President Joe Biden delivered a landmark address from the Oval Office, marked by strong emotional displays and controversial body language.

As reported by Daily Mail, body language expert Judi James noted that President Biden's frequent finger-jabbing during his Oval Office address signaled defiance.

Biden’s speech was notable for its defiant tone and evocative non-verbal cues, interpreted by body language expert Judi James. James observed the president’s movements, showing signs of reluctance, fear, and anger, suggesting that Biden remains deeply conflicted about his decision.

Defiant Body Language Captures Attention

During his address, Biden frequently used finger-jabbing motions, which James identified as signals of defiance. His eyes, she noted, appeared fearful and haunted, conveying a state of disbelief and inner turmoil. Such gestures conveyed a struggle between his public announcement and personal sentiments.

President Biden articulated his reasons for stepping down, focusing on the need to pass the torch to Vice President Harris. He contended that he still believed his record and vision merited a second term. Nonetheless, the overriding need to save democracy overshadowed his personal aspirations.

Despite the gravity of his message, Biden's speech was marked by more mumbling and less clarity than usual. James pointed out that Biden’s clearest moments in past speeches came from reading an autocue, which was notably lacking this time.

Biden's Language and Non-Verbal Cues Analyzed

Analyzing his speech, James highlighted how Biden’s body language countered the words he spoke. "His enunciation has eroded," she noted, emphasizing how this change influenced the overall impression of his address. His conclusion was underscored by his emphasis on uniting the party and ensuring the survival of democracy.

Biden emphasized the importance of fresh leadership, stating the need for younger voices in government. “There's a time and a place for long years of experience,” he remarked, contrasting this with the necessity of new perspectives in guiding future policies.

His family and loyal staff showed emotional support, standing by him during his address. Notable figures in attendance included First Lady Jill Biden, son Hunter Biden, daughter Ashley, and several grandchildren. Key staff members such as Mike Donilon, Karine Jean-Pierre, and Annie Tomasini were also present.

Concerns About Age and Health Persist

Absent from Biden’s address was any direct mention of his age, health, or mental acuity—concerns that have dogged his presidency. Judi James's detailed analysis emphasized how Biden's gestures indicated an inner struggle with these persistent issues.

After his address, Biden and his family, along with staff, gathered in the Rose Garden for ice cream, with his campaign song playing—a poignant and symbolic moment of unity and reflection. However, despite his recent recovery from COVID-19 and a challenging debate performance against former President Donald Trump, Biden did not touch on his health.

Biden’s final remarks centered on his love for the country and a profound respect for the presidential office. He stressed that defending democracy outweighed personal ambition, a sentiment encapsulated by his statement, "I revere this office but I love my country more."


President Joe Biden’s Oval Office address was a complex interplay of words and gestures, underscoring his internal conflict and commitment to the nation's well-being. His decision to step down was framed as an act of selflessness, paving the way for Vice President Kamala Harris. The supportive presence of his family and staff highlighted the personal dimensions of this momentous announcement.

At 30, Tallulah Willis is navigating her life with a recent autism diagnosis, while simultaneously working to raise awareness about autism, particularly in women.

The Daily Mail reported that the youngest daughter of Bruce Willis and Demi Moore has faced several mental health challenges, including an eating disorder, borderline personality disorder, and ADHD.

Diagnosed with autism a year ago, Tallulah Willis has had a long history of heightened sensory sensitivity, which she noted as being uncommon compared to others.

Her goal is to promote better understanding and awareness of autism spectrum disorder (ASD), especially among women who are frequently misdiagnosed.

Tallulah Willis' Advocacy in Autism Awareness

The Center for Mental Wellness highlights that around 80% of females remain undiagnosed by the age of 18.

Researchers point out that women's autism symptoms are often more subtle and cleverly concealed, which leads to later diagnoses. Tallulah will be honored by Autism Speaks at their Los Angeles Gala in late October, recognized for her efforts in creating awareness.

