Written by Ashton Snyder on
 June 28, 2024

Hogan Eyes Political Ring: Hints at VP Role

Wrestling icon Hulk Hogan is considering a run for political office, citing “common sense leadership” and dissatisfaction with the current state of American politics.

Hogan is exploring political ambitions while promoting his new venture, "Real American Beer," aiming to unite Americans across different divides.

During a recent interview at NewsNation, the legendary wrestler, whose real name is Terry Bollea, expressed frustration with rising gas and food prices and concerns over national security. Hogan remarked:

If I was the VP, and then all of a sudden I roll right into that top spot, four years later … you get 12 good years out of me. And then all of a sudden, we would really be on track.

Hogan Criticizes Political Debates

Hogan criticized the current debate rules in American politics, likening them to the scripted nature of professional wrestling. He argued that debates should allow for more candid and unrestricted exchanges between candidates. This sentiment underscores his desire for a more transparent and genuine political discourse.

When asked about his preference between former President Donald Trump and President Joe Biden, Hogan remained neutral. He stated his support for any candidate who could effectively address the nation's challenges and improve the country’s direction.

Hogan’s political musings come at a time when he is also focused on his new business venture, "Real American Beer." He believes the beer can serve as a unifying force for Americans, bringing people together over a shared love for simple pleasures.

Introducing "Real American Beer"

The inspiration for "Real American Beer" stemmed from Hogan's observation of the backlash against Bud Light’s marketing campaign. He saw an opportunity to create a product that resonates with “Middle America, NASCAR, wrestling, country western, mom, apple pie.” Hogan claims that his beer is positioned to fill a gap in the market, appealing to a broad and diverse audience.

At 70, Hogan remains in remarkable shape, attributing his fitness to a rigorous training regimen maintained over the past 55 years. His dedication to health and fitness is as much a part of his persona as his wrestling career and potential political aspirations.

Hogan also commented on the upcoming boxing match between Mike Tyson and Jake Paul, expressing his support for Tyson despite the significant age difference between the two fighters. He acknowledged the unpredictability of the fight, noting that both competitors have considerable skills.

From Wrestling to Politics

Reflecting on his wrestling career, Hogan recalled being fired by Vince McMahon Sr. for accepting a role in the movie "Rocky III." This decision led to a three-year stint in Japan and Minnesota, significantly influencing his professional journey. His return to wrestling under Vince McMahon Jr. marked a transformative period for the industry, with Hogan playing a pivotal role in its evolution.

Hogan's consideration of a political career and his new business venture suggests a new chapter for the wrestling legend. His focus on “common sense leadership” and unifying the nation reflects his desire to make a substantial impact beyond the wrestling ring.

In conclusion, Hulk Hogan explores a potential political future, expressing dissatisfaction with current American politics and promoting his new product, "Real American Beer." He aims to bring a sense of unity and straightforward leadership to the political arena, much like he did in the world of professional wrestling. Hogan’s legacy continues to evolve, potentially extending into public service and business innovation.

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About Ashton Snyder

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