Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 1, 2024

Trump Introduces New Hat Featuring Upside-Down American Flag Amid Supreme Court Controversy

Former President Donald Trump is launching merchandise that is sparking interest and critique alike.

According to Newsweek, Trump began selling an upside-down American flag hat in May, coinciding with backlash against Justice Samuel Alito for flying the inverted flag at his Virginia home.

Trump's store has added a new piece of apparel: a hat with an upside-down American flag. The release comes at a contentious time, with Samuel Alito facing criticism for allegedly displaying an inverted flag at his home.

Following the 2020 presidential election, the inverted flag has surfaced as a symbol for Trump supporters. President Trump claimed the election was tainted by widespread fraud, although substantial evidence for such claims was never produced.

Justice Alito's Flag Controversy

Justice Samuel Alito, who serves on the U.S. Supreme Court, became a focus of scrutiny after a report from The New York Times. On January 17, 2021, the newspaper indicated an upside-down flag was flown at Alito's Virginia residence.

Later, Alito claimed his wife had flown the flag briefly in response to derogatory language on a neighbor's yard signs. This incident has fed concerns about impartiality and perceived conflicts of interest regarding Trump-linked cases.

By definition, U.S. flag etiquette reserves the inverted display for moments of dire distress as a signal of extreme danger. Critics argue that Alito's involvement in such symbolism compromises judicial objectivity.

Hat Sentiments and Symbolism

The hat, emblazoned with Trump's name upside down within an American flag emblem, has added another layer to the evolving debate. While the exact reference remains ambiguous, the symbol is no stranger to public consciousness associated with Trump and his supporters.

Linking further to this timeline, Citizens for Ethics noted that the new hat had made its way into the Trump store by May 30, 2024. This date closely follows the New York Times' publication concerning Alito’s flag episode.

The hat's product description plays on the notion of turning matters upside down, relating it to fostering creativity and action. It also emphasizes the hat's seasonality and limited edition status.

Public Reaction and Criticism

The inverted flag first became associated with Trump following his claims of a rigged 2020 election. He lost to President Joe Biden, but not without vocal accusations of electoral fraud—which remain unfounded.

Some supporters took to employing the inverted flag, an act that culminated with the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol. The emblem became one of distress among Trump enthusiasts, claiming democracy itself was endangered.


Former President Trump introduced a hat featuring an upside-down American flag, stirring responses connecting it to pro-Trump symbolism and Justice Samuel Alito's flag controversy. The hat aligns with earlier periods of unrest surrounding the 2020 election and the January 6 riot, coupled with critical views on Alito's impartiality in handling Trump-related cases. This merchandise release mirrors ongoing dissent and reflections on American political and judicial landscapes.

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