Previous honorees of Autism Speaks include numerous notable figures such as Dave Grohl, J.K. Simmons, Sarah McLachlan, Alyssa Milano, Jeannie Mai, Kristin Chenoweth, and Naomi Campbell. Board member Georgianna Junco-Kelman has emphasized the importance of advocates like Tallulah in bringing critical issues for the autistic community to the forefront.

In March 2024, Tallulah went public with her autism diagnosis for the first time, sharing a throwback video from 2004 on Instagram that hinted at autistic traits she exhibited as a child. She has a history of stimming, a repetitive behavior often linked with autism.

Challenges Faced Before and After Diagnosis

The Cleveland Clinic describes stimming as repetitive movements or sounds that help individuals regulate their emotions.

The condition, often related to autism, provided Tallulah with an understanding of her previous behaviors. She remarked, "Actually, this is the first time I've ever publicly shared my diagnosis. Found out this summer and it's changed my life."

Beyond autism, Tallulah has struggled with body dysmorphia, an eating disorder, and ADHD. At age 25, she entered a residential treatment facility in Malibu to manage her eating disorder and depression. Diagnosed with ADHD there, she started on stimulant medication, which she found transformative.

Her weight plummeted to 84 pounds by spring 2022, leading to severe health issues. Her battle with anorexia nervosa has been a particularly tough journey. Tallulah acknowledged that her sense of self became distorted, causing her to cling to the last vice she had after getting sober at 20.

Family Support and Upcoming Recognition

Tallulah’s struggle with dropping pounds quickly led to physical and emotional complications. She shared how the rapid weight loss brought a sense of "unhealthy deliciousness," ultimately leading to friends and family becoming terrified.

Despite their concerns, Tallulah rationalized her condition by defending the benefits of ADHD medication to her focus.

An eating disorders therapist would later explain to her the twisted notion that "the smaller you are, the bigger you feel."

During this period, she was continually cold and had to call mobile IV teams to her house. She avoided even walking in her neighborhood out of fear of not finding a place to sit down and catch her breath.

The support from her stepmother Emma Heming, Demi Moore, and the Willis family has been crucial. In March 2022, the family revealed Bruce Willis's diagnosis of aphasia, which is impacting his cognitive abilities, leading to his retirement from acting. They expressed their gratitude for continued love and support during this challenging time.


Tallulah’s journey of self-discovery and advocacy is both personal and public. Through her autism diagnosis and subsequent awareness work, she is shining a light on an often misunderstood condition, particularly among women. Her recognition by Autism Speaks underscores the significant contributions she has made.

As she continues to navigate her diagnosis, Tallulah Willis is not only advocating for better understanding of autism but is also using her platform to drive change and support for others facing similar challenges. Her story is a testament to the resilience and importance of raising awareness about hidden disabilities.

President Biden has remained silent while recuperating from a Covid-19 diagnosis after withdrawing from the 2024 race.

The Daily Mail reported that his absence has led to speculation about his health, though he has been in communication with campaign staff and is expected to make a public statement soon.

Former President Joe Biden, currently at his beach residence in Rehoboth, has not made a public appearance in six days.

His decision to withdraw from the presidential race was conveyed in a written statement shared on X on Sunday. Few key Democratic allies on Capitol Hill have been in touch with him following his retreat from the campaign.

House Democratic leadership, including prominent figures such as Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, Rep. Ted Lieu, Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. Greg Meeks, and Rep. Jerry Nadler, have all confirmed the lack of communication with Biden during this period. Concerns have intensified, with some conservative circles speculating about the severity of Biden’s illness, suggesting extreme scenarios.

Biden's Silence Sparks Speculation

Despite his silence in public, Biden has maintained contact with campaign staffers. Reports indicate that he called into a meeting at the campaign headquarters with Vice President Kamala Harris and assured the team of his continued support. He conveyed gratitude for their efforts and emphasized the importance of their work for the campaign.

