Vice President Kamala Harris's proposal to increase corporate income taxes could have far-reaching consequences for Americans across all income brackets despite her promises of a middle-class tax cut.

This revelation comes as Harris outlines her economic plans following her acceptance speech at the Democratic National Convention.

According to Reason, Harris's campaign has indicated support for President Biden's plan to raise the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. While Harris has pledged that no one making less than $400,000 annually would see a tax increase, analysis suggests that Americans at all income levels would feel the effects of such a corporate tax hike.

Corporate Tax Increase Effects Analysis

The Joint Committee on Taxation, a bipartisan congressional entity, has examined the potential impact of the proposed corporate tax increase. Their findings indicate that even individuals in the lowest income category, earning less than $10,000 annually, would experience a tax hike if the corporate income tax rate were to be raised as proposed.

This contradiction between Harris's promise and the projected outcomes stems from the nature of corporate taxation. Higher corporate taxes are often passed on to consumers, employees, and investors through various mechanisms, such as increased prices, reduced wages, and lower investment returns.

The discrepancy between the campaign's statements and economic realities raises questions about the transparency of tax policy proposals. It also highlights the complex nature of fiscal policy, where indirect effects can sometimes outweigh the intended direct impacts.

Comparison With Rival Tax Proposals

The article draws a parallel between Harris's corporate tax plan and former President Donald Trump's proposed tariff increases. Both candidates' economic strategies involve measures that could indirectly raise costs for a broad spectrum of Americans despite claims to the contrary.

Trump's suggestion of implementing a 10% or potentially 20% tariff on all imports has been estimated to cost Americans approximately $300 billion annually. This proposal, like Harris's corporate tax plan, has faced scrutiny for its potential to increase costs for consumers across income levels.

The comparison underscores a common theme in political campaigns: the tendency to downplay or overlook the broader economic consequences of proposed policies. Harris and Trump's campaigns have faced criticism for not fully acknowledging the potential ripple effects of their respective tax and tariff proposals.

Economic Impact And Public Perception

The discussion surrounding these tax proposals highlights the challenges in communicating complex economic policies to the public. While campaigns often focus on headline-grabbing promises, the nuanced realities of fiscal policy can be more difficult to convey.

Economists and policy analysts emphasize that all taxes, whether on corporations or imports, are ultimately paid by individuals. This principle applies regardless of income level, contradicting claims that tax increases will only affect high earners or specific entities like corporations or foreign countries.

The debate over these tax proposals also reflects broader discussions about economic fairness, the role of government in the economy, and the balance between stimulating growth and funding public services. As the election approaches, these issues are likely to remain at the forefront of political discourse.


Vice President Kamala Harris's proposal to increase corporate income taxes has come under scrutiny for its potential to affect Americans across all income levels. Despite promises that only high earners would see tax increases, analysis suggests that the effects of corporate tax hikes would be more widespread. This situation mirrors similar concerns about former President Trump's tariff proposals, highlighting the complex nature of tax policy and its far-reaching economic impacts.

A decades-old mystery has finally reached its conclusion, bringing closure to a family who has waited nearly half a century for justice.

Maryland authorities have sentenced Andre Taylor, 63, to life in prison for the 1979 murder of Vickie Lynn Belk. The case, which went unsolved for 45 years, was cracked using modern forensic technology, as reported by The Daily Caller.

Belk, who was 28 years old at the time, was reported missing by her boyfriend on August 28, 1979, after she failed to return to her apartment.

She was last seen at her workplace in Washington, DC, the day before. Her body was later discovered in a wooded area of Prince George's County, naked from the waist down and with a gunshot wound to the right side of her head.

Breakthrough In Cold Case Investigation

The case remained unsolved for decades until Detective Sergeant John Elliot of the Charles County Sheriff's Office (CCSO) reopened the investigation.

Using advanced forensic technology, the CCSO's Forensic Science Section analyzed Belk's clothing in 2022 and found a DNA match that implicated Taylor in the murder.

Despite having no known address since 2019, authorities managed to locate Taylor in Washington, DC. During questioning, he admitted to raping Belk but denied killing her. Investigators found no evidence to suggest that Belk and Taylor, who was 18 at the time of the crime, knew each other.

The Charles County State's Attorney's Office announced the sentencing on Friday, bringing a long-awaited resolution to the case.

