Written by Ashton Snyder on
 April 3, 2024

Tulsi Gabbard Declines RFK Jr.'s VP Invitation

Former Hawaii Representative Tulsi Gabbard has made headlines by declining the vice presidential nomination from Robert F. Kennedy Jr., an independent presidential hopeful.

Axios reported that this decision comes amid speculation linking Gabbard to the running mate slot for Kennedy's and potentially Donald Trump's campaigns after her departure from the Democratic Party last year.

Tulsi Gabbard's political journey has always been one of keen interest and, at times, unexpected turns. Her decision to reject Kennedy's offer, despite their reported friendship and multiple meetings, speaks volumes about her current political strategy and aspirations.

Gabbard's conversations with ABC News revealed her contemplation and eventual polite refusal to join Kennedy's third-party bid for the presidency.

RFK Jr.'s Search for a Vice President

Following Tulsi Gabbard's refusal, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., known for his environmental advocacy and political lineage, chose Nicole Shanahan, a lawyer and tech entrepreneur, as his vice presidential partner.

Kennedy's search was broad, considering individuals from various walks of life, including NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers and Jesse Ventura, a former governor and wrestler. This eclectic mix highlights the non-traditional approach Kennedy is taking in his campaign.

Since leaving the Democratic Party, Tulsi Gabbard has been a figure of political intrigue. Her outspokenness and willingness to challenge party norms have earned her a unique place in the national dialogue.

This distinctiveness led to her being considered a potential vice presidential candidate not just by Kennedy but also by allies of former President Donald Trump.

Gabbard's Openness to Diverse Political Opportunities

Gabbard's own words to ABC News about her interactions with Kennedy:

I met with Kennedy several times, and we have become good friends. He asked if I would be his running mate. After careful consideration, I respectfully declined.

Interestingly, Gabbard has not closed the door on other political opportunities. Her statement last month about being open to running alongside former President Trump if it aligned with her mission to serve the country underscores her unconventional and service-oriented approach to politics. This openness has kept her in the speculative eye for various political roles ahead of the November election.

Tulsi Gabbard's narrative is one of constant evolution and unexpected decisions. From her presidential run in 2019 to her departure from the Democratic Party and now her rejection of a vice presidential offer, Gabbard remains a figure who defies easy categorization. Her actions continue to spark discussions across the political spectrum, reflecting her unique position in American politics.


The story of Tulsi Gabbard's refusal to run as Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s vice president encapsulates a broader narrative of individualism and principle in American political life.

While she has turned down this specific opportunity, her openness to future possibilities and her mission to serve the country remain clear. This episode adds another layer to the complex mosaic of U.S. politics, highlighting the unpredictable nature of political alliances and ambitions.

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