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has opted to keep her private conversations with Biden confidential, adding to the intrigue surrounding his current condition and intentions.

Meanwhile, Rep. Robert Garcia managed to get through to the President after his drop-out announcement, describing Biden’s mood as “gracious” and noting that he seemed to be in good spirits.

Biden’s schedule included a meeting on Monday where he spoke to campaign staff using a “scratchy voice.” During this call, he acknowledged the surprise and difficulty of his decision but reiterated it was the right course of action.

Biden's message to Harris, "I'm watching you kid," highlighted his dedication to support his successor and the continuity of their collective political goals.

Continuous Support From Allies

President Biden’s leadership style has always been marked by personal engagement with his team, a trait that remained evident even after his sudden withdrawal.

Rep. Steven Horsford recounted being with Biden early last week and described the President’s resolve to persevere despite his health setback.

While Biden’s physical presence has been limited, he has pledged to remain actively involved in the campaign’s efforts.

This sentiment was echoed by Rep. Maxine Waters, who expressed her disappointment at Biden’s withdrawal but affirmed her support for Harris after Biden endorsed her.

"I'm a big supporter of Biden. I want him to stay. I was angry when he got out, but when he endorsed Kamala, I joined," Waters said, encapsulating the loyalty and adaptability of many Democrats during this transitional period.

Upcoming Public Address Expected

President Biden is expected to address the public on Wednesday, providing much-needed clarity on his health and future involvement in political affairs.

This announcement should also dispel some of the more extreme rumors about his condition circulating in political circles.

Despite his illness, Biden maintains his commitment to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the White House this week. This schedule reflects his continued role in important diplomatic engagements, despite canceling a fundraising trip to California and Colorado, which will be rescheduled.

As Biden recuperates and gears up for his forthcoming public statement, his allies and supporters remain hopeful and prepared to mobilize under Harris’ leadership.

Rep. Garcia, who recently spoke with Biden, described him as sounding positive and ready to assist the campaign in the coming days.


In summary, President Biden has withdrawn from the 2024 presidential race and is recuperating from a Covid-19 diagnosis at his beach house.

Despite his absence from public view for six days, he has maintained communication with campaign staff and pledged continued support.

Few key Democratic figures have heard from him, and conservative speculation about his health has arisen. He is expected to address the public on Wednesday and still plans to meet with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

Biden's sudden departure and subsequent silence have left Democrats gearing up to face the campaign challenges ahead under Vice President Kamala Harris' leadership.

Torrential rain in northern China has led to a bridge collapse in Shangluo, Shaanxi province, resulting in at least 11 deaths and more than 30 people missing.

Metro reported that the disaster is part of a series of extreme weather events that have plagued China this summer, including floods, heatwaves, and landslides.

The bridge in Shangluo buckled around 8:40 p.m. on Friday due to sudden heavy rain and flash floods.

The collapse led to the disappearance of nearly 20 vehicles and more than 30 individuals. Rescuers have so far recovered 11 bodies from five vehicles found in the water.

Severe Weather Hits Multiple Regions

Images from the scene show a partially submerged section of the bridge with water rushing over it. This incident is part of a broader pattern of severe weather affecting northern and central China since Tuesday. Torrential rains have caused extensive flooding and damage in multiple provinces.

In Baoji city, Shaanxi province, at least five people were reported dead, and eight more are missing due to flooding and mudslides on Friday. The provinces of Gansu and Henan have also been hit hard by the heavy rains this week.

Henan's Nanyang city experienced a year's worth of rainfall at the start of the week, leading to significant disruptions. Meanwhile, in Sichuan province, two people were killed, and seven are missing after landslides triggered by the heavy rain.

This summer has seen a series of extreme weather events in China, with heavy rains affecting the east and south while the north grapples with intense heatwaves. The climate crisis is exacerbating these events, making them more frequent and severe.