Impact On Victim's Family And Community

During the sentencing, Assistant State's Attorney John Stackhouse emphasized the far-reaching effects of this crime on Belk's family. He stated:

The case caused generational trauma because it went on for 45 years. [Belk's] son grew up without a mother. Her parents had to bury their daughter. Her parents had to lay on their deathbed not knowing who killed their daughter. Her grandchildren never got a chance to meet their grandmother.

This powerful statement underscores the lasting impact of unsolved crimes on families and communities, highlighting the importance of continued efforts to resolve cold cases.

Justice Served After Decades Of Uncertainty

Before handing down the life sentence, Judge West commented on the severity of the crime, stating, "[The incident was] so heinous, I can't think of a lesser sentence that would be appropriate."

The successful resolution of this case demonstrates the value of persistent investigation and the advancements in forensic technology. It serves as a reminder that even after decades, justice can still be served for victims and their families.

In conclusion, the sentencing of Andre Taylor brings an end to a 45-year-old cold case that has haunted the victim's family and law enforcement for decades. The use of modern DNA technology proved crucial in solving the murder of Vickie Lynn Belk, providing closure to her loved ones and ensuring that her killer is held accountable for his actions. This case highlights the importance of continued efforts to solve cold cases and the potential for new technologies to shed light on long-unsolved crimes.

Special counsel David Weiss' office has recently drawn attention for its $3.4 million expenditure over six months, largely spent prosecuting Hunter Biden on gun-related charges, which culminated in a conviction.

The special counsel's spending underscores the ongoing debate over the Justice Department's use of such prosecutors and their associated costs, as CNN reports.

The $3.4 million spent by Weiss’ office covers the period ending in March, with the bulk of the expenditures attributed directly to his office at $2.3 million.

An additional $1.1 million was incurred for security and other resources provided by the Justice Department. These figures have prompted a renewed discussion about the financial implications of special counsel investigations.

The Financial Impact of Special Counsel Investigations

During the more recent period, from August to the end of September 2023, Weiss' spending significantly decreased, amounting to approximately $183,000, with $132,000 of that sum used for additional department resources. This reduction in spending might reflect the progression of the case, which has moved from prosecution to trial preparation.

Weiss is not alone in his spending. Other special counsels, including Jack Smith and Robert Hur, have also faced scrutiny for their financial outlays. Smith, who is responsible for prosecuting cases related to former President Donald Trump, spent $6.63 million over the past six months, with another $5.2 million utilized from Justice Department resources, bringing his total to $11.8 million. Though significant, this amount represents a decrease from the more than $14 million spent in the previous six-month period.

Similarly, Hur, who was investigating President Joe Biden's handling of classified documents, spent $2.475 million, with additional departmental support pushing his total to nearly $5 million. This figure also marks a slight decline from the nearly $5.3 million recorded in the previous period.

Ongoing Legal and Financial Challenges

Despite the high costs, Weiss remains active in pursuing criminal cases in federal courts. Hunter Biden, facing challenges to Weiss' authority, has seen his legal arguments falter, with his trial on tax-related charges in California set for next month. These developments suggest that Weiss' spending could continue, further contributing to the broader discussion about the cost-effectiveness and necessity of special counsel investigations.

In contrast, Smith recently encountered a legal setback when a federal judge dismissed one of his cases against Donald Trump concerning classified documents. The judge cited constitutional issues related to the funding of the special counsel’s office. Smith is currently appealing this dismissal, but the case highlights the ongoing legal and financial challenges faced by special counsels.

Smith’s other high-profile case, concerning Trump’s efforts to overturn the 2020 election, is still moving forward without immediate challenges to its funding. However, the scrutiny surrounding the financial aspects of special counsel operations suggests that such challenges could arise in the future.

Future Implications for Special Counsel Funding

The financial expenditures of these special counsels, particularly in high-profile cases involving current and former political figures, continue to spark debate. Appeals courts and potentially the Supreme Court are likely to weigh in on questions regarding the Justice Department's use of special counsels and their funding mechanisms. The outcomes of these cases could have significant implications for how future investigations are conducted and funded.

As the trials of Hunter Biden and Donald Trump proceed, the cost of these investigations will remain under close scrutiny. Weiss, Smith, and Hur's ongoing legal efforts highlight the complexities and financial burdens of special counsel investigations, which continue to be a point of contention in the broader legal and political landscape.

