As Vice President Kamala Harris prepares to unveil a new economic agenda, high school students are voicing concerns about the potential consequences of her proposed ban on alleged price gouging by corporations.

Harris's plan, which includes a federal ban on "corporate price gouging" for essential goods, has drawn criticism from various quarters, including high school students who are questioning its likely economic impact, as the Western Journal reports.

Students Question Harris's Economic Proposal

On Friday, Harris is set to announce a comprehensive economic agenda that includes a controversial proposal to impose federal bans on corporate price gouging, particularly targeting the food and grocery sectors. The proposal aims to address the issue of rising costs that many Americans have faced in recent years.

However, students participating in John Stossel's educational program, "Stossel in the Classroom," have raised concerns about the efficacy of such measures. Through educational videos provided by the program, students have been exposed to the historical failures of price controls, leading them to question the viability of Harris's plan.

In a recent video released by Stossel, students discussed their research on price controls and their potential drawbacks. One student pointed to the economic crisis in Venezuela as a cautionary tale, noting that the country's persistent use of price controls has led to widespread shortages and economic instability.

Op-Ed Criticizes Harris's Approach

Criticism of Harris's proposal extends beyond the classroom. A recent Washington Post op-ed took aim at the plan, arguing that it could have severe repercussions for the U.S. economy. The Op-Ed described the proposal as "hard to exaggerate" in terms of its potential negative impact, suggesting that it may do more harm than good.

The piece also highlighted the political risks associated with Harris's plan, pointing out that opponents have already begun labeling her as a "communist" due to the nature of the proposal. The article cautioned that such labels could further polarize the political landscape and undermine Harris's broader economic agenda.

Stossel's program has played a significant role in shaping students' views on this issue. By providing access to educational resources that explore the complexities of economic policies, the program has empowered students to critically assess the potential outcomes of government intervention in the marketplace.

Real-World Examples Shape Student Opinions

As students delved deeper into the topic, many found themselves reconsidering their initial opinions on price gouging. One student admitted that after researching the issue further, they began to see price gouging as a necessary mechanism for ensuring that goods are distributed efficiently during times of crisis.

Another student, who won an essay contest through Stossel's program, emphasized the importance of keeping government intervention to a minimum. The student argued that economic freedom allows the market to function more effectively, benefiting the greatest number of people in the long run.

The students' perspectives highlight a broader debate over the role of government in regulating the economy. While Harris's proposal aims to protect consumers from excessive prices, critics argue that such measures could backfire, leading to unintended consequences such as shortages and reduced market efficiency.

As Harris prepares to officially announce her economic agenda, the debate over her proposed price gouging ban is likely to intensify. The opposition from both political commentators and young students suggests that the proposal may face significant hurdles in gaining widespread support.

In conclusion, Harris's upcoming announcement of a federal ban on corporate price gouging has sparked a wave of criticism, particularly from students who have studied the issue in depth, albeit at the high school level. With concerns about potential economic fallout and political backlash, the proposal is set to become a major point of contention in the ongoing discussion about government regulation and market dynamics.

Victoria Jackson, a beloved 65-year-old former Saturday Night Live cast member, has announced the heartbreaking news that her cancer has returned, perhaps giving her only months to live.

Jackson, who originally revealed her cancer diagnosis in 2016, shared in an Instagram video on Aug. 14 that she may have just over 34 months to live, as the New York Post reports

The comedienne, who entertained audiences on SNL from 1986 to 1992, disclosed that her current tumor, which is the size of a marble, is located on her windpipe. Due to its position, surgery is not an option, and she faces the harrowing possibility of suffocation.

SNL Alum Reflects on Life Amid Health Battle

In the video, Jackson spoke candidly about her prognosis, expressing a combination of resolve and resignation. She mentioned that she would soon begin a medication regimen intended to shrink the tumor, which could potentially extend her life by an estimated 32.6 months.