In May, a highway in southern China collapsed after days of rain, resulting in 48 deaths. Earlier this month, a tornado in eastern China killed one person, injured 79, and caused widespread damage.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for "all-out efforts" in the rescue and relief operations. Authorities are working to locate the missing and provide aid to the affected areas.

Eyewitness Accounts

Witnesses described the chaotic scene when the bridge collapsed. One person recounted how a truck in front of them "didn’t stop and fell into the water." Another witness recalled hearing people "yelling at me to brake and stop the car" as the bridge gave way.

The ongoing rescue operations are challenging due to the adverse weather conditions and the swift currents in the river.

Emergency services are working around the clock to recover more vehicles and locate the missing persons.

The extreme weather events this summer highlight the urgent need for comprehensive climate action and disaster preparedness.

The increased frequency and severity of such incidents are straining the resources and response capabilities of local authorities.


The torrential rain that led to the bridge collapse in Shangluo, Shaanxi province, northern China, has resulted in at least 11 confirmed deaths and over 30 missing persons.

The sudden downpour and flash floods that caused the bridge to buckle at 8:40 p.m. on Friday also led to nearly 20 vehicles being washed away.

Regions across northern and central China have been experiencing severe weather, with heavy rains causing flooding, mudslides, and significant damage. This summer has seen a series of extreme weather events, exacerbated by the climate crisis, affecting various parts of China with both heavy rains and heatwaves.

Rescue operations are ongoing, with emergency services working tirelessly to recover more bodies and locate the missing. The impact of the climate crisis underscores the need for urgent action to mitigate its effects and improve disaster preparedness and response.

An outdoor rage room event nearly turned into a chaotic scene on the Lower East Side when police responded to reports of a riot.

According to the New York Post, an event promoting stress relief was mistaken for violence by a concerned citizen.

The Ragery, an outdoor rage room on Essex Street, attracted attention on Saturday when patrons paid $5 to smash a car with a bat. The event, dubbed "Summer Smash," began at 1:45 p.m. and allowed participants to relieve stress in a controlled environment.

Around 2:45 p.m., a 911 call reported three men aggressively hitting a vehicle. The men, equipped with hard hats, safety glasses, earmuffs, and aprons, participated in the event. The car, securely positioned on a tarp and strapped to a trailer, was part of the setup for easy cleanup.

Police Respond to Confusing Scene

NYPD officers arrived with sirens blaring, ready to address what they thought was a violent disturbance. Upon arrival, they discovered the participants had signed waivers and were engaging in a sanctioned activity. The Ragery's co-founder, Roman Lupu, approached the officers to explain the situation.

“They said that somebody called, that they were worried that somebody smashing the car,” said Lupu. “They were very puzzled. The looks on their faces were super puzzled.”

The event, advertised on the business’s website for weeks, had been postponed the previous week due to rain. It was a promotional activity to introduce The Ragery, a business opened in January by Roman Lupu and his partner Bogdan Zhukovsky as a stress relief outlet.

Community Reactions and Participation

Approximately 50 people took part in smashing the car on Saturday. The event's intention was to provide a fun and therapeutic experience for participants. Despite the misunderstanding, the event continued without further incident after police confirmed everything was under control.

Lupu recounted the officers' gradual realization that the event was harmless. “They took a while, and they kind of came closer, and I went to talk to them and said, ‘Hey guys, don’t worry. This is all a plan, it’s just a promotional, kind of fun event for our customers for a new rage room here in the city.”

The NYPD officers eventually understood the purpose of the gathering and finalized their response. “The NYPD responded and finalized the job,” Lupu added, indicating the conclusion of the police's involvement.

Promotional Event Misinterpreted as Riot

Roman Lupu and Bogdan Zhukovsky’s initiative to create a stress relief outlet faced an unexpected hurdle but ultimately succeeded in drawing attention to their business. The incident served as a reminder of the thin line between creative promotional activities and public safety concerns.

Despite the initial confusion, the event showcased the growing popularity of rage rooms as a method for people to manage stress in a controlled environment. The Ragery's successful handling of the situation ensured that participants enjoyed the event without further interruptions.