In conclusion, the growing costs associated with special counsel investigations, particularly in politically charged cases, raise important questions about their necessity and the Justice Department's resource allocation. With appeals and trials on the horizon, the debate over special counsel spending is far from over, and its resolution will likely shape the future of federal investigations in the United States.

Robert Telles, a former Clark County administrator, faces an uphill battle in his ongoing murder trial as the prosecution zeroes in on key evidence, including a surprise text message retrieved from his wife's Apple Watch.

Telles, accused of murdering investigative journalist Jeff German, is at the center of a trial involving disputed DNA evidence and a critical text message that challenges the politician's alibi, as Fox News reports.

The trial has captivated the Las Vegas community, where German’s investigative work had made him both feared and respected. Telles, 47, stands accused of a crime that prosecutors allege was premeditated and meticulously executed. The backdrop to the case is a series of articles that German wrote, casting Telles in an unflattering light, which many believe fueled a simmering resentment.

Text Message Disrupts Alibi, Defense

The courtroom was jolted when a text message from Telles' wife was introduced by the prosecution. The message, asking, "Where are you?" was retrieved from her Apple Watch and raised serious doubts about Telles’ alibi. He claimed that the message had been deleted from his phone, adding to the uncertainty surrounding his whereabouts at the time of German’s murder.

On Sept. 2, 2022, at approximately 10:30 a.m., video footage captured a maroon SUV, resembling Telles' vehicle, driving through German’s neighborhood. The driver, dressed in an orange outfit and a large straw hat, matched the description of the suspect seen near the crime scene. Prosecutors argued that Telles was behind the wheel, en route to committing the murder.

Despite the damaging evidence, Telles has maintained his innocence throughout the trial. He did not deny that his DNA was found under German’s fingernails, but he suggested that it might have been planted. His defense has focused on challenging the timeline and the integrity of the evidence presented by the prosecution.

Physical Evidence Raises More Questions

As the trial progressed, the focus shifted to the physical evidence collected from Telles' home. Investigators found cut-up pieces of a straw hat and shoes that resembled those worn by the person seen in the surveillance footage. Telles claimed he had no knowledge of how these items ended up in his house, further complicating his defense.

The prosecution also highlighted an unsettling discovery: hundreds of photos of German’s home and neighborhood stored on Telles' phone and computer. These images, taken before the murder, painted a picture of a man obsessed with his perceived adversary. Additional searches on Telles’ work computer revealed attempts to gather personal information about German just days before the killing.

One of the most poignant moments of the trial came when the prosecution presented autopsy photos of German, showing knife wounds on his arms that indicated a violent struggle. These images underscored the brutality of the attack and the desperation of German’s final moments.

DNA Evidence and Technology Under Scrutiny

The trial’s dramatic tension escalated when DNA evidence became a focal point of the proceedings. Prosecutor Christopher Hamner pressed Telles on how his DNA ended up beneath German’s fingernails. Telles could only respond, "I don't know," a statement that left many in the courtroom in disbelief.

As the prosecution built its case, it also relied on technology to dismantle Telles' defense. The introduction of the text message from Telles' wife, along with video and photographic evidence, created a narrative that pointed directly at Telles as the perpetrator. However, the absence of key items like the orange work shirt or the murder weapon has left some questions unanswered.

With closing arguments set for Monday, both sides are preparing to make their final appeals to the jury. The case, which began with jury selection two weeks ago, has become a closely watched legal battle, with implications that reach beyond the courtroom.

As the trial draws to a close, the key points remain: Robert Telles, a former county administrator, is accused of killing a journalist who exposed his alleged misdeeds. DNA evidence and a text message challenge Telles' claims of innocence, while physical evidence and surveillance footage paint a damning picture. Yet, with no murder weapon or orange work shirt found, the defense clings to the possibility of a jury finding of reasonable doubt.

Dana Nessel, Michigan's Attorney General, delivered a passionate speech at the Democratic National Convention, issuing a stark warning to conservative Supreme Court Justices who might consider revisiting same-sex marriage protections.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Nessel, who is openly lesbian, borrowed a phrase from actor Charlton Heston to emphasize her point, stating that anyone attempting to deny her right to marriage would have to "pry this wedding band from my cold, dead, gay hand." 

In her address, Nessel also praised Vice President Kamala Harris for her actions as California's attorney general, particularly her refusal to defend the state's ban on same-sex marriage in court. Nessel emphasized the significance of Harris's stance, stating that it meant a great deal to families like her own.

