Written by Ashton Snyder on
 September 8, 2024

Trump Criticizes Lawyers Over E. Jean Carroll Case Even As They Defend Him

Former President Donald Trump took aim at his own legal team during a press conference in New York City on Friday, expressing dissatisfaction with their handling of the case involving writer E. Jean Carroll.

Trump voiced his frustration with his attorneys after a hearing related to a potential retrial in the case, questioning their strategies and criticizing key decisions, as Newsweek reports.

During the event, Trump made several remarks critical of his attorneys, claiming they mishandled his defense against Carroll's accusations. In 2023, a jury found Trump guilty of sexual abuse, awarding Carroll $5 million in damages. He spent much of the press conference venting his disappointment and addressing aspects of the case that he felt were inadequately handled by his legal team.

Trump Questions Legal Strategy in Carroll Case

The press conference, which was initially billed as part of Trump's campaign for the 2024 election, quickly turned into a platform for the former president to air his grievances regarding his legal battles. Trump called out his attorneys for not pushing back hard enough in the case, referencing specific evidence he believed should have been highlighted.

One point of contention involved a dress that Carroll claimed to have worn during the alleged incident. Trump said the dress contained an unknown man’s DNA, yet his attorneys did not submit his DNA for testing. He expressed frustration over this decision, suggesting that it could have played a significant role in his defense.

Trump also attacked the judiciary system, accusing the judges of bias. He pointed out that the jury pool in the trial came from a predominantly Democratic area, with only 4 percent of the jurors identifying as Republican. This, Trump argued, made it impossible for him to receive a fair trial.

Attorney Defends Trump, Calls Story "Implausible"

During the event, Trump invited his attorney, Will Scharf, to speak. Scharf described Carroll's allegations as "utterly implausible" and claimed that there was no corroborating evidence to support her story. He emphasized that the case was essentially a "he said-she said" situation, and questioned how Trump could be held accountable without more substantial proof.

Trump himself continued to denounce Carroll’s accusations. At one point, he criticized a former lawyer from his team for not allowing him to attend key parts of the first trial. Trump maintained that he had no involvement with Carroll and suggested that his absence at the trial played a role in the outcome. “So, I didn’t show up, and I was found guilty for something I did not do,” Trump said during the press conference, reiterating his claim that he had never had any interaction with Carroll. He went further, dismissing her completely by stating, “I would not want to be involved with her.”

Trump Expresses Broader Disappointment With Legal Teams

Beyond his criticism of how the Carroll case was handled, Trump voiced frustration with other legal teams working on his behalf. He complained that his attorneys were not acting aggressively enough in his other legal battles, including the cases related to the Capitol unrest and the handling of classified documents. Trump framed these legal challenges as politically motivated, referring to them as part of a broader "witch hunt" against him. He argued that political forces were using these cases as a means to interfere with his bid for the White House in 2024.

The press conference, which began with a focus on the legal hearing, soon expanded to include Trump's attacks on various witnesses and individuals involved in the cases against him. He repeatedly asserted that the judicial system was biased and unfairly targeting him.

Carroll Wins Additional Defamation Suit

In addition to the $5 million awarded to Carroll in 2023, Trump’s comments during the press conference could reignite further legal consequences. Carroll had previously filed a defamation suit over Trump's public remarks, and in early 2024, she was awarded an additional $83.3 million in damages.

Despite these financial penalties, Trump continued to criticize Carroll openly during the press conference, potentially risking another round of legal repercussions. He dismissed her claims outright, continuing to attack her character and the legitimacy of her accusations.

Trump’s remarks did little to address the specifics of his defense strategy moving forward. Instead, they painted a picture of a frustrated defendant who believes the system is rigged against him, and that his legal teams have not done enough to protect him.

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About Ashton Snyder

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