In conclusion, The Ragery's outdoor event on Essex Street was a unique attempt to offer stress relief through an interactive and engaging experience. Although a concerned citizen's 911 call brought unexpected police attention, the clear explanation from organizers and cooperation from participants ensured the event proceeded smoothly. The Ragery continues to provide a space for stress relief, now with added recognition from an unintended but impactful promotional mishap.

Democrats this week were reportedly considering an unprecedented move to replace President Joe Biden as the party's 2024 presidential candidate.

Party leaders worried about Biden's ability to run for a second term amid rising concerns he would lose to Donald Trump, and floated the use of a loophole to remove him from contention, as the Daily Mail reported.

At the heart of this debate was a procedural loophole that would have seen Biden ousted if he refused to step aside. Democrats at the upcoming National Convention in August would perhaps have been able to utilize this "good-conscience loophole" to vote for an alternative candidate. This loophole permits delegates to vote contrary to their pledged choice if they feel their candidate no longer represents their interests or those of the voters.

History and Importance of Procedural Loophole

This rule surfaced after the contentious 1980 convention between Ted Kennedy and Jimmy Carter. Political scientist Elaine Kamarck explained the loophole to delegates during a Zoom call on Friday morning, detailing its historical significance. According to Kamarck, the rule mandates that elected delegates reflect the opinions of their electors, thereby allowing flexibility.

Concerns over President Biden's cognitive decline have been growing. Over 30 Democrats have articulated doubts, fueling discussions about invoking the loophole. Inside sources close to the president admitted the existence rising internal divisions within the West Wing regarding his re-election campaign, ahead of his Sunday decision to bow out of the race.

Growing Calls for Biden to Step Aside

Prominent Democrats were increasingly vocal last week about wanting Biden to withdraw from the race. Even within his inner circle, some conceded that he could not run in 2024. Johanna Maska, a former aide, highlighted the division within the party, urging patience as Biden contemplated his next move.

Maska emphasized the difficulty for aides who must navigate public and private pressures. She quoted one longtime aide asking to "just give him the grace to make the decision himself." Kamarck expressed confusion over why the media had not grasped the importance and application of this procedural rule.

Democratic National Convention Considerations

The fate of Biden's re-election bid hinged on decisions made at the Democratic National Convention. Delegates were preparing various strategies and were perhaps prepared to invoke the loophole if Biden did not voluntarily step down. As Kamarck stated, there's no precedent for a clear-cut primary winner who later faced such extensive doubts about their capacity to move forward.

The uncertainty left a critical question unanswered: who would replace Biden if the delegates voted against him? The potential disruption poses risks for the Democratic Party as members prepare for a challenging election against former President Donald Trump.

With increasing public scrutiny and internal debates, the road to the 2024 election is fraught with tension. Concerns about whether Biden would bow to growing pressure or resist the push added another layer to an already complex political landscape.

Internal Conflicts Within Biden's Team

Meanwhile, the Biden administration was forced to manage its internal conflicts. Biden's aides were divided, with many profoundly concerned about his ability to lead another campaign. These divisions became increasingly public, complicating the narrative for the incumbent's supporters.

Kamarck underscored the unusual nature of the current political climate, reflecting on historical precedents and their implications for today. The procedural differences connected to delegate votes are more than a mere technicality; they had real potential to alter the Democratic ticket fundamentally.

Ultimately, the next few weeks will be crucial as Democrats head towards the convention. The decision on who will now replace Biden will be a pivotal turning point for the party and perhaps the country. The Democratic Party's strategy and overall cohesion are now on the line. These unexpected challenges test the organization's ability to adapt and unify in the face of unprecedented uncertainty.

A controversial resurfaced video of President Joe Biden has ignited new criticism and concerns and concerns about his cognitive health.

A video showing President Joe Biden nearly kissing a woman other than his wife amid recent health worries and political pressures has stirred controversy, as The Sun reports.

