Written by Ashton Snyder on
 July 12, 2024

Top Neurologist Claims Biden Has Degenerative Brain Condition

A leading neurologist has made a startling claim about President Joe Biden's health.

As reported by Daily Mail, Dr. Tom Pitts asserts that President Biden suffers from Parkinsonism, sparking controversy and prompting a strong denial from the White House.

Dr. Tom Pitts, a renowned neurologist, has stirred significant controversy by publicly stating that President Joe Biden, aged 81, suffers from a degenerative brain condition known as Parkinsonism.

Pitts, who graduated from Columbia University and is a four-time board-certified specialist, made his assertions during an appearance on NBC. Citing Biden's frequent gaffes and a notably poor debate performance, Pitts argued that these behaviors indicate a degenerative condition.

Dr. Pitts’s Claims and Observations on Biden’s Health

According to Pitts, the president exhibits classic symptoms of neurodegeneration, including word-finding difficulties, rigidity, and bradykinesia. He claims these symptoms are evident in Biden's public appearances and debate performances. Despite not having personally examined Biden, Pitts feels confident in his diagnosis based on his observations.

Pitts elaborated on his diagnosis by pointing out Biden's motor symptoms, specifically his end-block turning and a monotonous, low voice. He stated that these signs are hallmarks of Parkinson's disease and that he could diagnose Biden from across a mall due to these obvious symptoms.

The neurologist's comments have intensified the scrutiny on Biden's health, especially as he plans to run in the November election. Biden has faced criticism from some within his party about his mental acuity and overall fitness to lead.

White House Response to Health Claims

In response to Pitts's claims, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre has firmly denied that Biden is being treated for Parkinson's disease. She emphasized that Biden's health remains robust and that he is not undergoing any treatment for degenerative brain conditions outside his regular checkups.

Jean-Pierre confirmed that Biden had been examined by a neurologist three times but did not provide details about the reasons for these visits. The White House has attempted to downplay the concerns by releasing a screenshot of Biden's February health summary, which does not mention any degenerative conditions.

Dr. Kevin Cannard, a movement disorder specialist who has seen Biden three times since he took office, has mostly been involved with the White House Medical Unit. According to the White House, Cannard's visits are routine and not indicative of any serious health issues.

Biden’s Personal Assurance and Political Impact

Despite the controversy, President Biden has insisted he is fit to lead and continues to perform his duties effectively. He claims to undergo daily cognitive tests as part of his rigorous job and maintains that his mental and physical health is in good condition.

However, Biden's health has been a topic of concern, especially following a disastrous debate performance and several public gaffes. Some Democrats have called for him to step down from the race, arguing that his health issues could impair his ability to lead.


The claims made by Dr. Tom Pitts have added fuel to the ongoing debate about President Biden's health. While the White House has denied any serious health issues, Pitts's observations and diagnosis based on public appearances have raised questions. Biden continues to assert his fitness to lead, but the scrutiny and speculation about his health persist, especially within his own party.

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About Ashton Snyder

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