Nessel's Personal Connection To Marriage Equality

Nessel's involvement in the fight for marriage equality extends beyond her role as Attorney General. She played a crucial role in overturning Michigan's gay marriage ban through a civil case. This legal victory paved the way for her own marriage to Alanna Maguire in 2015, shortly after the ban was struck down.

The Attorney General drew parallels between the California same-sex marriage ban and the recent Supreme Court decision that revoked constitutional protections for abortion rights. She highlighted how Harris supported her when Michigan's archaic abortion ban was temporarily reinstated following the overturning of Roe v. Wade.

Nessel's comments reflect the ongoing concerns within the LGBTQ+ community about the security of their rights, particularly in light of the current conservative majority on the Supreme Court.

Supreme Court Composition And Potential Challenges

The current makeup of the Supreme Court, with its 6-3 conservative majority, has raised concerns among LGBTQ+ rights advocates. Three of the justices were nominated by former President Donald Trump, solidifying the court's conservative lean.

Of particular concern to some is Justice Clarence Thomas, who has previously written about potentially revisiting and overriding the same-sex marriage decision. This stance has alarmed LGBTQ+ advocates, with Sarah Kate Ellis of GLAAD describing it as a "blaring red alert for the LGBTQ community."

Nessel stated:

We know when [Kamala] takes an oath to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution, she's actually read it. Kamala knows you go from the court house to the White House, not the other way around.

This comment was reportedly a jab at Republican nominee Donald Trump, alluding to his ongoing legal battles and recent conviction in a hush-money case.

Historical Context Of Nessel's Rhetoric

Nessel's provocative statement about her wedding band was a deliberate reference to a famous quote by Charlton Heston, the former president of the National Rifle Association (NRA). At the 2000 NRA Convention, just a year after the Columbine mass shooting, Heston declared that Democrats would have to pry his rifle from his "cold, dead hands."

By co-opting this rhetoric, Nessel drew a parallel between the passionate defense of gun rights and her own equally fervent protection of marriage equality. This linguistic callback served to underscore the intensity of her commitment to LGBTQ+ rights.

In conclusion, Dana Nessel's speech at the Democratic National Convention highlighted the ongoing concerns about the future of same-sex marriage rights in the United States. Her warning to conservative Supreme Court Justices and her praise for Vice President Kamala Harris underscored the Democratic Party's stance on LGBTQ+ issues. As the political and legal landscape continues to evolve, Nessel's words serve as a reminder of the ongoing struggle for equality and the determination of those fighting to maintain hard-won rights.

According to Daily Mail, Donald Trump has disclosed that his youngest son, Barron Trump, will soon start college in New York.

While the exact institution is yet to be revealed, Trump confirmed that Barron has chosen a prestigious school in the state. The former president shared this information during a recent Philadelphia's Talk Radio 1210 WPHT interview. Trump highlighted Barron’s academic prowess and interest in politics, indicating that the youngest Trump has already been accepted to every college he applied to.

Barron, who has been increasingly visible at political events, notably attended his first rally in July in Florida alongside his older brothers, Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr. The trio made a significant appearance in the front row at a rally in Doral, Florida, where Trump introduced Barron to the crowd. This marked a rare public acknowledgment of Barron’s growing involvement in political circles.

Trump Highlights Barron’s Achievements

During the radio interview, Trump praised Barron for his academic and personal accomplishments. He mentioned Barron’s height, humorously referring to him as "a little on the tall side," and commended him for his good looks and sharp mind.

Trump also noted Barron's budding interest in politics, sharing that his son occasionally offers advice on political matters. "It’s sort of funny," Trump said, adding that Barron often suggests strategies, saying, "Dad, this is what you have to do."

At the Doral rally, Trump further emphasized Barron’s success in securing offers from all the colleges he applied to. However, the final decision on which institution he will attend remains undisclosed. Trump referred to Barron as a "very special guy" and expressed pride in his youngest son's achievements.

Barron’s Decline of RNC Delegate Role

Although Barron has shown a growing interest in politics, he has also made decisions that set him apart from the political spotlight. Recently, Barron declined an offer from the Florida Republican Party to serve as a delegate at the Republican National Convention. This decision was announced by Melania Trump’s office, citing prior commitments that prevented Barron from participating.

Barron's involvement in past political events, including his father’s 2016 and 2020 presidential campaign announcements, has been noted, although he was not present at the announcement of Trump's 2024 campaign. Despite this, his recent appearances suggest a potential future role in political activities.