The 13-second clip features Biden conversing with a blonde woman dressed in navy. The president appears to lean in as if to kiss her, prompting First Lady Jill Biden to intervene by tugging on his arm. The incident left many speculating about the president's intentions and state of mind.

Biden Faces Criticism Over His Actions

Biden's moment of confusion was evident as Jill Biden emerged onto the stage. Critics have accused the president of being overly familiar with the woman, who strikingly resembles Jill. The scene has fueled rumors on social media that Biden may have confused the woman with his spouse.

Adding to the controversy, Biden has also experienced significant verbal blunders, such as mixing up the names of the leaders of Russia and Ukraine. Such slip-ups have cast a shadow over his candidacy. Sources close to the president suggest that he is increasingly contemplating the viability of his re-election bid. With mounting competition and his latest health setback, Biden may soon make a pivotal announcement.

Health Concerns Amplify Amid Political Tensions

Biden's health is a growing concern among both supporters and critics. On July 17, he tested positive for COVID-19, news confirmed by UnidosUS conference organizers and via his personal X account. Following his diagnosis, Biden's frailty was evident as he was seen walking slowly and pausing multiple times while exiting Air Force One.

Now quarantined at his vacation home in Delaware, Biden's physical and mental health are under scrutiny. Many are questioning whether he is fit to continue his campaign for re-election.

Adding to the political turbulence is the competition from former President Donald Trump. Trump, who survived an assassination attempt during a rally in Pennsylvania on July 13, remains a formidable opponent in the political arena.

Speculations on Biden’s Future in Politics

Former U.S. President Barack Obama has reportedly expressed his concerns, stating that Biden's "path to victory has greatly diminished and he thinks the president needs to seriously consider the viability of his candidacy," according to the Washington Post. These remarks reflect a growing sentiment within the Democratic Party.

According to a source close to Biden quoted by the New York Times, an announcement about his possible withdrawal from the race is not out of the question. The source emphasized that it "wouldn't be a surprise" if Biden decides to step down soon.

As the political landscape continues to shift, Biden's administration and campaign team must navigate these challenges. The emergence of the controversial video has only intensified the pressure on the president.

In summary, President Joe Biden faces significant hurdles as he contends with criticism over a resurfaced video, recent health issues, and stiff competition from Donald Trump. The possibility of him withdrawing from the re-election race is increasingly being debated.

Biden's actions in the video and his subsequent confusion highlighted ongoing concerns about his cognitive abilities. Speculation and criticism have only grown following his COVID-19 diagnosis, further complicating his political future.

Critics and supporters alike await Biden's next move with bated breath. The coming days and weeks will be crucial in determining the direction of his campaign and political career.

Tom Wyner, a beloved voice actor known for his work in "Power Rangers" and "Buffy The Vampire Slayer," passed away on July 16 at the age of 77.

According to Suggest, Mobile Monicker, the agency representing Wyner, was the first to report his death. In their statement, the agency highlighted Wyner's significant influence on everyone he met. "Tom was absolutely enthralled by the opportunity to meet his fans, sharing his own passions and inspiring them to chase after their dreams," the agency shared.

Tributes Pour In From Colleagues And Fans

Tributes for the late voice actor began pouring in following the announcement of his passing. Fellow voice actor Wenden Lee, who had worked alongside Wyner for many years, expressed his sorrow on social media. "Losing voice actor Tom Wyner is a sad one. I’ve worked with Tom since the beginning," Lee wrote. He remembered Wyner as a talented and complex individual who loved animals and cooking.

Mobile Monicker's tribute also emphasized Wyner's dedication to his craft and his heartfelt interactions with fans. "He poured his heart and soul into every encounter, leaving a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of crossing paths with him," the agency said. "His beautiful and kindred spirit will forever hold a special place in our hearts."