Despite the grim diagnosis, Jackson’s message was also one of reflection. She noted the Bible's reference to 70 years as a typical lifespan and expressed gratitude for the life she has lived, saying, “I’ve had a fantastic life.” Jackson’s thoughts have also turned to the milestones she hopes to witness in the months she has left. She shared her deep desire to meet her grandson, who is expected to be born in October, and to see her daughter Aubrey have a baby.

Career in Comedy and Political Controversies

Jackson’s career has been filled with memorable moments and bold choices. Known for her quirky humor and unique voice, she became a household name during her six years on SNL, where she was especially recognized for her appearances on Weekend Update and her various impersonations.

After leaving SNL, Jackson pursued various projects, including a role as a Las Vegas showgirl in a sitcom that ultimately didn’t make it to air. She continued to stay in the public eye through appearances on shows like Politically Incorrect with Bill Maher and by performing stand-up comedy across the country.

In 2007, Jackson became associated with the conservative group Friends of Abe, a move that coincided with her outspoken political and religious views. She has often claimed that these views led to her being blacklisted in Hollywood.

Jackson’s Criticism of Modern SNL

Jackson has also been vocal about her dissatisfaction with the direction SNL has taken in recent years. She has criticized what she perceives as a strong political bias in the show, arguing that its humor no longer reflects the balanced approach of earlier seasons.

She lamented that current political satire on the show, particularly portrayals of figures like Donald Trump, is done with what she sees as an undercurrent of hate, contrasting it with the more light-hearted jabs of her era.

Jackson’s sharp commentary extends beyond the world of comedy. She has made headlines over the years for her controversial positions, including her public disapproval of a same-sex kiss on the show Glee, which drew considerable attention.

A Life Full of Milestones and Challenges

In her video, Jackson provided more than just updates on her health. She gave fans a glimpse into her personal life, sharing that she is married to former police officer Paul Wessel and has two daughters. As she faces the possibility of only having months left, Jackson’s thoughts are focused on her family.

Victoria Jackson’s announcement is a poignant reminder of the fragility of life, even for those who once brought so much joy to others. As she prepares for what lies ahead, her reflections on a life well-lived offer a powerful message of gratitude and acceptance.

White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre sidestepped a direct question on whether President Joe Biden would request a pardon for his son, Hunter Biden, from Vice President Kamala Harris if she is elected in the upcoming presidential election.

According to Breitbart News, Jean-Pierre avoided confirming or denying if President Biden would seek a pardon for Hunter Biden, who faces charges related to gun violations and alleged tax crimes.

Jean-Pierre Labels Pardon Query as ‘Hypothetical’

During a press briefing, a reporter asked Jean-Pierre whether President Biden would advise Vice President Harris, if she were elected, to refrain from pardoning Hunter Biden. Jean-Pierre responded to the inquiry by labeling it as a “hypothetical” scenario.

“He said he would not pardon his son, and I’m just going to leave it there,” Jean-Pierre reiterated, referencing previous statements made by President Biden. This response reflects the administration's ongoing reluctance to comment on the possibility of a pardon.

Hunter Biden’s legal troubles have been a persistent source of controversy. Earlier this summer, he was found guilty of three gun-related violations, for which sentencing is scheduled to take place in November, after the election.

Legal Proceedings Loom Over Hunter Biden

In addition to the gun charges, Hunter Biden is also facing trial in early September for alleged tax violations. The trial is expected to draw significant attention as it coincides with a pivotal moment in the political landscape, just before the 2024 presidential election.

The potential consequences for Hunter Biden are severe. If convicted on both the gun and tax charges, he could face up to 25 years in prison and fines amounting to $750,000. The possibility of a harsh sentence underscores the gravity of the situation.

The presiding judge in Hunter Biden’s gun case, Maryellen Noreika, recently handed down a one-year prison sentence to a defendant in a similar case, despite the defense's request for a more lenient six-month term. This ruling may foreshadow the outcome Hunter Biden could face.

White House Leaves Commutation Option Open

As of June, the White House has not ruled out the possibility that President Biden might commute his son’s sentence should he be convicted on the gun-related charges. However, the administration has been careful not to make any definitive statements regarding this issue.

