Written by Ashton Snyder on
 March 23, 2024

Trump Case Reversed As Donald Gets Deal With RNC To Help Pay Legal Fees

Donald Trump's approach to political fundraising is rewriting the playbook.

A new fundraising initiative by Donald Trump is channeling donations to his legal battles, highlighting a notable pivot from traditional political funding practices.

Steven Cheung, the Trump campaign's communications director, defended the allocation, highlighting that Save America PAC not only finances Trump's legal defenses but also supports his activities since leaving office.

"Save America also covers a very active and robust post-presidency office and other various expenses not related to fighting the illegal witch-hunts perpetrated by Crooked Joe Biden," stated Cheung. This statement emphasizes the broad scope of the PAC's financial responsibilities beyond legal expenses.

The unique distribution method places Save America PAC at the forefront, before the Republican National Committee (RNC) and state parties, upon reaching contribution thresholds.

This sequence, first reported by the Associated Press, diverts from the standard practice of political donation distribution, sparking discussions within political circles.

Legal Fees Consume a Large Portion of PAC Spending

The allocation has significant financial implications, as Save America PAC has expended tens of millions on legal fees, with nearly $5.6 million spent in just the previous month.

Such expenditures underscore the financial burden of Trump's legal challenges on his political operations. Cheung highlighted that, despite the large overall donations, "less than 1% (.006%) of an individual donor's maximum contribution of $824,600 to the Trump 47 Committee goes to Save America."

This financial strategy has prompted concerns within the GOP, especially as Trump has secured the necessary delegates for the GOP presidential nomination for a third time. His fundraising efforts, however, lag behind President Biden's, with Trump's campaign holding $41.9 million compared to Biden's $155 million. The contrast in financial readiness between the two campaigns could have implications for the upcoming electoral cycle.

The Republican National Committee, now under the co-chairmanship of Lara Trump and the national chairmanship of Michael Whatley, both Trump loyalists, finds itself in a challenging financial situation. With just over $11 million on hand, the RNC's financial standing pales in comparison to the Democrats', adding stress to an already strained resource pool.

RNC's Financial Health and Legal Fee Policy Shift

Lara Trump suggested that covering Trump's legal fees would likely receive widespread support among GOP voters, viewing the legal challenges as politically motivated attacks. This perspective aligns with a significant policy shift from the RNC's previous stance under Ronna McDaniel, which stopped legal fee payments for Trump once he announced his candidacy.

The comparison between Trump's and Biden's fundraising methods reveals a stark contrast, with the Biden Victory Fund adhering to a more traditional flow of donations. This approach contrasts sharply with Trump's strategy, which has prioritized legal defense funds amid his numerous legal challenges, including 88 charges across four criminal cases and significant financial judgments.

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