Wyner's career spanned several decades, during which he voiced characters in popular shows such as Digimon and Buffy the Vampire Slayer. His distinctive voice and passion for storytelling made him a beloved figure in the entertainment industry.

A Legacy Of Talent And Kindness

Wyner's colleagues and fans remember him not just for his professional achievements but also for his personal qualities. Wenden Lee described him as "wildly talented, confident, intelligent, funny, restless, a handful at times." Lee's heartfelt tribute also highlighted Wyner's love for animals and cooking, painting a picture of a multifaceted individual.

Throughout his career, Wyner was known for his ability to bring characters to life with his voice. His work in "Power Rangers" and "Digimon" left a lasting impression on audiences, and his contributions to "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" showcased his versatility as a voice actor.

The news of Wyner's passing has led to an outpouring of grief and remembrance from fans and colleagues alike. Many have taken to social media to share their favorite memories and express their condolences.

Remembering A Voice That Inspired Many

Mobile Monicker's statement encapsulated the sentiment felt by many: "His beautiful and kindred spirit will forever hold a special place in our hearts." The agency's tribute highlighted the profound impact Wyner had on those who knew him, both personally and professionally.

Wyner's legacy in the voice acting community is marked by his dedication, talent, and kindness. His ability to connect with fans and inspire them through his work is a testament to his enduring influence.

As the entertainment industry mourns the loss of Tom Wyner, his contributions to beloved shows and his impact on fans and colleagues will be remembered. The tributes from those who knew him best reflect the profound loss felt by the community.


Wyner's memory will live on through the characters he brought to life and the inspiration he provided to fans. His dedication to his craft and his heartfelt interactions with those who admired him have ensured that his legacy will not be forgotten.

In remembering Tom Wyner, the voice acting community honors a man who poured his heart and soul into his work, leaving a lasting impact on all who had the privilege of knowing him. His contributions to the industry and his kindred spirit will be cherished for years to come.

Daily Mail reported that Lionel Messi will miss Inter Miami indefinitely due to a serious ligament injury in his right ankle.

Messi sustained the injury during Argentina's Copa America final against Colombia, necessitating ongoing evaluations for his recovery.

The incident leading to Messi's injury occurred on Sunday during the 64th minute of Argentina's 1-0 victory over Colombia in Miami. As Messi was forced to leave the field, cameras captured him on the bench with ice applied to his swollen right ankle.

Extended Treatment And Initial Diagnosis

After the match, the Argentinean Football Association (AFA) issued a statement confirming the ligament injury. "After a medical evaluation, it has been determined that Leo Messi has suffered a ligament injury in his right ankle," the AFA revealed.

Inter Miami coach Gerardo 'Tata' Martino provided further details about Messi's condition: "He twisted his ankle, and the injury is present so tests are needed and wait for results." The exact timeline for Messi's return remains uncertain, pending periodic assessments of his recovery progress.

Messi’s injury has significant implications for Inter Miami, currently positioned second in the Eastern Conference standings. The team faces crucial home matches against Toronto FC on Wednesday and the Chicago Fire on Saturday, both of which will proceed without their star player.

Impact On Inter Miami's Season

Messi's contribution to Inter Miami has been substantial, with 12 goals and 13 assists recorded in 12 MLS matches this season. His absence is expected to be keenly felt by the team and its supporters.

Coach Martino expressed cautious optimism about Messi’s recovery, emphasizing the need for thorough evaluations:

There will be tests done to determine the severity of the situation. We are always informed through our kinesiologist Walter Insaurralde, who is also the kinesiologist of the national team. He is very cautious at giving a final diagnosis before results are in.

The Argentinean FA's statement also highlighted the uncertain nature of Messi's recovery timeline: "The captain's availability will be determined by periodic assessments and the progress of his recovery."

Despite the setback, Messi remains optimistic about his recovery. On Monday, he posted on Instagram, assuring fans of his well-being. "I'm fine, thank God, and I hope I can soon be on the field again enjoying what I like to do most," Messi wrote.

