his athletic prowess. Despite his personal struggles, his accomplishments in sports should be remembered and celebrated.

As of now, the investigation continues with police following up on any and all leads. The hope remains that those responsible for Freitag’s death will be brought to justice promptly, providing some solace to his grieving family and fans.

Dave Ramsey did not hold back in his advice to a married couple wrangling over fun money contributions.

According to Daily Mail, Ramsey urged the couple to see their finances as a unified entity in marriage rather than separate accounts.

Val, a woman who wrote to Dave Ramsey, works outside the home alongside her husband. They are at an impasse over how to handle their discretionary spending contributions.

Val Reaches Out For Financial Help

Her husband suggested they each contribute 5 percent of their earnings to an account reserved for discretionary spending. However, since he earns significantly more, he would end up with a larger sum to spend, which seemed unfair to Val.

Though Val isn’t greedy and doesn't indulge in frivolous expenditures, she believes that contributing an equal dollar amount would be much fairer. She sought Ramsey's perspective on this disagreement.

Ramsey critiqued the husband’s proposal, describing it as immature and selfish. “I’m sure your husband means well and he’s really a good guy overall, but it sounds like he hasn’t thought this whole thing through,” Ramsey insisted. He pointed out that limiting fun money to the income earner would be unreasonable in families where only one spouse works outside the home.

Ramsey Emphasizes A Combined Financial Vision

According to Ramsey, most spouses who do not work outside the home still fulfill numerous responsibilities and contribute significantly. Placing a monetary value on their contributions would reflect a considerable income.

He stressed the philosophy of ‘our income’ and ‘our assets’ instead of focusing on individual earnings. Ramsey reminded the couple of their marriage vows, asserting that marriage should be a partnership in every way, including financially.

He asked Val and her husband to reflect on their wedding day when they were pronounced “as one.” He emphasized that their joined income, assets, and responsibilities should be viewed collectively, not individually.

Ramsey’s Advice To Married Couples

“If you own a home, it’s our home,” Ramsey said. “It’s not more his home just because he makes more money than you. Our kids, our marriage, our everything. Get the picture?”

Ramsey concluded with a stern reminder: marriage is not a “me” proposition; it should always be viewed as a “we” proposition. He urged Val’s husband to embrace this mindset for the benefit of their partnership.

The story highlights a common issue many couples face regarding finances and underscores the importance of a unified approach. Ramsey's advice serves as a reminder that marriage requires collaboration in all aspects, notably in managing finances.


As this story illustrates, contributing equally to fun money doesn’t mean contributing equivalent percentages when earnings are lopsided. Fairness in marriage often means thinking about what’s best for the partnership as a whole, rather than what feels fair to individual members. Dave Ramsey's insights resonate beyond this specific case, offering valuable guidance for any couple navigating financial complexities in their relationship.

Archaeologists from Innsbruck University have discovered a marble shrine and a 1,500-year-old ivory box with Christian motifs in Irschen, southern Austria.

Fox News reported that the imagery on the box appears to depict Moses receiving the Ten Commandments and the Ascension of Christ, offering important insights into historical and religious contexts.

Excavations at a church site in Irschen, located in the Carinthian Drava Valley, yielded a marble shrine housing the ancient ivory relic. The shrine was found beneath an altar within a chapel on the Burgbichl hill. Led by experts from Innsbruck University, the archaeological efforts in Irschen have been ongoing since 2016.

The ivory box is a remarkable find, belonging to a limited group of around 40 known artifacts worldwide. The last significant discovery of a similar item occurred approximately a century ago. The box features intricate Christian imagery and motifs believed to depict key biblical scenes.

Unveiling Motifs on the Ivory Box

Among the motifs on the box is an illustration showing a man receiving something from a hand extending from the sky, interpreted as Moses receiving the laws on Mount Sinai. Gerald Grabherr, a leading archaeologist, acknowledges this image as the “typical depiction” of the Old Testament event, symbolizing the start of the covenant between God and humankind.

Another notable scene displays a man in a chariot with two horses, believed to portray the ascension of Christ. This depiction is unique, as a hand from the heavens appears to be drawing the figure upward, symbolizing the fulfillment of the covenant from the New Testament. According to Grabherr, this representation is atypical and unprecedented.

Discoveries of Churches and Personal Belongings

The excavation efforts also revealed the remains of two Christian churches at the site, alongside a cistern and various personal belongings. These findings offer a glimpse into the life and practices of former inhabitants of the settlement.

The settlement itself had shifted to the hilltops during the late Roman Empire, a strategic move for enhanced defense in uncertain times. As Grabherr notes, the hilltop location provided settlers with a safer residence compared to the valleys below.

Further research is ongoing to trace the origins of the ivory material and the metallic and wooden components found within the marble box. These investigations may provide additional context to the relic's creation and usage.

Significance of the Ivory Relic

Grabherr emphasizes the immense archaeological and art-historical value of the ivory relic. He notes the rarity and uniqueness of the artifact, as well as the limited number of similar items known to exist. The depiction of the Ascension of Christ involving a two-horse chariot (biga) is an especially distinctive and previously unknown element.

Prior to the current discovery, such pyxes (small containers) were primarily found in the treasures of cathedrals or exhibited in museums. Their historical and religious importance cannot be understated, as they provide insights into the artistic and religious expressions of their time.

The find in Irschen contributes valuable knowledge to the understanding of religious art in late antiquity and the intertwining of Old and New Testament themes in early Christian traditions. The combination of these depictions on a single artifact underscores the profound theological and cultural connections of the era.

Ongoing Research and Future Plans

The ongoing work in Irschen continues to reveal significant historical and archaeological insights, with the university's team committed to preserving these discoveries for future generations. As excavations and studies progress, archaeologists and researchers anticipate further findings that will enhance our understanding of human civilization. The marble shrine uncovered in southern Austria, containing an ancient ivory box with unique Christian motifs, highlights the region's rich historical and religious heritage, promising to deepen our knowledge of the past.

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