Written by Ashton Snyder on
 April 1, 2024

The High Court May Disapprove Trump's Gag Order, Analyst Asserts

In a fiery critique, legal analyst Jonathan Turley took to the airwaves to express his concerns over a gag order issued against former President Donald Trump.

Legal expert Jonathan Turley argues that the Supreme Court would likely view a gag order against Donald Trump with disfavor, emphasizing its conflict with political speech.

He appeared on Fox News Sunday, where he did not mince words about the restrictions imposed by Judge Juan Merchan. The gag order, connected to Trump's ongoing legal battle over alleged hush-money payments to Stormy Daniels during his 2016 presidential campaign, has stirred significant controversy.

Turley's main argument is that the gag order significantly impacts political speech, a concern he believes the U.S. Supreme Court would share. According to Newsweek, the order prevents Trump from making public statements about individuals tied to the case, barring commentary about all except himself and Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg.

Trump stands accused of falsifying business records in connection to payments made to Daniels, aiming to silence allegations of an affair during his 2016 presidential campaign efforts. Despite his not-guilty plea, the case has drawn considerable media attention, partly due to Daniels's claim of an affair with Trump in 2006, which he vehemently denies.

Discrepancies and Controversies Surrounding the Gag Order

Following a social media attack by Trump on Merchan's daughter, Loren, Bragg's office sought to extend the protections of the gag order. This was met with opposition from Trump's lawyer, Todd Blanche, who argued against further restrictions. The legal back-and-forth adds another layer of complexity to an already contentious legal battle.

Turley contends that the gag order places Trump at a disadvantage by allowing individuals like Michael Cohen, Trump's former lawyer, to publicly criticize him while he is muzzled. Cohen, protected under the gag order along with Daniels, has accused Trump of attempting to intimidate witnesses and harass individuals involved in the case.

It's important to note that Steven Cheung, Trump campaign communications director, has outright dismissed Cohen's credibility, labeling him a "convicted, repeated perjurer and compulsive liar." This statement underscores the divisive nature of the discussions surrounding the gag order and its implications on free speech.

The Legal and Political Implications of the Gag Order

According to Turley, "I think SCOTUS would look harshly at this order as it's currently written...you have to have some recognition that there's a political speech element here, which is paramount. And I don't think the judge recognized that with this order." His comments highlight the concern that the gag order may infringe upon vital aspects of political expression.

A letter from Bragg's office affirmed that the March 26 Order is interpreted to protect the court's family members as well. This detail indicates the attempt to balance concerns for personal safety with the principles of free speech.

Cohen, for his part, argues that Trump's goal in attacking judges and other legal figures is to incite his supporters, likening his behavior to the events of January 6.

His goal is to fuel up his supporters...for the sole purpose of getting them to act, no differently and as stupidly as they did on January 6. That's his goal—it's witness intimidation and it's harassment.

Conclusion: A Decisive Moment in Political and Legal Discourse

The gag order issued against Donald Trump by Judge Juan Merchan has sparked a broad debate about the limits of political speech and the integrity of the legal process. Legal analyst Jonathan Turley's assertion that the Supreme Court might view the order unfavorably underscores the tension between legal constraints and political expression.

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