Future Outlook For Messi And Inter Miami

Messi’s injury impacts Inter Miami's current season and raises questions about his long-term fitness and future contributions. His recovery process will be crucial in determining how quickly he can return to peak performance levels.

The club’s immediate challenge will be to fill the void left by Messi's absence, potentially adjusting their tactical approach to cope with his unavailability. Meanwhile, Messi’s recovery will be a closely watched aspect of the team's ongoing season.

As Messi undergoes treatment and rehabilitation, the soccer world will be watching closely, hoping for a swift and successful recovery for one of the sport's greatest talents.

House Speaker Mike Johnson pushed for the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, which would make it harder for noncitizens to vote by requiring a Real ID or U.S. passport instead of a driver's license.

According to The New Republic, Johnson cited debunked data to support his law that prevents noncitizens from voting, even though it is already illegal for noncitizens to vote.

The SAVE Act aims to require a Real ID or U.S. passport for voting instead of a standard driver's license. This bill passed the Republican-led House on Wednesday but is unlikely to succeed in the Senate or be signed by President Biden.

House Speaker Mike Johnson circulated a white paper with claims about undocumented immigrants voting, igniting a debate on the bill's necessity and validity.

Unverified Claims of Voter Fraud

Ohio Secretary of State Frank LaRose ordered 137 noncitizens removed from the state’s voter rolls. However, he did not provide evidence of illegal voting. In a May press release, LaRose acknowledged that some individuals could have been included as a result of an honest mistake.

According to LaRose, noncitizens could be mistakenly registered due to communication barriers or paperwork errors. Federal law mandates that the Ohio Bureau of Motor Vehicles offers voter registration forms to state residents, leading to some forms being filled out by noncitizens. These forms could be mistakenly processed if noncitizens marked themselves as ineligible to vote or have been naturalized but haven't updated their status at the BMV.

According to the Brennan Center for Justice, in 2016, noncitizens composed only 0.0001 percent of the votes cast. This statistic underscores the minimal impact noncitizen voting has on elections, challenging the basis for the SAVE Act. Critics argue that the bill is grounded in a right-wing conspiracy about widespread voter fraud.

Opposition and Expected Failure

The SAVE Act is anticipated to fail in the Democratic-led Senate. President Joe Biden has promised to veto the SAVE Act if it reaches his desk. This stance reflects the broader Democratic opposition to the bill, which they see as an unnecessary restriction on voting rights.

Republicans, however, might use the failure of the SAVE Act to claim widespread voter fraud in upcoming elections. This tactic, despite the lack of supporting numbers, could influence public perception and future legislative efforts. The debate over voter fraud and election integrity remains a contentious issue in American politics.

Frank LaRose addressed the issue of noncitizens on voter rolls, stating, “These may be well-meaning people trying to pursue the American dream, and communication barriers sometimes result in a registration form being submitted in error.” His comments highlight the potential for honest mistakes in the voter registration process and the need for clear communication and support for new residents.

Broader Implications of the SAVE Act

The broader implications of the SAVE Act extend beyond its immediate legislative fate. The debate it has sparked touches on fundamental issues of voting rights, citizenship, and the integrity of the electoral process. While the bill is unlikely to become law, it has succeeded in bringing these issues to the forefront of public discourse.

The Republican-led push for the SAVE Act, despite its dubious foundations, reflects ongoing efforts to tighten voting regulations. These efforts are often framed as necessary to prevent voter fraud, though evidence of such fraud is exceedingly rare. The conversation around the SAVE Act exemplifies the polarized nature of the American political debate on election integrity.

In summary, The SAVE Act aims to change voting requirements based on unproven claims of voter fraud. The bill's passage in the House, despite its expected failure in the Senate and President Biden's promised veto, highlights the ongoing partisan conflict over voting rights and election integrity. As the debate continues, it is evident that the issue of voter fraud, whether real or perceived, will remain a crucial point of contention in American politics.

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