As the youngest child of Donald Trump, Barron has largely remained out of the public eye compared to his older siblings. However, recent developments indicate that he may be stepping into a more prominent role, at least in terms of public interest and media attention.

Speculation Surrounds Barron’s College Choice

Speculation about Barron’s college choice has been widespread, particularly given Trump’s comments on his son’s academic achievements and the emphasis on a New York-based institution.

The choice of college could potentially align with Barron’s emerging interest in politics, especially considering New York’s significance in the Trump family’s business and political history.

While Trump has kept the specific details of Barron’s college plans under wraps, his statements suggest that an announcement is forthcoming. The revelation of Barron’s college choice is likely to draw significant media attention, given his growing presence in public and political life.

In the meantime, the public and media alike will be watching closely to see which prestigious institution Barron will attend. This decision could mark the beginning of a new chapter for the youngest Trump, who is stepping into adulthood under the intense scrutiny that comes with being part of the Trump family.

As reported by the Daily Mail, Former President Donald Trump kicked off his swing state tour in Pennsylvania, criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris' energy policies and outlining his own plans for energy independence.

During a speech at Precision Components Group in York, Trump accused Harris of embarking on a "regulatory jihad" to shut down power plants across the country.

The former president's remarks come as he seeks to revive his campaign following the Democratic Party's late switch in candidates. Trump's speech, delivered to an audience of about 300 supporters, focused on his vision for an energy-independent and "manufacturing-dominant" nation. He warned that Harris wants to ban fracking and impose a carbon tax, claiming that 50 power plants have closed since she and President Joe Biden took office.

Trump's Energy Plan And Criticism Of Harris

Trump set out a protectionist plan in his address to safeguard American industry from cheap foreign imports. He also outlined his intentions for increased nuclear power and reiterated his opposition to Nippon Steel's planned purchase of U.S. Steel. The former president contrasted his proposed regulation-cutting administration with what he described as Harris' approach to energy policy.

Trump stated:

Kamala is also on a regulatory jihad to shut down power plants all across America now. They're closing nuclear, they're closing coal, they're closing everything. We're not going to have this the way in California they have blackouts all the time.

The 52-minute speech largely followed Trump's prepared remarks despite some digressions into topics such as winning Pennsylvania and the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan.

Advanced Small Modular Nuclear Reactors

A significant portion of Trump's speech was dedicated to his plans for nuclear energy. He promised a historic commitment to building Advanced Small Modular Nuclear Reactors (ASMNRs), describing them as "ultra clean" and "very low cost, but they are absolutely safe."

Trump explained that these reactors produce about a third of the power of conventional reactors. Their smaller size makes it easier to find suitable sites for them and presents fewer technical challenges when integrating them into existing infrastructure.

The former president emphasized the potential benefits for Pennsylvania, repeatedly using the slogan "Jobs, Jobs, Jobs" to underscore his message. He contrasted his vision with that of his political opponents, stating:

Instead of shutting down power plants, we will open dozens and dozens more, and they'll happen fast. Kamala stands for energy disappearance and factory obliteration. She will obliterate factories like this. I stand for American energy independence and manufacturing dominance.

Trump's Counterprogramming Strategy

Trump's appearance in Pennsylvania is part of a broader strategy to counter the Democratic National Convention taking place in Chicago. While candidates traditionally allow their rivals to enjoy a week in the limelight during their party conventions, Trump has chosen a different approach.

The former president is campaigning this week in a string of battleground states as he fights to regain his footing in the race. Following his Pennsylvania visit, Trump is scheduled to head to Michigan, North Carolina, and Arizona.

By timing his speech for the early afternoon, Trump aimed to dominate headlines well before Biden's major speech in Chicago. This aggressive counterprogramming strategy reflects the former president's determination to maintain a strong media presence throughout the Democratic convention.

In conclusion, Trump's speech in Pennsylvania marked the beginning of his swing state tour, focusing on energy policies and economic plans. He criticized Vice President Harris' approach to energy regulation while promoting his own vision for energy independence and increased nuclear power. The former president's campaign strategy involves actively countering the Democratic National Convention by maintaining a high profile in key battleground states.

Conservatives and supporters of former President Donald Trump are raising eyebrows over Vice President Kamala Harris' behavior during recent public appearances.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, some individuals on the political right are suggesting that Harris may be under the influence of alcohol during speeches, pointing to what they describe as "lunatic" laughter and incoherent statements.

