Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 30, 2024

Biden-Harris Campaign Sees $27 Million Surge After Debate

Following a turbulent debate performance, President Joe Biden's re-election campaign says it raised an astonishing $27 million through the ensuing Friday evening.

Word of this remarkable fundraising haul aims to restore faith regarding Biden's competency amid concerns about his age and suitability for office and of the dangers of a potential Kamala Harris administration, as Fox News reports.

The Biden-Harris campaign reported a substantial sum of $27 million accumulated since the debate against former President Donald Trump. From the debate day through to to Friday night, they recorded this notable fundraising total, providing the campaign with a significant boost.

An update from the campaign on Friday disclosed that $14 million was raised on the debate day alone and the following morning. The campaign experienced its most successful fundraising hour between 11 p.m. and midnight on Thursday since the campaign's launch in April 2023.

Worries within the Democratic Party around Biden’s cognitive capability followed his performance in Atlanta, Georgia, on Thursday. Addressing these concerns at a Friday rally in North Carolina, Biden highlighted his determination and extensive experience on the job.

President Biden's Rally Addressed Concerns

"I know I’m not a young man, to state the obvious," Biden remarked. "Folks, I don’t walk as easy as I used to. I don’t speak as smoothly as I used to. I don’t debate as well as I used to. But I know what I do know. I know how to tell the truth. I know right from wrong. And I know how to do this job. I know how to get things done. And I know, like millions of Americans know, when you get knocked down you get back up," he acknowledged further.

Political analysts observed improvement in Biden’s debate as it progressed, despite initial challenges with his delivery. His performance ignited discussions among pundits and some Democrats about his viability as the candidate.

Grassroots Fundraising Bolsters Biden's Position

In defense of Biden, his allies scrutinized Trump for issuing false statements during the debate. To assuage donor concerns, top campaign officials convened with them on Friday.

The significant influx in grassroots contributions served as an essential counter to critiques of Biden’s debate performance. Veteran political strategist and Democratic National Committee member Maria Cardona said, "Biden‘s record grassroots fundraising from the day of the debate is critical. It helps blunt the criticism from Biden’s performance."

Trump’s campaign paralleled the narrative of success. Officials reported gathering $8 million on the debate day itself, promoting their own post-event narrative.

The Impact and Future Implications

Maria Cardona of the Biden camp underscored that the fundraising success "Reminds Democrats that there is enthusiasm for the president and urgency to make sure that the liar and criminal Donald Trump doesn’t get close to the Oval Office." Meanwhile, Brian Hughes, Trump campaign senior adviser, commented on Biden's spending strategy, noting, "As of last week, the Biden campaign has spent $100 million on cable, TV and radio. They've spent money on a bloated organization. Yet President Trump's lead has grown in battleground states, and now we see polling and enthusiasm on the ground putting Virginia and Minnesota in play for the GOP nominee for the first time in many election cycles."

The significant funds raised allow the Biden-Harris campaign to address existing concerns while also funding essential campaign activities going forward. Biden’s remarks sought to reassure his supporters of his dedication and capability in fulfilling presidential duties.

In summary, the Biden-Harris campaign's ability to raise $27 million post-debate underscores their resilience and grassroots support. Despite initial performance woes during the debate, Biden's campaign says it has demonstrated strong financial backing, and officials remain poised to confront future challenges in the re-election effort.

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About Ashton Snyder


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