Jean-Pierre’s refusal to address the hypothetical scenario posed by the reporter suggests the administration's cautious approach to the matter. The White House has consistently avoided engaging in discussions that could be seen as interfering with the judicial process or political optics.

The broader implications of Hunter Biden's legal challenges remain a contentious topic. Critics argue that the administration's handling of the situation could have a significant impact on the upcoming election, particularly if Vice President Harris becomes the Democratic nominee.

As the November sentencing date for Hunter Biden approaches, the political ramifications of his legal troubles are likely to intensify. The possibility of a commutation or pardon remains a delicate issue that the Biden administration will need to navigate carefully.


The press briefing highlighted the White House's reluctance to engage with questions about a potential pardon for Hunter Biden. Jean-Pierre’s response reflects the administration’s ongoing strategy to avoid hypothetical scenarios while emphasizing President Biden’s previous commitment not to pardon his son.

Representative Ilhan Omar of Minnesota emerged victorious in her Democratic primary on Tuesday, bucking the trend set by her fellow 'Squad' members who faced defeat in their respective races.

According to USA TODAY, Omar's win stands in contrast to the losses suffered by Representatives Cori Bush of Missouri and Jamaal Bowman of New York, both of whom were ousted by more moderate Democrats in their primary contests.

The victories and defeats of these progressive lawmakers have been closely watched, particularly in light of their vocal criticisms of Israel's actions in Gaza during the ongoing Israel-Hamas conflict.

Factors Contributing To Omar's Success

One key factor in Omar's victory was the absence of significant opposition funding from pro-Israel groups. The United Democracy Project, a super PAC with ties to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), which invested heavily against Bush and Bowman, did not contribute to Omar's race this year. This marks a departure from her 2022 primary, where the group spent $350,000 in support of her opponent.

Omar also benefited from a shift in political focus since her last election. While police reform dominated the discourse in 2022 following the murder of George Floyd in her home state, this issue has taken a backseat in the current election cycle. Additionally, Omar enjoyed a substantial fundraising advantage over her primary challenger, Don Samuels.

The Minnesota lawmaker ran a more active campaign this time around, addressing concerns from her previous close race. Omar stated at a recent rally in Minneapolis:

In the last primary, it wasn't close because we don't have the support of the people that we represent. It was close because we did not remind every single person that there was a primary and they needed to get out and vote.

Contrasts With Other 'Squad' Members

While Omar secured her victory, her fellow 'Squad' members faced different circumstances in their primary races. Both Bush and Bowman were targets of massive spending by pro-Israel groups, with the United Democracy Project investing nearly $24 million against them combined. This spending contributed to making them the only House Democrats to lose their 2024 primary elections thus far.

Moreover, Bush and Bowman carried additional political baggage that Omar did not face. Bowman was involved in a controversy last year when he pulled a fire alarm in the Capitol complex during a crucial vote, leading to his censure by the House.

Bush, on the other hand, is under federal investigation for allegedly using campaign funds for security services, including hiring her husband as part of her security detail.

Impact Of Israel-Hamas Conflict

The ongoing Israel-Hamas war has significantly influenced Democratic primaries this year, creating divisions within the party over how to address the conflict. Progressive members of Congress, including Omar, have been pushing for a more forceful stance against the bombing campaign in Gaza.

Omar has long been critical of Israel's policies and was among the first lawmakers to call for a ceasefire. However, she faced backlash in April after suggesting that some Jewish students at Columbia University supported "genocide" during a visit to campus protesters.

In conclusion, Representative Ilhan Omar's primary victory stands out among her 'Squad' colleagues, with Cori Bush and Jamaal Bowman losing their races. Factors such as reduced opposition funding, a shift in political focus, and a more active campaign contributed to Omar's success.

The Israel-Hamas conflict continues to be a divisive issue within the Democratic Party, influencing primary races across the country. Omar's win demonstrates her continued support within her district despite ongoing controversies surrounding her stance on Israel.