While no evidence supports these claims, the speculation has gained traction on social media platforms. Critics have shared video clips of Harris' speeches, including one where she introduces President Joe Biden and another where she discusses her mother's "coconut tree" story as supposed evidence of unusual behavior.

Controversial Claims Circulate On Social Media

The allegations against Vice President Harris have been circulating primarily among conservative commentators and on right-leaning social media accounts. One video clip that has drawn particular attention shows Harris repeating the word "democracy" three times in a span of thirty seconds during a speech in Pennsylvania.

Another widely shared clip features Harris bursting into laughter while discussing equality and advancement for Hispanic people. In this instance, she poses the question, "You think you just fell out of a coconut tree?" before laughing, which some critics have deemed inappropriate or unusual.

These clips have led to speculation about Harris' state of mind during public appearances, with some commentators suggesting that her behavior indicates potential inebriation.

Trump Campaign Official Weighs In

James Blair, identified as the political director of Donald Trump's 2024 campaign, has also contributed to the discourse surrounding Harris' behavior. Blair wrote on social media:

A lot of rumors out there about Kamala having a serious drinking problem...apparently coming into focus as campaign heats up.

This statement from a high-profile campaign official has further fueled the speculation despite the lack of concrete evidence to support such claims.

Vice President's Office Remains Silent

As of the time of reporting, representatives for Vice President Harris have not responded to requests for comment on these allegations. The absence of an official statement has allowed the speculation to continue unchecked on various social media platforms.

It's worth noting that unfounded rumors about politicians' health and behavior are not uncommon, particularly as election seasons approach. Similar claims have been made about other political figures in the past, including both President Biden and former President Trump.

Upcoming Campaign Activities

Despite the circulating rumors, Vice President Harris is continuing with her scheduled campaign activities. She is set to embark on a bus tour starting in Pittsburgh, with a planned stop in Rochester, Pennsylvania. These engagements come as the Democratic Party prepares for its four-day national convention in Chicago, where Harris will be officially welcomed as their vice presidential nominee.

The upcoming convention and Harris' campaign activities will likely put her further in the spotlight, potentially providing more opportunities for scrutiny of her public appearances and speeches.

In conclusion, conservatives and Trump supporters are questioning Vice President Kamala Harris' behavior during recent speeches, suggesting she may be under the influence of alcohol. These claims lack substantive evidence and have spread on social media platforms. A Trump campaign official has acknowledged the rumors, further fueling speculation. Harris's office has not responded to these allegations. Meanwhile, the Vice President continues her campaign activities, with a bus tour planned and the Democratic National Convention approaching.

A Paulding County sheriff's deputy lost his life in a tragic incident while responding to a domestic dispute call on Saturday night.

According to ABC News, Deputy Brandon Cunningham, a 30-year-old father of two, was fatally shot in what officials described as an ambush.

The incident occurred when Cunningham and another deputy were dispatched to a home in Hiram following reports of a domestic dispute. Upon arrival, they were met with gunfire from a suspect inside the residence, resulting in Cunningham being struck while his colleague managed to avoid injury.

Details Of The Tragic Incident

Maj. Ashley Henson of the Paulding County Sheriff's Office provided details about the incident during a press conference on Saturday night. He described the situation as "tremendously tragic" and stated that it appeared the deputies were ambushed upon their arrival at the scene.

The suspect, identified as 42-year-old James Samuel Atkins, was found dead at the scene from what officials believe to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A female victim, 52-year-old Kim Thao Vu, was also shot during the incident and was transported to the ICU. As of Saturday night, she was reported to be in stable condition.

Sheriff Gary Gulledge expressed his grief over the loss of Deputy Cunningham, emphasizing the impact on both the department and the community. He referred to Cunningham as a hero and called for support and prayers for the fallen deputy's family and colleagues.

Deputy Cunningham's Service And Legacy

Deputy Brandon Cunningham has been serving with the Paulding County Sheriff's Department since 2020. At just 30 years old, he was a dedicated law enforcement officer and a father of two children. His untimely death marks a significant loss for both his family and the department.

Cunningham's passing is particularly poignant for the Paulding County Sheriff's Office, as it represents the first officer killed in the line of duty in the department's history. This tragic event has deeply affected the entire staff, as noted by Sheriff Gulledge during the press conference.

