Written by Ashton Snyder on
 May 25, 2024

Whistleblower Accuses Fani Willis' Office of Misconduct

A whistleblower has brought shocking allegations against the Fulton County District Attorney's office, intensifying already explosive tensions.

A former employee has claimed misconduct on the part of D.A. Fani Willis, alleging misuse of federal grant money and wrongful termination, leveling the allegations during a Georgia Senate Special Committee on Investigations hearing, as Newsweek reports.

Amanda Timpson, previously the director of Fulton County's juvenile diversion program, testified before a state Republican-led Senate Special Committee on Investigations. She asserted that she was terminated from her position due to opposition to the misuse of federal grant funds. These accusations emerge at a time when Willis is already in the limelight due to her prosecution of former President Donald Trump on state election interference charges.

Allegations of Grant Misuse Surface

Timpson's allegations center around a $488,594 grant from the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP), awarded in 2020 for establishing a youth empowerment and gang prevention center. She claimed that her then-supervisor, Michael Cuffee, had inappropriate plans for the funds. "In this meeting, this was the first time on what [Cuffee] wanted to spend the grant on. He said he wanted to spend it on computers, travel and swag,” Timpson testified.

As an active participant in writing grant applications, Timpson insisted the funds must be used as intended. Her insistence, she stated, led to retaliation. "As I persisted that it is not what we could do, that's when I realized my treatment changed," she said. Her concerns, she mentioned, were eventually raised with the Human Resources department before her termination.

Fired Amidst Rising Tensions

Timpson recounted a conversation with Willis in which she was summarily demoted and later fired. She quoted Willis saying, "Effective immediately you’re going to be removed and demoted." Timpson now has a pending lawsuit against Willis for wrongful termination.

Willis, for her part, has denied any misconduct, stating that Timpson's termination was due to poor job performance. Willis has consistently defended her stance, stating, "I will not appear to anything that is unlawful, and I have not broken the law."

Senate Committee Considering Subpoenas

Despite Timpson's compelling testimony, Willis has declined to testify before the Senate Special Committee on Investigations. Republican state Sen. Bill Cowsert warned that Willis might be subpoenaed if the situation necessitates it. However, Willis has questioned the committee’s jurisdiction, asserting they lack the authority to subpoena her.

Adding a federal dimension to the scrutiny, U.S. Republican Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson are also investigating the alleged misuse of the nearly $500,000 in federal funds. These investigations are likely to keep the spotlight on Willis and her office for some time to come.

D.A. Defends Record Amid Ongoing Prosecution

This whistleblower incident surfaces against the backdrop of Willis' high-profile prosecution of former President Donald Trump and 18 co-defendants over state election interference. Trump has vehemently denied all charges, labeling the case politically motivated.

Despite these controversies, Willis recently prevailed in the Democratic primary against attorney Christian Wise Smith. Her victory in this contest highlights the complex and often contradictory nature of public sentiment surrounding her tenure and actions.

As investigations continue and legal battles unfold, the allegations from Timpson paint a troubling picture of internal dynamics within the District Attorney's office. While Willis remains a fervent defender of her practices and decisions, the chorus of accusations reveals growing unrest.

In summation, Amanda Timpson's allegations of misconduct by Fani Willis' office, the misuse of federal grant money, and wrongful termination have sparked significant inquiry. The Republican-driven Senate Special Committee is spearheading an investigation, with potential subpoenas looming, with U.S. senators also probing the claims.

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