According to a report by The Washington Examiner, independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s ballot access could be at risk in multiple states following a rejection in New York.

New York Supreme Court Justice Christina Ryba ruled against Kennedy, finding that he violated state law by listing a New York address as his residence on the ballot access petition despite living in California.

Court Ruling Jeopardizes Kennedy's Campaign

The ruling has raised concerns about Kennedy's ballot access in other states, with challenges already emerging in Illinois and Pennsylvania. Kennedy had previously defeated legal challenges in six other states, but the New York decision could set a precedent for future objections.

Kennedy's legal troubles began when New York Supreme Court Justice Christina Ryba ruled in favor of Clear Choice PAC, a political action committee challenging Kennedy's ballot access.

The court determined that Kennedy violated New York state law by listing a New York address as his residence despite residing in California. This decision was a result of Kennedy's attempt to avoid electoral complications arising from the fact that both he and his running mate, Nicole Shanahan, are California residents.

Legal Challenges Mount for Kennedy Campaign

Prior to this ruling, Kennedy had successfully defended his ballot access in six states against similar legal challenges. However, Clear Choice PAC has signaled its intent to challenge Kennedy's residency in other key states, including Illinois and Pennsylvania.

Additionally, Maine's Secretary of State, Shenna Bellows, indicated she would consider objections to Kennedy's petition based on the New York residency issue, though a recent challenge in Maine was dropped after the objector withdrew.

Kennedy and his running mate are currently listed on the ballot in 18 states and are working to secure access in 21 additional states. Despite the setback in New York, the campaign recently announced it has collected signatures for ballot access in every remaining state and Washington, D.C., signaling their determination to be included on ballots nationwide.

Potential Electoral Impact of New York Decision

The fallout from the New York ruling could have significant implications for Kennedy's presidential bid, particularly in states where ballot access is already under scrutiny. Should other states follow New York’s lead in questioning Kennedy’s residency, his ability to compete in the 2024 election could be severely compromised.

Kennedy's campaign has focused on obtaining ballot access in critical swing states such as Michigan and North Carolina, while efforts are ongoing in Georgia, Nevada, and Wisconsin. However, the status of Kennedy’s ballot access in Arizona remains unclear, further complicating his path to a successful campaign.

Constitutional Issues and Campaign Strategies

A significant challenge facing the Kennedy campaign involves the constitutional implications of using his California residence in the context of the 12th Amendment. Losing access to California's 55 electoral votes would be catastrophic for Kennedy’s chances, making his decision to list a New York address on his petition a strategic, albeit legally questionable, move.

Democratic allies, including Clear Choice Action, have targeted Kennedy's ballot access in numerous states, intensifying the legal battles he faces. The New York ruling adds another layer of complexity to these efforts as Kennedy's opponents continue to question the legitimacy of his campaign.

Conclusion: Kennedy's Campaign at a Crossroads

The New York Supreme Court ruling has placed Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s presidential campaign in a precarious position. With his ballot access now in question across multiple states, the campaign faces significant legal and strategic challenges in the months leading up to the election. Despite securing a spot on the ballot in 18 states, Kennedy’s ability to compete in key battleground states remains uncertain. As the campaign works to overcome these obstacles, the implications of the New York decision could have far-reaching consequences for Kennedy's bid for the White House.


Former President Donald Trump is preparing to file a $100 million lawsuit against the Department of Justice (DOJ) over the 2022 raid on his Mar-a-Lago residence.

According to a report by the Daily Mail, Trump's legal team is accusing Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray of engaging in "political persecution" against the former president.

The lawsuit, drafted by Trump's lawyer, Daniel Epstein, claims that the search of Trump's Florida home, which uncovered approximately 300 classified documents, was rooted in "intrusion upon seclusion, malicious prosecution, and abuse of process."

The legal action comes two years after the controversial raid that sparked outrage among Trump supporters and criticism from his political allies.