The sheriff's office took to social media to express their sorrow, describing the day as "one of the hardest in the history of the Paulding County Sheriff's Office." This statement reflects the profound impact of Cunningham's loss on his colleagues and the law enforcement community as a whole.

Community Response And Support

In the wake of this tragedy, local officials have called for community support and solidarity. Sheriff Gulledge made a heartfelt plea during the press conference, stating:

I ask that you pray for this family -- both blood and blue. Everybody here is hurting, our whole staff is hurting.

This statement underscores the close-knit nature of the law enforcement community and the ripple effect that the loss of an officer has on their colleagues and families.


Deputy Brandon Cunningham, a 30-year-old father of two, was fatally shot while responding to a domestic dispute call in Paulding County, Georgia. The incident, described as an ambush by officials, also resulted in injuries to a female victim and the death of the male suspect.

Cunningham had been serving with the sheriff's department since 2020 and is the first officer in the department's history to be killed in the line of duty. The community and law enforcement colleagues are mourning this tragic loss and calling for support and prayers for Cunningham's family and the department.

Former President Donald Trump has recruited former Democratic Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard to assist him in preparing for his upcoming debate against Vice President Kamala Harris.

Trump's choice of Gabbard, a former presidential candidate herself, has sparked widespread interest -- and perhaps trepidation on the part of the VP -- due to her past confrontations with Harris during the 2020 Democratic primary debates, as the Western Journal reports.

Gabbard, a former lawmaker from Hawaii, gained notoriety during the 2020 Democratic primary for her sharp criticism of Harris's record as a prosecutor, particularly regarding the case of Kevin Cooper.

The former lawmaker's participation in Trump's debate preparation has been confirmed by Trump campaign press secretary Karoline Leavitt, who stated that Trump is meeting with "respected policy advisers and effective communicators" as part of his preparation.

Tulsi Gabbard’s Role in Debate Prep

Gabbard's involvement in Trump's debate strategy is seen as an effort to capitalize on her previous experience in debating Harris. Gabbard is expected to offer informal advice to Trump and may also take on the role of Harris in practice sessions.

This is particularly noteworthy given the contentious exchanges between Gabbard and Harris during the Democratic primaries, where Gabbard's criticisms of Harris's prosecutorial record became a focal point.

Trump, who is known for his unconventional approach to debate preparation, reportedly does not engage in traditional methods. Instead, he prefers to discuss potential topics and strategies with advisers in a more informal setting. Gabbard's inclusion in these discussions is indicative of Trump's desire to address Harris's strengths and weaknesses directly, drawing on Gabbard's firsthand experience.

While Trump has expressed a desire for additional debates, including one hosted by Fox News, Harris has only agreed to participate in the September 10 debate. This has added another layer of strategic importance to Gabbard's role in Trump's preparation, as it may be his only opportunity to face off against Harris directly before the election.

Gabbard’s Independent Stance and Trump’s Strategy

Gabbard's political trajectory has been unconventional, much like Trump's. After serving as a Democratic representative from Hawaii, she left the Democratic Party in 2022 to become an independent. Her decision to assist Trump, a figure who represents a stark contrast to her former party, highlights the shifting allegiances and complex dynamics within the current political landscape.

Leavitt emphasized Gabbard's effectiveness in previous debates, particularly against Harris, as a key reason for her involvement. "Trump has proven to be one of the best debaters in political history as evidenced by his knockout blow to Joe Biden," Leavitt stated. "He does not need traditional debate prep but will continue to meet with respected policy advisers and effective communicators like Tulsi Gabbard, who successfully dominated Kamala Harris on the debate stage in 2020."

This collaboration between Trump and Gabbard is particularly intriguing given their respective political histories. Gabbard's willingness to work with Trump, despite their ideological differences, suggests a pragmatic approach to the upcoming debate, where the focus is less on party loyalty and more on strategic advantage.

The Debate's Potential Impact on Election

The upcoming ABC debate on Sept. 10 is shaping up to be a pivotal moment in the 2024 presidential race. With Harris only committing to one debate so far, the stakes are high for both candidates. Trump's decision to involve Gabbard in his preparation reflects his recognition of the significance of this event.

As the debate date approaches, the political world will be watching closely to see how Trump and Harris perform on stage. Gabbard's past interactions with Harris will undoubtedly play a role in shaping the strategies employed by the Trump campaign.

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