Written by Ashton Snyder on
 August 27, 2024

Trump Marks Kabul Anniversary With Criticism Of Biden, Harris

Former President Donald Trump participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to commemorate the third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack that claimed the lives of 13 U.S. service members.

According to ABC News, Trump later addressed the National Guard Association at their annual conference in Michigan, where he received an endorsement from former congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard.

The Republican presidential nominee used these platforms to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the Afghanistan withdrawal, which continues to be a contentious issue among conservatives.

Trump's Remarks On Afghanistan Withdrawal

During his address to the National Guard Association, Trump didn't mince words when discussing the events of August 2021. He described the withdrawal as "botched" and an "embarrassing" moment for the nation. Trump's criticism extended beyond President Biden to include Vice President Kamala Harris, whom he now faces as a rival in the 2024 presidential race.

Trump asserted that the withdrawal from Afghanistan had far-reaching consequences, stating that it led to a collapse of American credibility and respect worldwide. He emphasized that he would have managed the situation differently had he been in office at the time.

In honoring the fallen service members, Trump expressed a commitment to their memory. He pledged to work towards restoring a government that prioritizes the American people, framing this as a way to honor the sacrifice made by those who lost their lives in the Kabul attack.

Vice President Harris's Response

In contrast to Trump's criticism, Vice President Kamala Harris released a statement on the anniversary, paying tribute to the 13 U.S. service members who perished in the Kabul airport bombing. Her words aimed to honor their sacrifice while also defending the administration's decision to end America's involvement in Afghanistan.

Harris stated:

I will fulfill our sacred obligation to care for our troops and their families and I will always honor their service and sacrifice. Over the past three years, our Administration has demonstrated we can still eliminate terrorists, including the leaders of al-Qaeda and ISIS, without troops deployed into combat zones. I will never hesitate to take whatever action necessary to counter terrorist threats and protect the American people and the homeland.

The Vice President's statement sought to balance respect for the fallen with a justification of the administration's ongoing counterterrorism efforts.

Contrasting Approaches And Political Implications

The differing approaches of Trump and the Biden administration to commemorating this anniversary highlight the ongoing political debate surrounding the withdrawal from Afghanistan. Trump's personal appearance at Arlington National Cemetery and his subsequent address to the National Guard Association stands in contrast to President Biden's absence from Washington on this day.

JD Vance, Trump's running mate, emphasized this contrast during a press call. He suggested that Biden's absence was indicative of broader issues while also criticizing Harris's role in the administration's handling of Afghanistan-related matters.

The involvement of Gold Star families in these discussions adds an emotional dimension to the political discourse. Some family members of the fallen service members expressed frustration with what they perceive as a lack of communication from the White House and insufficient accountability for the events in Kabul.


The third anniversary of the Kabul airport attack has reignited debates about the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan. Former President Trump used the occasion to criticize the Biden administration's handling of the situation, while Vice President Harris defended the decision to end the war. Both sides' contrasting approaches and statements underscore the ongoing political sensitivity surrounding this issue.

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About Ashton Snyder

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