Trump's Legal Team Alleges Political Motivation

Trump's legal team argues that the DOJ and FBI's actions were inconsistent with established protocols for dealing with former presidents. The lawsuit contends that instead of conducting a raid, the government should have sought consent from Trump, notified his attorneys, and pursued cooperation through non-enforcement means.

Epstein, representing Trump in this matter, stated that the former president is standing up for himself and all Americans who believe in the rule of law and government accountability. The lawsuit seeks to highlight what Trump's team perceives as a departure from standard procedures in handling disputes over presidential records.

The legal action also points to Judge Aileen Cannon, a Trump appointee, dismissing a case brought by special counsel Jack Smith against Trump as further evidence of alleged impropriety in the DOJ's actions.

DOJ Defends Actions Amid Political Accusations

The Department of Justice has consistently denied that politics played a role in the investigation of Trump's handling of classified documents. Special counsel Jack Smith, appointed by Garland to oversee the case, defended the indictment last summer after a grand jury handed it down.

Smith stated:

We have one set of laws in this country and they apply to everyone. Adhering to and applying the laws is what determines the outcome of an investigation. Nothing more, nothing less.

The DOJ's position has been that the investigation and subsequent actions were based solely on the application of the law, regardless of the subject's political status or affiliations.

Implications For Ongoing Legal Battles

This new lawsuit adds another layer to the complex legal situation surrounding Trump as he continues his bid for the 2024 presidential nomination. The former president has faced multiple indictments and legal challenges since leaving office, consistently framing them as politically motivated attacks.

The $100 million lawsuit against the DOJ could potentially impact the ongoing appeal by Smith's team following Judge Cannon's dismissal of the classified documents case. It also comes at a time when Trump is battling legal issues on multiple fronts, including cases related to the January 6th Capitol riot and election interference allegations.


Trump's planned $100 million lawsuit against the DOJ over the Mar-a-Lago raid represents a significant escalation in his legal counteroffensive. The suit alleges political persecution and improper conduct by top DOJ officials. It comes amid ongoing criminal cases against Trump and could impact how disputes over presidential records are handled in the future. The legal battle continues to unfold as Trump pursues another presidential run, with potential ramifications for both the legal and political landscapes.

ABC News reported that a man was spotted climbing the Eiffel Tower, leading to a swift evacuation of the iconic Paris landmark just hours before its scheduled closing time.

The incident triggered a rapid response from security personnel, who acted promptly to ensure the safety of visitors. Authorities have not released details about the man’s motivations or the potential consequences he might face.

A shirtless man was spotted scaling the Eiffel Tower on Sunday, mere hours before the much-anticipated closing ceremony of the Paris Olympics. The climber was seen above the Olympic rings, in the tower's second section, just above the first viewing deck.

Shocking Incident Unfolds in Paris

Authorities responded promptly, evacuating the vicinity of the iconic landmark at around 3 p.m. Some visitors, trapped on the second floor, were eventually released after approximately 30 minutes. The man's ascent began at 2:45 p.m., and he did not get far before police intervened and detained him.

"An individual started climbing the Eiffel Tower at 2:45 p.m., police intervened, and the person was detained," disclosed a Paris police official to The Associated Press under the condition of anonymity.

This episode comes as the Eiffel Tower, a central element in the Olympics opening ceremony, was not scheduled to play a part in the closing festivities. The closing ceremony was set to commence at 9 p.m. local time at Stade de France in Saint-Denis.

Evacuation Heightens Security Concerns

As Olympic competitions drew to a close, the incident not only disrupted plans but also underscored the prevailing security concerns surrounding the event. Over 30,000 police officers were stationed across Paris on Sunday to ensure safety during the Games' concluding hours.

France's Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin addressed the necessity for robust security. He noted that about 3,000 police officers would be active around the Stade de France. Furthermore, 20,000 police and other security personnel would be stationed throughout Paris and Saint-Denis into Sunday night.

The climber's actions raised alarm as they took place just as the city wrapped up a global sporting event, amplifying the need for heightened vigilance.

