Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 28, 2024

Michelle Obama Steers Clear Of Biden Campaign Amid Family Tensions

According to Breitbart News, former First Lady Michelle Obama has distanced herself from President Joe Biden's re-election campaign due to the mistreatment of her friend Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's ex-wife.

Michelle Obama's decision to remain on the sidelines is partly due to her disapproval of the Biden family's treatment of Buhle.  Her disdain for partisan politics also plays a role. Although she was initially hesitant to campaign for Joe Biden in 2020, her reluctance has only grown.

Longstanding Tensions Between Families

The discord between the Obamas and Bidens predates Hunter Biden's divorce from Buhle. Former President Barack Obama privately referred to the Biden family dynamics as “weird sh*t” at a 2017 fundraiser. During this period, Hunter Biden was newly divorced and dating Hallie Biden, his late brother Beau’s widow.

Michelle Obama has taken issue with how the Biden family treated Buhle, blaming her for exposing Hunter Biden's behavior. This situation only intensified the existing friction.

The relationship between the families changed significantly in 2015. President Obama discouraged Joe Biden from running for president, a move Biden believed was due to Obama's preference for Hillary Clinton.

Hunter Biden's Struggles and Resentment

Hunter Biden resented the Obama White House after he was pressured to quit his lobbyist job to avoid negative optics. In his memoir, he detailed his financial and career challenges, describing his situation as "riding the escalator without an exit." He felt isolated and unsupported.

Hunter Biden also expressed frustration at some Obama staffers, feeling they undermined and mocked his father. This added to the tension between the two political families.

Despite these strains, discussions have occurred regarding Michelle Obama’s potential involvement in Biden’s 2024 campaign. Top White House aide Anita Dunn and Michelle Obama's aide Melissa Winter have explored ways for her to participate.

Public Stances and Private Disputes

Michelle Obama's spokesperson, Crystal Carson, has publicly stated that she supports Biden's re-election and maintains friendships with Kathleen Buhle and the Bidens. However, her reluctance to campaign reflects deeper issues.

The White House, through spokesperson Andrew Bates, has downplayed the tensions. Bates emphasized that the Biden and Obama families are very close, dismissing claims of discord as unfounded.

Nevertheless, the underlying issues between the families have affected Michelle Obama's political engagement. Her decision to distance herself from the campaign is emblematic of the broader, unresolved tensions.

As the 2024 election approaches, whether Michelle Obama will ultimately lend her support remains to be seen. The discussions involving her potential involvement indicate a willingness to bridge the gap, but the personal and political complexities make the situation delicate.


Former First Lady Michelle Obama's distance from President Biden's re-election campaign highlights significant family and political tensions. These issues trace back to longstanding personal and professional disputes between the Obamas and Bidens. The treatment of Kathleen Buhle, Hunter Biden's ex-wife, is a major factor, alongside Michelle Obama's disdain for partisan politics.

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About Ashton Snyder


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