Eiffel Tower Scene Amid Olympic Finale

The issue was contained, and after a brief period, normalcy resumed at the Eiffel Tower. Despite not being planned for the closing event, the tower's significance in the heart of Paris made the spectacle hard to ignore.

Visitors faced brief inconveniences but returned safely from the attraction's upper floors. While the man’s motive remains unclear, police assured the public that there was no lasting threat.

Though the tower has seen its share of adventurous climbers, this occurrence was particularly sensational, considering the timing. The Eiffel Tower is a historic symbol of Paris, and this failed attempt to scale it underscored its enduring allure and the necessity for stringent security measures during high-profile events.


The shirtless climber was spotted scaling the 330-meter tall tower on Sunday afternoon, reaching a point just above the Olympic rings on the second section. Police quickly responded, escorting visitors away from the area and briefly locking down those on the second floor before allowing them to exit. The incident occurred as Paris prepared for the Olympics closing ceremony at 9 p.m. at Stade de France.

Former President Donald Trump addressed the tragic death of Nashville restaurant owner Matt Carney during a rally last week in Montana.

Trump used Carney's death to emphasize the dangers of illegal immigration, reinforcing his call for stringent immigration policies as part of his 2024 presidential campaign, as the Daily Wire reports.

Matt Carney, 42, died on July 4 from injuries he sustained on June 19 after being struck by a truck in the parking lot of his restaurant, Smokin Thighs. The driver of the truck, 29-year-old Ulises Martinez, is an illegal immigrant from Mexico.

Carney's Fatal Attempt to Thwart Theft

Carney had tried to stop Martinez and another individual from stealing tools from his truck when he was fatally hit by the vehicle. Martinez’s immigration status came to light after the Daily Wire's investigation, which was later confirmed by ICE.

Martinez entered the United States at an unknown date and location. Before this incident, he faced charges in March for driving a stolen vehicle and stealing tools from parked vehicles, but a Nashville judge dismissed the charges due to a lack of probable cause. Martinez is currently incarcerated in Davidson County Jail, facing multiple charges including criminal homicide. His court hearing is set for Aug. 27.

Trump's Rally in Bozeman, Montana

Former President Trump used his rally in Bozeman to cast a critical light on migrant crime in the United States, pointing to Carney’s death as a poignant example. Trump's comments aimed to bolster his strong stance on immigration.

“They’re coming from prisons, they’re coming from jails, they’re coming from all over the place,” Trump said during his rally, describing the situation as a “migrant crime wave.”

Trump promised a “Trump mass deportation” plan if he is elected again, criticizing Vice President Kamala Harris for her role as President Biden’s “border czar.”

Martinez's Immigration Status and Legal History

According to ICE, Martinez's illegal status in the U.S. adds another layer to the tragic incident. His entry details remain unknown, which Trump highlighted as a failure of the current administration’s border policies.

Trump painted a grim picture of American cities, saying, “Look at what’s happening to our cities. Our cities are being overrun.”

The former president described Carney’s tragic final moments, stating, “On July 4th, a 42-year-old Nashville man died after he tried to stop an illegal alien from stealing tools out of his truck. The illegal alien did a number on this man that nobody could even believe.”

Carney's attempt to protect his property ended in him being thrown from the hood of the truck and "left to die in the street after being beat to hell,” according to Trump.

The rally in Montana highlighted the broader issue of migrant crime in America, with Trump using Carney’s fatal encounter as an urgent call for comprehensive immigration reform.

During a highly anticipated performance, Carly Pearce took a decisive stand against a disrespectful audience member.

During the WE Fest Country Music and Camping Festival, Pearce had a man escorted out after he made disrespectful comments, as Arizona's Family reports.

The incident took place in Detroit Lakes, Minnesota, during the festival on Friday. Pearce, a 34-year-old Grammy-winning country music artist, was in the middle of her set when she decided to address an unkind remark from a male fan.

Disruptive Comment from Male Fan

While Pearce was sharing insights about herself with the crowd, a man interrupted her by shouting that no one cared. The abrupt and rude comment visibly affected the singer.

Pearce did not hesitate to take action. She instructed security personnel to remove the man from the audience, clearly demonstrating her intolerance for such behavior. The entire sequence was caught on camera by other festival attendees.

After the man was escorted out, Pearce addressed the crowd, underscoring the importance of treating others with respect and kindness. She expressed her hurt and her commitment to maintaining a positive atmosphere at her performances.

Pearce Expresses Hurt and Emphasizes Kindness

"Somebody get him out of here. I do not want him at my show," she said, expressing her frustration. This direct approach was followed by multiple stern remarks, making it clear that she would not tolerate such behavior.

Pearce emphasized that hurtful words can have a significant impact. She urged the crowd to avoid making mean comments and to be conscious of the consequences their words can have.

In a heartfelt appeal, Pearce highlighted the value of kindness and how it contrasts with the rudeness she had just experienced. She urged her fans not to be mean for the sake of being mean.

First Time Kicking Someone Out

The singer also noted that this was the first time she had ever asked to have someone removed from her performance. She expressed that such a decision was not taken lightly but felt necessary due to the disrespectful nature of the comment.

Pearce reassured the rest of her audience that respectful behavior would always be welcome. Her approach was met with approval and support from those present.

"Seriously, just be nice to people. Do not be mean. It is not worth it," Pearce added as part of her concluding remarks on the incident.

The WE Fest Country Music and Camping Festival in Detroit Lakes became the backdrop for this memorable moment. It highlighted Carly Pearce's commitment to a positive and respectful environment during her performances.

Noah Lyles, despite a recent COVID-19 diagnosis and visible exhaustion, secured a bronze medal in the 200-meter final at the Stade de France but was later wheeled off the track in a wheelchair due to his deteriorating condition, Daily Caller reported.

Noah Lyles, a renowned sprinter for Team USA, won the bronze medal in the 200-meter final held at the Stade de France. Lyles' performance was notable as he competed despite having recently tested positive for COVID-19.

The 200-meter final saw Lyles complete the race in 19.62 seconds. His tenacity earned him third place, following behind Botswana’s Letsile Tebogo and fellow Team USA member Kenneth Bednarek.

However, the celebration was short-lived. Soon after crossing the finish line, Lyles was visibly exhausted and collapsed.

Medical personnel swiftly attended to the distressed athlete, and he was later transported off the track in a wheelchair.

Noah Lyles Battles Exhaustion

This bronze medal adds to Lyles' impressive achievements, including his recent gold medal in the 100-meter final. His latest accomplishment was especially significant, as it made him the first Team USA athlete to win gold in that event in two decades.

Despite his success, Lyles faced significant challenges. He had woken up feeling unwell on Tuesday following his gold medal win, raising concerns about his health.

Lyles did not let his condition deter him from giving a commendable performance. “My first thought was not to panic, thinking I’ve been in worse situations,” he explained.

Concerns About Future Participation

Among the concerned onlookers was his mother, Keisha Caine Bishop, who watched with trepidation as her son was wheeled off the track. The situation has raised questions about Lyles' ability to participate in the upcoming 4×100 relay.

Lyles has publicly expressed pride in his resilience. Reflecting on his bronze medal win, he shared, “I’ve never been more proud of myself for being able to come out here and getting a bronze medal.”

This sentiment presented a stark contrast to his feelings after winning a bronze medal at the previous Olympics, where he felt disappointment instead of pride.

Future Uncertain for the Relay

As the athletic world watches keenly, the fate of Lyles' participation in the 4×100 relay remains undetermined. His health and recovery will be closely monitored in the coming days. Team USA, boosted by Lyles' contributions, will need to adapt depending on his condition. The athletic community remains hopeful for his speedy recovery.

Noah Lyles secured a bronze medal in the 200-meter final despite recent health setbacks, collapsing and needing medical assistance afterward. His notable recent achievements include a gold medal in the 100-meter final. Lyles' participation in the 4×100 relay remains uncertain as he battles illness and recovers from his exhaustive performance.

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